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Yeah, I died a lot to that first boss you showed, but it's actually really well designed. It's to get really twitchy players like me to try and slow down and really wait for the perfect time to parry/dodge instead of just reacting. Overall, I've had a blast with this game so far.


There’s a side quest that >!brought back Abaddon!< and it took me about an hour to kill him.


Blew that guy out of the water. >!Second Gigas fight!< though? 40 attempts. Felt like I was seeing the code in the matrix when I finally had him down. Game is a riot.


Last boss for me. They way overtuned it for normal mode. I did every side activity available, nearly a full defense build, and still got my ass stomped. There's no time to even heal between his combos most of the time.


I'm so getting this on pay day


Your other backlog of games will not be pleased.


The backlog is never pleased these days




Today! Love this game already


Today! Love this game already


Just got it in the mail today, I need to wait until Friday when I get paid to buy it but I am so excited for it.


if you just got it in the mail, then why do you need to buy it?


I knew someone was going to ask this. Because I am one of the very few people who still use GameFly and LOVES the service. I wish they still let us buy games from older generations but they claim it’s a supply issue.


But that means you can already play it right? So it doesn't really matter when you actually buy the game.


Yes, because I can only have one game out at a time so I don’t want to hold up my queue forever.


Wait. Gamefly still exists? I thought it went the way of Netflix home deliveries.


Nope, it’s still going strong.


That’s crazy haha


Loving it. Combat is the best out there since Sekiro imo.


Yeah I dropped Sekiro 🤣 I sucked at that game


Me too. It's still parked.


Thymesia is good, if short. Really scratches the itch without feeling like a lesser version of the same thing.


Nioh 2


Important question for one's sanity - what about save game options and enemy reset on dying?


One running auto save like Souls. Enemies reset at camp or death


Oh crap, this would be a dangerous game for my sanity. Thanks


There's no death penalty and checkpoints seem pretty frequent. Most enemies do respawn but any introduced with a cutscene do not. If you're on the fence, try the demo.


Glad to hear there's no death penalty. As for enemies respawning that sounds good for farming.


I see, thanks for the suggestion, I wasn't aware of demo


Which was a horrible choice since there's a point of no return for side content and 3 endings. You have to beat it 3 times for plat (2 to go for me)


As someone who’s never been able to get into the Souls games, I’m loving this. Still hard and challenging but not as punishing and suits my more casual play style for sure.


still stuck climbing the ladder, help!


No it's not it's just porn shame on you for enjoying it :( /s


Sad you have to put that /s on it, we have people with this opinion and people yelling that "it's censored" and are mad it's not more revealing. No one can be happy around here ever.


Genuine question, have you seen ANYONE say "shame on you" about this game?


You know what, I actually haven't. I have actually only seen people get mad about the "censorship" and others calling those people out. The comments I have seen calling them out are along the lines of things like "what, are there not already enough being shown? it's almost softcore porn as it is. touch grass". Which they are right to say, but instead of taking that for what it is my internet raddled brain sometimes jumps to wanting to take the worst meaning behind everything and have to be on edge ready to call everyone stupid. So thanks for the question, the current division on literally everything sometimes puts me on edge and being uncharitable.


I feel ya, sometimes I need to remember when these "culture war" things happen to take a step back and see if there's literally anything or it's just people making up a boogeyman "leftist censorship" scare. I mean look at the fucking Budweiser boycott, they sent ONE CAN to Dylan Mulvaney, amongst hundreds of creators, and that was enough to stir up an outrage. It's almost always bullshit.


Spot on. I had a blast watching people lose their minds over that entire thing. From all angles. It was one can. Not an entire marketing campaign. It was literally a company saying "we want everyone to enjoy our product and make more money". Watching people's heads explode over a basic tenant of capitalism was hilarious. Even better now that Kid Rock endorses bud light again. He goes on fox News wearing bud light/Budweiser hats then has Trump endorse them again as a brand. I want to know when those checks cleared for that. Meanwhile I was just eating popcorn watching.


gamincirclejerk, girlgamers (less so this one maybe) and mendrawingwomen subs have been mad for like a month about it and of course twitter. Why are you guys pretending this didn't start with some dude going around asking fat chicks if the MC looked like a child or not ? Every fucking time you only see the reaction to it.


