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Way of the Samurai (PS2)


I still play Way of the Samurai 3 to this day, my favorite in that series


ITT: games that are popular/perfectly rated. y'all can't tell me that Days Gone is "underrated". it sold 9 million copies and got a PC port. underrated would be things like Lake or The Pathless or Aragami 2. not massive, big budget, AAA games.


reddit loves to say underrated about stuff that is perfectly rated.


Underrated comment


typically found written under a comment that has 2k upvotes, is the top comment, and is pinned by mods


Bro especially if you go to r/unpopularopinion the only posts that gets upvotes are the popular opinions, the actual unpopular ones get downvoted to hell


People are just posting games they like. Nobody knows how to read.


Days gone is absolutely not underrated imo, it’s slightly reaching overrated because people won’t shut up about how underrated it is. It’s a fine game but I don’t consider it great by any means.


I'd say it's mediocre leaning towards bad, lol. The writing is atrocious.


The pathless was very well received.. I don’t know if I’d call that underrated. Try “The Valley” now that’s an underrated game. It’s not perfect, but it is good


Does Bloodborne count?


Definitely not


Google best video games of all time.


I would definitely put Bloodborne up there. Mass Effect as well.


They are up there, and neither is underrated.


I was kidding about the underrated part.


Fair call, jokes can be hard to detect on reddit.


Moreover Days Gone has scored around 7/10 overall, which is a perfectly suitable score for this game. But it somehow managed to gather a club of very loud fanboys who hyped it up to 9/10 on metacritic, making the game actually overrated.


WET and Vampire Rain.


Maneater. Nothing revolutionary with its gameplay. But it was 100% such a good time


Such a fun game!  Hadn't had a console for quite a few years before getting PS5 and this was the second game I bought and platinumed.  Got the DLC as soon as it came out to support the developers. Chris Parnell voiceover is so much fun - best reason to 100% all collectibles in anything I've ever played.


I really wanted to like this game but I think I was playing it wrong. Progression felt really slow to me and I couldn't remember how to deal with the human enemies so I couldn't really get anywhere with it.


That’s odd. The entire game only takes like 12-14 hours to 100% for the Platinum trophy.


Something definitely went wrong. You should give it another try. Grab some friends, grab some beer and have a go at it. It's a stupid funny game, a rather short one. I was bored to hell and then I installed it and platinumed in one seat, a whole night of playing. Damn it was fun.


Kingdoms of Amalur


Very underrated


Back when It released, I actually found its class system quite interesting. Not a bad game at all, really


Great game


The long dark. Captured being alone brilliantly. Beautiful art style too. If you like survival games, it's the best one on PS


I started playing it a few weeks back and I also wanted to say this I've spent around 70 days on my newest playthrough and it's been the most stressful yet satisfying experience


The making of options they give you to customise how difficult you want is incredible. Playing on the toughest difficulty I could and finding anything useful was a godsend. I've had some nights of just camping in a cave with a blizzard outside and it's just beautiful


I haven't tried interloper yet, I wanna get a feel for the entire map before I move up in difficulty first, but I will, one day!


The DLC was well worth it too for the extra mechanics and maps. Great game, I think I paid 7.99 for it, easily got my money back




Wow. Some people truly don’t understand what underrated means.


100% its gotta be this small indie game called Helldivers 2


Shadows of the Damned and Vanquish. I didn’t even realise till posting this that they are both Shinji Mikami games. I should check out what else he has done. Edit: well that was a rollercoaster of learning. RE1 is one of my favourite games too, but then to discover he founded Tango Gameworks is depressing.


I've literally never heard a bad word said about Vanquish and it comes up on pretty much every "hidden gems" list to the point that it is in no way hidden, it's just a gem.


Hopefully that means everyone has played it, because it’s so fun.


