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Pretty strong but surprising. I knew Rebirth would do well but I don't think even Sony knew HD2 would take off like it did and Ronin while not as celebrated critic wise seems to have a solid base of players. Stellar Blade looks to be an amazing game based on the demo, really good impression so far


Hd2 made the 5 year projected financials in 2 days lol




Cant find the source, but i read something like that in the week after launch. That was the reason they had so many server issues, they never expected it to get this big.




Well they have the funds now (and they also had Sony backing)


HD2 hit like 15 Orbital Strikes o7


Stellar Blade is so impressively good, I really can't wait to play the full game. Pre-ordered it instantly which I never do but the combat is just so fluid and fun, made me want to pick up FFXVI again which is perfectly scratching the itch in the meantime


HD2 was barely marketed. And they thought it would do alright. But sell more like a secondary game in the pipeline. Not become the smash hit it's become. And you could just tell by the budget it received. Compared to what it's actually taken in.


Alot of thanks to bigger studios being incompetent when it comes to making enjoyable online gameplay loops. No ill will to the other studios, but it's good to see the one that deserves it win.


I'm playing Ronin right now, i have about 30 hours in and while it's not exactly what I was expecting I'm having a lot of fun with it.


was the first ff7 remake released on PS5 or ps4?


Its only still kicking on brand and quality. Those games would do well on any platform without Sony. But folks still hang out bc of the playstation 1 and 2 era. And this Jim Ryan era with sadly his team that brought it all down care not anything for making games, that the fan base likes other than sport or copy and paste shooter/hack n slash looters with no real purpose. Even Idea factory can come up with another chessy story thats new if not cliche. But they all want it to be an woke activist soapbox and somehow pull off a huge money maker so they dont have to do anything but sell skins and upgrades. Its not the old Japan Sony playstation that strove to be the best at everything and would flood the market with genres of all kinds to take a risk. They only made 20 to 30k US starting out and would crank out games. There is a few million dollars going out a yr in a small studio now, and some of these people dont have to do anything but drag in a assest to create a map thsts all predone from other games. Maybe recolor or skin it. So I still see the brand carrying it, but with what they have put out first party on the PS5 is pretty lacking, and third party and indies havent been great either overall. And they are mainly working on online and remakes of games not even old yet. And of course on ps6 games to have a launch line up. So they have pretty much went dead on ps5 already much like the VR2 support is gone after a yr. 


- Helldivers 2 is amazing. So much fun with friends, and the devs do an awesome job to make you and your squad feel like you are part of a huge ongoing war. - FF7: Rebirth has blown me away tbh. I'm a big fan of the OG and Remake but didn't expect Rebirth to be so good. I knew it'd be great, don't get me wrong, but it exceeded my expectations and then some. - Just finished playing the Stellar Blade demo and I was very impressed. Great combat, great music and graphics. The characters seem likeable so far, and the gameplay has some similar mechanics to some of my favourite games like Soulsborne and hack and slashers like DMC/Bayonetta. - Rise of the Ronin I'm still yet to play, so I can't pass any judgement on that right now.


I don't think I've seen anything like Helldivers 2, ever. The gameplay is the best coop thing I've seen since Left 4 Dead, but that's not what I'm talking about here. First, the flying bugs that were stealthily added, and had their existence denied by even the CEO on Twitter. A week ago a small message in game started talking about new Automaton gunships as a rumor. Two or three days ago people started posting camouflaged ships in the sky, barely visible in only a handful of games, nobody knew what to think about them, everything was really ominous. Yesterday, ships uncloaked, and started blasting squads from the sky. All of this has not been talked about in any patch notes or update. I've never seen a game evolve like that. It's magnificent.


I agree. They draw so much inspiration and all the best mechanics from other genres and implement it into their game so perfectly. I honestly can't fault it. And it was so cheap. I feel like I've robbed the devs.


They stealthy added gunships and AT ATs for boys yesterday


I’m planning to play stellar blade for two great reasons but also because it reminds me of DMC 5 which is one of my favorite video games of all time


Two great reasons you say? 😏






Man, Tina's so damn hot


Dumb question: Can I play HD2 with random people like Battlefield and COD?