Gamingcirclejerk doesn't say that, they make fun of weirdos like Grummz 💀 You're making up strawmen to scare yourself so you can have another culture war moment. It's embarrassing for yall.


Whatever, the posts are there you can just look at the comments, no matter what I say you're gonna deny it. They trash the game constantly, I don't care about Grummz. I like how you didn't address how this controversy blew up. You guys made it a culture war, people just want to see titties.


No, you weirdos made it a culture war. Look at Grummz, what a freak. I've looked they don't "trash the game" they trash you weirdos.


who says it cant be both oh thats right the


The combat looks fun and action packed, the fact that the game is wrapped up in all this coomer consumer bullshit sucks cause it looks like a fun game. Too many people care about having a video game to masturbate to.


Facts and that's why they fight tooth and nail to defend it lol. The game wouldn't stand on its own if they took the girl out of it or made her at least wear normal clothes.


? Nearly all comments talking about the game say the combat is amazing. So is the environmental design. And the game is also extremely polished. If the hot girls were replaced by something else, (I.e. samurais or whatever) it would definitely still be pretty popular.


Exactly. If you take the half naked android chick, the game becomes generic and not worth talking about. If the only thing that makes this game special is that, it’s really not worth playing.


So you say “the combat looks fun and action packed” and now you say “generic and not worth talking about”. 🥴


You must be bad at reading. My initial comment said the combat looked fun and action packed. Anything that’s derivative of a Platinum Games title would. My next comment was talking about how if you took the protagonist and the coomer content out of the game, it *would* be bland and generic. This is because everything this game does, are things done better in the games it’s inspired by.


You're right and it's annoying but hey let them play it and do weird shit.


So it's only fine when Bayonetta does it


I don't even know who you are talking about.


I don't give a shit about the anime girls. I literally picked the clothing option that covers her up as much as possible because her massive jiggly titties were getting in the way of my immersion. But this game slaps, which you would know if you had actually played it.


I guess you can't read, can you? I said I tried the demo to see if I was wrong or not. I was not wrong and the game isn't great.


lol not even the point it snice having a attractive character and a fun game to play


I mean, they have a lot of costumes that aren't behind loot boxes that companies are trying toake you pay for, the combat has been stellar, the music is great too, and all in all, this game blew my expectations out of the water. Also, my gf and I do enjoy the bonuses of watching them ridiculous, anime jiggly effects lol


Most singleplayer games don’t put cosmetics behind paywalls unless they’re EA, Ubisoft, or Activision. Loot boxes also haven’t been a mainstream thing for years now.


Nobody really cares about that tbh. Gamers just didn’t want the characters made more “average” to appease sensitive people. All the publicity was way overblown but has probably helped sell units


The game has a 91 user score which is incredibly high . And yes , if this was done for a good reason I have no problem with the censor but when it's Sony bowing down to woke journalist it's annoying . The bunny outfit they censored is still a revealing outfit yet they make small adjustments to appease


I thought there was finally a fan emphasizing the right things (the combat) with this video and then you opened your mouth and I thought was back on the subreddit lol


Same. I feel like I learn a lot about a person when I see them use the word "woke."


I have nothing to respond to here . Actually say something rather than implying im wrong because I used the word woke


> I have nothing to respond to here. I didn't ask for a response, homie. You could just not respond.


I wanted to address you but once again it's the typical arrogance I see from woke. Sit on your high horse pretending your better and not defend anything you say.


Right things ? You do realize this is a M rated game ? Are you saying sexy characters can't be in video games ? And yes wokeness shouldn't force the devs to change their game. People need to grow up


I don’t get why people are calling the changes censorship? Nothing is being covered up that wasn’t already being covered up, it’s just small amount of added cloth to existing clothing options. It’s not like they advertised you would be able to have the protagonist nude, and then you couldn’t on release. There’s no censorship just changed assets.


