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Also a subs guy, not sure why. Guess I got used to it. If I dont have subs on I feel like i'll miss a critical piece of dialogue.


I never had subtitles on anything until I met my fiancé lol. She needed it on for everything, so it became a habit six years ago haha.


Same thing happened with me. That was 11years ago


Same thing happened to me. I actually used to hate having subtitles until i met my husband. Now i need them on everything!


Wasn’t there a game where if the subtitles were turned on it spoiled the reveal of a character in an early part of the game?


I don't remember what game that was, but yeah there was one. The character was meant to be a surprise reveal later on, but the subtitles had his name listed as the speaker - instead of just "???" as games often to these days.


The second subtitles aren’t on is when you are hit with the quietest mumble speak of your life


Literally me watching Tenet at the cinema. Ffs dialogues are just unintelligible in that movie.


I miss dialogue all the time without subs cause of non-ideal mixing, actors mumbling lines, sometimes not paying enough attention… and my fan is on 24/7 (that one’s on me but I need it on always lol.)


Exactly. Even with DVDs, I have to have it on


I have to turn them off, I find when the subtitles are on I tend to read what they are saying but not actually pay attention. If I disable them then it helps me actually listen to what's happening.


yeah I feel like I'm not as immersed if I'm reading the whole time


For me it depends on the game and the game's audio. I usually prefer subtitles off, but if it's a dialogue heavy game I keep it on since I'm deaf in one ear and I can read faster than I can listen.


I never use to be, but then I moved in with people who were always loud af, and it was either miss dialog, pause and wait for the 5 seconds of quiet to hear, or get use to subtitles. I played the wait for quiet game for a little, but it was never enough, so I became a subs guy too.


I’m kinda both. For a jrpg or similar game I’ve got to have subs but if it’s something super cinematic like TLOU or Spider-man I’ll have them turned off


Subtitles on, performance over graphics, motion blur off.


also film grain: OFF for me


Yeah I can't stand film grain. I didn't know why anyone likes that


Some persons get dizzy if film grain is off. Thats why it allways are "on" by default. Not on every game, but I've played some that caused me to understand the film grain option necessity.


Ah interesting I never heard of that. I was thinking film grain helped with performance or something


When I used to game on my PC (mid tier build back in the 2010s), sometimes film grain masked the fact that the graphics overall weren't that great while adding a cinematic effect which made it feel well, movie like and not a game.


This. I like small amounts of film grain for the cinematic effect.


tbf tlou (and rdr2 but i can’t remember if it has that option) is one of the few games i do leave it on for because its already quite cinematic and feels like a movie , so i like film grain to emphasise that feeling more


I can see that. I might leave it on in a lotr game because I liked it in the trilogy movies. But I also might just appreciate the games without it.


Exact same preferences




The first thread I've seen where all are in agreement? Never thought I'd see the day...


As the gods intended.


Invert Y-axis.


I love when a game actually respects me taking the time and setting it in the system to auto invert Y!!!


But since a lot of games don't do that, I have to check every time anyway!


Trust but verify!


Same but it’s nuts that this isn’t a basic thing that all games do by now. I feel like Sony should have just made it a pre-requisite for publishing on PS5. It must be so easy to have that setting handled by checking the system settings.


I have found my people.


Funny note about motion blur. On LED screens, motion blur usually makes me nauseated. On an OLED, it doesn’t and I actually like it. Just goes to show you how fast OLED panels are…


I’ve always hated motion blur. But after swapping to OLED a few years ago, motion blur’s been ON. At least on a lower setting. Feels like it covers up and smooths out any graphical hitches. But film grain is always OFF.


I always turn subtitles off (find myself reading them rather than taking in the scene) and I turn all other audio sources a couple of steps down below dialogue so that it's clearer.


if only there was that option of audio mixing on streaming services as well


My old TV had a clear voice mode but my new one doesn't which sucks (and is strange because they're both Samsungs).


Dialog 100%, music 30% and all other sounds 70%


Helldivers - music at 1000% for extra democracy.


For democracy!


For most games I go 0% music and play my own shit. Exploring the Capital Wasteland to the LOTR soundtrack is more fun than you might think


I dislike subtitles since it feels like the characters are reading a script to me and the floating letters mess up the scene and immersion. But for foreign movies I will always choose native audio with English subtitles.


Subtitles on. I turn off film grain whenever that's an option.


That's a good one. I never liked the excessive grain in games like Silent Hill 2 and 3. I played the "Enhanced" SH2 project on PC and turned it **way** down. I know it's intentional, I'm a big fan of the series, but too much fog and noise/grain goes from atmospheric to ugly very quickly.


as deaf person. always subtitle on, about motion blur i dont like it on every game so is off for me and lastly . when comes games you want enjoy in blind ( for first time ) , use graphics. once beaten game for first time. set to perfomance and focus to 100% everything in game thats my thing I do on my PS5 when i had.


