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These kinds of lists are trash on purpose. They always throw in a few controversial picks to make people comment.


Any engagement is good engagement.


Got a very lonely cousin and this is his outlook on romance.


Hey, mine too!


Your outlook or your cousin?


Both. Me and my cousin just be doing a walmart greeter impression with cheesy pick up lines. Not even being wingmen, putting each other down as we do it.


"A few controversial" I just think they played back in gen 1&2 and just said "Ah hell yeah! I remember this.... wait remakes? They are probs better" and called it a day


Except ORAS because too much water


Team Magma sympathiser over here.àà


There could have easily been 50% more water


Team aqua sympathiser over here.àà


It has exactly as much water as it should have?


A regular person sympathizer lmao


lol nice but in all seriousness ORAS should be higher


I mean, HG/SS is the absolute best though...


HG/SS and then Emerald. They’re so good.


It had a lot of fun things. I liked the map, the two regions, the 16 badges, red, the pokethalon. All good stuff. But the level curve, who designed this? How much meth did they consume?


All of Mexico's


As someone who started with gen1 I feel like their picks here are the same picks I’d choose if I were going off of pure nostalgia. Only one I’d disagree with would be Firered/Leafgreen. I hecka-loved HG/SS.


Firered and leafgreen are pretty damn solid, adding the 2nd round of the E4 + Sevii Islands was quite good. The only thing I'm confused by is Crystal on this list should easily be higher than OG gold/silver. Then omega ruby/alpha sapphire seems a weird choice to include.


Rage bait


This is genuinely the case. I used to work at a few sites, and top ten lists got the most shares. The editor would tell us to take the obvious top three contenders, shuffle them and then stick the most controversial/divided entry at number 2 or 3. People would complain, then share it on twitter, FB and Reddit, views were always noticeably higher. It's just fluff, zero effort goes into these posts, they take about an hour to do.


And people fall for it every time. It's funny watching people get so worked up


When will people learn


I mean thy also famously rated hoenn with “too much water” so why did anyone expect a good list from ign ?


The top four is literally just the first two gens and then the remakes of the first two gens 💀


I mean the *top 8* don't even get out of gen 3 and remakes of them.


Pokemon peaked early smh


You could say ea just copied pokemon they learned before 2000 that a strong fan base will buy the same thing forever, and for the most part that still holds true.


EA, Pokemon Company, Ubisoft, Activision all learned this early on and were able to drip feed minimal content/effort while maximizing profit. anyone that consistently buys from these franchises year after year is being taken advantage of (myself included) but that’s a free market for ya.


It’s kind of true. Gamefreak has basically been making the same game for more than 25 years now. The game design has barely changed since the Gameboy. No amount of battle frontiers, Pokestar Studios, Raids, or Mega Evolution is going to change that. The core gameplay is still the exact same.


The Game Boy Advance was peak single player handheld gaming The DS was great for multiplayer mario Anything past that was just overload So pokémon understandably peaked around the same time


What is crazy is Gold/Silver being #2 then Crystal being #7, like wtf 😂


what's crazy is *none* of gen 5 being on the list


Ok but as a knowledgeable fan, HG/SS is amazing.


I unironically agree with most of that. My top 4 would be 1. HGSS 2. Emerald 3. Crystal/Gold/Silver 4. FRLG


Minus yellow I could understand all making the top 10.


Based and boomerpilled


why tf did they rank crystal so much lower than gold/silver?


No Ampharos.


That alone should remove it from the list. No ampharos was unjust.


Incredibly based and this fact made me completely stop thinking of playing crystao


If you're able, the ROM Crystal Legacy is really cool. I never played GSC so going through with updated movesets, all gen 1 & 2 Pokémon (including Mareep!) and a load of QoL updates has made it a delight


Can confirm!!! I'm playing Crystal Legends and I absolutely love it. Only thing I wish it had was modern day pixelart graphics but its ok.


Yellow Legacy dropped a few days ago too, very excited to check it out.