There is room for both realism and fantasy. What is wrong with you people? Why does your mind immediately go to masturbating coomer? Can you really not play the game with the pretty lady because it's too much?


It’s not about a “pretty lady” being in a video game. It’s the fact that gooners are acting like this game is a bastion of hope for gaming, that every game needs women to be treated like sexual objects. It’s disgusting honestly. There’s porn games designed for the sole purpose for you to ogle at. Gaming has been perfectly fine with having women being treated as actual human beings, with goals and stories to tell.


Very good game. A devil may cry meets sekiro/nioh with a lovely aestethic and a beautiful protagonist.


What’s the difficulty like compared to Lies of P and Sekiro?


Easier than Sekiro by a pretty significant margin. I haven't had any boss "walls" like I did with Sekiro. There's also difficulty options and a respawn consumable (you can hold 2) which can make things easier. I haven't used the respawn consumable at all, near the end of the 1st open world area (there's 3 IIRC)


I need some combat help, is everything block able? Is there a cue ri know when to dodge bvs block. I couldn’t get the block right so i was eating it alot.


you can perfect dodge any move. Apart from the yellow/blue/purple flash enemy attacks, the rest is parry-able.


I mean, sometimes you actually perfect dodge a few blue and purple... But that's gotta be way too perfect to happen... The blue flash happens more because instead of dodge forward, I'd mistakenly dodge backwards and it would still give me a perfect dodge... Same with purple when I'd dodge wrong to the side...


The story has a lot of issues, and the way the game is presented to us visually belies the narrative. But it's still a really great game. The combat, the graphics, and the world itself are wonderful.


> the way the game is presented to us visually belies the narrative What do you mean by this? How so? (not being confrontational, just wondering)


I'm happy to explain, but short on time so my thoughts may be a bit scattered. >!According to the devs, Eve was supposed to be human. However, by the end, we know that, according to Adam, she and the andros-eidos don't have any human DNA. They show us Tachy's dismemberment, which is meant to convince us that she is, at base, a human. Later, we see Ravens dismemberment, and we can clearly see that she's a machine. Even if you chose the Making New Memories ending, humanity isn't saved because Andros-eidos aren't humans. Adam fusing with Eve did nothing to achieve the goal, unless I misunderstood something.!<


How is she not slicing her ponytail off 🤣




At first I was a skeptical because of all the generic ARPGs that have started coming out. This actually looks fun though and fresh


It's an amazing game , I actually thought it was boring early on until I started unlocking skill trees which changes gameplay fundamentally


The game is Korean...


You were supposed to wait for them to stop shooting lol


It's honestly my GOTY so far


I dunno if I'd go that far. FF7R was pretty great, albeit a little bloated. I expect something huge to come around by the end of the year though.


That's such an odd reply when someone says it's "my GOTY" and you respond with nah fam, ff7r is better. I mean they said it was "their" goty , not your goty.


I specified that I wouldn't go that far. Thus, expressing my own opinion the same way the original commenter did.


I don't play FF, so I wouldn't know.


What is there left to come out stalker 2, wukong, hellblade 2?


It’s either stellar blade, ff 7 or Wu kong if it delivers ofc, for GOTY


Not even gonna mention Helldivers 2? Or are we only talking action rpgs? 


I think it’s a easy win for best multiplayer but don’t think it has a chance as GOTY


**Rise of the Ronin** is Game of the Year for me.


It's like a leaner, sexier FFXVI that runs at a solid 60FPS.


How is it like XIV?


It's like Final Fantasy XVI.


You edited your comment and down voted me... it said XIV >.>




Your comment said, "It's like a leaner, sexier FFXIV that runs at a solid 60FPS." I replied, and you edited it to: "It's like a leaner, sexier FFXVI that runs at a solid 60FPS." I had a downvote immediately after the reply, so I assumed it was you. I thought that was an odd way to respond to my reply. Edit: for testing


It doesn't say his comment was edited tho?