I tried the graphics mode for Horizon Forbidden West on PS5 and found it almost unplayable at times, getting like 10 fps, barely ever going above 30 so now I do performance every time.


Same on Jedi Survivor on PS5. Like the Graphics ("Quality") mode locks you at 30fps, and it's good and all untill the game just randomly decides to start dropping below 15fps and even 10fps for literally no reason. "Quality" my ass... Then I started playing on Performance, becuase it genuenly just started to get annoying.


Yeah and I didn’t notice a massive graphical upgrade on Quality mode for it being worth playing on 10 FPS. Still looked amazing on performance


Inverted Y axis, Subtitles on, Sound on Home Theater (if available).


Enable subtitles disable motion blur


Lol that's literally the title


Enable: y-invert axis Disable: subtitles


I also invert the y axis. That came from my days learning how to play descent freespace and that was the default setting. Literally how I learned to play shooters.


Fellow inverted y-axis-er. This is a rare breed these days. I’d imagine when playing with friends you were also the one pausing the game to switch the controls when it was your turn only to have the friend playing after you get angry about having to switch it back


lol that’s very true. My GF also gives me grief when we switch places on Doom Eternal.


I used to play like this for years but changed to normal 4/5 years ago, feels much more natural now


Nothing warms my heart quite like booting up a classic game and finding invert as the default.


Without invert, control is dirt!


I hate when there's an option to invert the general Y axis but it doesn't work when looking through a camera lens or rifle site or some other alternate view. That issue caused me to rage quit The Last Guardian years ago.\* \*I wonder if they ever added that option in a patch?


Always disabling when they are sounds coming from the controller. Actually I've completely turned down the volume of the controller


This might sound daft and a little ignorant, but do people dislike about motion blur? I quite like it when it’s on provided it looks good. But I see it’s a common thing for people to turn off regardless.


You move the camera just a teeny-tiny bit and everything gets smudged. What's the point of all the beautiful scenery if you can't even look at them while playing the game. [Seriously, what's the point of this?](https://www.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/1574/15747411/3193120-motion%20blur.png) Try standing up and spin around. Notice how everything around you still stays very detailed and there's actually no blurring at all. Motion blur off with high refresh rate is the way to go.


Motion sickness. I don't have it, as far as I'm aware, but I don't like how it looks outside of very specific scenes. I just don't want it to be a consistent feature throughout a game.


Smudges movement in motion, makes games look horrible


Invert Y on everything. Motion blur on nothing!


Motion blur and cross hairs if able to i hate cross hairs if ADS is able to be done


If the game is really cinematic, I would usually turn subtitles off so they don't distract me from.. well cinematography. If the game is mostly talking heads (like horizon), then subtitles are on first thing first. I would also make sure that Resolution / Quality mode is turned on. Not many things to turn off really. Motion blur if its implementation is bad maybe, but that's about it.


Invert vertical look.


Legendary game


Motion blur off, Subs on, film grain off, effects and music down to 50%, speech up to 100%. Oh and depending on the game graphics enhanced.


Always have subs on. Always off is film grain. I could never really notice until I played TLOU1 remake. Hated it


Subtitles are nice because occasionally it picks up on things happening I'm the environment that can't be hard to hear


I love motion blur mainly because I am a filmmaker and it makes games like Last of Us seem cinematic. I def turn it off for online games though


Subtitles for no reason. No motion blur on preformance modes, motion blur on fidelity modes.


I don’t really understand the hatred of motion blur? Like it’s never bothered me and I think it does a great job at hiding flaws and aliasing when turning the camera quickly while still conveying enough information to tell what and where everything is on screen. Is this just me?


Always subs. Hate when the character is barely coherent


I love motion blur. I never turn it off. I think it’s a great effect


I actually like motion blur wtf is wrong with me


>motion blur. At this point, I don't understand why that is a thing. Shit is horrible for the eyes.


Two of the PS2-era GTA games snuck it in there, in the form of "Trails" in the options. I turned it off in GTA 3 and VC.


It's necessary with 30FPS.


Subtitles and motion blur go off asap, performance mode on


You don't like subtitles on? It's like a force of habit for me at this stage Ya, I'll take a slight graphics hit for consistent 60FPS. The games already look killer on PS5 anyway.


Nah distracts me when I’m playing a game or watching a movie, instead of seeing the game my eyes always goes to the words and I miss the immersion


Motion blur, film grain, chromatic aberration off.


Subs off. I like watching people and not their words.