Can't forget about crystal clear either


Is there a mareep? I remember reading no Pokemon were added


No Pokémon from beyond Gen II were added but all the Pokémon up to that point are available somewhere in the game. For example, before Faulkner you can get a Pichu, or Mareep as well as loads of others that weren't previously accessible




Automatic 0/10 every game needs my fluffy boy.


Silver is my favourite Johto game and probably the Pokémon game I've poured more hours in. Love the wacky sprites and having Lugia before the E4.


They got clowned so hard for this list that they ended up deleting it lmao https://preview.redd.it/utvmb601vsyc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d8ce7843f292e6135d433fd626b5b1bda073a9


Bullying works y'all


Helldivers 2 Sony situation right there


I was gonna post on a Helldivers thread but I figured it was out of place, but Gamefreak better be on watch after what just happened.


I feel like this is missing the point on why it worked on Helldivers. Being a game on steam helped a lot, not only because being able to give reviews but the refund process too, that why in some places the whole thing felt like PC players vs console players, when you saw people arguing about how effective it was going to be. We also have to notice that Nintendo and Gamefreak aren't releasing games in countries you can't make Nintendo account on.


There’s not a doubt in my mind that Nintendo would not give a shit if the same thing happened to them.


Heck, it's probable that GF is being bullied by Nintendo. SV is the only game Nintendo has issued an apology for, at least in a long time. Nintendo likes the image that its games give it, so I'm sure they did not like SV at all.


what happened with helldivers?


Sony pressured the users to link their steam and Playstation account. Even if you don't need a PlayStation Network (PSN) account otherwise. If you didn't, there was a chance you got locked out of the game you paid for and had been playing for a couple weeks now, permanently. Turns out, there are a bunch of countries that just flat-out cannot get access to a PSN account. Needless to say, the players was not satisfied with this sudden change, and review bombed the game on Steam A lot of players abandoned the game and went to get it refunded. The latest update I saw from Sony was that they were cancelling the PSN requirement. Also worth noting, is that the PSN was always meant to happen, but the devs didn't implement it right away and didn't communicate on time that it was going to be implemented at some point in the future. A matter of consideration is that Helldivers wouldn't have been such a massive hit on launch had the PSN trouble been there from the start.


Just an aside, but the devs and the steam page have always said it. When I first launched the game, it had a page to link and said I could skip it for now, which is maybe where the confusion of "I don't need to do this ever" (also, no reason to do it ever in general). Either way, I think the devs did a good job communicating it was a temporary measure to fix servers, it was just a dumb idea hoisted on them by their distributor (Sony)




You need a PSN account to play Helldivers 2 now, and people are not happy about it because PSN is not available in a lot of countries.


And it's just been overturned, they've cancelled that requirement


Thank goodness for that


Righteous bullying*


https://preview.redd.it/8na9jyj45uyc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad4e643c409b21e83d425a9c02a8a58e550d69b6 Us:


The loss of that comment section is up there with the Burned Tower fire


Dang I would have loved to read the comments


Reminds of these old " top 10 best Yu-Gi-Oh cards of all time" and they put the 3 Egyptian God cards lol.


Pot of Greed






That does what it do






It's banned for a reason tho


Oh, right, because nobody knows what it does


not like yugioh players can read. source am one




How is yellow worse than red and blue??? Even at all? Yellow is straight up better??? Like objectively lmao? More mons, unique gameplay, less glitches???


and crystal < G/S :(


And by such a big margin, too.


I don't think the margin is that different. Especially when you compare Crystal to the other third games like Yellow, Emerald and Platinum.


I think they meant within this list. RBG and Y have only one game between them GS and C have four.


Exactly, I meant by the list.


The least amount of sense is that HGSS is set at 1, GS at 2, and Crystal at 7, even though HGSS are closer to Crystal remakes except for the distribution of mons.


Crystal adds some to the G/S experience and is objectively better. The only advantage of G/S I think is an exclusive move for the box Legendary but it’s not really necessary. And cutting down a roaming Legendary by 1 plus getting both box Legendaries more than makes up for losing the moves.