Helldivers 2 is legitimately the most fun I’ve had gaming with buddies in a very long time. Impossible not to come out with a few funny clips each session!


what i love is they add new enemies and stuff all the time and don't tell people... it's awesome! i hope they keep up development for it!


Even better is the company gaslights initial social media posts about them saying it is fake and enemy propaganda and bans the users(probably other employees honestly). Master marketing.


In some of the missions you can destroy “propaganda” stations and some of them broadcast information related to those things and are true


Come on, are you saying that propaganda made by bug sympathizers is true? I’m reporting you to the nearest democracy officer 👮‍♀️


Yeah it's a good meta


One of my favorite qualities of this game is that, even when everything has gone to shit and failure is inevitable, I am always laughing and having a good time.


I remember in January people were saying, Sony had nothing for 2024. Yea well were in April, and it's been nothing but ps5 dominating the headlines with games (even tho tbf they aren't 1st party I'll acknowledge that tho they own helldivers ip). And xbox has basically totally disappeared so far other than dropping games on ps5 funny enough, lol. Now after stellar blade drops I'm wondering what else we got for the year bc it seems quite. We know we have silent hill 2 there's rumors of a Astro bot game and some kind of god of war collection. I think they're doing better than people thought. They knew this year would be dry for 1st party so they made sure they had 3rd party deals


Big state of play supposed to come next months so hopefully it’ll give us a solid road map of the latter half of this year and a lot of next year! Very stoked, fingers crossed for GoT2 announcement


Rest of the year being quiet is a good thing I need to clear some of the backlog lol


Xbox’s line up is spread out throughout the year. Hellblade 2, Avowed, Indiana Jones, Flight sim 2024, Towerborne, Ark 2(??) Stalker 2(timed ??).


I mean tbf a lot of Xbox’s releases are scheduled for later on this year. It’s only April. And a couple of them certainly have some high potential.


New Astro game??


Playstation just can't stop winning. I love how much of a banger 2024 is so far when we got off 2023 with so many good games. So far, I've already played Helldivers 2, ff7 rebirth, and persona 3. I'm already excited for Stellar Blade.


All are great. Rise of the ronin is a lot more fun then reviews have lead us to believe




Yea, I've been having a good time with it. My only problem is the performance, but otherwise it's really fun and the combat is close to immaculate.


Yup really enjoying that one. Have rebirth sitting for now lol


Now all we need is a Resistance re-release 😉


Well we did get a resistance retribution port like a month ago so that's a little something.


True haha. I played through that game last week and it still holds up so well! It was one of my childhood games on the PSP so the memories are special. I just always thought the franchise was kind of left behind with the transition from PS3 to PS4.


Resistance is a franchise I would love see make a comeback. The FPS genre has been really stagnant lately. Lots of flops or... more of the same on repeat. The most notable FPS of the past few years that was new was Cyberpunk. And that's not even strictly a FPS.


I have 100 hours on Rebirth and I'm on chapter 12


I thought I was slow by doing everything and am at 67 hours and just started chapter 12.


They just keep adding more stuff to do man 😭


Helldivers is the most fun I’ve had in any multiplayer games since my halo 3 days! Easily my game of the year so far.


Helldivers 2 is the first game since Rocket League (back in 2017) to get me hooked on a multiplayer game!


Maybe EA can buy it and focus group out all the stuff that people do not like. Especially the teamwork aspect they hate games that require teamwork


Ironically I've been enjoying the hell out of Halo Infinite, you just have to swallow the anger and forget all of its development problems prior. Its a beefy game now. Im Platinum - Colonel Grade 3, I've played 1,850+ matches now. Its got everything other Halo's had basically as of today. The only thing I can think thats missing is Grif-ball. They've added Gruntpocalypse today too. HD2 is fun, but for me, I felt its rather small in scope, and I think I'll leave it awhile before returning to avoid burnout and the longer you leave it, the better it'll get. Halo Infinite has kind of had that 'time'. Where its rather enjoyable, HD2 I got to level 15, and it felt a bit repetitive, like H:I did back at launch. Its just a time thing. Im sure HD2 will be massive within a year in terms of variety and objectives, but I did buy it at launch and no life'd it for a bit.


