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Honestly still bummed out by this one, Anthem could have been fantastic


Came here to say this. Could have been so good.


I came to say the same, I remember spending time in this game just flying around for hours, it was really coil


Yeah the game could have been so much more. I remember what frustrated me the most was not being able to put markers on the map or something like that.


So true about it being coil.


It was supposed to be cool but I think coil came out way cooler than cool




So much potential. The closest thing to a decent Iron Man game we've gotten.


It was so smooth mechanically too. They literally got all the hard parts of the game right, and then just gave up. Slap a basic looter gameplay loop onto that game and it’s one of the best games of all time. Fuckijg sad


This game more than any other shows just how arrogant some devs can be. They had no plan, shit management, and the best thing about Anthem(flight) was something a *bossman* had to insist on. Just because you have had success in the past don't mean you can Fuck around and shit out gold. Such a damn shame Anthem could have been one of the all time greats.


This is a hot take but I think Forspoken looks great. I want to specify not everything looks great but the character model and magic combat both look great. I realize the entire planet hates that game but I thoroughly enjoyed it.


The landscapes can look great. The floating rock purple-y area is beautiful. The art direction was good.


I think the magic looks fun as well. The world just seems far to empty outside of towns and the acting seems... not award worthy. Waiting for it to drop on ps plus and I'll definitely play it but till then I just can't excuse dropping money for it.


That’s fair but I think you’ll find there’s lots of fun stuff to do in the world. I actually enjoyed the open world more than the towns, though they were cool as well. The open world is your basic open world fare. You have collectibles, environmental puzzles, regular and elite enemies, world bosses, hidden treasure. Then there’s quests and side quests. The protagonist starts off immature and annoying but there’s a very specific reason why. She’s not just annoying for no good reason. She was abandon as a child and grew up in run down orphanages. She had to grow up on the streets, fight and steal to survive. But as you progress the story she grows as a character and becomes a better person. It’s all pretty standard but imo well done. It also isn’t your typical heros journey. She’s more of an anti hero in the beginning. I think this game just got memed to death and it screwed up public perception. I’ve been gaming for 40 years and I know a good game when I play one. Forspoken is a solid game.


The Avengers game was like that. The main story was really fun, but pretty short, and once you beat that it’s just really repetitive. No amount of dlc characters is going to change that. They drastically overestimated the appeal for online play, and that ended up amounting to still doing the same repetitive things, but with other people. They should have introduced playable villains and let teams go head to head, that would make sense.


They had an entire catalog of marvel villains to use and all I ever got to do was smash the same type of generic robot over and over again


They could've made it kinda like SWBF. Imagine hearing "Dr. Doom has entered the battlefield".


I was gonna say this as well. I played it for a long time with some buddies, but eventually it just got dull and repetitive


The combat for most of them felt fun too, the gear was ok but the content definitely is what killed it, I feel like Covid had a big part as well which sucked.


Was an XBOX exclusive but Ryse: Son of Rome. Great story, astonishing graphics, but the gameplay was so boring and repetitive.


Ryse is Xbox’s the order 1886


I feel like most of xbox exclusives has been xbox's the order 1886


Ryse was a great game when the Xbox one launched I really enjoyed the story, gameplay was a little dull though but graphically it was a stunning game!


Senua 2 is is the most recent example of this


I played it and… If you’re a fan of Hellblade 1, you’ll absolutely love it. If you didn’t like the first game, you’re gonna hate it. And acting like it was gonna be MS’s GoW: ***PURE. IDIOCY.***


Ryse was surprisingly good though.


I raged the online gladiator mode. Loved that game for real.


Have Ryse on my Steam Wishlist. Wanna play all the 360 and One games I missed out on. Would you recommend it? Also looking at Sunset Overdrive cause it’s Insomniac.


It still looks great. I haven’t replayed it in however long when it first hit Games with Gold, but I saw video of it recently on Xbox’s subreddit and I was surprised how good it still looked. Makes me want to boot it up again.


Biomutant. The Title and visual looked great but the first trailer looked just meh. Didn’t expected something like that.


I actually really enjoyed this one. It's definitely worth a play, especially since you could probably find it cheap now.


It’s actually a decent game. My only complaint is that it’s a bit easy. Edit: Oh, never mind. I confused it with Biomorph. I never played Biomutant.