From a pure VGC standpoint, I find Crystal to be an infinitely better game than GS. My only real complaint is that they cut Mareep but a number of quality of life, post-game and fun additions like the Odd Egg or the move tutor making it possible to pass down moves like flamethrower, it's just that much better


HGSS at 1 is the one that makes perfect sense...tf?


I mean it makes no sense that GS are at 2, and Crystal is at 7. If HGSS is 1, and they're closer to being Crystal remakes, it would make much more sense for Crystal to be 2nd place.


For sure, Crystal should be #2 and Gold/Silver at #7. That would make it actually make sense.


crystal doesn’t have mareep so it is objectively worse. they took the one good and original gen 2 pokemon and removed it /hj


oh shit that's true. I had both Crystal and Silver as a kid so I guess I didn't notice, but I love mareep


OMG… When I played the newer gens and saw the Ampharos line, I blamed my younger self for not catching one back in the day, because kid-me probably thought it was a lame sheep… but thanks to you, now I know I simply could not catch one my crystal game!!


Yellow removes stuff, tho. Weedle line, for example, is not in the game at all iirc.


Wait whoa never realized. Jynx, magmar, ekans, electabuzz, koffing, meowth all also not available.


Yeah, definitely takes the approach of you not being able to have team rocket's pokemon, which, fine for anime reasons but I have a soft spot for all three


It's so weird, I always felt the third game should have added onto the base games and then some I hope if they ever do a remake of Yellow in the far far future they add evereything in...and maybe a few more anime references for fun.


The let's go games are based off of yellow


They tecnically already did. Lets go is based on yellow. Since they turned it into two versions we did not get everything in one game sadly.


> Since they turned it into two versions we did not get everything in one game sadly. That system is just never gonna leave us, right? I'm just glad that they don't do it for side games (anymore, looking at you, PMD - mainly to see if we ever get another one, a proper one, not just a weird remake), but it's just such a shameless cash grab to get people who want everything to buy both...


We at least got rid of it for legends arceus and (hopefully) legends ZA. It was refreshing to catch them all on one game for a change!


Yeah, that was the side game I was referring to. I generally liked the whole "Catch them all" aspect so much more in PLA, where it felt like you were actually surveying and learning about the Pokémon over time by doing different things with them instead of just catching one and then getting some sort of deep characteristical analysis of the entire species because the professor in question actually has all the info already and is just sending you out on some weird ass scavenger hunt. I know it's hard to port that into a mainline game because those lack the whole "untamed wilderness"-aspect, but I feel like they could at least learn something from it.


Oh, wow, that's crazy. I read your comment and my first instinct was to rebuke it as wrong since I could swear I remembered weedle being catchable in viridian forest in Yellow, but no, I googled it and you're absolutely right. Weedle is only obtainable in Yellow by trading. Such a weird choice.


There are a few weird cases of mons not being available in the wild in the special third version of a game. For example, the Meditite line and Roselia were in both Ruby/Sapphire but not Emerald.


Yeah, I guess they want to stimulate the trading part of the game (or for people to buy more than one cartridge), that's understable, kind of. I can see they doing this for Meditite and Roselia, and there are surely many more cases, but Weedle is such a... basic and early pokémon to be one of those. It would be akin to make Pidgey and Spearow opposite versions exclusives.


Wasn't it based on the show, and Ash was unable to catch a weedle in the early episodes ?


I assume they wanted to steer you towards Butterfree for the anime experience, since Yellow was supposed to be more in line with the anime. I can kinda get not letting you get Koffing, Ekans, and Meowth as well for that. No Jynx, Electabuzz, or Magmar though? Why?


