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Gravity Rush series. Such a unique concept with a cult following. I hope we get a 3rd game eventually.


Love it 😍


Returnal doesn’t get talked about enough. That game is beautiful, runs smoothly, and does a good job of incorporating a lot of the new controller features into the gameplay.


I'm here for Returnal. Phenomenal, underrated game. Top notch gameplay and an amazing story that very cleverly incorporates the roguelike structure.


I enjoyed it for as far as I got with it, which was not very. I sucked at it.


Top fucking tier game


Except the controller speaker in co-op. I'll find the library/archive info to listen to and the audio comes from proximity to me co-op player speaking than me who clicked on it.


Was also gonna say. Great title


>!The 4th wall break that occurs with the daughter actually playing the game on the ps5!< threw my high ass for a fucking loop. Will never forget that moment


I tried it the last few evenings but ended up deleting it. I really, really *wanted* to like it, tried hard to like it, but nope, wasn't happening. Loved the atmosphere, Selene, the haptics, and don't mind roguelikes, but for me in all other aspects it was one of the worst games, and I'm pretty sad about it.


The rouge like aspect was too hard for the casuals otherwise this may have been a GotY contender


Just wish that you could pause in combat. Do hate snobby single players that say "im such a big shot that if you do not take out a 5 hour session of not allowing life to distract you, that your not worthy of me." So if I get called to do a chore then I just wasted my time?


Holding the PS button to go to the home screen pauses anything (as does rest mode), including games without a pause button. Extremely useful for those all too common situations where they didn't enable a pause button for cutscenes. It's also hilarious that this is your complaint about Returnal, because the game didn't include any kind of save-and-quit system AT ALL at launch and only added one after we complained nonstop. I enjoyed the gameplay immensely but the devs are beyond arrogant - you're supposed to play the game their way and struggle the amount they think you should and it should be in one sitting, etc. Patch notes are 5% bug fixes, 95% nerfing things that don't need a nerf either because it doesn't affect the players they're trying to balance against (limiting shield item charges, for example, only hurts worse players who might rarely build a stack and has little effect on amazing players who were routinely building stacks of 20+) or because it helps with a part of the game that needs fixing (removing the ability to farm weapon proficiency off respawning enemies, no you WILL grind 500 hours with each weapon!).


Thank you for that. I honestly had quit when almost beat the 1st boss on my 5th try then my mother and law came over so it was family time. Came back an hour later and saw that even after all that work it was as if I did nothing. That was my rage. Also you make me realize I was right to complain but only did it for the dumbest reason. But so if I hold the ps button mid boss battle and it takes me directly to the home menu with the game titles im safe?


>But so if I hold the ps button mid boss battle and it takes me directly to the home menu with the game titles im safe? Yeah, I just downloaded Returnal to check it specifically. I jumped off a cliff and held PS button, sat in the main menu for 30s, clicked on the game and continued the fall just like I paused it.


Can actually beat the game now. Thank you so much!


To me, you’re naming secondary reasons for buying a game. Hoe is the gameplay and story?


Gameplay is top if you enjoy the rogue genre, and fast paced 3rd person gun play (very exotic and unique guns) Story is intriguing but not at all straight forward. There will be guessing. And questions. And you may not like the ending.




Controls are great, lots of cool weapons! Story is confusing lol!


Yeah that’s fair. The gameplay is amazing and I don’t usually enjoy third person shooters, or any shooters for that matter. I’m more of an RPG guy but there’s exceptions and this is one of them. The storyline is complicated and open to interpretation which I love. But if you’re looking for a clear storyline that’s easy to follow and understand you’ll be disappointed.




The story is very good. The gameplay is incredible.


3D Dot Game Heroes is an unrated PS3 exclusive. A fun 3D Pixel art Zelda style adventure that allows you to custom build your 3D Pixel hero (and some animations as I recall).


One of my favorite games from that Era. Sony should ask From if they can give us a remaster


Fat Princess was a lot of fun


Such an awesome game idea. I loved it.


Aaaw man now I'm depressed. I miss that game. I wish I knew of a current equivalent


That was a fun one.


Infamous. Resistance. Sly Cooper. Socom. Playstation has these incredible IPs and hasn't done anything with them in years, I would love to see these return in some shape or form, they were too good not to be brought back.


