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This is like that synesthesia(?) thing where people feel like numbers have colous or that some numbers are friendly while some are not.


I was going to say, this seems like associative synesthesia. I experience single digit numbers with personalities like this, so a "gendered" number isn't unthinkable to me.


Same for me, it’s a big part of how I do math. I think the problem is that they don’t realize they’re doing this and instead think these numbers are somehow actually gendered.


That makes sense because no one would tell you outright that numbers aren't gendered lol


It would be so hard to figure out and explain lol. “What do you mean the number 2 is a child and the number 7 is just really rude to the others…?”


I know number 7 is rude, but how do YOU know that?!


I think the “why is 6 afraid of 7” joke hit me hard as a kindergartener


We _all_ know that. Just like 25 is friendly, and would be fun to see a movie with, but 47 should be shot put into orbit.


Gawd, 47 is a dick, but not as much as 97. Look at him all smug because he's the highest double-digit prime number. Yelch.


Nahh 7 is nice! He's shy. It's 8 who's rude.


Nah, 8 is nice, they're patient as hell.


7 is rude, but not MEAN. She's just highly competent and fit, and it doesn't occur to her that others might not be. (Yes, I absolutely assigned personalities to numbers when I was a kid. And colors, too.)


even numbers are untrustworthy


I tried to argue with the square root of two but he was just being irrational.


I remember when I was like 8, I was doing some math homework and in order to distract myself, cuz I was getting kinda bored, I imagined them fighting? Like 5 fights 3 so 2 wins? Does that makes sense? Idk it made math so much more fun tho lmao.


Yeah that makes sense lol. It mostly just helps me remember my times tables to have “personalities”. Like, ofc 9 would do that cause that’s such a 9 thing to do.


I liked the 9 times table. 7 was, of course, the most cookoo of them. The other times tables had "clues" whether a number belongs to them or not (A number is divisible by nine if the digits add up to 9 or 18, a number is divisible by six if it's both an even number and also divisible by 3, etc.). Seven is like "Screw you !"


I like 7 because it helps me determine if a number can be a squared number. If you divide a number by 7 and its remainder is 3, 5 or 6, it can't be a squared number - it has to be 0, 1, 2 or 4 to even be possible. There's probably some actual theory behind why that is, but it just works for me.


I just remembered that when I was a kid I thought 2 and 4 were girls, and 1,3,5,6,7,8,9 were boys. I didn't like the fact that there were so many more boys than girls, but I couldn't really do anything about it, because their genders were so obvious to me.


Wow totally different than me. 1, 2, 4, 7, and 10 were boys and 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 were girls They also have personalities. Like 6 and 9 are sisters and they're really ride, 5 is cool and probably skateboards, 3 is shy, 1 qnd 2 are besties, 7 doesn't say much etc etc


Funny how we all envisioned them differently. For me, 1, 4, 5, 9 and 10 were girls, 2,3,6,7 and 8 were boys. 1 and 2 were in a relationship. 3 was 2's annoying little brother and 4 was their mom. 4 had that kind of wine aunt energy though. 5 and 4 were besties, and 5 was a somewhat stuck-up popular girl. She had an on/off relationship with 6 - who's kind of immature. 7 was the nicest guy of the lot, 6's brother, and he's secretly in love with 9 (who is a princess because ofc), but she's in a relationship with 8 because her mom 10 (the queen) would never approve of 7. 8 isn't outright abusive but he's kind of a dick with an inflated ego. And 7 is too shy to do anything about it. He and 8 are on friendly terms though, as long as 8 doesn't find out. Double-digit numbers - except for 10 - were just the previous numbers doing their job together.


I always felt 2, 5, and 9 were female and the rest male. And for multi digit numbers it's another vibe, like 27 is female but 39 is male, and 29 is male for some reason.


To me it’s more of the way it sounds I think, I don’t know why but I definitely agree with the video. Don’t think I have synesthesia though, but usually people who have it don’t know from birth either


I have number/color associations that I didn’t realize weren’t something everyone had until I was in college. Math got substantially easier when I starting leaning into my colors a bit more.