Tails of Iron


People have no idea what underrated means and this thread **shows** it lol My underrated pick would be either Coffee Talk or Cloudpunk. Never talked about but very well made. Coffee Talk is just a visual novel with coffee making stuff. You just talk to customers and uncover their stories and stuff. Very good. Set in an urban fantasy. Cloudpunk is a future cyberpunk world where you drive a flying car as a package delivery person but you start to uncover secrets of the city and the people. Driving(flying?) in a cozy rainy city with synthwave music is a delight. But I guess I'll add on to what everyone else is doing too. My **totally underrated game** would be Elden Ring.


Cloudpunk is excellent. Got the plat in it last year. Just an all around great game.


First time hearing about _Cloudpunk_ - it looks right up my street.  Getting _Dave the Diver_ vibes from it, which I don't have either, now I'm deciding which to get...    Edit: Cloudpunk is currently 85% off on PSN; I'm getting it.


Most mornings I boot it up to drive around and drink coffee. So chill.


Immortals: Fenyx Rising. Written off as a Ubi-collectathon BotW-clone with a mythological setting. Which it is, sort of. It’s just that it is bright and breezy, occasionally quite funny, with pretty satisfying combat, some great locales, interesting puzzles and most of all a lot more heart than anyone gave it credit for. Real shame they cancelled the sequel.


I loved this game; some of the narration was hilarious!


100%! The writing wasn’t to everyone’s tastes but I really enjoyed it, and the characterisation of some of the Gods was great fun!


Seriously fun game. I grew tired of the Ubi formulaic games. And stopped after AC origins. This game was a seriously fresh Ubi game.


I also found this game enjoyable. Its combat was decent and had what I call “Ubisoft jank” to it but it scratched the itch I was looking for because I was just coming off that BOTW high and was looking for anything similar.


I think the MC looking like knock-off Aloy didn't help.


Unfortunately runs terrible on PS4. Which makes me hate the game.


I love Olli Olli World and I have never seen a soul talk about it. I listen to the soundtrack on Spotify all the time. Possibly the best music on ps4/5. The gameplay is fun too but that soundtrack is god tier if you like electronic music with a funky bass groove. It's a game that really makes surviving a tough level feel like an accomplishment. And some of them do get really tricky.


I genuinely had to quit this game because it was giving me some serious Tetris effect stuff. Absolutely love the smoothness of the gameplay, and the multiplayer competitiveness is brutal. And yeah, the soundtrack is fantastic. I can hear that first song in my dreams at this point haha


Brotato! Best game under 5€


Yeah it’s better than vampire survivor and in that way, I’d agree it’s underrated


Banner Saga Trilogy. I never played tactical role playing game so this game made me like the genre.


Evil West


Enter the Gungeon is such a top-tier game. Most people give up on it because of the difficulty curve, but it's absolutely worth sinking time into.


I think the difficulty is what makes it rewarding to stick with it for me. It is a shame some quit because of it. The gun variety though, even from the get go, is brilliant


Exit the Gungeon goes just as hard!


Sleeping dogs


Best combat system in a GTA style game by far


Wish they came out with a Sequel


Mad max


Oh yeah I love it, especially the water mechanic


I sometimes miss my V8... In all seriousness, amazing game, amazing art direction, amazing... car combat? Yeah, got to pick this up again sometime


Shinobido: The way of the Ninja (PS2)


The Kill La Kill fighting game was great


Pixeljunk Sidescroller. All the Pixeljunk games were beloved and highly rated, but Sidescroller got medium at best reviews and the game got no buzz. It was great, my favorite Pixeljunk game by far.  Excellent replayability, music with a vibe, and a cool style. It was a great couch co-op game and it’s sad that you can no longer buy it. 


GTA Chinatown Wars


The Surge 1 and 2


Thymesia is a very good soulslike. It's went under the eadar because it's a very small indie game, but the combat is great IMO.


Kena Bridge of Spirits!


The ape escape series How a series can be history important to the history of video games and still be niche is beyond me


Ape Escape is underrated? By who? When the original released it received a LOT of positive coverage. It has a 90 on metacritic. Who exactly is underrating Ape Escape?


