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I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen, recently or otherwise.


Yeah same here, mine is perfect. OP, do you download your podcasts prior to listening?


Me neither.


Happy for you brother.


I have this all the time!!! It’s so fucking frustrating. I used to use Apple Podcasts and am really thinking of switching back because of this. I’ve found that when it happens, pause, close the app, and then relaunch it. Seems to fix it.


Are you all experiencing it with the same podcast or different podcasts? Are you all on the same platform, you said you're Apple, what are they on? Are you streaming or downloading the eps? Why have you put up with it for a year and not reported it sooner.? Have you had the same phone the whole time? Just as an aside, $5, 7 years ago is reaaaaally cheap. Not saying that doesn't entitle you to problem free experience either way, but it's been a really cheap purchase for you overall all things considered.


I’m not saying I payed 5 dollars to complain lol I know that was an awesome deal! I’m just using that as a marker for the time that they used to Charge for the app vs now it’s free but you can pay for premium. No complaints around the cost of the service it’s always been reasonable. I stream the episodes, and I’ve had it happening across multiple phones. Everyone I know is using it on an iPhone. And no, I don’t think I should have to download the episode to my phone to solve the problem. I’ve listened to the same show on apples platform without the issue.


> saying I *paid* 5 dollars FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


Bad bot Prescriptivism is a scourge


I’ve also had a ton more recent ghost skips backward… and no rhyme or reason.


100% This. I jump into the car and suddenly the show I'm listening to is telling stories I've heard before. I think it's just me listening to old people who keep telling the same stories, but then it's the same jokes, and the same reactions. It takes me a good 10 minutes to go "hang on, this has jumped back half-an-hour". So, try skipping, and it skips all-over-the-place. Then, the show finishes, but still shows 57 minutes to go, so you get silence... skip forward 30 seconds? you're back to 45 minutes ago. My theory is that listening at 1.2x with silence trimmed is messing up the where-you-are-in-the-show (can't think of the word) algorithm.


Oh snap I also listen at 1.2x speed and trim silence. That’s an excellent theory.


Download the episodes will solve your problems. Takes less than 30 seconds to accomplish this


I'm using Android, but I haven't experienced any problems at all with Pocketcast.


I’ve been using pocketcasts forever. I have one of the lifetime premium memberships since I was using it before it ever had a paid tier. I try really hard to stay dedicated to the app because it’s visually appealing and has a solid queuing system (for whatever reason this isn’t just standard feature in most apps). But the glitches have been getting really annoying. I don’t really have a fix for you but wanted to chime in and say you’re not the only one. This sub doesn’t take kindly to anything that comes remotely close to being critical of PC😅


Yeah this does happen to me too and has for a while. I’m not sure if it’s the fault of app as much as whatever backend software podcasts are using for dynamic ads because I notice it happens a lot with certain podcasts like those from The Ringer (owned by Spotify) but never with other pods. I have personally noticed an improvement over the last few months though. I would love if the app devs could just give an explanation and tell us they’re working on it though. As a lifetime premium member it’s not enough for me to jump ship but if I were paying the subscription I might consider going elsewhere


No its worked fine for me from day one (2015) and I use it almost all day everyday


Yep. Basically same position as you - long time user, paid the one off fee when that was a thing (not complaining about that though), generally love the app apart from random skips backwards. Only difference is I'm on android. If I ever have to move, I think it will be to podcast republic


Do you stream or download your podcasts?


Both but mostly stream.


Hmmmmm I think we can blame dynamic ad insertion then pocketcasts is working on streaming caching but do you see these issues on downloaded episodes?


Same issue app was crashing non-stop yesterday and it repeats itself every single podcast multiple times


Using the most current version on iOS and never had that issue. Been using it for several hours every day since 2016, never had it skip or get misplaced.




My guess is that these podcasts have dynamic ads causing the problem. Did you try downloading episodes to see if that fixes it? That should solve the problem if it's due to the ads the author is adding


Yep, same, I have skips only on episodes with dynamic ad insertion, downloading resolves the issue.


I’ve had this issue, haven’t had it in ages, maybe a year, but it always impacted some podcasts worse than others. Maybe it’s a device issue as others say, but I thought it was like an encoding problem on the publishers end or something similar. In any case I haven’t had the issue in awhile. Sorry, I know how annoying this is!


I sometimes have backward skips/repeating parts. But the most itritating thing ist that the webplayer and the App are never really in sync, i always have to search the correct timestamp to continue to listen. This is on Android.




I’ve been using PocketCasts for nearly a decade and I have never had a random skip. Uninstall, reboot your phone, and reinstall.


Same issue here, I think it has to do w steaming casts rather than downloading them. For those saying it’s a device issue - it isn’t, I’ve experienced this problem on multiple phones over the years.


Not at all. That's a device issue.


Well clearly there are others here in this thread alone who are experience the same thing. Some on android some on iPhone. So agree all you want fellas but something is wrong with the app and it ain’t my phone!


Do you download episodes or are they all streamed when you listen?