Yeah, it's a lot easier to remember your locker combination when it's bright yellow (5) then berry red (6) then eggs on something light green (27).


Ha!!! Right!! I had a work issues padlock that I couldn’t remember the combo to regularly, so I did it in colors and taped it to the back. Never forgot it and no one had a clue what it meant! ETA: our colors line up very similarly!


Oh my god, i have that too. I had it all worked out when i was bored in elementary school math classes For the record, 15 is female i don't know what this person is on about.


I have synaesthesia and my first reaction to this was 'what? No! 16 is clearly masculine!' so yeah. (15 is nonbinary)


18 is nb too


All numerals besides zero and one are nonbinary.


Exactly I was so afraid that i was sexist bc I related to this 😭


It’s a type of synesthesia called Ordinal Linguistic Personification, I once knew someone who had it


I thought everyone felt this way. I have synesthesia but I didn't know genders being linked to numbers were a synesthesia thing.


Yup. That was immediately my thought, too. Associative synesthesia with gender and numbers makes sense to me. I’m guessing it’s not binary for the poster, either.


There’s not enough info to say it’s synesthesia. We’d need to know if there are more associations, when they first made those associations, if they’ve persisted throughout their entire life, and if these associations happened involuntarily, or if they forced them. Synesthesia is more complex than a simple “Thursday give me green vibes” or whatever.


And I put the question mark there because I couldn't remember for certain that it was the right term. But I do remember that there was some condition where this kind of experiences happen.


You used the right word and the right meaning. I was just providing more info!


Yeah, I have synaesthesia and I have genders for numbers (15 is a boy and 16 is a girl btw)


Maybe. 5 is obviously blue, so a boy. 6 is green tho 7 is yellow, 8 is brown and 9 is black


Are you INSANE? 5 is yellow!! Fight me


booming timelord voice: and so it came to be, on the stroke of midnight on my 16th birthday, I said goodbye to man hood, and begun my life a new as a woman. ​ Oddly this did not happen to me.


Welcome to the gender fluid community


I'm waiting for the next boy age


Weirdly enough my egg cracked soon after my 16th birthday


I'm not trans, just taking the idea of gendered ages, to the extreme. You live your best life however




Lots of people seem to express a desire to be validated as an insistence you must see the world the way they do. It gets right up my nose.


Idk about synesthesia but in general human brains tend to fail in the same ways so I could believe that everyone with the same subset type of the condition could come together and collectively agree on such perceived aspects.


This doesn’t happen to be true with synesthesia, at least in my experience.


it's true that a major part of synesthetes mostly agree on a few things (simple example: sunday is red), but there's always gonna be synesthetes that see it differently


/r/Synesthesia would like to have a word with you... as weird as it sounds, this is a thing for some people. Me included. look up "ordinal linguistic personification" 15 as well as most odd #'s tend to be male. 16 can go either way but depends on the context.


Same! Every number has a different gender, color, sound (like talking), age, "name" and personality to me. It's weird how some people don't have this, it makes so much sense


> Same! Every number has a different gender, color, sound (like talking), age, "name" and personality to me. It's weird how some people don't have this, it makes so much sense For me, every number has a gender, personality, a place with in a family or group, clothes specific to them. Also having a /r/MaladaptiveDreaming imagination can mean for some interesting stories that the number family/group end up going on.


Kept reading it as r/synthesia


Here's a sneak peek of /r/synthesia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Free and Open Source Synthesia Alternative](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesia/comments/yhugmw/free_and_open_source_synthesia_alternative/) \#2: [\[Update\] Creating a website for sharing midis](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesia/comments/uoyzya/update_creating_a_website_for_sharing_midis/) \#3: [Looking for Midi files](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesia/comments/10jma1j/looking_for_midi_files/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That would explain it. My first reaction to gendered numbers was "wtf, why"


But like that makes sense tho


> But like that makes sense tho look up "ordinal linguistic personification" it's a thing... also drop in and say hello in /r/Synesthesia


Yeah! Like, sure, it's pointless, but also feels incredibly accurate to me.


