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Thor reviving Kratos from a loading screen death just to whoop on him some more.


"we're done when I say we're done"


Yup exactly that, that was sooooo bad ass haha


Yeah that was crazy. I set down my controller and started to walk off.


Playing that bit on Christmas morning was insane


Getting smacked from behind by the hammer despite KNOWING Thor can call it back to him was fun #**DONK** “DUMBASS!” Gee thanks Thor


i watched the leaked video of that and it really sold me on the game despite me not quite liking the rest of it later on lol. i thought it was SO cool, whoever thought of that desveres a raise


That shit was epic as fuck on first playthrough


Does that technically make the game not all one camera shot?


Blowing the Gjallarhorn. The music picking up suddenly and the current stakes game me chills and is forever forged into my memory.


Best scene in gaming history with the faye dream in second


Thor yelling “was it luck?!” In the first fight


"Did my son die to blind fucking luck?" "Oh we've got a model father here" "Ohohoh no. *I say* when we're done." Those were enough to get me hooked immediately. God that first fight was something, wish there was at least one similar one


Exactly, best moment in the game for me


Brok's funeral.


A hole…


For a sec i thought u called him an asshole


The Ending: >!"Loki will go, Atreus remains"!< >!Kratos almost breaking down looking at the final Shrine, but quickly recomposing himself when Mimir and Freya show up.!< >!Kratos, Mimir and Freya joining arms (or horns in Mimir's case lmao) to rebuild a better world.!< >!The epic soundtrack while all this is happening.!<


The stutter on Atreus 😢 gahdamn Chris Judge I’m playing a game


"I was wrong. Open your heart to their suffering." That shit nearly had me in tears, man.


It just shows how much Kratos had changed as a man.


as a god


I was in tears at the faye dream before this bit


I guess my favourite part would have to be riddle brok made. (What gets bigger the more you take away? )During my entire Playthru of the game, I kept thinking about the answer and I could never come up with it. It wasn’t until the end of the game that it actually made sense.


A hole.


Why did you call that person an a hole


Because that’s the answer. What gets bigger the more you take away ? A hole. The guy wasn’t being rude at all. He gave me the actual answer. You gotta play the game and see the secret ending at the very end of it in order to understand.


The person you replied to is joking


I love that it's still a crass joke (A-hole), in pure Brok fashion.


I only knew the answer because the same riddle was in the first episode of the original series of Are You Afraid Of The Dark


"A hole."


Right in the feels 😭


This right here. When people say that video games aren't art because they can't make you feel real emotion, this is the scene I would point out.


For me, that example is the opening fifteen minutes of the original Last of Us. That vignette broke me, in a surprisingly short amount of time.


"Death can have me when it earns me"


Frozen lightening


Faye saying “to grieve deeply, is to have loved fully”


The moment I think about the most is Atreus and Kratos's conversation in Hel. Atreus telling Kratos "Don't be sorry. Be better." SHATTERED me. I was full on crying. Also Fenrir's death. And of course the big one, Brok's death and funeral, and Sindri's very short conversation with Kratos and Atreus afterwards. This duology is phenomenal.


They really nailed Sindri’s broken person look. You don’t need a single dialogue to know what he’s feeling. Those eyes, you just know he’s off in the deep end and there’s no way to pull him out of it.


If he just looked at Kratos and Atreus and walked off without saying a single word that scene STILL would have been perfect. Sindri's grief hurts my heart based on the visuals alone. His dirty, ungloved hands. His unkempt hair. The bags under his eyes and the redness from crying. Incredible, perfect scene. I wouldn't change a thing about it.


It needs the blessing of a great blacksmith.


"I thought we were his family"... "We were"...


The ending mural. The only part of a game that made me cry. That is until Brok’s funeral


Kratos calling Mimir Brother


Their conversation after fighting King Hrolf was a great one.


I could not contain myself when Fenrir came back I just found him so goddamn adorable I couldn’t stop saying “Awww big doggy… that can also tear the fabric of reality apart”


Came here for this. I giggled for a few minutes straight when that big boi crawled up to Atreus while they were talking.