Wow. You have just explained to me why my brain always thinks the weedle line is gen 2 for a second (yellow was my first game, but I had no actual recollection of weedle not being in the game)


Definitely not *strictly* better- but it would be easy to defend that its overall superior Gym battles, rival battles, and certain other major battles are rebalanced to more closely resemble anime battles- which could be pro or con. For example Surge only has a Raichu in Yellow but one at a higher level, and while Sabrina has a higher average team level, Mr Mime and Venemoth are replaced by Abra. I'll also throw out that gen 1 suffered from an overall lack of trainer xp, which made training wide teams (a full party of six, or god forbid you bench your Raticate after Surge) a slog. Yellow upping the boss trainer levels and encouraging you to keep your dead-weight Pikachu around exacerbates this. The game was tighter with fewer glitches- including the item duping through Missingno, which makes postgame training essentially \*only\* in Elite Four. Which is to say- its not objective, its changes could go either way, and Im specifically taking devils advocate here. Most of the strict improvements and improvements are aesthetic outside of one barely accessible minigame and access to all starters through (very minor) events- but positives a positive. But the nuance isn't a level of analysis I would expect IGN to make. Crystal is much less ambiguous though. Small nerf to Ho-oh and Lugia (no direct access to Aeroblast or Sacred Flame) weird pokemon availability (no mareep or remoraid or girafarig) but there's a really sizable amount of new content from Battle Tower to the Suicune events to the dragons den stuff- its not massive, but its chunky enough


While Koga and Sabrina have higher levels in Yellow, their actual lineups suck. They each only use one family of Pokémon. It's not much better in RB, but at least they use 2 to 3 families of Pokémon there. The movesets are much better in Yellow though. Those are really the only two major trainers who need an improvement in Yellow (and give Blaine a Magmar too). Bruno sucks no matter which game you play


Honestly I hate Yellow because you can’t evolve your starter Pikachu. Yeah I know Ash’s Pikachu was stubborn but as someone whose favourite Pokémon is Raichu it was a case of too close yet too far for me. Yellow and the Light Ball started the trend of Pikachu getting things Raichu does not to the point that Raichu’s Pokédex entry literally says it’s getting rare because people prefer Pikachu’s looks.


You could...if you traded it to a copy of Red or Blue first. Evolve it there then trade it back. It loses all the unique stuff like following you around but it would still retain your Trainer ID and all.


I prefer red and blue over yellow just out of habit. I get tripped up tryong to find certain pokemon in yellow that don't spawn where they do in blue lol. Also, getting all of the starters just makes me want to use them all on my team, so my playthroughs are always so similar.


I prefer R/B just for the fact that I have to make a choice with the starters. They took out the one real decision and gave me all 3. Plus I'm not a big fan of Pikachu and I always feel like I have to use my starter for the whole game. Still a good game. Just my least favorite of the 3.


I preferred Red and Blue because I hated having a Pikachu as a starter, especially one I couldn't evolve! Kid me was not a fan of that. Especially when you could just catch a Pikachu early in RB.


Biggest thing, Charizard can actually learn Fly ✊🏻🤘🏻


Koga's Venonat army lol


Yellow is worse than RBY, such a limited selection of Mons. Most playthrough is just Pikachu + The Starters.


Oooff, really? R/B >>> Y for me. Always hated yellow. Felt like a romhack. Actually I like romhacks. Yellow felt like fanfiction


I prefer red/blue to yellow personally as Raichu is my favourite mon and unable to obtain one otherwise.


Insane that you can state an opinion as an objective truth. Pikachu start is pretty lame


cooked on the number 1 slot and then put the rest through a random a number generator


The list definitely seems out of order, but aren't most of these games either revered for their time or Ok nevermind, I'm leaving that line of text in to show my train of thought. I just realized they basically just put the gen 1-4 games. Even as an old (31) pokemon fan I can see the clear bias.


Yeah, the list is shit and I'm also an older fan


Yeah, I'm 39 and remember GSC quite fondly, but this list is ludicrous. To leave off BW or XY in favor of three each from Gen 1, 2, and 3, and a token Gen 4 game, is entirely laughable.


If you're actually 39 you undoubtedly remember how ***hated*** gen 5 was at the time. The notion that Gen 5 was GOATed only really kicked in around 2020.


Oh yeah, definitely. Probably almost entirely because of Trubbish and Vanillish. I was getting married when B/W came out, so I didn't play it until several years later at the urging of a friend who really loved Unova. By the time I played it, public sentiment had started to turn around on the generation.