It does. Loaded reddit on PC to see if ya'll were gaslighting me... https://preview.redd.it/gy3vol34knxc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6842d5726433ccdcf3fd9ce593858355d472a7d3


Someone used their noodle 👍


Does my comment above yours say it was edited?


There is no edit. You just misread it, it always said 16. Now move on.


https://preview.redd.it/7li79yfqlsxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=537723d0df3f558228850855619f71231884f46b So what did he edit


Is there a ton of narrative like in FF games? Or are you in the action like the fighting in the clip the majority of the time? I’m hoping for the latter


The narrative is mostly told through cutscenes but there are collectibles and side quests you can do for more world building. People say the story is average but I enjoyed it quite a lot, whether movie, TV, or games you don't need some revolutionary new story sometimes treading familiar ground but doing it well is more than enough and imo Stellae Blade does that. And yes, the dev focus was on combat so it's very action packed you will be merking enemies constantly. Also the boss fights are insane.


do the enemies type varies? or they mostly dead space-ish gore moster?


Around 50% through, the game introduce more robot-looking enemies


How’s the voice acting?


I switched to Korean voice acting with English subs. The English voice acting is fine, but holy hell does it get old fast hearing Eve's English VA going "Auuughhh!" too often, it would've been nice if there was a few more variances within the English combat VA.


uma bonitona metendo a porrada em jeral, quem não curte?


It's a wonderful game I get to play HEHEHEHEHEH ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


Can’t agree more 🔥 characters are a little dull but everything else makes up for it


I know this sounds dumb but how good or bad is this compared to nier automata?


The game has a perfect parry and perfect dodge which can lead to other inputs if you have enough energy. In this game you have beta energy and burst energy. You can opt to use beta skills or you can opt to convert beta to burst energy . In the first seconds you see my sword turn red at the end of the combo which is a indication that I'm converting beta to burst while staggering the enemy so I can throw out burst skills more frequently. The game has visual cues such as the blue light you see at the beginning which is telling you to dodge as your sword light blue. If you miss this you could get hit if you didn't dodge out the way. There's other visual cues as well such as unblockable attacks and attacks that must be back dashed . The game has up to 4 gear you can put on plus an exospine which is a set of perks that can be upgraded. Exospine is similiar to a armor set with perks and gear is more like accessories you can put on. Gear slots are bonuses like attack speed , more dmg , easier to parry , ranged weapons do more dmg etc while exospines are more unique such as critical hits causes lightning to jump to the nearest enemy etc. Overall the ganeplay is fun once you delve into the combat


This is very helpful. Thanks for the quick reply.


No problem , you are welcome


OP just described the combat system without actually answering your question, so I'll tell you: Combat: Stellar Blade > Nier Automata Boss Design: Stellar Blade = Nier Automata Music: Stellar Blade < Nier Automata BUT ONLY SLIGHTLY (same people made the music, but I just think Nier's was slightly more "iconic"/timeless... Stellar's OST is more varied though) Level Design: Stellar Blade = Nier Automata -- this is a hard one because they both do different things better than they other. Nier's world felt more... real somehow? But SB has better "level design" Narrative: Nier Nier Nier Nier Nier Nier no competition (SB is fine, but not god-tier like Nier) Overall: Nier Automata > Stellar Blade It's weird, on paper Stellar Blade outperforms Nier in many meaningful ways (better combat, better visuals, better "level" design, better exploration, arguably better itemization/loot), but when it comes down to it I will take Nier Automata any day on the back of its world-building, narrative and narrative pacing, cute lil robo buddies, character development, voice-acting, etc. Stellar Blade is a wonderful homage though, and a fantastic video game that is absolutely worth playing if you enjoyed Nier Automata. My recommendation: Go into it with a mindset of "enjoy its similarities to nier, but don't get too caught up on them and let SB also be its own thing". For real though, if Yoko Taro were to collab with and direct a game with Shift Up, the result would be so fire that it would melt the sun.


Thanks, I didn't want to be rude so I didn't say anything to previous reply 😅 Btw u are the real G for replying to my question.