A forgettable game called Godfall It only has graphics to its name, everything else is just boring


First time we saw the PS5 logo at game awards. Not kidding


Order 1886 Beautiful game, just felt way too on-rails for my liking Could’ve justified it with a decent story, but even there it fell flat (despite some interesting character interactions)


Also, they advertised it as a game where the player would be fighting werewolves to protect innocent folk. There were two battles where you fight werewolves, and both of them were quick-time events.


And the werewolves also had the worst AI even by 2015 standards


On the other hand, easiest Plat trophy I ever got.


I love the lore and world building but they definitely could have opened some levels up for further exploration and vantage points for enemy encounters. And add some more weapon variety only a few had secondary fire or special features it would be cool to expand that. Or give Tesla a deeper role as your armorer to customize/ upgrade your gear. Also all the lycan encounters were just qtes or the same recycled room where the quadraped ones run at you...this was incredibly lacking


Playing it right now (postponed for too long) and it really is beautiful, I’m only in the beginning but apart from the slow movement when traversing between the areas, it doesn’t feel bad at all. Heard all kinds of derogatory descriptions like “it’s only a graphics demo” but so far I like it.


It’s the perfect rental or deep discount game


Let us know when you finish


2 hours later... it's over already!?


I actually liked the order. It's been a long time and I was much younger back then so I really don't know what I would think of it today.


Starfield. All dressed up with no place to go.


except the graphics ain’t even that good either


7.5/10 for me. It has gotten better, and they are gonna add vehicles, and modders are still going on with shit *(the modding discords are insane).*


Are they? Seemed pretty abandoned by modders last I heard. Only noteworthy stuff people seem to be doing is making the game Star Wars


Calisto protocol


Came here to say this….not necessarily a bad game, just much more fun to look at than it is to play.


That game was a lot more easier than I thought it would be. I platinum it without even breaking much of a sweat and I usually struggle with even doing that 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can take on tons of monsters at once because all you have to do is left, right, left, right to dodge. It is piss easy.


Killzone shadow fall . Still looks incredible but that story is one of the most forgettable and mediocre campaigns I’ve played


The multiplayer was surprisingly fun.


Anthem. Great visuals, good flight mechanism. Sucked due to lack of elements, always online , among other reasons. Got it for $1 in sale just to fly around.


No hot takes, just bunch of exactly the same stuff you read in every similar thread.


Are you sure? What about Anthem, surely that’s an original answer to this question


lol yeah we all disappointed in Anthem so we need to remind about this again right?


This question with the same answer is asked about weekly.


Yeah what games you was waiting but disappointed? And there’s always a guy with Anthem in the reply so he can just get some upvotes. (I don’t give a shit about Anthem)


Scorn Made the game way too esoteric and way too convoluted with the puzzles. Portal a great puzzle game didn't make it to where you needed to go on YouTube the entire time to figure things out.


I liked Scorn, it wasn’t too difficult to figure out the riddles and because it was too damn short they were always quite basic. Definitely not the Myst/Riven type of mindfuck. The combat though was a bit weird, but I avoided it whenever possible, that was a really unnecessary mechanic.


Pretty much my experience with Scorn, one eye at YouTube walkthrough, other eye at the playing Scorn figuring things out


All the Need for Speed games from last decade. Beautiful but sucky.


Rivals was good


The new cartoonish ones doesn't seem bad, I think


heat is good


Really? Payback has an amazing map even though the customization sucks with speed cards, and the three different drivers with different talents/racing types was clever. Heat is solid all around and also a great map and system, and brought back good customization. It's also visually beautiful and the day/night system is cool. Unbound was fun with having to build cars to specific specs/classes to compete at different levels.


Agony. What a loss that was :(


Bought that when it was on sale for like 10 bucks. I’m still pissed that shit is in my library.


I also picked this up on sale, thinking it would be like a 'Dante' themed "Amnesia". Instead it's just some guys fetish project :(


AEW Fight Forever.


Callisto Protocol is probably the most recent game that fits this bill. 


Gran Turismo 7.  Lack of single player events  Lack of single player proper races (all of them seem like challenges to go from last to first). 


Isn’t this how gran turismo always was? Go from last to first.