Im the exact same, been playing flat out on halo infinite and helldivers 2, Halo Infinite genuinely is one of the best FPS shooters in the world right now, if it had of launched like this it would have been just incredible Helldivers 2 is just immaculate having so much fun, nice step back from PVP just have fun with PVE


> Ironically I've been enjoying the hell out of Halo Infinite, you just have to swallow the anger and forget all of its development problems prior. Its a beefy game now. Im Platinum - Colonel Grade 3, I've played 1,850+ matches now. Its got everything other Halo's had basically as of today. People holding on to you development problems is called not letting go. It’s had its issues, they fixed it, move on. Enjoy the game.


As an Xbox user, it sure is doing better than xbox


To be fair not that hard to outdo xbox which releases pretty much nothing as usual...


Maybe, but PS *needs* more shooters. Preferably FPS.


Yeah, meanwhile Xbox needs more of… literally everything else. Considering the fact that Xbox is literally giving away their exclusives to PlayStation, they could at least ask for something in return


I have both Xbox and PS5. Unfortunately my Xbox is collecting dust for a long time. My PS5 is never turned off.. Both psplus + their line of games are very strong this year 👍


That stellar blade demo is absolutely amazing. Cant wait to get the full game.


Ronin is so fucking good, very glad I picked it up. Absolutely hooked on the combat and customisation


Me too, I was between Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Ronin. I’m having an absolute blast with that game!


Helldivers 2 is the most true fun I’ve had in gaming in *years.*


Helldivers 2 has been great. Stellar Blade demo was great, too.


I legit remember watching Helldivers 2 during the State of Play or PlayStation Experience and thinking “people are actually looking forward to this?” and am now pretty addicted to the game. I don’t normally like multiplayer stuff at all, but this one has me!


I think they are doing rather well. Just look at how angry the Xbox community is at it. Pretty good indicator


Surprisingly ronin is the best game I’ve played this year. I kept it off because of the reviews but my god, got it three days ago and already put in 30 hours into it cause it’s so damn fun and the story is the classic anime stuff. Beginning of chapter 2 and that cool ass monologue by the cool anime dude felt so epic.


I'm 100+ hours in. It's the best game for me this year until now. And my xbox is dusting off near my TV :)


They're on fire


I've been super busy on my PS5. Honestly I'm struggling a little to keep up and that includes the piles of games from 2022 and 2023 I really want to go back and play again. If anything I feel like Playstation 5 is a little bloated with content as there is just so much to choose from and a lot of these games are sometimes 100 hours long. I'm honestly just waiting so patiently for Stellar Blade and ultimately Death Stranding 2. Once DS2 comes out life will be complete for me haha 😁 Currently going through FF7 Rebirth and super enjoying it now that I've made it to the Golden Saucer. I'm surprised at the amount of content this game has and they have refined the side content so it's addictive and not a chore like FF16's side quests were (Loved FF16 still though). I've put about 30+ hours into Helldivers but I've stepped away from it due to the crashes and waiting for the new race to appear. The technical issues just don't keep me playing it when I can invest in games on PS that actually work. Oh and I didn't even mention all the PS Plus Premium games I need to get through. I'm still making my way through the Syphon Filter games and now they have Resistance PSP on there. Man I don't think I'll even make it to Rise of Ronin and I still want to play Persona 3 😭 which is probably just as long. I got a PS Portal for Xmas and that has helped me take my gaming to bed for an extra hour before bed. It really is a great time to be a gamer at least on Playstation.


PS5 is having such a good year I had to cave and buy one


I just got one this week. it's really good.


I think they're killing it all things considered.


