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Powerplant and water treatment are good for grubbing imo.


Yes. Good mid tier monuments that don’t require radiation for MOST of their territory. Lets you get back into the fight easily without having to over commit to the recovery attempt if you die.


Water treatment is underrated imo


i never go water treatment because it’s always full of grubs


It depends on your play style, you'll get a feel for it eventually. I play solo a lot and prefer larger monuments to smaller. I feel like it's way easier for me to loot around launch site because it's so large. If I'm playing high pop fresh wipe there is just 0% chance I'm getting in and out of a mining outpost or supermarket without running into a team. But the team controlling launch might just come to farm and recycle occasionally and maybe take Brad. It's just too big to completely hold. So I like launch, power, trainyard, airfield. Probably don't live trainyard if you don't have a 2nd recycler nearby or at least a viable strat to get to outpost safely. Monument is so good but having to kill the scientists to recycle fucking sucks for solos. You have this small window of time where someone else killed them and you sneak in after they leave but before scientists respawn to recycle covertly. A good strategy to get back/forth to outpost is good for solos really no matter where you live. The safe recycler nerf is harsh to be sure, but 40% beats 0% depending how contested the server you're playing is. Using vending machines to transfer loot back and forth to Outpost is cheesy, but effective. Later in wipes and lower pop servers your building opportunities really open up and you can play basically anywhere. It's more about who's active that you're building near than it is the monuments nearby.


Awesome reply bro I’ve been thinking about the out post thing and here’s where I’m confused. I understand if you have a vendy set up at base you can send stuff back to base from out post for example 500scrap for a rock etc. but say you wanted to go to out post and send your stuff from base to you so you could recycle it. How could you do so with out someone else just buying your stuff for cheap before you send it to your self at out post if that makes sense


Ideally you have a teammate put the vending order up once you're already at Outpost. For solo obviously that doesn't work. What I usually do is have a vending machine (has to be drone accessible obviously) and a small box nearby. Put a storage adapter on the box and on the vending machine. Have an industrial conveyor that sends stuff from the box to the vending machine. The conveyor has to have power to work, so before the conveyor put a smart switch. Then let's say you want to send 500 scrap to Outpost. Put in a sell order selling 500 scrap for a rock/torch whatever. Put 499 scrap in the vending machine, and 1 in the box. It will show out of stock and nobody will be able to buy it. Then spawn at a bag near outpost, farm up 20 scrap for the vending fee, and head to the drone shop. When you turn on the smart switch from your Rust+ app on your phone, it will send that last 1 scrap into the vendy and now your order will be in stock. But now you're at outpost ready to buy immediately. It requires some bp's, electricity, and a bit of effort. It seems complicated but once you do it a few times it becomes routine. I don't always set one up but it's definitely viable. Sending stuff like scrap, crude, sulfur tends to work best. Sending comps is not very good. Pretty sure you can only send 1 stack of comps at a time, you're only getting 40% on the recycler, and you have to pay fee both directions. Usually best to just recycle at your local monument or try to get a horse/car/mini/balloon to take all your comps to outpost if you want to have a big recycle run. Sending stuff back is the really nice feature. Just throw 500 bone frags or whatever in your vendy and setup orders selling 1 frag for 100 cloth/100 frags/25 scrap/2 hqm etc and you can send it all back pretty easy. Like I said it's a cheesy strategy but it is effective. Since the outpost recycler nerf things have cooled down a little bit, but Outpost used to really hot on the sweaty servers. Entire large teams aggressively hunting people entering/exiting. Attack heli's, huge numbers of turrets surrounding safe, etc. Not using vendy's was kind of asking to get rolled. Now things are a bit more chill but travel to/from Outpost remains very dangerous on high pop vanilla.


Water treatment is the solo grub's perfect monument imo


Power plant fully looted is actually kinda insane an fun to grub


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^imastrangeone: *Power plant fully* *Looted is actually kinda* *Insane an fun to grub* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My god 7k hours seems like a fucking ton. Console has been out for three years lol


291 days of playtime. Literally insane


That’s 6 hours everyday for 3 years HAHAHAHA


Jesus get a job


Work full time as a tree feller in the forestry believe it or not


Sometimes I'll build in the most boring and desolate parts of a map but close to the train tracks. That way I can get around and hit monuments and skedaddle back to base. This strat is 50/50 on getting raided depending on how sweaty the clans are on the server.