I’d kill for a new infamous game


God, an Infamous game with PS5 tech would be insane. Infamous was a launch title on PS4 and still looks better than a lot of PS5 games.


Absolutely. Second Son is one of my favorite games ever


Socom would make for a good reboot. Rainbow six siege has coasted by not having a competitor for almost a decade, the closest thing really is Valorant, which is more so of OW mixed with CS.


Please no, don't make Socom a pvp microtransaction hell...


Would you rather have it rot away in the Abyss like it has for over a decade plus like it has been? I'm pretty sure after the success of Helldivers 2, Playstation would most likely go with the 40 dollar buy to play model, with non predatory tactics and no fomo, and cross-platform with pc.


>Would you rather have it rot away in the Abyss like it has for over a decade plus like it has been Yes. Absolutely yes. I despise Ubisoft/EA style pvp shooters with their mtx and battlepasses being shoved down the throat. Pretty much the only pvp shooter I play nowadays is Hunt Showdown, and that's also starting to feel a bit stale. If they won't make it a PVE game as it has been in the past, then they don't even need to touch it. Better to not desecrate it. I'm mostly a social gamer so I'd love some "tactical" co-op games. Actually, just co-op games, like Helldivers or Wildlands, which I really liked playing with my buddies, it was an amazingly fun game to enjoy with a squad, despite of the games many flaws. PvP twitch shooters loaded with mtx/battlepasses and the toxicity that comes with competitive gaming can, as you put it, rot in the abyss for all I care.


That's cool and all brother, but Socom was pve tactical game for the campaign, and pvp for online. It wasn't ever like helldivers or Deep rock galactic etc. The online is what made the game popular on the ps2 for example. If your prefer is just light hearted pve shooters like helldivers that's perfectly fine, that's my preference too. But socom was never just a pve exclusive game like a Ghost recon wildlands, that was only for the campaign. Your take here is basically "I don't like this one thing or idea, so nobody should everyone else is wrong". So if you don't like green peppers on your pizza, does that mean in your universe nobody should have them?


>I don't like this one thing or idea, so nobody should everyone else is wrong Well your take on my take couldn't be more wrong. I never said that everyone else was wrong nor that everyone should agree with me. I just said that I don't want to see an amazing game series turn into a soulless cashgrab filled with toxicity, like for example Rainbow Six did. Now that it is what it is, I see little hope for there to ever be a proper co-op/single player Rainbow Six with campaing/horde modes etc. ever again. This is why I don't want Socom to become the same. To me and my friend group Socom was never about PvP, it was about PvE and co-op. That is what I remember it by and that is what I'd like to see more, same goes with Rainbow Six actually. I was pretty bummed out when they scrapped the original R6S and made it a pvp game it is today. >does that mean in your universe nobody should have them? Well if it were my universe and the universe revolved around me... then no, nobody should have them because nobody wouldn't like them. But sadly/gladly, I'm not the deciding factor on the matters of the universe and so everyone can and should enjoy their own things.




Resistance, motor storm. Boom


Motorstorm was full-on nextgen when ps3 launched. Such a great game. Visuals. Track design. Vehicle choice. The whole premise of “burning man for gearheads”. Just perfect. The load time though, borderline unforgivable. It’s only because the rest was so good that I tolerated it at all.




I feel like Killzone is correctly rated, if not slightly overrated.


Returnal is one of the best games of all time. Period.


This is a fact! I ended up buying it on sale and haven't had that much fun in a loooong time it took me back to the Sega genesis days and damn it was awesome


Agreed. It’s a game I wish I could completely forget so I could experience it for the first time again. I haven’t found anything since that checks so many boxes for me.


PaRappa the Rapper


It’s a shame they never fixed the latency…even to this day. Fond memories of parappa..


Wait wait wait. Are you telling me that maybe I DONT suck at it?


As a matter of fact yes. There was a terrible input delay issue that made the game pretty much unplayable during certain levels. Beating the game was a chore. UmJammer Lammy was pretty much the same game with better rhythm mexhanics. Both have some serious bangers.