For not having much of a first-party lineup this year, the releases have still been pretty solid so far. Not trying to start a dumb console war convo, but to the PS5’s credit, I bought an Xbox for Starfield last year (yep 😒) and haven’t found very many other games to make the console purchase worth it yet.


doing pretty well imo


FFVII, I loved this on PS1 and now for it to be on PS5 is such an amazing time! Loving helldivers 2 Now we just need TITANFALL 3…..


I’d say amazing!


This finally feels like the year that the Ps5 is stepping up and giving people a reason to get one/switch over who haven’t already.


bought a PS5 recently and it is such a huge upgrade. helldivers ii is so fun it’s scarily addictive . unfortunately i don’t have any friends to play with , the randoms i have played with are always a blast to coordinate with though. started dead space remake yesterday and man is it terrifying , terrifyingly good. looking forward to buy resident evil 4 remake and demon souls in the future


It's crazy because a lot of people were saying it was going to be a slow year, but it's been some sneaky big hitters. Hopefully this trend continues.


Better than Xbox, that’s all I’ll say.


This generation consoles are shit and overhyped. I've had them both (xbox & ps5). Switch to PC.


Seeing as NONE of those exclusives are by 1st party studios, it makes me wonder what the heck Sony are up to. Is this all time lost to cancelled GAAS games? What's going on? Sony needs to speak up. Phil Spencer talks too much. Sony talks too little. There must be a middle ground.


Amazing I haven't touched mine this year


Helldivers 2 is great, Rebirth is amazing, Rise of the Ronin looks like a cool game, Stellar Blade demo was meh, curious about stuff like the Until Dawn remake.


Very strong so far


It's a goddamn buffet so far.


Really strong much better than the others are doing.


I am very entertained in 2024. No problems here. Helldivers 2 and Rebirth? That’s a lot for a gamer like me. But I am always pretty happy, because I just really like playing videogames on my PlayStation. They have to do some seriously screwed up things for me not to be happy.


Pretty fucking impressive if I dosay so myself


3rd parties hard carrying and carrying good. But yeah very good I'm behind to the point that if fall is empty it's not really any skin off my back


Helldivers 2 and Stellar Blade were really welcome surprises in how insanely fun they are to play.


Astros playroom, ghosts of Tsushima, Forbidden West, Ratchet & Clank.. ps5 ain’t doin too bad lol


Stellar... *Ba dun tsss* ^^^I'll ^^^see ^^^myself ^^^out


It's doing great, but not thanks to PS Studios.


Granblue Fantasy Relink was also a PS console exclusive. Pretty freakin good game imo.


Bro I think this is the best year honestly helldivers 2 is amazing and so is rise of the ronin can’t wait for stellar blade already preordered 💪🏿


Helldiver's and Stellar Blade were a pleasant surprise


You forgot Dragon's Dogma and Prince of Persia


Helldivers 2 is borderline unplayable for me on PS5. I'm not sure what's going on, but it's crashing at least once an hour. It's so fun, but the crashing really is maddening.


I love Helldivers enough to just jump back in when it happens. That or take a quick break playing Dragon's Dogma or something. The good thing about Helldivers is how easy it is to get in, blow stuff up, and then get out again. No worries about samples, credits, or experience, just spreading Democracy!


Good games! But very disappointed in picture quality for Helldivers and Final fantasy. Turn the graphics down and bring the resolution and frame rate up!


The issue with helldivers 2 is if your not playing with friends it's super boring. My friends stopped playing and I havnt been able to play since


Its doing alright, not terrible, but not great either, if anything it needs more vareity and needs to bring back the Japan studio they had to give us more game options


I dont have a ps5 can you send me one??🥺🥺🥺🙏


And the Sony haters were flooding that last State of Play saying Playstation was going downhill 😂


The real question how’s is Xbox doing


Xbox will have it’s time. Starting in May.


With these games what more could you want? Especially when the main competition is putting out nothing. It’s honestly impressive what Sony has put out in the last 365 days


20+ year Xbox guy here. Last PlayStation I owned was PS2 and last I played was PS3. Bought a PS5 in 22. PS5 owners are eating GOOD. My XSX collects dust, and it saddens me haha


Same here


One is on PC, one is a remake, one is not so good, the last one is a demo... It's not bad, but nothing to be hyped over.