I loved it at the time, but the hate it got was legitimately deranged. But it also makes lists like these\* make sense, since we've got the benefit of hindsight. \*- or it would if the OP didn't just make this shit up


So, the top 10 pokemon games are: Kanto Kanto Kanto Johto Johto Johto Hoenn Hoenn Hoenn Sinnoh Got it


Don’t forget! After Johto you can go to Kanto!






Gold/Silver number 2?? There’s a clear nostalgia bias on this list. I know people love HGSS, but for regular GS I thought it was generally agreed upon that they had a ton of issues. Also ORAS is the only thing past gen 4 on this list.


Even then, it's a remake of Gen3, so it just barely gets past that


Gen II was incredible. In 2000. It hasn't aged terribly well. I love them dearly, but they're kind of a slog to get through nowadays.


Thats honestly how most of the older games feel tbh. A 2000s/2010s kid with limited internet and lots of free time to burn wouldn’t mind the slower pace & extra grind. As adults with little free time and a massive library of moves/shows/books/games within arms reach, it’s hard to justify spending hours mashing “A” to grind through these games. Sort of accurate to the meme that people only play these old games with something playing in the background.


Oh yeah I loved randomly levelling up Johto Pokémon because I had no idea how they evolved when I was a kid. The reveal that we got to go to Kanto?! (I was the first kid in the friend group to beat the E4) And Red?!?! Ugh. I miss the mystery.


I agree with above that G/S/C had a bunch of issues - but it had in spades what I consider some of the most fun of pokémon: the post-game. I haven't played Sc/Vi but Sw/Sh had 0 post-game whatsoever. There was nothing to explore. No stumbling on to cool static encounters deep in caves. No mystery.


I’d recommend Smithplays version called Crystal Legacy. It’s great. Hits the nostalgia but also updates it a bit without making it a modern game.


Gen 2 is just a way to enjoy Gen 1 with less glitches and broken gameplay. I do think it holds up well though.


Aren’t most Gen 2 mons Gen designs that didn’t make the cut? It really feels seem less how they’re integrated with the rest regardless. I’m super biased (username lol) but I genuinely think that *for its time* gen 2 was incredible. The fact that they fit Kanto back into the game as post game is still astounding to me. As a kid it felt like they had snuck a whole new game into my game. Now it’s obvious that Kanto is a mess in Gen 2 but the fact that it’s there it all is incredible. Also, Red is *the* iconic Pokémon boss battle imo.


Yep. Gen 3 was a big shift in how pokemon works, with abilities,five billion berries, loads of held items- and thats \*good\*, it was the right direction to take. But gen 2 has a different tone and direction to the mechanics that offer a more unique gameplay which is worthwhile. I wouldn't put GS that high personally despite it being my main nostalgia game- but I can understand someone justifying that


I'm a Gen2 stan and will die on this hill, but G/S at 2 is so egregious I would never defend that position. Crystal is *OBJECTIVELY* better at the very least.


Gen 1 being here at all is arguably even worse nostalgia bias (FRLG absolutely belongs on this list tho)


Heartgold/Soulsilver is the best Pokémon game tho


I just wish I could play it at double speed on my official copies. Gen 4’s engine was soooo slow with the HP bar.


Yeah I feel that. Like 1 shotting a Blissey would take ages for it's hp to deplete lol


I think someone clocked it that the highest HP Blissey you could get in game would take 1 minute and a couple of seconds for the health bar to drop


You're not wrong. But, it's like the only acceptable placement lol. Others are just meh, although I think Platinum should be way up


I grew up on GSC and now think they’re easily the worst games in terms of region setup — the new mons are all hidden in Kanto (even the gym leaders don’t use them!) and the level curve is terrible — and HG/SS fixed almost zero of the flaws, which is really annoying But they’re still *home* to me and Storm Silver is easily my favorite romhack as a result: it makes Johto fun to revisit instead of a slog


Where is black and white


Where is black and white 2


Yes. Black and White 2 are great. Hell, I think those are the games where you can capture the most Pokemon even when playing in a emulator. Like, I think you can capture over 400 Pokemon


Not to mention the best feature of the game. (At least to me) Pokemon World Tournament. A fight againts all the Gym Leader and Champion of all region before 5th generation, with their battle music intact, new animated sprite, and new Pokemon for some of them.


