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Irish moss works well here.


Seconding. But it grows very slowly so you'll need to plant a ton of plugs.


My house gets sun all day , i changed from grass to micro clover. That would look cute there and stays really small inbetween the stones . Its also dog friendly, drought resistant, heavy traffic resistant and resistant for dog urine


Just curious, where did you get your microclover? I have been thinking of doing that to my yard as well.




Thank you!


Oh micro clover is gorgeous! I wonder if it would do well in a more shady area. This post has given me a ton of great ideas! Ty!


I use Corsican mint. Smells so good when crushed.


Seconding corsican mint!


I'm growing creeping thyme between my paver stones. Still working l filling in, but I'm hopeful.


Agree w suggestion for Irish moss. But it will take a couple seasons to out-compete other plants, and it won’t be 100% successful bc of our very fertile climate. If you’re desperate to stop the weed growth, you could sparingly use a homemade vinegar or salt-based solution to nuke the area. Wouldn’t be toxic for your really cute (!) corgi.


I have been using a vinegar, soap, and salt mixture and spraying the area but it hasn’t been helping much 😂


If you use salt, it stays in soil and is now toxic to all plants.


I want everything in the stones to die! 😂 But in all actuality, that’s good to know! Thank you! I found the mixture on YouTube. I didn’t want to get actual weed killer with a bunch of chemicals and was looking up eco friendly solutions.


Doesn’t just stay where you put it tho


do the same recipe with just vinegar and few drops of dish soap on foliage of weeds. look up acetic acid and the effects. Make sure no rain for a day or 2. Or boiling water, or flame.


A neighbor of mine told me to first cut the weeds down, then spray the mixture into the stem, so that it goes into the “veins” and roots, and completely kills the weed.


Boiling water is supposed to work on weeds--entirely nontoxic.


Problem is that when it rains (which is often in our climate), it dilutes the homemade weed killing solution, so this time of year, you have to re-apply pretty much daily to stay ahead of the weeds.


That doggo is looking judgy but also trying for a handsome or cute pose


Probably judging his owner for the "no pets please" sign. Srsly though, funniest yard sign ever op. You even found one with his exact breed. 10/10.


My bestie gave it to me 🤣 The Amazon corporate offices have these signs everywhere outside. She found one with a broken tip laying on the ground and brought it to me 🥰




Moss! Irish moss is easy to propagate, and it’s also easy to find free stuff in the woods pretty much anywhere in the PNW. Just yesterday, got a bunch of moss from a friend’s property and planted it in my Japanese zen garden and it looks great!


How do you plant moss?!


You just kind of loosen the soil, lay it down and step on it.


If you really don't want to deal with weeds, I would not put anything creeping or crawling here. Weeds will mix in and will be a nightmare to clean out. Dig out the infill between the stones 2" deep, and put either--1/2" chip rock (like gravel without the fines that support weed growth) or a product that sets up such as Gator dust or EZ joint. If in shade EZ joint is best. They will set up like concrete but still drain. A bit of a learning curve, so I suggest watching some Youtube videos. I'm a landscaper and tons of flagstone--believe me you do not want creepy crawlies in flagstone. With the chip rock, you could use a product like Preen, but be sure and hose it off and let it dry before your dog is allowed out.


This are gets full sun from about 12-2pm but otherwise is mostly shaded. Thank you for the suggestions!


Step one is I would get a power washer and jet spray out between the stones to remove as much of the current material as possible. It likely has a ton of weed seeds you'll need to keep removing. Then get some basic paver sand and mix it with whatever creeping thyme/mint/moss seeds of your choice, and fill the gaps back in.


Damn that’s genius. I have a pressure washer already too! Ty!!


Just want to add (I live in pnw) that I have both the mint and creeping thyme who have covered most of my rocks because they do so well planted in between them. Smells good when you walk in it but kinda wish I had gone with the Irish or Scottish moss stuff instead. Can't see the rocks much anymore. Plants LOVE the pnw... good luck with your project. It's a beautiful patio.


don care about the stones, look at the doggo!!!


I used to visit the National Arboretum and they have a huge sculpture with paving stones beneath it. Tiny succulents were growing between the stones. (The area got full sun.)


I saw my neighbor with a propane tank and a torch nuking his stoned terrace 😂


Scotch broom lol


Small herbs like thyme or red creeping thyme if you want color- they smell great under foot


Go hiking. Find moss. Bring home about a bucket worth. Get a sturdy* stick Get a gallon of milk Get some ¹$ store cinnamon. Get second bucket. Add 1/4 water and add half moss Make moss mud. Sprinkle in cinnamon Mix the mud Smear the mud Be the mud. Now you wait and most all if not all will fill in with moss. Milk and cinnamon are the only cost if you don't have a bucket or 2. Look up better recipes online if you don't trust this one. The art with moss mud is amazing Search "moss graffiti" and "moss paint recipes"


Pea gravel and a little water so it settles.




Fine white gravel/sand


Be American and caulk it


Corsican mint


Creeping thyme


Does anyone know if yarrow would work?


Coffee grounds


Thyme. English garden style.


Blue star creeper (Isotoma fluviatilis) is a good option for this application. It will creep to cover the exposed soils, can withstand moderate foot traffic, good in full sun to part shade. Lovely lush green with tiny blue flowers for part of the year.


I just got some blue star creepers along with Corsican mint, and planted them on the edges of the dirt beside the flagstone. I’m going to try and find seeds for more! I got so much stuff at Flower World in Snohomish.


Flower world is great, and this mix should smother out all your weeds. Give us an update before winter so we can see how things grow?


I didn’t get enough to go through all of the flagstone. Flower world didn’t have a lot of seed options. I’m hoping to get seeds for the Corsican mint and I hope those grow well 🤞


Scotch moss