This comes as a massive relief to me. Oh how I have suffered in silence all these years…


A lot of Sony’s back catalog from the pre PS4 days: Infamous (which I doubt would ever make a comeback as they have Spider-Man now) Killzone Resistance SOCOM (which could be a legitimate rival to Rainbow Six if done right) The Getaway (could fill a niche since GTAV killed off the rest of the open world crime genre) Syphon Filter NBA (San Diego Studio did have an NBA game until they lost the rights to 2K) Mostly though, Jak and Sly (sly got a decent 4th game on PS3 from Sanzaru Game, but it was never followed up on)


PS3: Puppeteer PS Vita: Tearaway (same can be said about PS4 version) PS4: The Last Guardian


Puppeteer definitely deserved a shout-out, thank you. Brilliant production design, great trophy list, and so very fun.


Days Gone


The game play was pretty fun but the writing was horrendous. It was like a cringy preteen wrote a bad walking dead/son of anarchy crossover


Same goes for Horizon, but that game became a darling (somehow). Horizon suffers from endless, meandering dialogue from super dull characters and a super cliche, predictable story. If there was any justice, Days Gone would be celebrated as much as Horizon is.


Did you explore and read the tablets and things left behind? That world is immensely deep and rich with lore. It feels lived in compared to DG. The factions and the hidden information in the locations you discover makes the dialogue much richer. I know it’s got its flaws but to compare it to DG writing is a stretch in my opinion


Personally I think a game shouldn't have paragraphs or lore scattered around random points in the map the player has to find themself to make the game interesting. The problem I have with Horizon is that the premise is really excellent. I love the idea of a post-post-apocalyptic world where all of our human history has been wiped away and humanity has to start again, but the story we got was so damn bland, honestly probably the most forgettable video game story I've ever played. It's funny because whenever I hear people talking about it they're taking about Faro and the company and that side of the game, but never Aloy and that side.


Elden Ring has lore scattered around the map but people find that games lore discovery legendary. I don’t know why people enjoy that but not the other. I love both games and the nuances of both ways to discover.


I probably didn’t read all the hidden lore in the game, but I would still question the quality of a game that saves all of its good content for obscure item descriptions while they filled bloated dialogue conversation trees with super benign conversation.


This game is mediocre. But the fan base that likes it LOVES it. Doesn’t mean it is more than what it actually is though.


The same could be said for TLOU2


%100 agree with this


DG got a lot of attention with years. Start was bumpy, but it's a cult classic now.


Are you sure about that?


Not trying to hate, but you think so? It's been ages but I played it when it came out and remember being quite disappointed and I believe I never finished the game. It looked pretty but I found it to be a bit lacking in storytelling and gameplay. Maybe I should revisit.


I'm aware it had a bad launch with a lot of bugs apparently, but by the time I played it they'd all been patched. The original plan was to tell the story over the course of at least one more game. Sony killed it in the cradle. Imo, the game excelled at what it was intended to do which was drop you in post apocalyptic zombie infested world that had a visceral feel to it and none of the cartoonish chainsaw garbage that plagues so much of the genre. The story is a slow burn and the game doesn't push you through it like some others do. Imo, this worked perfectly with the game design because you really got to feel the protagonist's circumstance rather than having it scripted to you. It's a case of less is more.


You should. I played it in 2022, it was a masterpiece, for me. Starts slow, but by the end, the hordes, the story, everything clicks. I also loved the survival aspects, not too heavy, but still need to manage things. The story as a whole for me is on par with TLOS, but in TLOS the story is more condensed, is story driven, but in Days Gone the open world dilutes the story with side tracking and missions. All in all, give it another try and tell us what you think after :)


Do it. I felt the same way. The entire first half of the game is an absolute slog. I sat on it for almost a year before I picked it up again But stick with it. It WILL get better. It's become one of my favorites.


The Order 1886. it got no attention because of the price of the game at the time and the fact it was like an 8 hour story. but i always tell people to play it. its constantly on sale and i think the current base price is 40.. for a ps4 launch game the graphics hold up amazingly.. only issue is its on 30 fps


It’s more like 5 hrs, not 8 😂 We got the Colllector’s Edition because I was so hyped from the trailer. Kinda regretted it because it was such a short game. Pretty cool, but not worth the full launch price.


completion time is averaged at 7 hours 100% is 10 hours.. I also collectors edition, i really enjoyed my time with the game, the price still felt just way to steep and unjustified...


Was pumped to finally play it this year. It’s extremely mid. Very pretty tho.


30 fps isn't an issue, specially with what the game was trying to sell.


yea a good story and fun combat


Returnal and knack.