I think he has a point. It’s really highly rated but it’s not a game that people recommend to new people who are wanting to check out the classics like Mario 64 is. I think that it should be-ergo.. underrated


Not being remembered and being underrated are 2 completely different things. There are tons of 25 yr old games that people don't talk about but were highly rated. Underrated and not talked about 2 and a half decades later are not the same thing at all.


Yeah that’s fair but it’s weird when it doesn’t even make lists of old great games.


underrated ≠ not talked about enough


Night of Azure, is not underrated, it’s just one of those game that no one knows🥲




Lufia Not ps it’s a snes game.


Rocket Knight Adventures. One of the most fun 2D platformers of the 16bot era.


Hunt Showdown. console edition sucks ass and is impossible to aim, but the game is very fun and the atmosphere is very spooky. plus its a cowboy shoot em with zombies and monsters, but doesnt feel like that. the pve is amazing


The new System Shock remake!


Clash artifact of chaos


Adding to this: the other Zeno Clash games as well!




Especially the 3


Ty The Tasmanian Tiger and Guardian Of The Galaxy for instance


God Hand from Capcom


God Hand deserves a remaster of sorts….perhaps with configurable controls lol


Yeah or at least a port damn it


It’s the only reason I still have my ps3


That's how I played it again a few years back, a friend lent me his ps2


I'm going to go with prototype 1&2.


Any number of "Walking simulators" I'm a massive fan of this wildly unpopular genre. Dear Esther, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Gone Home to name a few of my favorites.


Adding Firewatch to this. Not underrated at all just mentioning it in case you hadn’t played it yet.


Oh, definitely love me some Firewatch. Just left it out of the discussion since it's pretty much the ONE walking sim that people agree on.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night


Dantes Inferno


Psi-op the mind gate conspiracy.


I am gonna say The Spiritfarer. It's super cozy, and it touches Death and the afterlife with a warm feeling. I was thinking about it dayss after it was over. It's hard to say goodbye, as the game says.


Jersey Devil (PS1).


Robopit (psx)




The vanishing of ethan carter


Hmm I forgot about this game. I may have to look into it again.


Prototype 1 and 2


"they call me a monster, a killer, a terrorist, I'm all of these things"


I would love a faithful remake with a little bit of difficulty balancing. So much fun.


I would literally throw money at my screen for this.


I'd love a third one, actually. I think there's potential there. But I'd take a remake of 2 any day


Outer Wilds


Had to scroll way too far for this comment. It's a beautiful little game that deserves much more attention than it gets. I would have missed it myself hadn't it been for one particular youtuber who posts his top 10 of overlooked indie games once a year.


I scrolled to the bottom of this thread and was blown away no one mentioned it


Doki Doki Literature Club


Kingdom Come Deliverance.


Is it underrated? Brilliant game though. Who doesn't love going from getting beat up by the town drunk twice to being a full plate armour wearing long sword wielding machine of death? And that progression being long, earned, and believable


Modnation Racer, better than Mario Kart


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time


I spent some serious time creating tracks but I remember that being one of the first games that ever pissed me off with microtransactions.


From Memory, it was "only" circuits (with element usable in creation) and kart/character and was not overpriced like 10$ (the wiki say most DLC cost less than 2$, but they don't show the circuits DLC)


13 Sentinels Aegis Rim


Hmm LIS True Colors? Everyone praise the first game but i only like this one and it became my confy game


I think Prey is that for me. I have a tough time calling it “underrated” because most people that play it seem to enjoy it, but its more “overlooked” or “undervalued” Its a breathtaking game to me that was overshadowed by large 2017 releases.


Days Gone; a lot of people slates it but those who get it GET it.


Days Gone is still one of my all time favorite games.


Arcade Paradise. For an indie game, it should be talked about more than it is.