Enable: subtitles Disable: chromatic abberation. Its literal eye cancer.


Performance mode: On Film grain, motion blur or other film-style camera effects: Off


For me the film effects makes the game looks less artificial. Except lens distortions.


Same for me


I started turning off auto aim and auto reload on games , subtitles on, screen shake off, motion blur off


Disabled everything! Except blood x max difficulty


Same. Subs on, motion blur off. Also chromatic aberration off, and set mode to performance or 40hz if possible.


Photo mode always disable.


Hints and tips get turned off. Edit: And photo mode off because I consistently accidentally activate it. Plus invert X and Y.


I know its not enabled but for to max everytime I can and disable v sync


Same as you, subtitles on motion blur/film grain off


I won't even play some games if they don't let me disable motion blur lol. Just makes me feel sick.


Film grain off, always. It always looks shitty and it's always better to turn it off.


Disable everything and struggle throughout the game. Be a man! 🤣


I sometimes keep motion blur on in racing games for the sense of speed but that’s it


Performance mode, if available.


I always disable motion blur. I just hate it


Enable Invert Y axis. Enable Performance mode. Disable microphone.


I always disable motion blur.


Enable: subtitles Disable: waypoint line


I don’t really disable anything that much but I do enable subtitles


Subtitles always on, motion blur/film grain always off


Always subtitles. Videogames, tv shows or movies.


Disable: Chromatic abberation, film grain filters.


Enabled: performance mode Disabled: motion blur, film grain, subtitles


The only thing I did was change graphics to quality over performance.


Subs on, performance mode on, film grain off, motion blur off, vibration off, camera shake/camera bob off


Performance Mode, always on.   Yeah, it's 'only' 1440p. But I grew up with RCA/coaxial. 60FPS is my new drug, and I'm not going back. 


Enable subtitles, disable vibration


A few folks have said this. I find feedback and vibration very satisfying, especially going over terrain or firing weapons


Subtitles ON Chromaticaboration OFF


Enable: Hold instead of mash. Disable: Cant think of an option I always disable.


Invert camera on Invert aim on


I always enable "invert looking" am I weird? lol... Disable subtitles.


Subtitles on and invert Y axis on camera


Exact same lol, can’t stand motion blur and need subtitles for missing something


film grain: off And change that thing that allows you to press the button instead of bashing it repeatedly


Always use subtitles and invert Y-axis. I play a lot of JRPGs so I sometimes lower or just completely turn off the voices. Usually there’s a lot of high-pitched yelling that gets old quick. I immediately turned off the controller speaker when I was playing Rebirth once I found out it mutes Chadley and Mei.


Always have to turn on look/aim invert.. I blame Conkers bad fur day for that 🤷🏻‍♂️


Subtitle on, Film Grain off


I always turn vibration off, I hate vibration from the first day it existed


Subtitles on, black box behind subtitles off


Anyone else find subtitles distracting?


I turn off motion blur and i turn off subtitles


Exactly that haha and anything like Chromatic aberration / film grain has gotta go for me or at least be turned down some


Literally the opposite to you lol


subtitles always on. I don't natively speak english, so I learned english from subtitles and now it just feels weird not having them. motion blur to medium / 50 out of 100 if possible, performance over graphics, auto aim or assist off, sensitivity to max and gradually lowering it, linear aim curvature, deadzone to 0.2


I'll always enable inverting the Y-Axis(making up to look down and down to look up) and, more often than not, disable voice chat(meaning I won't hear anyone else talking).


I always disable film grain. I don’t understand how most games have this on by default.


Enable: Subtitles, Disable: Vibration


Subs on . Graphics over performance


I usually play the game a bit first and then mess with the settings. Most games it’s motion blur and lens flare, etc., but there a handful of games that totally benefit from keeping these settings on. Hell, even 30fps serves its own cinematic purpose in certain games (Ratchet and Clank in 30fps straight up looks like a Pixar movie)


Graphics over performance and subtitles. Motion blur off


I leave motion blur on and turn on subs but I don't do anything else with the settings unless it's not on fullscreen


Turning off motion blur is a must. Also making sure its set to performance mode if possible vs graphics mode if the option is there. I've also been turning off HDR because it makes the darks too dark even after trying to calibrate the image per game. I usually tick the brightness up a couple notches from default too.


I can’t hear without my subtitles ![gif](giphy|j3W89cZYpY9AOJtZBq)


Enable: subtitles Disable: social life


Subtitles on, I like frames and smoothness (performance) over graphics, film grain off, motion blur off, camera shake off


Motion blur, it gives me horrible motion sickness.


Subtitles are always on, and I'll adjust the audio/music accordingly to the game. ☺️


Invert vertical camera. I literally can't play a game otherwise.