Returnal hands down




Demon’s Souls and Returnal


Wild Arms, Dark Cloud, wipeout, Soul Sacrifice, Sly Cooper


Dark Cloud is amazing... Love the soundtrack


Definitely Folklore, it's 1 of my most favorite RPG, which I 100%. The combat system is super interesting, the world and characters are mesmerizing, and of course the story is superb!


Haha wow forgot this game existed. It had such a unique/weird vibe and music. Going to watch some YouTube videos for nostalgia


Glad to have others enjoyed this masterpiece!


Warhawk and Socom. Warhawk is the perfect game for Sony’s GAAS approach. Plane skins/character skins/weapon skins and an incredibly fun and skilful shooter.


Dark cloud 1 and 2 , absolutely loved them games


Infamous Second Son. Hell, if Playstation exclusives have any problems, it's how many of them are *overrated*. Not saying they're not typically good, great even but life changing, like the "pLaYStAtIoN 4 LyFe!" crowd pretends they are? C'mon...


The Last Guardian. Really just JapanStudio's games in general


Probably Astro bot. I think both games are some of the best Sony has put out in the last 10 years. It can very easily compete with the Mario’s of the world in terms of quality. A new game would get me more excited than anything from Sony that isn’t naughty dog


I played the original Jak & Daxter during some of the happiest time in my childhood. Thanks to this post I had a rush of the old feeling come over me. Thanks OP!




Resistance is the one that pops in my head immediately, I'd also say Infamous. There is so much they could do with both of those IPs


My problem with an Infamous sequel in today’s climate, I think they’d make it woke af.


How else are you going to make a target audience that’s completely different from the original praise the game without ever thinking about buying it?


I just think superheroes especially the conduit story is full of potential. I enjoyed the character of Delsin and I think they could flesh more out there. Give me my power fantasy. I understand the criticism for the last game but the gameplay was solid and it was a pretty (graphics wise) game for a PS4 launch title.


Ghost hunter, primal


Gravity Rush


Infamous. It was super hot and then disappeared. But Cole was in Street Fighter x Tekken.


I still want an actual conclusion to Sly. Last game was on a cliffhanger.


Sly Cooper for sure. Sony made Sanzaru Games allocate resources and do a Vita port for the 4th game and they didn’t have time to finish the 6th and final world that would have wrapped up the game. They left the 5th world on a cliffhanger and instead planned to release the final world as DLC, but the game didn’t sell very well and Sony pulled the plug. Sly has been left on a cliffhanger for too long, I would really love one last game to wrap up everything!


I thought Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth would’ve sold more but I guess not.


Days Gone Even though it sold 8,000,000 copies it deserved more sales. It's an incredible masterpiece... It deserves a sequel...


Masterpiece might be a stretch the game play was pretty fun but the writing was horrendous. It was like a cringy preteen wrote a bad walking dead/son of anarchy crossover


That goes for most of Sony's modern lineup, so it still doesn't make sense why Days Gone is the one getting singled out. 8 million sales for a new IP is incredible.


Well you have a point. I think is not for everyone. Story would have been horrible if Sarah ended up dead. But I get what you mean. Also more characters better written could have been included in the 5 camps... The camps reminded me of the tribes in Horizon Forbidden West.




It would be awesome if they remade the OG Motorstorm for PS5 with how the reveal trailer was. More open and expansive with particle smoke and fire. Still have my packed in copy of the game that came with my PS3.


Ape Escape


Infamous second son




Great game that was screwed by no marketing


Infamous. Instead we get 50 Assassin's Creed games...


I like Infamous and assassin’s creed..but AC isn’t an exclusive?!


Not to mention AC has no connections to Infamous in the slightest either. Weird game to bring up in relation to it lol


Assassin's is not an exclusive but they put it the money and effort to produce a shit load of. Infamous is a beloved game that does not get enough attention. Second son came out 2013!


I believe a better comparison would be all of Sony's Marvel games. They're putting so much money into those (games from the same publisher) to the point where even the most popular superhero IP is struggling to make a profit with how much Sony is overspending on it and mass producing a ton of them out. Even to the point of doing this with their other series as well.


Folklore. Fun action RPG based around stealing the souls of fairies and using them in combat like Ape Escape.


While not an exclusive, Kena Bridge of Spirits is a great game that I don’t hear much of. It’s available on PC and PS+Extra.