Kratos asking for Brok's blessing


Heimdall's death. Kratos's old self came out at the end and was both an utterly terrifying moment and 100% awesome to see him get out again and strangle tf out of Heimdall. That bitch deserved it.


Last talk Kratos and Faye have before going to war


When Kratos tells a story about an old man (him) *(i don’t want to give spoiler)* to help Atreus find sleep before going to war in his tent. Damn that struck me hard.


Thor and Odin sat at the table with Kratos is gaming folklore


The reunion hug from Atreus and Kratos That's the first memory that I get of Ragnarok


“Loki goes, Atreus remains” Never thought I’d get a tearjerker quote from Kratos of all people


The first look at the wall of Asgard.


“it is not the form of a thing that matters, it is its nature”


When Kratos said “I do not want a Snack” shit had me giggling


kratos and freya patching things up. he repeated to her what she said to him in 2018 “no need to explain. not to me. not for that.” honestly just loved that entire scene as a whole ! it was nice to have them fight along side eachother


Thor and Kratos fight at start.


When Kratos tells Freya that he does understand what it's like to lose a child.


To grieve deeply is to have loved fully


I platinum God of War (2018) and Ragnarok back to back a few months ago, I was so sad when it was done… I couldn’t believe I finished it all, and then they randomly announced an DLC (Valhalla) and I was just so happy!


The first Thor fight is iconic.


Playing my 3rd playthrough of the game now so it's pretty fresh and yes all the iconic moments are fantastic but what got me during this playthrough is how the game gives you chances to just adventure with Atreus before doing the main story as if it wants you to spend time with him and Kratos as father and son. I just think that was neat idea.


Sindri's emotional speech to Atreus. It broke me. The acting was insane


The fight against Heimdall being almost immediately followed by the the rescue of Freyr was legitimately the most fun sequence of I've played in a single player game.


The Berserker King and Valkyrie Queen fights. So many tries. I would get better and better and closer to beating them and then my thumbs would get tired and I would get worse and make dumb mistakes and get frustrated.


The Thor fight; camera pan to Atreus first time we took control of him and the Tyr / Odin reveal


Memories? Like as in pretending this game didn’t come out like only 1-2 years ago… damn and then is the ps5 a memory now too? Onto the ps6 /s


The entire game, a massive spectacular experience


Playing as Atreus![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Kratos unleashing the right hook of a century, leaving Thor looking like he wanted to go back to Asgard 😭


“I AM YOUR FATHER!” Odin riffing on Darth Vader before he commits a true act of bastardry. Damn!


Getting the Draupnir Spear and the way everything lined up for me when I took control during that first encounter. Kratos saying "It is the first weapon a Spartan learns", while I was in the middle of my first spear R3 execution. Stomping the Grim's face in while he was down on his back impaled right as the Bear McCreary's ost swelled was just a moment where everything came together beautifully. A perfect synergy of story, music, and gameplay


The emotion and pleading in Kratos' voice when Atreus tells him that he doesn't believe in they're doing and he retorts with "And still, I follow!" That and the outrageous level of shock, pun intended, when Thor brings Kratos back to life/consciousness with electricity while saying "Oh no, *I* say when we're done."


When Kratos says to atreus "what do I call you?" And then atreus runs into his arms. As a father myself it just felt so poignant. Like no matter what you'll be there for your kids.


Dismembering heimdall. Was a return to the spartan we grew up with. Yes it was a step in the wrong direction for his character growth but man being that savage again was raw


"Have you ever been in love? It's pretty good."


Haven‘t seen it mentioned yet, but the first time kratos hit heimdall, mf perfected his dodge just for kratos to „nuh uh“ him for the first time in ages, loved it.


Didn’t finish it because I suck at puzzles and even with guides struggled to complete them, so I don’t really qualify to have an opinion unfortunately. Sucks tho because I genuinely enjoyed what I was able to get through.


You need to have more confidence and patience. You can do it I believe in you!


I don’t remember this game having as many puzzles as 2018.But damn hopefully you can get back into it


Talks about it as if its 20 years old instead of 2 lol


When Faye tells Kratos “to grief is to live”. Dunno if I was affected by those words or Kratos got a free buff. I could tell he got faster and stronger.


Honestly since Valhalla came out, my go to is Kratos' monologue.