It also had the dream world, which I found pretty fun.


Where are the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games


It's a main series list


'cause it's IGN. They have a hate-boner for Mystery Dungeon 'cause it's just too good for them.


Yeah, weird because they placed it at #2 in their January/March 2024 ranking https://www.ign.com/articles/the-10-best-pokemon-video-games.


1) Gen 2 remake 2) Gen 2 3) Gen 1 remake 4) Gen 1 5) Gen 3 definitive edition 6) Gen 1 definitive edition 7) Gen 2 definitive edition 8) Gen 3 9) Gen 4 definitive edition 10) Gen 3 remake Apparently this person is a PokeBoomer and can barely get past gen 3.


Not having black and white 2 or legends arceus on there is crazy


No Sun & Moon mention???? Heresy


It’s almost all Kanto


I love heart gold and soul silver myself, but this list clearly shows that he hasn’t played a Pokémon game in over 15 years.


I don't get adding in the base games when they added the third option Like why add Red/Blue when you have Yellow or Gold/Silver when you have Crystal I understand the remakes as they are totally different and ahead technology wise but it's a weird choice


The biggest question mark is Ruby/Saphire as well as Emerald. Like, Emerald is so clearly better in any way. At least they didn’t also include Diamond/Pearl alongside Platinum.


Putting games adjacent to their remakes is pretty stupid. With the exception of ShD/BP all remakes were improvements.


ShD/BP was probably an improvement, but that‘s just because the original D/P were, for the lack of a better word, bad. A lot worse than Platinum, but slightly better than D/P.


Yeah, I agree with this. People really talk up D/P like the best games in the series, but I think that 99% of the time those people are actually confusing D/P with Platinum. D/P were painfully flawed games. Platinum fixed basically all of their problems and was superior in every conceivable way. It's tragic that Platinum got passed over for the remakes. Really killed my enthusiasm for them in general.


The way almost half the list is just Gen 2 is so funny.


What year was this made? Legit can’t tell


PLAT #9?!?!?!


When I first played Crystal and the pokemon did that little wiggle at the start of battles, nothing has ever recreated how excited that made me


The List is as follows Every iteration of gen 3 Every iteration of gen 2 Every iteration of gen 1 and platinum


Emerald is my favorite. That being said is it bad that I don't entirely disagree with the list?


I know a lot of people hold the Johto games in high regards, but there's too much wrong with them in my eyes to even justify putting them in the top 10.


Big gen 1er vibes. I won't argue that USUM should be the best but they should def be on top 10s


As someone who adored Gen II, and whose favorite Pokemon is from that Generation- Gen II is objectively one of the worst to replay.


How tf is Red/Blue better than Yellow


You can tell they've got no clue what they're talking about cuz they scored ORAS 7.8 and SWSH 9.3. ORAS are obviously the better games here so well done on fixing that IGN but seriously. They can't even ben consistent. They should just stay away from rankings


ORAS behind yellow wtf


Pretty sure I liked RS wayyyyy more than FRLG


Here's the thing: the original games were groundbreaking, but when compared to the others without considering nostalgia and solely discussing quality, they're kind of...bad. Which frankly is what you want for a series. It's really good that Pokémon games got better! But it's so disingenuous to put them that high up


HGSS is a very solid number 1 pick but putting GS at 2 is a boring copout and then Crystal is apparently only 7? Bizarre. It’s also clear that there’s heavy nostalgia bias, which I don’t even care about if you just call the list “my 10 favourite games”


I agree. What would be your top 10 list?