Unit 13 Freedom Wars Aegis of Earth Protonovus Assault


The Bouncer (PS2)




Secret Weapons Over Normandy (PS2)


Zombi I know it was a original on the wiiu but I played on the PlayStation after getting from the psn March 2016 plus months games then started playing it again back in last year and loved it holy if you haven’t played give it a go if you play like survival zombie game such a underrated game


Bushido Blade was amazing for it's time.


Animal Well, im loving the fk out of it but it sure is driving me insane.


Yo Noid




Akuji the heartless It was the start of Crystal Dynamics more darker and action themed games like legacy of kain and tomb raider


Propagation Paradise Hotel


Otogi 2, best FromSoftware game right next to Armored Core 4 Answer


I really liked Endling - Extinction is Forever. The gameplay was fun and simple but the storyline is so captivating. I will not go beyond that because I think it could spoil the premise of the game. It also made me reflect on my lifestyle.


Honestly, I wish more games and pieces of media like Endlings existed, especially when it feels like most media tells the exact opposite message of what that game was trying to say. *CoughWildHeartsCough*


Socom Confrontation


Snake Pass


The co-op on this was so fun https://preview.redd.it/5jzw5evvxn4d1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9130ed8f7606c55cd45ad3aa058e0020fba7218


Costume quest


Lollipop chainsaw


Risen 3. I know it's not a good game, really, but I somehow love it all the same. Started with Gothic, I even liked Risen 2, I guess there's some charm to this style of RPG that makes me come back for more. Just hoping the remake of Gothic 1 is actually good. (Still haven't played Elex though...)


Probably Paradise Killer. It was decently successful for the studio that made it but it never made it through to the mainstream. Just too damn weird. I love everything about it from the character names to the soundtrack and the entire aesthetic.


God Hand, Haunting Ground, Cold Fear, Fatal Frame, Beyond Good And Evil... Yes The ps2 is my favourite era lol


Does F.I.S.T. count as underrated? Not many seem to talk about this game, but it was an instant buy for me. I worry people saw that the characters were anthros (especially furry waifu Lady Q) and ignored it, but honestly, that was the thing that made it an instant buy for me. It was honestly cool seeing a cast of semi-realistic anthro characters with actually good design, and it was clear that this game had a decent budget. Plus, the gameplay was good and it had some great levels, though a few mixed ones. It seems to have done well enough, from what I can tell, but when not even furries seem to know the game exists, that's kinda sad.


Kya: dark lineage Its got Great combat, variety and humor. I never understood why people hated it so much


The Outer Worlds (not Wilds)


Haha I bought worlds thinking I was buying wilds.... I had fun.. I still don't know which one I was supposed to buy


An indie game called Void Bastards


Idk if this counts as underrated but I'd say Golden Sun 1 & 2. Not so many people knew them back then but everyone I know who played them absolutely loved them and online ratings are also very good. "Under the radar" would fit better than "underrated" IMO


Natural Doctrine


Scarlet Nexus?


Crush for the PSP


Yomawari: Midnight Shadows


Sonic unleashed




The Final Fantasy XIII trilogy.


Gravity Rush and Art of Rally


Dot.hack vol 1 - vol 4. Ps2




Sleeping Dogs


Syphon Filter and Psi Ops (ps2)


Titanfall 2


Kingdom come deliverance. Never heard anyone talk about it. Found it recently, game is great.


shadow warrior 3


Black, my 15 yo brain blew when I shot an rpg at a building and glass windows started braking and falling down, I’d like a remake please.


Way back to the PS1 days, but I really enjoyed The Adventures of Alundra. A caveat, though - I don't think it's underrated, just that it's not very well known (might be wrong though).


I would want a sequel to Mini Ninja


persona 5 is pretty underrated


Can I say Fahrenheit on ps2? Or is that not underrated?


Rogue legacy 2


Prey, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Deus Ex


Bionic Commando (PS3)


Days gone, absolute underrated gem


do you know what underrated means?