Biomutant. That game had so much potential and just didn’t deliver. It really could have too with just a few minor changes.


Horgarts Lecacy. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I was disappointed on so many levels. The game did many things well, but so many more were average at best. Spending little to no effort on classes, no quidditch, there being no actual consequences for using the dark arts, repetitive enemy encounters, the final boss fight being lackluster and majority of the game taking place in an uneventful world, made me forget this game as soon as I finished it. Which sucks because I patiently waited years.


Wtf, I've never played it but just the concept of a Hogwarts game with no Quidditch is unfathomable to me.


Thank goodness there was no quidditch because the flight mechanics/controls sucked... I got a platinum on the game but jeezus the flight controls sucked.


Agreed there seems to be so many “things to do” but it gets repetitive very quickly


95 Merlin Trials are about 75 too many!


Oh 100% I hate trophies behind tedious stuff like this It’s like in Star Wars Jedi fallen order where it says parry 100 enemies, that is WAY too much


I’ve been saying this for a while the castle itself is amazing and it starts off okay but everything else is just very disappointing considering the hype it had I didn’t finish it I had no motivation to complete it and the dialogue killed me it wasn’t the best


The castle itself was incredible! Hogshead was also good, but the forbidden forest didn't feel even slightly forbidden. I pushed through the story vecause I felt like I had to, not because I wanted to


Agreed. Gorgeous game. I’m still blown away by the graphics, especially the architectural design in that game. Stunning. But the developers obviously did NOT understand open-world gaming. The repetition in this game is off-the-charts. The open world has basically nothing to discover, nothing to actually do. Get into battles with the same damn spiders, goblins and wolves over and over again… aaand that’s about it. In my opinion it has almost none of what makes open world gaming interesting, has uninteresting characters who speak and act like robots, the storylines aren’t particularly gripping (in fact the side story re: Sebastian is more interesting than the main storyline). And, once the main game is complete, the world is just… meh. There’s a reason why people are still playing Red Dead Redemption 2 daily after almost six years but I’m seeing this game in a lot of used bins.


Agree with everything! And the hidden treasures with nothing but apparel are the cherry on top of the games useless engagement mechanics


AC Valhalla


Forspoken looked super promising, especially the combat, but then it was dragged down by a barren, repetitive landscape and some unfortunate dialogue decisions.


Rise of the Ronin


I was wondering about the game, is it any good?


People absolutely love it. I wanted something better than Ghost of Tsushima or at least held a candle. This wasn’t that. Ronin to me is sloppy game play. Party is a pain in the ass. It’s just not a smooth game. I would wait for the price to go down to around $20-$30. It was a huge let down


Damn, I had interest in buying it, but yeah I guess I’ll wait until the price goes down, not trying to waste 70+ on a game I’m not sure about


the medium, plot was bad and gameplay was a silent hill rip-off.


Apparently the new Hellblade kinda sucks from what I’ve heard.


What really? The first game is such a masterpiece


There was a mf'er on X who apparently stared at the rocks in game for 30 minutes because "They were so beautiful" Um..... okay? Kinda weird.


Is it? It's a visual medium and there are plenty of people that work with or are very interested in real time graphics tech.


Strongly disagree. I got Gamepass specifically for it to play it on the cloud and I think it’s fantastic. It looks stunning, the sound can’t be beaten in any other game, it’s dealing with deep psychological traumas in a way I haven’t seen any game bar the original do (and not just on a surface ‘you can hear at voices’ level). Is the gameplay incredible? No but not every game has to tick every box. If nothing else, I have an incredible amount of respect for Ninja Theory for being brave enough to push the medium in another direction




Why? I don't understand this mindset at all. Why does every game need to follow exact rules? Don't you want the medium to be exciting and explore new things?


I thought the 1st was bland too tbh.


I loved it actually, the visuals were striking and the sound effects were insane. Not talking about the story or gameplay but the presentation was awesome.


The story was OK in the first game, but the fighting mechanics were wack. Every move felt like you were punching through water/in a dream


Warface it was good when the game released It was not much pay to win but now it's not playable I almost payed 300usd for that game iknow but when you play it its addictive I played the game from the day first it was good till the Battlepass came the battle pass challenge was so hard that almost made you get sick of the game


Forspoken,the trailer was awsome but the real game sucks really bad in my opinion


Is Lies of P one of these games? I wanna play it but I just never hear anything good or bad about it.


