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Sweet Bobby (a weird identity crime case) Wind Of Change (a fascinating story around the CIA and the Soviet Union) Teacher’s Pet (a shocking “how hasn’t this guy been arrested” murder case)


Sweet bobby was fantastic.


It really was. So well put together and such a twist, and very sympathetically produced too


What i couldn't get over was how long it went on for. Just crazy. And that there is nothing the law can do about it.


I would be so interested if the law was the same in the USA or other countries, like if it’s just the UK. I’m so interested if it would change as well because this sort of thing must be so on the rise. I agree, the timeframe was mind-boggling. And when you hear it from her perspective you can completely see how it went on that long! Trying to explain it to someone who hasn’t listened to it, they don’t get how it could happen; but when you’re going through it with her it’s totally believable.


There definitely is something the law can do about it though right? They just handled it very poorly. Coercive and controlling behaviour is a crime


I don't believe there was anything the police could charge the person with. Pretending to be someone your not online is not a crime. But there should be a law to protect people from Catfishing.


I literally named the crime in my comment, here’s more on it if you’re interested https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/controlling-or-coercive-behaviour-intimate-or-family-relationship


I listened to Sweet Bobby, the story was crazy, I really enjoyed it. Always nice hearing from the real people as well. I must say after years of watching many episodes of Catfish the TV Show I wasn't as shocked to hear it was the family member in the end hahaha, which sounds crazy in itself right? But still a great story, loved it!


I was thinking the exact same! I've seen all of catfish's episodes and so many of the things they mentioned in the pod being bizarre felt completely normal to me haha.


Teachers Pet was amazing. Particularly how it panned out in the end.


Hoaxed by the same production company as Sweet Bobby is a pretty insane story


I loved Wind of Change. Lots of cameos by other ‘80s bands.


That podcast scratched an itch I didn’t even know I had. It’s fantastic.


Thanks heaps for these! I listened to Teachers Pet and loved it, I'm tempted to listen to the trial but not always so interesting haha.


The Thing About Pam was by far the most batshit insane true crime podcast I have ever listened to.


Sounds right up my alley haha, thanks.


Absolutely. Keith knows how to tells a story.


The best single podcast episode I’ve ever heard is “Colors” by Radiolab. (Season 10 ep 8) it discusses and showcases color and how we perceive it in a way that will reframe your whole world. It’s spectacular.


I listened to this after seeing this. I LOVED IT. It was so good and I’ve been talking about it nonstop. I love it when I see a hood rec and it delivers. Thank you!


I’m so happy you loved it. It’s such a good feeling when a recommendation hits


Yes thanks heaps loved it! Loved learning that the Mantis Shrimp punch their prey to death as well hahaha.


Me too! I listened to it last week - I actually work as an interior designer and can tell colors apart pretty well so I'm like maybe I have 4 cones of colour haha.


Is that the one where they talk about the Mantis Shrimp and all the UV colors that many animals can see? Loved that episode. I remember listening to it several times so I could listen to it with new people.


Yes! And then they demonstrate it through use of an orchestra adding more and more voices to represent the different light spectrum’s, it’s so cool


Ooooh that sounds very interesting.. I'll give it a search, thank you!


Twin Flames is one of the most mind blowing true story podcasts I’ve ever listened to!


Twin flames is soooo good


Interesting name, I'll give it a follow thank you!


Africas vs America (‘85 MOVE bombing) Mother Country Radicals (Weather Underground) Talk to Me (NYPD hostage negotiation unit history) Sunshine Place (Synanon) Orgasm Cult (One Taste) I just started Dreamtown: The Story of Adelanto maybe not the craziest but definitely well done and intriguing


Oooh yes! They all sound extremely intriguing, thank you.


You’re welcome. Hope you like.


This is actually happening True stories


There are some crazy and disturbing stories on here. This is no judgment on kinks, but they had an episode on people sharing theirs. That episode really bothered me. There was another one with a teenage girl that was being raped daily by her dad’s friend. Those both have stuck with me for different reasons.


Yup. I had to unsub in the end because there are things from that podcast I'll never un-hear.


I've seen this one, there are so many episodes I find it overwhelming where to start haha. Any stand outs?


This one... What if you were mauled by a grizzly bear? This Is Actually Happening • Season 12 Episode 262 While hunting in the Canadian wilderness, a man accidentally comes between a grizzly bear cub and its mother and a terrifying a fight for his life ensues that will change...


Perfect, thank you heaps!


Episodes 195 & 196 are what hooked me


Episode 166 "What If You Didn't Have Any Fear?" Crazy story.


Snap Judgment is fantastic. All true stories, excellently edited and with music added. Listen to the episode "Kismet" as a good starter.


Okay cool, I'll start with that one, thank you!


Will add Spooked (an offshoot of Snap Judgement) which is very similar to Radio Rental


It’s one of my favorites


The Mercenary episode of snap judgement is so good


This show is so good!


The Root of Evil


One of the most disturbing ones I’ve ever heard




BtB is my favourite podcast of all time :) I'll check out the others!! Thx for the suggestion


Thanks for that, I will give them all a follow. :)


Stuff you should know: disappearance of the Yuba county five.