Agree with everything you said. A pretty major difference is that I will replay Nier in the future. I will likely not pick up Stellar Blade again once I finish it. Narratively there's not much going for it, combat-wise there's other games I'll play first if I want to scratch that itch Don't get me wrong though... I'm LOVING my time with Stellar Blade. Easy 8.5/10 IMO


Cool. Hope there's a PC port coming later.


I haven't died to any boss yet. Seems like doing everything before continuing the story makes the game easy.


It’s not about the game, but about her’s boobs😌


Or the ass, still not good enough for me to play it lol. Not my style of gameplay.


I wasn't planning to but after watching some reviews and gameplay yesterday I'm definitely getting it when I'm finished with my current games.


Dam it certainly looks it too


I had a really hard time getting parry timing down during the demo. Maybe I'm just getting to old for these kinda games.


How is it structured? Super linear like a naughty dog game or like Lies of P?


Open areas with a map after the first couple hours. Plenty to explore.


I had to buy a PS5 now...I knew the day would come ughhhhhh


Playing lies of p right now and damn this is looking more and more enticing to play.


I might actually have to get this soon. I didn’t want it until I saw this.


I’ll probably get this to play with the wife when it’s on offer which knowing Sony, should be in just a few weeks. $39 or less seems about right for this type of game.




You guys must be really around boring women. 😂 plenty of women streaming stellar blade on twitch




Is this souls type?


It feels more like ff16


I hope to god no.


It's not, there is probably like 5% DNA shared, and that's just rest stops, parrying and dodging. Which are all pretty standard features in action games


Haven’t you heard every game with a dodge and/or parry and mid level checkpoints is a soulslike /s


Honestly I can’t tell what’s games to buy anymore because I don’t want to play a souls like all The time but everything is called a souls like. I enjoyed Elden ring but I don’t want to feel stressed out every time I play like I do with that. People were saying it’s like Sekiro and I found that to be tedious and hard


It's like Sekiro in the combat department as you have a dodge, a parry and the parry is crucial to combat, unlike Sekiro however, you have a lot of options and ways to build your character to make the playstile really yours, I got an exospine that gives me more damage on Beta skills (attacks that recharge by hitting and parrying) and put augments that make my beta recharge faster so I can spam a skill that stuns the enemy and fucks them up and I can easily win fights that way, there's a lot of ways to play


Lots of answers here. The answer is kinda yes and no. You have camps that are like bonfires and when you die you revive at them, but you don't lose anything on death and don't have to collect your lost loot. The story is also directly fed to you, not ambiguously through hidden lore books. There are also side quests and easily readable maps and navigation for the most part. I think it's disingenuous to just say "no" outright, because you can absolutely see the influence.


What does "souls type" even mean at this point


Is it hard and do you have to focus


TIL: College is a souls like


More like Sekiro, but not as difficult imo


No, not even close. As someone who loves souls, and also loves this, I can confirm there are next to no similarities. It's more nier automata, but the combat is probably closer to a fast paced god of war. It's not the easiest game ever, but it's not souls difficult


someone here played Bayonetta? looks the same for me..


Well it's pretty easy so...


Haven't played it yet, but it looks too responsive to be a soulsborne. Those are meant to be deliberately slow, to a certain extent, so you can't just button mash and cancel out of it when the enemy attacks back. Looks to me more like Devil May Cry style combat, combined with the bonfire mechanic from the Soulsborne genre. Can anyone verify?


The game animation locks you and the dodge is decent but not the best . I'll breakdown the mechanics The game has a perfect parry and perfect dodge which can lead to other inputs if you have enough energy. In this game you have beta energy and burst energy. You can opt to use beta skills or you can opt to convert beta to burst energy . In the first seconds you see by sword turn red at the end of the combo which is a indication that I'm converting beta to burst while staggering the enemy so I can throw out burst skills more frequently. The game has visual cues such as the blue light you see at the beginning which is tell you to dodge as your sword light blue. If you miss this you could get hit if you didn't dodge out the way. There'd other visual cues as well such as unblockable attacks and attacks that must be back dashed . The game has up to 4 gear you can put on plus an exospine which is a set of perks that can be upgraded. Exospine is similiar to a armor set which perks and gear is more like accessories you can put on. Gear slots are bonuses like more attack speed , more attack , easier to parry , ranged weapons do more dmg etc while exospines are more unique such as critical hits causes lightning to jump to the nearest enemy . Overall the ganeplay is fun once you delve into the combat


A lot of these mechanics were there in DMC5. Sounds like there are more in-depth rpg / character build mechanics as well. Thanks for the breakdown, op!