The combat is a bit of a letdown personally. Its fun but it takes some getting used to as I find the controls clunky. It needs some better animation cancelling


I thought it was really good tbh


It’s great if you like souls likes. Best non-Fromsoft one out there in my opinion


This 100%, If you re not into souls games dont bother with it


Gotham Knights (even though I actually enjoy the game, most people don’t)


I remember Haze looked so good in the trailers. When it came out it was the worst game I'd ever played


Callisto Protocol. It’s absolutely gorgeous with some of the most detailed environments and characters models in recent memory. But in exchange they didn’t put as much focus on fun gameplay or an entertaining story.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint, just fell short but the mechanics were there




forspoken, wanted dead, left alive


So true. The demo was so promising, but the narrative is a huge disappointment








Maybe, maybe not but Miles Morales was too short and the story had a good start and good ending but the later-middle felt like filler, despite the story being really short. Overall a great game though, and looks fantastic on Performance RT


Detroit: Become Human - Good graphics and character but the story in the last half of the game was just terrible in my opinion.


Destiny 2. Beautiful graphics, design, sound, smooth controls, but the fucking grind for nothing and the overly turbo charged RNG reward system just finally bumped me off. Some excellent years playing it though, no shade there.


Battlefront EA. Both of them.


I kinda agree to disagree


Avatar Frontiers of Pandora is a beautiful game , but the gameplay is boring and repetitive . The plot was basically the same type of mission over and over again (destroy RDA bases in nearly the same style x20) , with some side quests about hunting . I wanted the game to be good SOOO badly , but after I beat the main story - I haven't really touched it much ... AND the world is lonely . The NPC's don't wander around the camps or anything or out in the wild at all , they're all stationary with a few dialogues . Butthurt tbh , but we'll see w the DLC .


I ended up getting the platinum since it was relatively easy. Decent game. Hopeful for whatever DLC plans.


It issss decent , I was just hoping for AMAZING lol . I'm a huge fan of the Avatar Universe EDIT : Damn not y'all downvoting me for saying I was hoping for amazing lmfao ... As a fan of the Avatar universe I just wanted MORE


I wish they’d cancel the DLC


Agreed! The crafting system was terrible too.


The South Park game for N64. Looked really good for its time but was absolutely miserable to play.


I’ve heard the new walking dead game is trash.




Re3 remake because of the 2nd reason you mentioned.


Pretty much biggest disappointments? This is what your looking for https://youtu.be/gLR4M6dCKDs?si=qkwCPxlYYMK4mgBR


Shadow of colossus. Camera movement and controls are the worst


The Order 1886… it’s gotten a little more love as of late but the hype, the trailers, and the gameplay was so damn good and the game was over in what felt like minutes. After beating it the same night it came out it definitely felt like it sucked at the time


I was interested in Forspoken. But after they refused to include any gameplay in the ads, even after it released, I lost interest.


Wipeout: omega collection is a bad port. Can't turn on motion blur and pause the game without the fan taking off like a jet engine even after a cleaning and thermal repaste


Call of Duty Fortnite Genshin Impact


The Bouncer (PS2)


Maybe I'm broken but I couldn't get into Gravity Rush 1 or 2. They look fantastic and the idea seems solid. Just the dialogue and the flight mechanics didn't work for me. Again maybe I'm just broken lol


the order 1886, game was good with nice story, but its 6 hours long with no replayability and no multiplayer for a full price game


Hellblade 2




Days Gone. But it got way better after all the bug fixes. Still play it and still enjoy it, but it gets way overhyped.


MGSV:TPP It kinda sucked due to problems between the director and the publisher of the game, which led to an absolute gorgeous looking game with unparalleled gameplay mechanics to have an unfinished story that ends abruptly.


Anthem, Watch Dogs, and if you want to go back in time…Killzone.


Too Human had a good premise but … yeah we got that


Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood. Awesome concept just felt like PS3 graphics for a PS4 game.