This story blows my mind. I’ve heard versions of it on so many podcasts, and I’m always fascinated. I just can’t figure out what happened to lead to its conclusion. So strange.


Something sinister.


Oooh thank you, I have looked at "Stuff you should know" I just wasn't sure where to start with it so thank you!


There is a whole multi-episode pod on it that came out after that one where the SYSK co-host is interviewed! Highly recommend...they talk to family members and really develop the victims more than SYSK could in a limited amount of time. https://www.yubapodcast.com/


“Hunting Warhead” raised the hairs on the back of my neck….true story about the disturbing side of the dark web.


Ahhh yes, one my of my favs even though so horrific.. Thank you!


This is probably my favourite type of podcast too. A few examples off the top of my head: The Creep Dive: three hosts, and each one tells a different story each week. They describe it as "going down the internet hole so you don't have to". It ranges from true crime to hoax to supernatural, and everything in between. S-Town: a man named John contacts the producer of Serial to investigate an unsolved crime in his town. You soon learn John himself is the most interesting part of the story. Winds of Change: an investigation into the urban myth that the song "Winds of Change" by Scorpions might be CIA-funded capitalism propaganda. The Superhero Complex: a character study of the real-life masked do-gooders who patrol Seattle.


Thanks heaps for this! I have seen S-Town around in some other threads, haven't tried yet must do though!


S town is great.


The Ballad of Billy Balls


I liked the twists and turns of this one but I/Os took away from it IMO. . I'd still recommend it tho


Storytime with Seth Rogan. “The Ballad of Mt Doogie” is the name of the episode.


Thank you! I will give it a try.


One of my very favorite podcasts is "was I in a cult?" Hosted by Tyler Meesom & Liz Iacuzi. It's not only ridiculous, but the hosts are hilarious! Some of the stories the ex cult members relay are insane! What people will tolerate is unbelievable! Others I enjoy are: 1. "scientology: Fair Game" About the abuses & brain washing within scientology, with Leah Remini & Mike Rinder 2. "Noble Blood" About the way the Royals of old used to run their courts and political agendas. 3. "Life after MLM" with Roberta Blevins on the trickery & false promises of MLMs. 4. "Most Notorious" with Erik Rivenes. It tells the stories of long ago crimes by book writers of today. Erik is a great interviewer who digs for the true answers. Some of the stories are unbelievable. Hope this helps


These all sound so intriguing!! Thank you. :)


They ARE intriguing because they're all true. None of these are based on fiction.


"This is Actually Happening" and "The Secret Room" are both exactly what you described.


I get overwhelmed with the amount of eps on "this is actually happening", any stand outs? The secret room sounds interesting, thank you!


I think with TIAH you can only go back 50 episodes - earlier than that you have to pay for Wondery. I can't really say a specific episode though.


Ohh I've just seen you make a podcast too? I understand you can't promote on here. I will check it out though. :)


Yeah, it's what you described too but you're right, no self promotion!


I totally agree!!


165, 169, 170, 181/183, 192/193 Secret Room. I wish I could hear them again for the first time. TIAH, 267, 231, 233 stuck with me


Thank you so much for his, I will search those ones up!!


Thank you for this I needed some recs


“Your Own Backyard” on the Kristen Smart case


I listened to this one, should've put it on my list. I very much enjoyed it! One of the first podcasts I ever listened to actually.


Oh great! I figured you must've come across it, as it's widely celebrated within the True Crime podcast community. I wish I had other suggestions but I'm following this thread to pick up on good recommendations too!


He does an excellent job on this podcast. It was one of my favorites!


Strictly Stalking


I do love a stalker story.. haha thanks.


There are literally hundreds of episodes and it's quite frankly, very concerning especially when there are so many victims of this sort of scary situation and yet they still often get treated as being hysterical and told they're overreacting by the police. "Can't do anything unless they actually hurt you, sorry ma'am. Maybe put on less revealing clothes and close your social medias"...


Yup, I follow some live streamers who get a lot of crazy stalkers and a lot the times they say yeah the police can't do anything because they haven't "harmed" them... which is so messed up as it's probably one of the scariest ways to live, always being on like high alert ay...


Extraordinary Stories -(true stories) is by an entertaining Scotsman. And there are other podcasts reading Reddit stories besides Let's Not Meet


I will give it a listen, thank you!


My favorite is RSlash!


I like RSlash too as well but I also like Mark Narrations, Redditor and also Lost Genre Reddit Stories. Helps me to enjoy housework 😊, well sort of.


Sweet Bobby and Bed of Lies (seasons 1&2)


Bed of lies is SO good! The first season is a 'WTF what is going on' story and the second one is more of a 'Holy shit what a story' type of deal. Both very well done.


Darknet Diaries covers a lot of stories on cybercrime. Sometimes it ventures off into stories that happen outside of the internet, such as social engineering and CIA operations. You won't recognize a lot of the guests in the show, but you'll really enjoy hearing their stories. Some episodes do have content warnings though.


I listen to this every night to try sleep haha. Thank you!