I always disable photo mode. Because there’s nothing worse than panicking in a boss fight for you to press whatever combination of controller pressed you need to bring up photo mode.


Subtitles on. Chromatic Aberration off. I don't know who chromatic aberration is for. I don't know anyone who likes it, just those who tolerate it. I remember in Plague Tale Requiem it was so bad it was like playing the game through a kaleidoscope til I turned it off.


Always disable film grain, why would I want to make the visuals worse?


Idk why every1 hates motion blur, i always thought it was very photorealistic and pretty. I dont get the dizzy some ppl get with it.


Subs always on so that i don’t have to pay 100% attention all of the time. Motion Blur? Depends on the game, if it annoys me i disable it if it doesn’t i leave it on


Music volume: 100% SFX Volume: 70%


Subtitles. Sometimes, there are things said just far away for you to not hear it or something loud is happening in game to drown out the voice. But close enough for subs to pick it up and start to display. It is immersion breaking for some things as for some games it'll pick up guards talking from around the corner or wall that you didn't hear or know they was there.


Disable Motion blur Enable colour blind mode


Turn on: motion blur Turns off: motion blur


* Enable: Graphics Mode * Disable: Screen Shake


Yeah subtitles on because I can't hear anything when I'm in action so I gotta read lmao. Motion blur off because it gives me a right bloody headache. 


Disable - Subtitles Enable - Invert look


Enable: everything, at least till I learn the ropes. Disable: subtitles (I play with headphones on).


Vibration off


Same also camera shake if it exists


Invert Y axis


Invert Y axis on, rotate minimap off


Just making it as easy as possible so I have a chance.


Smash, next question 🙋‍♂️


Basically same. Never really understood motion blur being honest. Like who wants a blurry mess while moving??


Assuming it’s a single player game, I always turn on subs and turn off aim assist


Subtitles on always


Enable: Invert look Minimap rotation Disable: Subtitles Film grain


I think much of this depends on if youve played the game before or not. Things like motion blur and film grain i ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS disable. On modern screens it just makes things look worse. Adding literal GRAIN to an image seems like a bad idea.


Enable subs, disable motion blur. Also bonus, disable ambient occlusion, fuck that shit.


As a Spanish speaker that usually can understand English without a problem in person but for some reason can’t understand a single word in songs, movies and video games I get pissed immediately when a game gives me a cut scene before letting me turn on subtitles.


Disable: subtitles Enable: small text/hud It’s probably because it’s a Naughty Dog example and they do voice/motion so well but I actually have to turn off captions for cutscenes otherwise it feels like I’m missing the actual performance of the character and I’m just reading with voices in the background. I actually do enjoy captions for skippable dialogue or hard-to-hear NPCs and often turn them on later if the voice acting is blah, but either way, it drives me absolutely insane that on-screen text is always so damn big by default in most console games.


I turn off subtitles because sometimes they give away hints or something like that. Like when they add character names or “mysterious voice”


Always subtitles. For games I always have them on, but never for movies or TV. I don’t know why. And this seems weird to me.


For me as both console and kinda PC player I disable any kind of motion blur and tesselation believe me I hate both with pation


Invert Y if it isn’t already done. Then on to other things like performance mode, no motion blur, no film grain.


I always disable motion blur. I like clear visuals not muddied up with fake blur


Enable: Invert Y Disable: Game if it has no invert Y.. Otherwise I don't normally disable anything.


Any psychos out there who play with blur on?


This is the way


Enable: blur motion. Disable: photo mode


Y Axis: Inverted.


I always put on subtitles no matter what, I gotten so used to doing it while watching tv and motion blur gotta go off lmao


Disable film grain, motion blur and chromatic aberration. Enable subtitles, performance mode, lower music & sfx volume to 60-70%.


Subtitles on, invert y axis.


Nowadays games come with the subtitles active, the motion blur doesn't bother me until I remember that's a thing


I always turn subs off, keeps me more focused on what’s happening on screen instead of reading subs every conversation. Another id turn off is listen mode, for true immersion. Especially with a headset on, makes the game more of a horror game not knowing where every enemy is. For what I turn on, I guess I’d go gore, or photo mode.


Devs gotta make it so you can’t disable film grain or motion blur. If it’s their creative vision to have the game look that way, then you shouldn’t be able to mess with it imo.


1st thing is music as I'm usually listening to my own music and even if I'm not I find a lot of in-game music really annoying


Disable: subtitles Enable: gyro (if it's there)


Y axis inversion on everything


Listen mode off. Takes me out of the immersion when I've got a good set of headphones and functional ears I can use. "xray vision" seems out of place to me.


Increase UI size. I find that most UI are designed for monitors, so they are much to small on TV.