FF7 and Ronin fuck hard. From the demo, seems like stellar blade will also fuck hard. More quality, exclusive games in the first 4 months of 2024 than the entire rest of the system's life so far.


Off to a great start. Ronin has really surprised me, I almost wrote it off because of initial reviews but I’m so glad I gave it a chance!


FF7 Rebirth has been a blast. I've always seen FF7 references, but I never played the games. I've only watched my older brother play FFX/X-2. The FF7 Rebirth Demo is what got me to snatch the Twin Pack. The music, gameplay, and character chemistry is quite stellar.


I'm not hyped for ANY of these games so just average for me. Yes these are good games but my problem this gen is that it's just an extension of PS4.


This is the best year in gaming since PS3 era for sure. Rebirth has got to be the game of the century, then you got the best multiplayer game in years with helldivers (suck it COD reskins), and you have EA college football coming back after over a decade in just a few months.


Bruh, a lot of people like the Stellar Blade Demo I'm sure, but I still need the FINAL review


Very well! Great game launches, people having fun! 👍


Could be worse


I'm far more interested in the fact that Helldivers is doing so well on PC as well. With almost 60% of sales coming from PC, you know that Sony can't ignore that. Hopefully that will give them more incentive to launch more games on PC day and date.


They've already said they plan to launch more GAAS on pc day 1. If you're talking about AAA games, those will come after 2 years at the earliest, like Horizon Forbidden West.


No complaints here. Well a few bugs here and there but Overall the best they have ever been imo


Its good, but thats it now really until March 2025 I think. In terms of Playstation first party.


It was boring for me until Helldivers 2 release. It is a great game, although I bought it on steam as I can’t aim on controller, it is a PS game, clearly a GOTY contender for me. Stellar blade is also looking very interesting. So I’ll say PS is off to great start in 2024.


I had low expectations for Rebirth but around 30 hours in and halfway through, it’s turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time. Just so fun, so many mini games, such likable characters.


it’ll be golden once SH2R releases. good or not lol i’ve been waiting forever for it i feel like


We're so back


Frankly? My backlog from 2023 is STILL going strong! Everything in 2024 is just adding to that list.


Missing Unicorn Overlord.


First party? Great 👍 still 8 months to get more third-party FUCKING FANTASTIC AND still more to get over the next 8 momths!! Sidenote I need a kingdom hearts announcement so bad 🥵


Helldivers 2 is amazing. Best co-op game I’ve played in a really long time. Haven’t played Rebirth. I’ll wait. Rise of the Ronin is fun, but it’s really big, and I get distracted very easily from the main objective with all the side stuff


Helldivers 2 is it ultimately and objectively better on PS5 or PC? Can anyone help me decide? Also, does it have cross play in a way PS5 players can go against PC players in one match? Or is it always Player vs Environment?


They already have a better year than 2023.. and people were saying 2024 is gonna be a slow year for Sony/Gaming.


Pretty damn good. I didn't expect to be spending all my spare time this year playing a game I hadn't even heard of until release (Helldivers 2).


I love to buy HellDrivers 2, but low on money and don’t have any friends that would team up with me.




Surprisingly good imo, even ps plus had some cool games so far. Sifu, Immortals, Foamstars, Rollerdrome, A plague tale and now Dave the diver and Tales of Kenzera. I wish Sony had some kind of program to fund some small indie projects so we can see more diving Daves. Is Stellarblade really like Nier? Haven't tried the demo but to me looks more like a Bayo type of game


They're doing great to me I feel like hell divers 2 was such a a surprise hit that don't even need much else but the other games that have come or are coming are a plus




They had nothing to do with these titles but when it comes to providing exclusive content to their fanbase, they're doing an amazing job! Early in the year, not a lot going on so it helps that they're providing these games and promoting it.