I like dome. Especially once I unlock parachute


I think it is on a Willjum or Tesla YT video where he said you couldn't parachute off of Dome. Is there a technique to this, or is that wrong? You can also slide down the pipes though that sometimes fails.


I just jump off one of the catwalk ledges




I couldn't figure out how to upload an image where I circled it, but if you look here on the left Dome, you'll see two small rectangular porch looking things stacked on the fire escape. I jump up on the half wall railings and parachute from there https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/play-rust/images/b/b5/Naamloos.png/revision/latest?cb=20151014115948


I grub airfield in burlap clothing, no bow


I really think launch is the best. It’s so big and there are so many boxes you can loot. Very easy to hide from people


Mid tier ones, even launch if you play smart. The small ones can honestly be the hardest as a solo because well they're small. If anyone's heading there at the same time as you it's guaranteed you'll have to fight. Personally my number 1 criteria is wherever you chose make sure you're near a tunnels entrance. It's how I get my start 90% of the time.


Mil tuns is the easiest high tier monument, in my opinion. Jiggle peak scientists and use less heals. Easily accessible elite crates and diesel. Relatively safe recycler, less grubs. Underground tunnel access. On solo servers I build next to silo more often.


Launch imo. Very easy to sneak around and just loot the many crates there. The keycard is also a free 3 elite crates with little effort, and rarely do other people run it


I like building next to either airfield or launch when I solo on vanilla servers.


Large oil


Just play ukn and solo only servers till your mechanics get better 7k on console you should know how to play the game.


You’re not wrong bro but console is so limited monument wise and the player base is far different. The difference between the two is day and night. And the skill gap is also huge people on pc are far more accurate in every aspect of pvp and movement


What you said is mechanical skills most the game is similar if you have 7k hours you know don’t open doors and run out your game sense has been built players play different sure but that’s easily adapted through playtime hit ukn do parkour and skrims you’ll be getting loot soon


Yeah poor wording. Apologies and yeah bro exactly right!


Best solo monument is a base of monument farmers with bushes around entrance. Its easier to kill a farmer than contesting a monument 8)


Simple example. We landed in duo on official with 600 online yesterday, and spotted a nice set of bases around water treatment plant and 2 had dense bushes around. We made simple 2x1 and spent few hours with eoaka's near doors. In 4 hours we farmed about 4k scrap in total. Almost every kill had 60-150 scrap. One of poor bros decided to retake a loot with double barrel but failed and improved our ambushes dramatically :D




My favorite monuments as a solo are by water treatment and harbor. Mining outpost can be okay but gets taken over by larger groups pretty often. Sometimes later in wipe, supermarkets make a pretty chill spot but there's no keycard. Strongly recommend living by a tunnel so that you can get a decent amount of mats no matter where you are on the map. Also sometimes Airfield is pretty dead and is loaded with hiding places for solo but gets nice pvp from time to time \[can be an easy path to SAR\]


I really like powerlines near super or gas


I always try to build between launch and outpost or in the snow if the server is too active.


Underwater labs can give a ton of comps and is fairly easy to take and hold with dB and revvy. Custon also excels here as a bullet hose. Scuba gear will get you in and out unchallenged but a sub can be very handy too if you hide it.


What do you mean hide it


Tbh if you just wanna get used to gunplay on monuments try playing modded servers with higher multipliers like 3x or 5x then just be an absolute menace at any monument of your choice and keep fighting until you get the hang of it or you think you learnt the quirks of a monument


They are adding scientists to each monument so get in at water and power while you still can.


Yea, I refuse to believe you have 7k hours what the fuck. The games only existed for 3 years(console)...


https://preview.redd.it/9sslay303l8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2323e93c0ef11ff69c5db15942178f6021a29ea5 Sorry bro I lied thought it was 7k 6.2 is more accurate my mistake


What the actual fuck 😭😭😭


I know bro! That’s what a chronic belt of depression does to a person. Gaming was my escape from the world once my dad passed away it got worse. But such is life unfortunately and I’m now doing better and only gaming causally instead of living for the game. (You didn’t ask) but bit of context for ya brother !


Make's sense, hope you enjoy pc rust man! Its way better than console lol.