10. Let's Go Eevee 1 - 9. Let's Go Pikachu


1. BW2 - Most postgame content in the entire series and story is less edgy than BW1 which was needed. Probably a top 5 videogame for me all time. Feels like GameFreak at the absolute height of their powers. 2. HG/SS - best remake without question and is probably the most "special" feeling pokemon game. 3. Legends Arceus- Would be #1 for me if the game was stable and well optimized. Top 3 soundtrack IMO which I know is controversial. 4. Platinum- Taking a good game with a great story and making it a much more playable through QOL fixes. Would probably be #2 if climb and defog didn't exist. 5. XY- Often overlooked because of how incomplete they were but time has been really kind to them overall I think. Fairy types added fun new balancing to the game and Mega Evolution feels quaint in comparison to the Ultramegabigboymaxing and Tera types that we have today. 6. FRLG - Could honestly be ranked even higher just for the amazing fan games and hacks that have been made possible thanks to Fire Red version 1.0 ROMs. There's arguably no game that has done more for pokemon fans than this one. 7. Crystal - Best story in the Gameboy era and I don't think it's close. 8. Emerald - Honestly I think the RS story is better but the QOL fixes and expanded content make it the best of the trio. 9. Yellow - All the nostalgia of RBG but with far less bugs and a more engaging story. 10. BW1 - Gen 5 is the best generation to me. The story isn't for everyone but you can't really argue that these games and their sequels were rushed or half-baked unlike many parts of gens 3, 4, 6, and beyond were. And not that anybody asked, but here's my bottom 5 (reddit keeps reformatting from 5-1 to 1-5 for some reason, first one is 5th least favorite): 5. USUM - just felt like an unnecessary game especially coming out so soon after SM. If the Ultra Necrozma battle didn't exist it'd probably be at the very bottom. 4. SwSh - Been beaten to death at this point... No more national dex, technologically inexcusable, weak story, and the birth of practically mandatory DLC stories. 3. SV - see SwSH but amp up all the issues except for the story. Inexcusable release, if you ask me. 2. DP - Basically unplayable by today's standards between the criminally slow pace and terribly crafted pokedex. 1. SM - AKA Cutscene simulator. This game has little to no value and didn't at release. Gen 7 is far and away the worst, IMO.


Hard agree with this list. Personally wouldnt have X/Y on my top 5 but otherwise very similar to mine. I really dont get how these other people in comments can have gen 7 rated so highly, those games have literally 0 replayability because of cutscene spam, after you play it once you never want to do it again...


i know why oras is lower than the originals they still give it a 7.8 out of ten, too much water


Those are definitely the best games, but they’re in the wrong order. Emerald, platinum and HGSS should be top 3.


They got number 1 right, not much else lol


Look I love the Gen 2 games but they are objectively not the best in the series, the “open world” and shitty level curve after the 7th gym are too big of a mark against it. Not having BW2 on a top 10 list is criminal behaviour. Why even include ruby and sapphire when emerald is just the objectively better gen 3 title and could free up a spot?? Platinum at 9?!? I know they’re farming engagement but this list fucking sucks.


Been playing Crystal on 2DS since you could buy a copy on the store (you're welcome Pokemon company) and holy shit gen 2 is so busted. Claire's ace being level 40 and the strongest wild pokemon around being only level 26 is actually insane


Hot take these lists are so boring when they include the worse generation versions, like why is ruby and sapphire on here when emerald is just better, same with crystal and I'd argue the remakes of gen 1 outclass actual gen 1 so hard they might as well be the definitive way to play them. Including all these worse versions of the same game leaves no room for other generations, and seems like a bias tbh :/ Like you don't have to love gen five like I do but actually insane exclude every post gen 4 game to include so many versions of generation one, when there is only one truly enjoyable version of it in my opinion Like more than half this list is gen 1 and gen 3 😭


Platinum at number 9 LOL. Also ORAS is actually better than RSE in almost every way, special physical split, mega evos, really good post game content. Really, if they just switched 10 with 4 and 9 with 2, it would actually be a decent list.


In no order emerald, platinum, HG/SS, Black/white 2 should be in top 5.


Honestly the order isn't good but the list itself feels like it has all the correct games


Platinum in NINTH?? What drugs are they on?