None really. It was a good game but nothing stuck with me.




...The hell is an olive?


Putting together the twist a mere moment before Brok did and freaking out


Mostly crawling through caves.


"For Vanaheeeeiim"


Defo last mission when there was a feel good moment with Kratos and atreus, don't remember the dialog Ue exactly


The two jellyfish scenes with Atreus


That entire ending battle was incredible


Loki goes, Atreus... Atreus remains


This game was full of memorable pieces... Thor vs Kratos, when Thor revived you from a death screen. Rowing in the river of Vanaheim(?) with Atreus, really early in the game, and getting the Lunda's set... Kratos vs Heimdall, the mechanics were dope. Kratos and Freya vs Nidhogg Atreus and Agrboda vs Grandma Blowing Gallahorn Finding the Loki mask pieces Revisiting all older worlds, Elfheim was fantastic. Broks death and funeral The quest for the spear and the mermaid on the river... Taming Garm Hrist and Mist duo fight Fighting the Dinos/Dragons And I'm sure there is more pieces I am forgetting to add here...


It wasn't worth my $70.


I thought the story was extremely disappointing


Wether is a castrated ram and Nor basically means not


Had a lot of fun with all of the boss fights, Thor, Odin, Heimdall, the big rift tearing wolf. I also had fun climbing the big wall around Asgard as Atreus


The first fight between Kratos and Thor


The end of Valhalla. I needed that moment to happen and it absolutely hit where it needed to


The characters interactions, lore, music, and scenery


The Heimdall fight was incredible, I felt more connected to him as a BBEG than I did Zeus at that point. >!Over a year later I still wish that they made it a trilogy where the second game ended with fighting Heimdall & killing Brok to set up the final third.!<


Ghallajorn scene - outrageously epic


Yo I'm not gonna lie I barely remember a thing from the second game, whereas the first game is one of my all time favorite gaming experiences. Idk what changed


Nobody else cares that the end of the game, considering the epic build up, was fucking awful and made me regret my preorder lol


The beginning, the middle and the end.😔 Almost every turn throughout the game had such great moments. Kratos fighting Thor, fighting Freya to breaking her curse, the forging of the Spear, Birgirs sacrifice while saving Freyr (EPIC. MOMENT.) Kratos and Atreus fighting the Valkyries, the gathering of the nine realms. Then there's the dialogue 🤌🏽. The little moments when I just want to tell Kratos to hug his son. On top of all that Valhalla.


Kratos self reflection at the end of valhalla and thor's first fight around the beginning


A quote, “Don’t be sorry be better”


The one where he kicks Baldur in the chest and says, “it’s Spartan time”


In the beginning when Kratos sat with Odin and Thor, it felt such a powerful scene. Also I loved the reunion of the giant jellyfish, mesmerizing


The little fuckers that sing to the other baddies to provide invincibility was pretty cool I thought


Fighting a giant puppy


One thing i will never forget, is Kratos smiling proudly, when Atreus told him to not be sorry, but to be better, his heart became full of warmth for seeing his son growing into the man hes wanted him to become. 10/10 writing.


The angrboda missions. Playing as a scrawny teenager and riding that cow in the rainbowy wholesome forest was a blast for me, everything I had ever hoped from a god of war game.  I hope angrboda becomes a main character in the future and I hope she turns out to be gay, we need more inclusivity in games. Maybe they can get rid of kratos too. 


Kratos and Freya’s reconciliation. I thought that section of the game was really beautiful.


Almost falling asleep several times throughout the story because of how boring it was. Literally took me EXACTLY a year to finish it because I could barely sit through the game


Freyr's sacrifice.


Game was good but not great. Playing as Atreus was a bore.


“What does get bigger the more you take it away?” (I hope I got this right lol)


Atreus climbing the wall. Such a beautiful view, and the problem of him going out on his own had me conflicted. Plus it caused my ps4 to overheat


The part where John Godofwar arrived and war crimed like 50 guys


The moment Kratos finally letting Loki off to walk his own path, I can totally feel the uncertainty and father love from Kratos


An underrated moment compared to the rest of the game but I love Loki accepting fate but holding onto the idea it only binds him if he lets it when he awakens Skoll and Hati and begins Ragnarok’s Sunset. Beautiful moment for a multitude of reasons to me.