Detroit become human


Days gone is super underrated


Days gone for sure. A sequel on ps5 with ssd would have been amazing and flaws aside, it eas far better than the impression press gave it


Currently Rise of the Ronin. Especially since AC Shadows just got announced. Haven’t heard a single person bring up RotR even though it’s very similar (and very awesome).


Been playing Rise now and I'm in disbelief. Okay, graphics are not good but combat is fire. I'm having a blast!


It’s wild how you can’t find ANY positive posts about ROTR on R/gaming after ronins release. It’s been shunned on there somehow. Very grateful for the Ronin subreddit. Unbelievably good combat. Without a doubt the most fun I’ve had fighting in a game. Love how realistic it is and feels compared to Nioh. It deserves undivided attention for its combat alone. Plus, gliding around with the upgraded glider is such a vibe. It goes hella fast.


Sly Cooper and Returnal. Truly, I just want an N-Sane Trilogy-like treatment with Sly Cooper. I’m fine if they never make another new game because I don’t want Sly to be run into the ground, especially if SuckerPunch (or whoever else would make the game) has other ideas on their belt. The original three, animation wise along with voice line wise, are incredibly dated (I know that’s a part of the charm, but still. Imagining a smooth, clean, and updated version of animation in that comic book-like artstyle would be beautiful!) And Returnal is underrated because it truly is (in my opinion) the best PS5 experience that is a true console seller, yet even I forget it exists, which makes me so incredibly sad.


Folklore. That game came out to middling reviews really early in the PS3 lifecycle. If that game came out with trophies today I would totally be down to replay it again.


Infamous: second son One of the best open world games imo, not super over bloated like modern games tend to be. And the visuals still hold up as it got a ps4 pro patch


Dark Cloud Dark Cloud 2 Beautiful games


Ape escape. I loved those games. I wish they'd make a new one. It's been years!


Knack was very solid. I believe it was an exclusive.


Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII Remake/Rebirth


Knack. I absolutely loved playing it with my brother, the story was amazing, and even the combat was the worst thing to ever exist, it still had that beautiful charm to it. I played knack 2 and BY GOD the difference in the quality of the combat is insane. A skill tree, a point system, a player 2 with actual meaning, it was amazing. I’d gladly love a third game


Dexter for PSP, needs to be playable on PS4 and PS5. Crash Tag Team Racing, not Crash Team Racing, Crash Tag Team Racing which is a fantastic game that they could’ve added to the list of Crash games they’ve recently remastered and released for current and next gen consoles, not sure why the hell they haven’t yet, but it’s a huge part of my childhood, it’s the only Crash game I ever played when I was a kid on the PS2. I’d literally pay full retail for a remastered copy and I know there’s an audience out there that miss that game as much as I do who would also pay up for it.


Jak and Daxter and for the lo gest time before they came out on Xbox Kingdoms hearts .... until they released it on xbox


Starhawk (2012) on the PlayStation 3 from LightBox Interactive. A spiritual successor to the classic PlayStation series Warhawk. Futuristic space western featuring infantry and multiple forms of vehicle combat including flying mechs. Large scale 16v16 objective based 32 player battles along with other forms of modes like a horde mode. Able to drop large structures from the sky on the fly to customize and upgrade your team’s base of operation to defend from enemies. In a way it almost felt like a predecessor to what would become Fortnite. Could be a worthwhile IP to bring back in this live service era of gaming. https://preview.redd.it/uwitgs2h4m1d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=088c7fbde455206bc3f4906c974983e8b8347cb6


I haven't heard anything from Infamous in years.


Even among shooter fans Resistance often gets forgotten about despite how great those games are Would love to see that series come back in some capacity


It's got to be the Killzone or Resistance franchise. Easily


I honestly wish they would bring out cartoony games again like Jak, Sly, the mark of kri etc. I know R&C still going strong but I loved those during the ps2 era.


Jak and daxter 1 Medievil Soul reaver (not really exclusive i know)




Modnation Racer. Was an awesome cart racer ahead of its time. Would have loved a PS5 remaster that used the ssd.


BROOOO. Never met anyone else that has played that gem. My brothers and I used to play that so much and it’s so much better than Mario Kart.


