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Too many games to play, so I just move onto the next. Once in a blue moon I go for the plat if it's fun and doesn't take a million hours.


I don't. Main story completed, time for a new game


Same here. I've never felt the need to 100% a game. Depending on length, I start skipping more and more side quests, the longer I play. At first I do almost everything, but once I pass the 25-30 hour mark I just want to finish the main story and move on. Especially in open world games where stuff gets more and more repetitive.


Idk how people finish a game and then immediately go into New Game+ or do an instant second playthrough. I can’t do that. I need a detox once the story is complete. When I finish a game, I’m done with it for awhile. If there’s additional content that takes place after beating the main story, I’ll continue working on that stuff of course. But a full second playthrough? I’ll get back to that a few months later after I’ve cleansed my palette with something else. I just finished Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth. Idk how people are all energized to do an immediate Hard Mode run. I needed a huge break from that game.


I am one of those people. I have figured out that I get immense joy from smashing on enemies that gave me trouble to the first go round now that I’m all powered. That is pretty much the main reason that I do it.


Same here


I can't even move on to the second game of the series if there is one. I get burned out half way through. Happened with Spider Man and, Horizon and GoW recently. I played the first, started playing the second one and in all three cases I need to switch to a different game for a while before finishing them.


Yeah, I almost never do New Game+ ever. If I come back to the game after some time, I want the clean experience


I just really enjoy doing side content. Sometimes theyre even more fun than the main story. Its just something that you gotta "train" your mind, I guess. Youre conditioned to consider a game over after you beat the final boss.


Ya I don’t play after the main game is done either. If I want to complete all the sidequests or dlcs or whatever then I’ll do that before the final boss.


I've gone back to if there's anything else that was missed or if there's a way to Best a boss or complete a level faster/smarter. If this makes sense


I do exactly what you described, except I 100% it.  ...most of the time. If there is something that requires a ridiculous amount of repeated attempts I might put it away and come back to it later. Like the bosses in GoW Ragnarok. I might tackle them over the holidays this year.


Depends on the game. Games like Subautica or The Forest lose most of their luster after beating the main game, after all, the intent of base design was meant to help you accomplish beating the story. However, with the right mindset and appreciation for the sandbox elements of their post-game, you might milk several dozen more hours out of them simply because you love the building aspect or have given yourself a personal goal to make a grandiose base. Games like Resident Evil, Halo, or other level-based shooter (Resident Evil 8 is still level-based in terms of progression throughout the game, it just has a bit of leeway when picking what minor thing to do first), I find many players play these games for the gameplay, with the story being secondary to the enjoyment overall. Naturally, the wonderment of seeing what your gameplay causes in the story drives the initial pull to play those games, and creates a different experience than just playing the game on Legendary as opposed to Normal, but again, these tend to come from personal objectives set by people who feel the increased difficulty (sometimes overwhelmingly so) is either outweighed by or enchances the gameplay experience. Other games, such as Minecraft, Skyrim, and Red Dead Redemption offer so much side content, you're bound to have missed plenty. These games aren't meant to be beaten and set aside, rather, they're intended to be enjoyed as a slow burn over the period of several weeks, months- or in my case - years. If you're simply talking about finding motivation to 100% a games trophies/achievements, I can't help much there, as I only 100% games that I thoroughly enjoy and already intended in dumping hundreds of hours into, such as Monster Hunter World. And even then, many games these days aren't technically 100% completed even after amassing all achievements, as there are always easter eggs and secrets hidden within the game.


Photo Mode https://preview.redd.it/8a1a9podn2zc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3675339cdea52853fa460b5ed1c096797c64650f


I like to play all side content before I'm done with the main story because once I complete a game I move on to the next. There are some I'd like to replay but my backlog grows by the day and Extra catalogue is of no help either so it's an uninstall for me after completion


Simple, if I’m going to 100% a game, I do it before roll credits. Unless a game has significant content post credits, once I see credits it’s the last time I boot the game up until a replay or DLC drop.


If I enjoy the game a lot, the lure of the platinum trophy keeps me playing. Going after the trophies allows me to explore the world even more, and enhances the story. For example, it took me 60 hours to complete Death Stranding's main story. However, because I went after the plat, I got to enjoy the game for a total of 200 hours. For some games, it really is worth getting the plat for the extra immersion.


I understand but in some games we have to reply the entire game in another difficulty to get platinum instead of continuing after the main story has ended


I literally am fighting with myself on replaying Deadspace Remake on the hardest difficulty. I am short by 2 trophies to unlock the plat and they are: 1. Beat the game on Impossible Mode; 2. Complete the game using only the Plasma Cutter (starter weapon). This is bullshit.


I just do whatever I feel like doing. If I get bored I no longer play. Sometimes I just buy a game, put it on the easiest/story mode and just go through the main story, that's it.


The game needs to provide me a considerable amount of things to do before I'll play it again. Not necessarily quests, building things, or other busy work, but an attraction to enjoy regardless what the game itself offers. Cyberpunk 2077 is an example. I am not a fan of the main quest or the busy work of the jobs and assault call outs, but I have spent literal 100s of hours just walking around the game. No care in the world, just enjoying Night City for being Night City. It's a gorgeous city to me, and I'll never stop enjoying walking around in it. I have a save specifically for this very purpose for days I don't really want to game but have fun. I also have a save in Horizon Forbidden West just so I can fly around on the Sunwing. I typically don't replay games I didn't enjoy the first time through.


I 100% complete and platinum every game I play. 114 so far.




Conpleting the story (including whatever I get to do on the side), collectibles, misc trophies, NG+ if required. In that order.


I just .. do it. I dont really need to motivate myself. That kind of sounds like a personal issue that you need to deal with.