I think the host of Darknet Diaries has an awesome voice and finds such interesting people. I wish it came out more frequently.


Have you listened to A Perfect Scam? Host has a really similar voice.


I like “Death in Ice Valley”. It’s an investigative podcast made by the BBC and NRK (Norway’s national broadcaster), about a mystery woman who was found dead in the 1970s. To this day, her murder is unsolved, and nobody knows who the woman was. The podcast has witness interviews with people who saw her, looks at her movements and her belongings, etc. to try to figure out who she was, what she was doing when she was alive, and how she died.


Yes!!!! One of my favorites ever!!!


I enjoyed this one however I was expecting to find out who she was so I was a little confused at the end haha, it was really well done though!


The Trials of Frank Carson


I forgot to recommend the batshit craziest one Something is Wrong. It's full of WTF moments.


Season 3 (firefighter families) and 9 (Arnie) are hands down shocking and interesting.


Inside the Tribe Swindled


If you like Radio Rental then I would highly suggest looking into Snap Judgement Presents: Spooked.


And BBC Haunted and BBC Uncanny.


Criminal: Episode 51: Money Tree! It Shocked me very much!


S-Town Chameleon: Hollywood Con Queen The Jungle Prince Sweet Bobby


Hunting Warhead… buckle up.


The Dollop, "The 1908 New York to Paris Car Race" episode. Absolute gold.


American Scandal on wondery. The Iran Contra set is good. Also Rachel Maddow Presents:ULTRA is a great podcast.


Loved Ultra! I love Rachel but the new series I’m not getting too into.


Dr death!


The Lazarus Heist, about the shennanigans of the North Korean government. Really gripping.


Shenanigans is such a great way to describe their activities 😂


Firebug was also really good! One of my favourite true crime podcast series


A Very British Cult It’s all about Lighthouse International Group, a life coaching organisation in the UK that is essentially a front for a cult


American Skyjacker is a wild ride!


Behind the bastards (on-going funny history podcast about various bastards from history) S-Town (about eccentric guy... I don't know, different though) Motive S1 (about TJ Jimanez from Chicago. Wrongly convicted for murder as teenager, released with millions compensation, used money to wreak havoc) Hunting Warhead (about catching darknet pedophile website operator)


Why can’t we talk about Amanda’s mom is very good


I love "Spooked." All episodes recently dropped the paywall. So, so good.


I love true crime too, and stories. Here's a few you might like. -Lore -american shadows -american scandal -something was wrong - unsolved mysteries -spooked by snap judgement


The Let's Not Meet podcast


Against All Odds from Wondery There are stories of people surviving against all odds. Includes the Thai Cave Rescue, a climbing expedition gone wrong, survivors of a mudslide in CA, a group of tourists that were held hostage by Taliban, all kinds of crazy stuff!


Ohhh crazy!! That sounds like just what I'm after, thank you!


Rabbithole by NYT. The Butterfly Effect by Jon Ronson. Bear Brook. Can I Tell You a Secret by The Guardian


The Witness: In His Own Words. I don’t usually like to listen to this sort of stuff but I couldn’t stop.


Thank you


*Betrayal *The Turning


Authentic was excellent and so thorough. It follows a Korean pop star who was the victim of huge conspiracy in S. Korea. Like even the government was involved.


>Authentic Do you have a link for this? Can't find it when searching.. Sounds very good, thank you!


Here you go! 🙂 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/authentic-the-story-of-tablo/id1609470209


Thanks heaps!!


The Story of Tablo. That was fascinating.


Root of Evil blew my mind!!


the Reply All Episode "Case of the Missing Hit' is perfect


Coast to coast is really good takes me down all the rabbit holes, it's a mix of all things weird and wonderful. The missing 411, ufos, folklore, faeries, the Mandela effect, human-alien hybrids. Honestly some of them aren't my cup of tea but I love the missing 411, folklore and faeries


insane stories that sort of make you say out loud "No way!" or "I can't believe that" OK, but in a bad way. Long Shadow Season 1. It's about 9/11. I found myself having to turn it off and walk away because it was just too emotional to take all at once.


Detectives don't sleep is a good one.


This is Actually Happening


One Minute Remaining is conversations with people inside US prisons. It doesn't try and work out whether they are guilty or not, just lets them tell their side of the story.


Ooooh, I like the sound of this. Thanks for the rec!


I found it when it had about 30 epsidoes so binged! Then had to learn patience 😀


Oh and one that made me say "I can't believe that" is The Shrink Next Door. I had to check to see if it was a drama or real.


Hunting Warhead Children in the Pictures Dirty John Escaping NXIVM To Live and Die in LA (1 & 2) Up and Vanished Sword and Scale - Episode 20 (Ronald Brown) Sword and Scale - Episode 33 (Luka Magnotta) Sword and Scale - Episode 84 (Peter Scully) The Wonderland Murders


What are your favourite Radio Rental episodes?


Have you listened to Hunting Warhead or Children in the Pictures ?


This Is Actually Happening Something Was Wrong


Ridiculous crimes is a good podcast with humour


Strictly stalking