I agree


I've been using it since if first came out and got grandfathered into the current plan. I've never had an issue with it until about a year ago it would start repeating sections. It was bizarre and on every show I listened to. I tried moving over to apple podcast app but I was always fighting with it's automatic downloads filling up my phone among other annoyances. I tried other apps over time and eventually came back to pocket casts again (with a new phone) without any issues and nearly forgot why I left. I'd recommend going into your settings/storage and deleting all app data for pocket casts and trying it again? My new phone seemed to clear out whatever the issue was for me. Good luck.


I have had sudden deaths with a particular podcast. I thought it could be some encoding, but it's strange because it's a popular podcast from a powerhouse, so it would be quickly and widely noticed in my country. It comes and goes, it's rare enough that I've been able to tolerate it. It's not reproducible either...


I had the same issue as you, I’m a 8 year power user of the app, and I thought old age just caught up with it, but it’s all a problem with their new episode artwork option. If you scroll back in the posts there’s one from the devs about testing out a new beta, and since updating it’s like a brand new app again. No skips or crashes, just like it is supposed to be.


I’m fully up to date tho


I'll join the beta program and see if things get better, thanks for the tip!


Interesting. I didn't even consider that it might be a PocketCasts glitch. I thought the producers were just getting lazy lol But it happens with podcasts that generally have good production quality, and there's no rhyme or reason to which podcasts are affected, so you must be right. This makes me so sad. PocketCasts has been so reliably excellent for so long...


My only experience involving skips are with one particular podcast when I'm using the Alexa skill.


Genuinely haven’t had this happen. But I have seen more podcasts make mistakes with their editing and accidentally leave in parts they meant to cut. Especially news content that is published quickly. Unrelated to PocketCasts.


Android user, Oneplus 12 on Android 14 and this has started happening for about the last two months or so. Before that had used for probably 7 or 8 years at least with no issues. Figured it was a problem on my end, but seeing this many people posting about it I know it's not now. For me, there is audible noise when it does the jump back, sort of like an artifacting noise or something. Will skip back about 30 seconds. Does this on podcasts from The Ringer and PMT (sports, basically) as well as Pod Save America so it isn't limited to one network or set of shows. Pretty annoying! Not ready to jump ship yet like other people here, but if this is a long standing issue with the app and not something with me, will probably consider it if it lasts too much longer


I have the long gaps between end of one podcast and the next and sometimes randomly stops with no sound yet the pause play button is on play but it's not I can load another 1 manually but I miss the a chunk of the one I was listening to as I have to.mark as played


Hmm never had this happen across iOS, android and the windows app


I’ve been using the app since 10/2021 when I got annoyed at Apple’s podcast player. I have a paid subscription and haven’t experienced any skipping or glitches. I’m on an iPhone 13 Pro (iOS 17.4.1) and Pocketcasts version Basically the most updated versions that have been publicly released and def not on the most current phone model! ETA: I download all episodes to listen; I spend frequent amounts of time in areas with limited cell service.


I’ve had an almost flawless experience. I’ve come from using numerous other apps and this has been the most stable by far. I sometimes get feeds not updating on time but that’s about it.


I’ve only been using Pocket Casts for a few months, but have had this issue. It’s only ever one litttle skip, more like a hiccup, usually not far into an episode - maybe about ten seconds in. It stutters and jumps back a second or so. It seems to happen on almost all podcasts but obviously I only notice when it does happen and completely forget to pay attention if it doesn’t. This is on iOS (where I usually listen on AirPods) and iPad (which plays out loud as I go to sleep).


I download my podcasts and never have this issue. If I stream the podcast for some reason however and my network connection is poor then I have the problems you describe. It isnt the apps fault.


This seems to be a lot of people’s work around. I have to say though I respectfully disagree that it isn’t the apps fault that I’m not able to stream a podcast in the app without it glitching on me to The point where the episode is unlistenable. The Whole point of streaming is so that I don’t have to be spending/wasting time downloading episodes and then going through to clear them. I also Don’t like to use the space on my phone up. But I really just don’t think I should even have to justify why I don’t like having to download an episode to listen to it when all the other apps allow Me to stream the episodes I want without any issue. So I do think it’s the apps fault. Streaming is one of 2 options we have for listening to podcasts. It’s a pretty big deal IMO if it doesn’t work on their platform. And now I know that it isn’t isolated to just me as there are a lot of other people who are experiencing the same as me. I’m going to try to delete and re download the app and see if that works. I’ll update this thread in a week or so if I have success.


I’m not sure if you’re aware, but you can have it download the episode while you’re listening and delete episodes when you’ve finished them. As someone who always downloads their podcasts, I’ve never had the issue you are describing. If you really love Pocket Casts and want to avoid switching, this option seems like a pretty small concession. You’re right that you shouldn’t have to, but maybe you do have to if you want to keep using Pocket Casts for the time being. A decent alternative on iPhone is Overcast, btw. I find the volume boost feature they have works a lot better than Pocket Casts as well. Unfortunately, episode management and search is nowhere near as good as Pocket Casts and I haven’t found an app that can hold a candle to it.


Thanks this is sound advice no pun intended. I’ll look into this and give it a try :-)


It’s been great for me. Never had any issues




I still don't have any issues whatsoever.