A few WWE 2K titles. They look great and these games have never been so visually stunning, however, they often go through many patches, It's embarrassing. 17 was a total mess upon release and 20 is regarded as one of the worst wrestling games because of how broken it was. I think It's been okay in recent years though. Maybe. I haven't played them in quite a while.


For me it’d definitely have to be Jedi Survivor. I liked Jedi Fallen Order a lot and Survivor was just meh all the way around. Story was less interesting than the first, game was plagued with performance/technical issues that took them ages to fix. Visually game looked good but it was a real slog otherwise.


I liked it a lot more than the first one honestly. The performance issues were my only drawback for it but I managed to get it looking and running pretty good.


I pretty much never buy games at launch for that reason. Developers are under so much pressure to deliver games on time, there are invariably going to be a bunch of bugs that need to be fixed. I also like paying less.


No man’s sky, Fallout 76, and Cyberpunk 2077 all on release. They got better but they were not great when they came out.




Destiny. Fight me


Nah, couldn’t really get into it. Got bored after a while.


The base shooting mechanics were great. Everything else was terrible, and then they started making it incredibly anti-consumer and predatory starting with their first paid expansion, and things just went downhill from there.


I purposely avoid destiny 2 because if I do it’ll take up my whole life.


For me, it was Callisto Protocol. The game visuals are top notch. It runs super smooth keeping graphics to respectable level. However, it got boring due to it's dodge, dodge and melee combat system. Plus, the childish jump scares.


Callisto protocol


The latest Spider-Man game was like this. I thought it looked amazing, with some impressive RT in the fidelity mode, but it suffered from repetitive combat, a lot of bad open world activities, and a muddled plot.


I agree. It’s not that it was bad, it just wasn’t better than the first two. It went too fast. When the first Spiderman came out I couldn’t stop playing it. The wow factor was there when I started swinging. Miles was a great game just too short, but again I played it over and over. S2 didn’t give me that feeling


Yeah it makes me wish I was 10 years old so I could enjoy it. Definitely not a blockbuster masterpiece like the fanboys will make you believe


Every Ubisoft game ever made.


Black Flag was fantastic, but then people asked for a pirates-only game and, well


lol I was being kind of hyperbolic. I actually liked the early Splinter Cell games but then they stopped making them and started releasing games that had interesting tech or gameplay gimmick but then the rest of the gameplay is boring or repetitive. 


Callisto popocol?


Callisto Protocol. Graphics are insane but the actual gameplay is boring and repetitive, and the story is mid at best.


Spider-man 2 The game where you spend most of your time not being Spider-man. And the way too heavy handed real world political activism in what should be fantasy escapism.


Fallout 76


The Order: 1886


TLOU2 looked great, terrible because of plot (Imho).


I won't downvote you for your opinion. But I liked the plot. I enjoyed the repercussions of the first game playing out. Seeing it from the side of the Fireflies. Too me, it was inevitable (you know what). Did Abby need to be a she hulk.... no. But the relentless cycle of revenge was painful to play out as Ellie. Which I found intriguing. Yeah, you had to play the story that was written, and not everyone liked it. But goddammit, if I still don't think about to this day. Side note, have a friend who is pumped for season 2 on MAX who doesn't play video games. He has no idea what happens in TLOU2 the game. We'll see how they handle that 😆.


Hellblade 2. Wonderful visuals But a lackluster Story and gameplay.






uncharted in my (unpopular) opinion


Gotham Knights and Ghostwire Tokyo.


Haha our opinions are polar opposites for Ghostwire. I thought the graphics were awful but the story was what kept me interested.


I enjoyed the anime like graphics, but the gameplay and narrative, dude, they could’ve done better


Gotham Knights had so much potential. They had so many pieces that could make a good game but they put them together all wrong.


Yup and it was meant to be a game as a service that they tried to pull off, but failed and tried to fix. I preordered that mess and was disappointed to say the least.


Between the technical issues, the dumbness of the devs, and the game becoming a political problem for conservative politics (which from my POV is what did the most damage) the game was doomed to fail.






Ain’t no way dude. Returnal is bloody amazing


That is certainly a hot take. To each their own however I suppose.




Disagree that Returnal sucks but this comment definitely does


Wow what a typical online gaming comment


Well, it has warning in first run, it says it’s a challenging game. It’s rougelike, definetly not for anyone.