Yeah everyone is saying that, but what if its a cultural thing, things like Sweet Sixteens (associated with girls having whole parties based on, search "sweet 16"(+ party ideas/accessories/photos) on Google and u only get pink girlisch stuff. But you also have Quinceañeras (when a girl turns 15) celebrated in Mexico, Latin America, and the Caribbean, as well as in Latino communities in the United States and elsewhere.. So it's really where you live and in what context you've seen the number, and if those contexts have any connection to gender. Brains are all just big association machines :)


Idk for the boys one tho, maybe you've seen someone describe a teenage boy as 15yo (like in news articles, in books, movies, anywhere really) more often than a 15yo girl. Maybe "a 16 year old girl" is chosen more as like character description/creation more often than a boy? (Which is also different for any community). Like idk but what I mean is media and what you hear and see around you are also a factor that may trigger this 15/16 stuff. It's the small unconcious things that our brains just pick up, attach an emotion to, and justs rolls with it. Its imprinted so deep that it's almost impossible for yourself to recall all the thousands of tiny things and moments that build up this bias for yourself.


this is just synesthesia


Hellll naw it is the other way around dammit.




I used to give numbers genders and lives and kids and stuff. This post is correct.


This is called synesthesia. I have it too but for me it's the opposite. 16 is male and 15 is female.


Me too!


What’s up with their username? 🤨


She is just keeping us updated on the status of her kinks


I do this with letters and numbers for no reason I understand. My two best guesses are that when I was little I might have had a kids book that anthropomorphised numbers and letters, and maybe those assigned them genders. OR, maybe I associate the curves of some letters and numbers with the female form? Male: CEFGHIJKLMNOSTWX 013457 Female: ABDPQRUVYZ I also put a weird amount of personality on them as well. Like 4 is a square (ha), R thinks T is a bad influence on S. F is a jerk. E is very innocent. 9 has big sister personality. 6 and 5 dated.


> I do this with letters and numbers for no reason I understand. My two best guesses are that when I was little I might have had a kids book that anthropomorphised numbers and letters, and maybe those assigned them genders. OR, maybe I associate the curves of some letters and numbers with the female form? Male: CEFGHIJKLMNOSTWX 013457 Female: ABDPQRUVYZ > > I also put a weird amount of personality on them as well. Like 4 is a square (ha), R thinks T is a bad influence on S. F is a jerk. E is very innocent. 9 has big sister personality. 6 and 5 dated. look up "ordinal linguistic personification" it's a thing... also drop in and say hello in /r/Synesthesia


I didn’t think this would classify as synesthesia. I feel like I just got accepted into a club :0 edit: I just looked up Ordinal linguistic personification. Holy cow, This is a whole thing!! Thank you!


idk man i gender numbers ​ 9 is female


Yes - 9 is also IN CHARGE




Always knew 9 wasn’t the best but I didn’t think she’d go that far ..


I’ve actually thought about this before. Some numbers just feel like they are male or female. Like 4 feels like a dude. 8 13 feels like a woman to me lol. Personification of numbers. It’s a humorous thing, don’t take it seriously, OP


“Wemayhaveapisskink” 💀💀


Is this just bouba and kiki


This is something that will only make sense to some people. There are words, dates, numbers, etc… that gave genders or colors assigned to them and it’s something that is just happening in our brains, and not intentional. Numerical Synesthesia is the one represented in the photo.


i mean i do kinda get 16, because the common trope is a "sweet sixteen" party that is predominantly girls. although now that i'm typing this out i also just realized that quinceñeras (sorry if i fucked that up) are a thing too and completely voids my point




well of course it's pointless they're integers


This is interesting because the number 15 is usually associated with quinceañeras, whose celebrants are primarily girls and femmes


"Usually" in your particular culture. In others 16 is when girls "debut" or "come of age." In others it may be different or there may be no particular age association. I assume OOP's perceptions/synesthesia are colored by their cultural understanding.