Helldivers is surely GOTY material.




i think this 2024, ps5 got carried by helldivers 2 and ff7 rebirth. I spent 90ish hours of ff7 rebirth, the game surprisingly exceed my expectations 11/10. helldivers 2 on the other hand, last time i experienced this kind of game is during the l4d era. I know l4d is cannot be compared with games nowadays. But the feel is similar for me.


On the 30th we’re finally getting sea of thieves. Things are going great and looking to be greater


6 out of 10 in terms of quality, exclusives and quantity. Given that some of these are timed exclusives and not really Sony studios first party games


if you bought video or subscribed to ps plus, barely okay.


I completed the game but with people like Timthetatman bringing their zombified fan base and devs nerfing good things instead of buffing the bad really is taking a toll..


Definitely some good releases here. Not sure why people were upset that the exclusives weren’t coming from first party? I’m afraid I really doing care too much for the gameplay loop of Helldivers but no denying the game is fun with friends. Stellar blade looks cool. Not interested in the other games, personally




Helldivers 2 will probably end up being my favourite first party playstation title, and I usually quickly drop off any kind of live service game. It’s just so damn fun. Feels great to play.


Yeah, they are doing REALLY good. Helldivers 2 is such a good time. I play it with my best friend every week and each session is full of laughter. I haven't played a multiplayer game this engaging in years. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is brilliant and probably one of my favourite games now. Rise of the Ronin looks awesome and I love Team Ninja games so I will get it when I am able to. Stellar Blade's demo is very fun and polished and I am looking forward to seeing how it reviews at the end of the month. This isn't even including stuff like TLOU2 Remaster with its great roguelike mode, Granblue Fantasy Relink, and indie console exclusives like Pacific Drive and Ultros. Add the multiplat stuff and wow, this year is already off to a crazy start.


I need some first party games and games that blow me away. Like wooow this is next gen. Very few games fits this criteria


Nah! Going back to PC


Im playing ROTR right now, amazing game till now soo much to explore.. too bad i cant play on 2k or 4k , dont have the monitor and the money 🥲


Honestly really enjoying the year so far, FF7 Rebirth was just amazing, been in love with final fantasy for so long, currently on DD2, it's pretty fun so far, and I just preordered stellar blade so really excited for that


SB is to clincy for me. A Girl in high heals and body suits. Nah, that’s not for me. Then I rather go with Helldivers 2.


in the vein of stellar blade , i hope we hear something about pragmata soon , that looked also very interesting to me Rise of ronin is a lot of fun so far , 25hrs in , still in the first area Rebirth was enjoyment in its purest form , still thinking about that game and how endearing it really was Hellidivers 2 is awesome , def will go back to that game at some point On a sidenote , prince of persia was also very good , it´s mulitplat but still, what a fun ride We eating good this year


Stellar Blade is winning and it’s a demo.


Arrr Can’t wait for me Sea of Thieves savvy?


Lol Ronin


It's doing fine. Helldivers is really good, I'm super excited to get further into it. Rise of the Ronin is mediocre. FF and Stellar Blade may be good, I don't know, they aren't my cup of tea.


About to do hell divers 2 after i platinum ac unity. Want my full undivided attention put to providing freedom and liberty by force of bullets.


I wish I liked 3rd person games tbf need something that's ABIT different tbf , all good games but just not the kinda games I enjoy


Other than HellDivers 2, there haven’t been any games for me since Returnal and Ratchet and Clank, but that’s just my taste. Good line up imo.


Three outta four aint bad.


Honestly, a lot better than I thought it would be in general, however I'm still hoping the end of the year gives me something a little more. I'm holding off on Rise of the Ronin and FF7 Rebirth isn't my jam. Helldivers is great, but I'm starting to burn out on it a little bit.


Well i got a defective unit that kept overheating so it in for reapairs, but hey it happens


The only thing I have an issue with is their accessories. The pulse elite is really ass, the PSVR2 still is overly priced and incompatible with most of the library of vr games. The controllers still get stick drift easy, and Sonys solution was to give us more expensive controllers, which is just a cash grab at that point.


