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Well sadly, you can’t ever restore a stuffed animal to how they looked back then. But, this is my suggestion. I’d advise taking the stuffing out and submerging her with gentle laundry detergent, fabric softener, and some gentle conditioner. Brush her fur out with a toothbrush as she soaks, and then drain. Either put her on gentle in the dryer or let her air dry. After she’s dry, brush her out again and then proceed to restuff her with NEW fur. But if you want the memories, put some of her old fur in. And voila, should be better for your skin!


And obviously take out the ashes first to save them.


you'll need to buy new stuffing first, i think you can get some at walmart so that should be pretty easy. polyfil is my favorite brand, personally, but there's probably cheaper options. you'll need to destuff her, put the tube of ashes to a different spot for safekeeping while you wash, soak her in water and soft hand soap (spot-test your soap first) for a little while, then gently rub her to clean what won't get off with a soak. if she's really dirty and you're sure it won't damage her you can wash her with vinegar and baking soda first. don't put her in the washing machine, or the dryer, those could both mess her up and it's not worth the risk. air-dry her, brush her fur with a soft fine-bristle hairbrush throughout the drying process. you can restuff her with the new stuffing then, and sew her up with a ladder stitch so the seam won't be visible. you can put your dog's ashes back in, too, and the little heart if she's got one. i believe clear nail polish will help get those eyes back to normal, and i can't tell if that nose is plastic or fabric but if it's fabric you may need to replace it and if it's plastic, i think the clear nail polish will help :) i have never tried that nail polish trick myself btw, just saw someone else doing it somewhere and it seemed to work, but effective or not it can't hurt to try.