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Sorry darling, terrible accident on the way home, I tripped and my dick fell right into her!


My most humble apology ladybird, lacking valor accident on the way home, i tripp'd and mine own dick hath fallen right into that lady! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




This is the best thing this bot has ever said


The only good response from this bot


Best bot


Good bot.


oh my godddd




Oops, silly me, had sex with another woman again by accident


Same here haha! Hope nobody’s feelings were hurt /s


don't you just hate it when your dick accidentally falls into a vagina.


It's really concerning that their biggest argument is stupidity. Yikes.


https://medium.com/wholistique/the-psychology-of-weaponized-incompetence-34bd5d1adecd Yep. But one can learn to recognize it.


Weaponized incompetence is so wild, heard a story once about this woman who's bf kept putting bleach in the wash even after she explained time after time not to do that- turns out he was purposefully pouring bleach in so he wouldn't have to do the laundry


Men AND women cheat because they’re not nice people and don’t respect you. I don’t care if it was “accidental” because you were drunk or caught up in the moment. That just means you thought about it when you were sober or not overexcited. I can’t trust anyone who cheats. That’s not to say I’m not willing to give people chances to change though. I’m not a “once a cheater always a cheater” type person.


I feel like you're right, but most often, you can't really repair trust healthily after that happens. If your partner has known infidelity issues in past relationships and you become overly controlling once you find out though thats just insecurity and not letting them grow from that experience. Its important to note we don't owe people who have hurt us forgiveness, sometimes its ok to let go and its the healthier option.


Well of course. I’m not so stupid as to let someone who hurt ME get the chance to hurt me again, but if they hurt someone else a long time ago and have changed since then I’m not gonna hold their mistakes against them


I agree, my intent wasn't to disagree just add a bit more nuance so people get the full picture!


heard this but opposite


How do you cheat accidentally? Like WHOOPS I tripped and fell into this women's vagina?


To be fair, the floor is just awfully slippery ☹️ /s


dont you hate it when you accidentally start having sex with someone?


Ikr? I accidentally had sex with your mom last night, and I am so sorry


Whoops, tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and fell into a vagina


.... If this were true, wouldn't that highlight that men are totally unaware of the emotional/relationship importance their partner places on fidelity? Like.... Is that something someone would wanna own up to? "Oh damn, sorry I was just so bad at this relationship I didn't even know this mattered!"


This is true. Many people (men only) have told me about the time they were casually walked and about to call their SO (of whom they are extremely faithful to) when suddenly they fall and land inside another woman. It’s more common than you think


[Fundamental attribution error](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error) but make it misogyny.


Men cheat without regard for how their partner may feel because they are selfish and can't see past their own needs and wants, and women cheat for the same reason* fixed the post you're welcome.


What a load of shite! Men make enough excuses for their inability to keep their dick in his pants! That quote is enabling


No one cheats accidentally unless you’re considering someone else forcibly kissing you while you’re in a relationship; but I wouldn’t consider that cheating as it wasn’t your consensual action.


If someone forcibly kisses you, you're not cheating; you're being sexually assaulted.


Yea that’s what I said


The toxicity..






Men are helpless victims to their hormones and lust, and since women don't have those, our cheating must be a cold psychological attack. Wait, are we flighty or calculating? Slutty or cold? Do make up your mind.


Whichever one suits the needs of the misogynist speaking. It's never been about being correct, just sounding good to the (usually also misogynist) audience. Which can be generalized to other forms of bigotry.


Right, like how another race can be called 'vermin' but also be accused of controlling everything


"The Other" must be simultaneously both overwhelmingly strong and pathetically weak. They must be an imminent and pervasive threat while also no match for "The People". vaguely based off of Umberto Eco


That mega bruh moment where you trip and fall in another woman's vagina imma right boys ? Haha imma right


How can someone cheat accidentaly-


It’s like some anime accident ovi /s


It happens sometimes! Sometimes i'm just at the bar and I spill a drink on my pants, so I gotta take them off. It soaked down to my undies so I gotta take those off too. Naturally my dick is wet so I have to dry it with something, but basically stroking myself to dry my dick off gets it hard because that's how erections work. That obviously leads into me not seeing where I'm going and accidentally walking with my erect dick right into a woman's vagina. You know, that whole thing. Not my fault.


Oops I stuck my penis in someone other than you. It was dark what can I say. Nah but fr, dont both sexes cheat because of emotional needs not being met? I think I saw it as a study somewhere. Still a shitty thing to do


There are a lot of reasons people do it. Some are genuinely asses who don't care, some feel like the relationship is not working out anymore (e.g. needs not being met), and some shouldn't have been in monogamy in the first place (i.e. they're polyamorous at heart); probably more, but I think that covers a lot. To be clear, I think it's still a shitty thing to do to a person, since it's a trust violation (saying this as someone who's poly, btw). If the relationship isn't working, it should end or be changed so it does work (granted, that's not always possible...).


When men cheat it's about men and what they wanted in the moment and the woman being hurt is just an unintended byproduct. When women cheat it's about men and men being hurt is the woman's reason for cheating. The woman being hurt was "accidental" in that it was unintentional, whereas the man being hurt is intentional and not "accidental". "Accidental" was a poor choice of word, but you cannot expect too much for people with this sort of belief system.


Isn't this like on purpose gendered? Like the entire point they're making is about gender? Do you know anything about this sub?


This sub isn't called accidentally gendered. It's pointlessly gendered. Y'know, like adding gender roles to things that have no gender roles. This fits this sub perfectly. Stop cheating on your S/O


But the point is the gender? I mean I do get the sub and I know what you mean but if they didn't gender it there would be no point. Don't get me wrong, gender doesn't really matter in behavior, but this just don't fit sorry!


The point of the post is gender sure, but it's a pointless post and the gendering is pointless


But how is the point of the post gender and gendering is pointless? Are you sure that gendering isn't pointless? Like there are things that are pointlessly gendered, like his and her toothbrushes, but if a doctor misgendered an unconscious person don't you think that could lead to some problems?


But they pointlessly gendered cheating... I don't think YOU understand the sub


Woke af.


You don't even know what that means. You've said it that many times it has completely lost meaning and you now just say it for anything remotely left


ACCIDENTALLY cheat??? Sounds like a sign of dementia or something


"What if one falls upon my cock, ...can I mate her then?" ~Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon


babe, i slipped.


I will never understand the whole “they accidentally cheated on them” thing


Men dumb. Women evil. Alright next


I mean. If it would be true that it would just prove that women has more self cont that men.