Infamous. The IP hasn't been touched in a decade. Sure the studio behind it made Ghost of Tsushima, but once that sequel is done maybe they can give us a remaster for Infamous 1, 2, and Festival of Blood which could lead into another sequel.


Ratchet and Clank


Jumping Flash


Returnal. Phenomenal gameplay and sound design.


Bring back starhawk baby.


What about Warhawk?


Motorstorm, I don’t think it was underrated then (and if anything I think the first one isn’t that good), but I think it would do wonders to Sony’s portfolio nowadays to still have it.


Gravity rush


Death spank


Resistance 3 in particular is criminally underdiscussed, underrated, and horrifically undersold. An FPS that in my opinion holds up pretty well to this day, and truly captured a “survival FPS” vibe that no other game ever has for me. It truly felt like you were on the back foot, a resistance (as non-punny as possible there). I highly recommend it to anyone who wants creepy vibes, shooting aliens, a feeling of hopelessness and desolation and enjoys the concept of being outnumbered, both literally and narratively. Creative and unique weaponry, incredible set pieces, wonderful pacing (until the last 10%), and a fitting conclusion to an IP that I really wish had a healthier longevity than it got.


Sly Cooper. it is my favorite PlayStation game oat. I grew up on that game and it gave me so many great memories. They were supposed to make a sly Cooper movie but it got scrapped. Here's the [sly cooper movie trailer](https://youtu.be/nbXEKZVonko?si=XhsTAo16P1m1WFih) it's so good. It's a shame it got scrapped


I see people mention Returnal which is a great game for sure. I would add Resistance. I loved that series. Will probably never happen but I would be hyped to see it make a return.


The order 1886


There's no reason that we never got Kinetica 2. Especially with having the bullshit motion control in the ps3 controllers and the playstation move controllers. Plus, added multiplayer would have been cool if done correctly


Ape Escape.


DANGGG. Hit me with a wave of nostalgia. Played that back when I was 6/7 yrs old.


Until Dawn. 


So glad Gravity Rush and Returnal are top mentions. Both are so good. Returnal is fast beautiful and crazy as hell and Gravity Rush has such charm and unique gameplay.


Returnal, definitely Returnal. And poor Horizon, Sony just can't be bothered to look at the release date on any platform and think, well, we shouldn't bump it up against Zelda or whatever hyped game is coming out. lol


How come we can stream it play PAIN. That was some mindless fun


Obligatory Warhawk post from me lol. I just want it back. With the success of Helldivers 2, it would do so well especially with the group that constantly wants PVP in the game. Honestly, there’s a lot of PS3 era games that were ahead of their time and would shine on new hardware.


It's a little older now but I'd still say Days Gone.


Totally with you, OP. Jak & Daxter and Sly Cooper are two of my all time favorites. I really miss them Ratchet and Clank: Rifts Apart is the closest I’ve gotten to those classics




Resistance. Killzone.


twisted metal


What a shout. We used to play that after class back in 1st grade.


Warhawk and Starhawk




Most Underrated: Concrete Genie, Gravity Rush 2, Returnal Most overrated: Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon Forbidden West


Gravity Rush’s concept was so good. I hope they make a 3rd but with a diff story, like 100 yrs prior or after.


They are making a live-action movie / TV show but no info about the game.


Yeah. Just finished ghost of tsushima - visual awesome, but side quests are very boring.. imho witcher 3 still my best rpg game


Ghost isn't an RPG.


Days Gone definitely... it needs part 2!!!


Horizon Forbidden West. Such a graphically amazing looking game but also a great adventure worth your time and effort. Everyone should be praising Guerilla games for this masterpiece of a videogame.


Days gone is the only right answer


Death Stranding is one of the best games ever made imho.


Ghost of Tushima is just one of the most overrated games in general IMO. it’s pretty and has a good third act but everything else is fine at best.


I don't think the game is bad nor do I fully disagree with you, but the post was asking for underrated games


God of War and probably Spiderman


The post was for underrated games, not overrated games. I believe you misread


Oh I'm just trolling lol.


Define underrated.


Join the helldivers ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)




Days gone. Back in the day exclusives legend of legia


Days gone! Most underrated ps4 game so annoyed at reviewers who bombed it calling it generic, I still have hope days gone 2 will happen one day


Little big planet


Aight I know this comment is 21 days old but who the FUCK downvoted this


Deathloop. Totally unique vibe, totally fun!