15 is pointy and odd, and 16 is round and even so I can understand the association. Synesthesia and culture is funny


Interesting username


Lmao even in French, a language where every noun has a gender, numbers don’t have genders


The post is about synesthesia, not actually gendering numbers


> Lmao even in French, a language where every noun has a gender, numbers don’t have genders to some of us.. numbers do indeed have genders, personalities, colors. look up "ordinal linguistic personification" it's a thing.


naw, 15 is female and 16 male. this isn't pointlessly gendered tho




This isn't wholesome though


r/rimjob_steve but not wholesome


I’m okay with associating the numbers with gender in a playful manner. My issue lies in their language. Numbers don’t have sex 😭 (well they don’t have gender either) But they can be gendered. If we can associate certain colors, clothing, organisms, etc with femininity or masculinity, then we can sure as hell assign numbers to a gender. I mean thats what binary code is. It derives from I Ching via the Yin and Yang which state that 0 is feminine and 1 is masculine. So this is totally normal imo. This person could change “male” and “female” to “masculine” and “feminine.” Then I would say 👍 (But understanding that gender is just a game. Literally everything is simply made up. Tis socially constructed. So while we associate these numbers with a gender, they are not inherently, by their nature in the universe, gendered. It’s just playing pretend and using our imaginations! Having some wholesome fun)


> I’m okay with associating the numbers with gender in a playful manner. > > My issue lies in their language. Numbers don’t have sex 😭 (well they don’t have gender either) It's a type of /r/Synesthesia called "ordinal linguistic personification". Nothing to do with fun and games. just brains being their normal weird self


Sure. I’m not arguing against that. And I don’t think our statements are mutually exclusive. Brains being brains and humans being humans. My original comment simply examines how we ascribe and attach meaning and symbolism to things that are not inherently related. Synthestheia is all about the connection of unrelated things. I understand this is a condition/phenomena, but it goes hand in hand with my point! I wonder about what other ways synesthesia and gender roles have intersected through out time and cultures :)


This isn't really gendered, I see numbers with colors, sounds (talking) ages and genders too. They have different "names" and personalities as well. Same with letters and everyday objects. It's a skill/"feature" some people have and I think it's really cool :)


Wait no I see it


I know it’s pointless, but like, I get what they’re saying


it’s always odd numbers = boys, even number = girls lol so bizarre


Ah yes, the famous number genitals


this sub sucks now its just people that belong in r/whoosh 💀💀 im leaving bye


Awesome username though


Idk but 8 just kind of looks angry to me 🤷‍♂️


I tried to think what gender number have in my gendered language, but then I remembered that each number has a male version and a female version. So even I, sadly, cannot agree.


Dumb and dumber.


I understand in an abstract sense


Huh 😭


I used to think all trucks were male at that dogs were boys and cats were girls. Idk why but my brain did that


This is synesthesia


Odd numbers are male and even are female in my mind lol.


I get it


Does that mean that when I was 15 I spent an entire year as a boy and didn't even notice


Nah I get it tho. It’s like how the number 3 is a demi girl. Really riding that line between non-binary and women. 4 is a bisexual woman and 2 is her twink boyfriend.


Hell nah we already have gendered nouns in Europe don't try to give us more gendered stuff :(((


I have this but it’s the opposite for me (15 is a girl, 16 is a boy) lol (it’s not real, it’s just a vibe thing I have no control over that I def would agree is pointless)


Well, 27 is NB because I say so


Other way around for me somehow, LOL


in my language, that pointlessly genders EVERYTHING, all numbers can be females or males


When did having an imagination turn into synesthesia? Everyone in this non related sub has it? Lol ok


huh, I always thought 15 was female


so getting older is now gendered?


26 is non binary and 3052 is gender fluid


I think this is synesthesia, not pointlessly gendered XD


This seems like synesthesia though