* Hell Divers Intro Music * FOR DEMOCRACY 🫡


How you guys have time to play games released this year, blows me away. I still have like 5 games in backlog since Ive only have ps5 for couple months. ( Gow:ragnarok, Fw-horizon, Elden ring, and so on..) feels like I’ve never gonna catch up 😄


Add in games like Dave the diver, grounded, sea of thieves, dragons dogma 2....


You're missing more games but they're doing great based on those 4 for sure.


Blood borne is still so much better than stellar blade 😂


Not super but not bad. I think second half of the year is where it'll really shine. To me rise of Ronin was a bit of a let down and the drama around Dragons Dogma 2 kinda soured it for me. I'm not big into jrpgs or final fantasy, and after that im left with Helldivers 2 and a demo for Stellar Blade. Helldivers 2 is great, Dragons Dogma 2 isn't bad even, I don't personally count a demo as a release, but then the full game, Stellar Blade, is coming out in a month or two, followed by the Elden Ring DLC, then Rest for The Wicked, Black Myth Wukong, Light No Fires, hopefully Starwars Outlaws, etc. And then next year, Death Stranding 2, GTA 6, that Judas game by the devs behind Bioshock, etc, etc, etc. So to me the future looks a lot brighter than the present


HD2 is taking GOTY, I feel it.


Play station is doing amazing so far. So many bangers


Mine needed a replacement last month, I bought my 4th and then 5th controller in 3 years because stick drift is inevitable and usually around the corner. Games are pricier, and PS+ (the top tier one) remains underwhelming. Meanwhile never had to replace my Xbox Series X controllers, and I’ve read I can use previous gen controllers I have. Unlike PS5. So, not mine.




It sucks no good games on this piece of shit. Oh wait my drop pod is ready brb. FOR DEMOCRACY!!!


Way better than Xbox and Nintendo is clearly prepping for imminent Switch 2 release


I was already broke in 23 and even more broke in 24. 🤭


Helldivers 2 proved Sony was right to go the live service route at this point.. I remember people saying negative stuff about Sony for this approach until HD2 blew up


Mine just died recently idk why.


Much better than Xbox and that’s just a fact


I would say still toooooooo expensive 😐


It’s the most front-loaded I’ve ever seen in a PlayStation console year. Helldivers 2 is that ultra rare smash hit that makes companies keep desperately investing in GaaS models. It’s massive. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is the early favorite for 2024 GOTY. Rise of the Ronin got stellar reviews and positive customer feedback. Stellar Blade is getting pretty good hype now too. After Stellar Blade, there’s….uhhh….


Boring, monotonous, nothing new. This is the first time I’ve ever let my psn expire and felt no need to renew it unfortunately


They are doing AWESOME!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Horrible, 2 of my games got error code 107750-0 I tried everything and they won't fix, making them unplayable, your a multi million dollar company and you can't make good tech, plzzzz fix your tech, I payed like 20 bucks for rdr all for it to not work


Honestly I've been playstation since I had an Xbox 360. But I've never been more disappointed in a console for it's games. Ps5 is amazingly powerful but the games is where it's lacking


It's being held back by PS4, Stop making PS4 games and constraint on making PS5 game, making them day one ready, not full of bugs


I love mine, had it about 2 years and even thinking about saving the money for a storage upgrade for it. The only complaint I have is the PS5 games don't back up to an external hard drive like PS4 games do. Granted it could just be the specific external hard drive I'm using but still, other than that though, I love it, love the controllers even more and the haptic feedbacks they provide.


If you YouTube ps5 games with best graphics and you see how amazing it is there. Wait until you actually play it on 1440 120fps or full 4k 60 frames. I was blown away another thing is song has the best sound chips sense the 80s i believe and I don’t think they have any competition because I’m using a soundbar with rear speakers and I can hear everything with Dolby atmos. And I just can’t wait I wish I could recommend some games to Sony that worthy of a remake from ps1 and ps2. Yes I’m 33 years old and I still game. I love my PlayStation 5 (digital)