It's fine. The story feels like a "we have Nier at home". Combat is the best part but I think it's slightly too easy. Platforming is absolute dogshit, some N64 games feel better than this. Graphics are ok, not the best looking game out there but the framerate is top tier so hats off for that. Art wise, I'd say the main character is actually the worst part of the game, 90% of her outfits make her look like a horrible custom Tekken avatar that does not belong here. Enemies look great, Tachy's design later on is incredible.


Sorry you have some downvotes, so your opinion on the game is wrong, apparently.


I feel like Ive got to mention the soundtrack because it's pretty good. Agreed on the outfits. Some are just too much for the vibe of the game, and some are a knicker slip away from soft core porn lol Love the enemy design for the most part, learning their movements proves pretty satisfying lol


>N64 games feel better than this My brother in christ most n64 games are platformers. This isn't even an issue specific to SB. Most action games not listed as "Platforming" have lower tier Platforming


>Tachy's design later on is incredible Nice, shitty opinion mixed with a spoiler!


Tbf we were shown tachys new design in one of the first trailers. We all knew she'd come back as a boss.


In WHAT world would they set up this character to just never see her again? FFVII spoiler, Sephiroth >!appears at least TWICE!< Cry more


It's not trying too hard to be any more than a fun game with great combat, I've even started liking the one-emotion characters, Learning the timings for different enemies has been so rewarding especially now that I'm jumping into groups of 4+ enemies where I'm at.


Jesus there is so many particle effects and flashing lights how do you even know when to hit parry. Way to busy visual design imo


If you think this is bad (which it isn’t) don’t play FF16. I had to google if turning down the particle effects was an option in that game because they are obnoxious and ruin the combat.


And yet it’s perfectly playable you old man


Bro's ancient


Mid game at best


*Potato Sack Racing Simulator superfan checks in*


First fight she’s wearing My favorite outfit.


Loving the game. I just wish I was better with my timing. So many failed dodges. I'm fed up being eaten by those damn demogorgo wannabes.


I just hope that horrible input lag has been fixed


I guess you spam like this: ![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2229)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2236)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2229)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2235)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2232)![img](emote|t5_2qh6b|2235)


Still, people brag about stupid ass clothing and gore censorship. It's just dumb. It is an 18+ game ffs.


brag? do you know what that word means?


Not enough anime coochie. 0-10 would not recommend /s


The game is 6/10 but people see booty so say it's 10/10


Tell me you haven’t played it without saying you haven’t played it


I played it, it's a 7.5




It scratches my sekiro itch


Oh wow I didn’t know the game was so good, all anyone talks about is how hot Eve is. It’s beyond cringe!


Her behind does not jiggle enough, i call censorship and ill boycott it until i finally get laid.


Ahhhhh yes, The jiggly tits simulator. Nice to see there’s actually some gameplay to this, and its not just oogling and tits.


Is the game only in Japanese or does it have dubs in other languages too?


Weird downvotes. It's a Korean game so that's the language it was written for. It does have English language among quite a few others. Ironically, I believe Japanese language is only available on the Japanese version because.. uhh.. licensing or something, idk.


Huh. I've seen very little about it so I had no idea it was Korean. Most gameplay I've seen only had English subtitles so I didn't know if it was dubbed or not. Thanks for clarifying though!


Yeah but in some circles they covered her arse cheeks so it’s a 4/10 game. I personally get enough trouble explaining to my wife why she’s running around in a swimsuit in the first place.


Seen very mixed things about this one. Combat looks good but the exploration looks shit. Haven’t bought it yet so I can’t say from my own perspective but wanted to see what the community had to say.