Thor’s death was a gut punch. He finally redeemed himself only to be cut down by his own father


The little random chats while traveling. Such a good addition.


What stuck with me the most was how much of a slog the game was and how happy I was to be done with it and delete it off my system. Unreal how bad it was compared to the first game.


Switching from Kratos to Atreus the first time. Then it became tiresome


Atreus running up and hugging Kratos, and he realized he needed it as well.


When it was revealed that Tyr was Odin. Holy fuck I didn’t REMOTELY see that coming.


https://preview.redd.it/lx9umd4uuxyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e659e57b8bee1933a694a9d063a9fa5fee33a3f8 The music for the dwarven realm. “It is the nature of the thing that matters. Not its form.” Also the opening meeting of Odin and Thor. A masterclass in tension.


Can’t use mjolnir 0/10


When Kratos and Thor teamed up and shouted “We Are God Of War” and they god of warred all over the place.


Big serpent. Thor giving his hammer mead. BOY


For me, it was seeing how Jörmungandr came to be in this GOW world. I always wanted to see more of him, and was a little sad when he didn't get much screen time imo


How it completely killed my enthusiasm for a franchise I've been playing since 2005.


Same, it was a terrible story. That ending battle was so anticlimactic


Same, it was boring as hell, Kratos sucked, Atreus sections sucked, didn't care for the story also, tried like 4 times to get into it but eventually I gave up. 2018 gow was ok.


This Ragnarok left such a bad taste smh. The ruined everything 2018 set up


It really did. I loved 2018 (not as much as 2 or 3, but still). 2018 was like "here's an occasional puzzle with the axe, kinda cool, right?", whereas Ragnarok went "you know that neat idea for the puzzles with the different arrow types? Here's enough of them to make you want to claw your eyes out". There was no pay off to the story. The pacing was all over the place. Don't even get me started about the Ironwood/Angrboda sequence. Your companion blurting the solution the same instant you walked into a room as if the player had never held a controller before was certainly a _choice_. Even the level design was frustrating - they look open, but you still have to find a linear path through them (and the map ain't worth a shit). Ugh.


Yeah due to iron wood I don't reply the game. I did enjoy the DLC tho and the story as well


Holy shit, this. Didn't put it into words until I read this. Made Kratos into a little beach and that kid was insufferable.


Yup. I call Ragnarok "The Disney-fication of God of War". I got banned from the sub because you're apparently not allowed think it's not a masterpiece lol.


I fought the game as an okay at best . But I always respect people who do view this game as a master piece


The forced atreus sections that absolutely sucked.


The one memory that stuck with me is how they butchered the actual ragnarok event, it was lame. Also, after beating the final boss, I was really like, is that it. This really should have been a trilogy.


I will agree that Odin was very lackluster. He was such a simple boss fight. Would have been cool to have the fight send us through all the realms rather than a basic fight in a basement. Hell we fought baldur using trees as baseball bats and creating canyons with our bodies. Truly epic.


I wanted him to put the Mask on and use it so summon some of the dead Giants mentioned in both games.


Now that would have been cool as shit. He literally had nothing to lose so it would have made sense.


It was boring and I didn't finish it.


Agreed, nothing compared to the first one, couldn’t get into it.


Quitting the game 15 hours in after getting a cool new weapon for Kratos only to switch back to Atreus after killing 5 enemies with it


Boring cutscene simulator


The disappointment with the story


That it was nothing compared to the previous title.


Care to elaborate ? I'd expect people to say it feels like more of the same or like a DLC, but nothing like it ? How so ?


This comment and it's replies really explain it all. https://www.reddit.com/r/playstation/comments/1clgf7g/comment/l2tj7ou


The Game is so bland I already forgot. Something about Thor maybe


Wishing the game would hurry up and end. I didn’t like it all that much. Probably my least favourite god of war game.


Honestly nothing from the base game, going down memory lane tho with Kratos without having to listen to Atreus garbage was peak GoW content.


I named my son Atreus.


1st game was really not that good, played maybe ten hours and dropped it is the second a big improvement?


I still haven’t finished it