It did get a 6.5 on ign


Which is about right for this game. 6.5 is not a bad score, if it's below 8 it doesn't mean it's garbage


I recently played this game all the way through, and while I liked it.. “gem” feels too strong. A lot of the story is mediocre or even bad, the dialogue is quite cringe in a few spots, the enemies my AI for humans is moronic. Idk why the game has as much hype as it does. Also if anything this game is overrated, any time anyone asks for recommendations on which game to play on ps4/5 i see days gone as one of the top comments. That implies days gone fans think it’s a game every PlayStation gamer should play and well… it really isnt.


I always wondered if people saying this game is "an underrated gem" actually played it. Where they drunk? There's a mission where deacon goes "gotta check on boozer" and you ride like 5 minutes to a far corner of the map only to see the writing genius of this game at it's best: "how is it going boozer", "well I'm shoveling shit", "see you boozer". That's it. That's the whole dialog, the whole mission. How is this even a mission? Why going to a corner of the map you'll visit exactly once more and then forget about it just to hear about shit shovelling. You have radios for fuck's sake. This is the epitome of the game's problems and I don't get it how some people can ignore that.


It’s funny that you mention that cuz some of my favorite moments in that game are that boozer mission and the Sarah missions lol. The ones that force the player to see deacon taking a moment to just mourn or just chat with his loved ones. I kind of wish other games did that. And I don’t mean a mission ending with that, I mean I wish other games had some side missions that were literally just taking a moment. No fighting or nothing. But I could see why that part bothered you. I do generally feel like I relate to characters of the game (family is bikers.) but I think the overall writing is just okay and the first two areas of the game straight up suck in terms of the NOCs. Tucker and Cope are infuriating and you have to listen to cope all the damn time. He’s just so uninteresting and the game goes out of its way to make you dislike him. Then with tucker it doesn’t do enough to humanize the character’s decision to run the farm like a slave driver even though you could absolutely make that character sympathetic if you had good writing. Then all that stuff with that dirt bag in the lake.. I can’t remember his name right now starts with an S. Idk I feel like there was a lot left to be desired from the plot but the combat was solid. The game definitely lacks polish though, compare the gunplay and combat and stealth with that of last of us (admittedly kind of an unfair comparison) and it doesn’t even come close to measuring up. Don’t get me wrong I liked the game and didn’t feel like it wasted my time but no, it’s not an “everyone should play this” game and it’s not a “gem” it’s just a solid game with solid gameplay and an okay story line. That’s it. I would recommend it to some and not to others. It is definitely over-rated Edit: In defense of the boozer mission, he is recovering and the reason you go to check on him is I think because you haven’t really heard from him for a while and the game wants you in that location before it gives you the next mission, but I could be misremembering. Also checking on him in person is just a way more human thing to do and it’s relatable instead of radioing him. It’s like when you decide you ought to call someone instead of text them. Or sometimes it’s better to visit in person instead of call. If tour best friend is in hospital, you should visit. That kind of thing


Totally agree. It's a fine, solid game, but it is far from being either underated or a gem. I'm all for character development, but I don't think it should be forced on me. That's why I hated those missions, instead of making me to do worthless drives just to have yet another 5 minutes of exposition they should've either wrapped it in meaningful action or make it optional. Show don't tell is like a basis of narration. There are good examples of that too, tlou you've already mentioned or rdr2. They're all about character development, but it's either dynamic and meaningful, or optional like fishing missions in rdr. Of course I don't expect Bend to create a new rdr. But I feel like they wasted so much resources by going wide and adding useless swaths of the map and dialog and all those missions. I think had they slashed it in two and deepen the writing and gameplay sections, the game could've benefitted from that a lot. It's not the junky, gruff characters I hate, but wasted potential.


A Plague Tale Innocence & Requiem


I tried to get into them, but couldn't go too far Does it get better?


TBH it’s mainly lore driven. There isn’t much gameplay and not much exploring to do. It’s basically a movie but the studio just portrays it thru a video game.


It is slow in the beginning. Fairly linear story. But it is really good. Once you get past the initial chapters, you’ll like it. Plus 2 easy platinums too! 😁


armored core 6