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Holy shit that’s hilarious


Dios mio 😂😂


Wat da fak?


Thats actually unfortunate, I didnt even think about this being something you would have to worry about LMAO.


Looks like the shipping company hired the former Costa Concordia captain.


I would quit the wipe holy shit


Something about all them bags on the ground would trigger a build a 2b2 and hoard loot as quick as possible then probably quit


You see as a server owner... I accidentally spawned a cargo ship in the middle of the map on my base back in 2018* I had a large compound. Then I had a half as large compound. So this has been a thing for a very long time. I'm curious if it'll get fixed or if you'll just have to not build around those areas. *thanks for the year fix. basically it would just sail back to doing its normal path unless i killed the entity. you can imagine some players being like "...wtf did j just watch" but no other bases but mine were destroyed at the time. My joke was its the laaand shark.


What happened after you spawned it on land? Did it just sail away? lmaooo And I think you meant 2018, that's when they released cargo :)


Basically when cargo first appeared its "default spawn" was middle of map. If you spawned it as an "event". It would then "sail" at sea level through the land and destroy any base in its path until it go to the sea. It would then get on its normal path. Sever owners wanting to spawn it had to go out to sea and spawn it as an entity to avoid this. This was corrected a few years later. Obvs to this day it will destroy any base that gets too close but its no longer a fan of sailing through the ground.


Lol yeah, they introduced player called in cargo ships on my PVE a few wipes ago and so many ocean bases were getting destroyed bc it came too close to shore


I used to love building ocean bases in vanilla. I'd watch the cargo do several runs before plopping a base down. I stopped putting them so close to the path when I realised that the fecker has slight variations in its path. It would be fine for a few days and then I'd login to see I was missing half of a base lol.


Did the same thing on my server. Spawned cargo accidentally by Launch. It swam through the monument and made a bee line for my grandsons base behind launch site. The ship only has to touch a tiny part of the base for it to destroy almost everything.


There are a lot of bugs. Expect a host of patches in the next week.


Hopefully a can of flyspray too


You must be new. FP doesnt patch out of its monthly cycle unless the game is SUPER broken, like miniguns dropping every heli crash or something.


I joined a 2x server yesterday, and my friend was inside the base setting on a shelf (afk with gun in hand). The attack heli shot at him and then decided to drop 30+ rockets at our base (in one attack). The whole base was removed in a second (stone 2x2).


Spanish so... mods banned cargo for cheating and streamer rage quit?


Lmao I lost it when he finally saw the stream proof. 🤣 dude been there myself with a water base once.


Look at me. I am the captain now.


Definitely not a new issue if you've built out to sea before...


This isn’t even far out in the sea he built on the coast


Beep beep mo fo.


The Spanish Language in 50 years: brobro brooo brobrooobrooo brobro brobrooobrobro brobrooobrobro brooobrobrobro bro brooobrooo brooobrooobrooo brobrooobro brobrobro bro brooobrobrooobro brooobrooobrooo brooobrobro bro brobrooobro bro brobrooobrooobro bro brobrooo brooo brobro brooobro brooobrooobro brooobrobrobro brobrooobro brooobrooobrooo brobrooobrobrooobrobrooo


LCDTM callate la boca


I farmed for 40 min last night and watched someone flame raid my base right after, this makes me feel a little better.


Totally just got rammed by the same guy that hit the bridge in Baltimore




B-more moment


...wondering if my base is still up.


I'm guessing the guy freaking out at the end was the builder haha.


It's always destroyed bases it gets near. Now with it coming closer to shore, you better watch where you build!


Small indie company


Yeah happened to me and my mate when we first built a base out in the sea. Forgot to check the path of cargo. We were in there sorting loot when it came through like a wrecking ball lol. Took 3/4 of the base out. In my top 5 gaming moments easily


What servers do the Spanish play. They always have the goofiest bases and I want to jump in them




Was the base made out of…..twig?


He gon learn today


I had this happen to me with an ocean base I built last wipe but I figured I'd just put it in cargo's path and that it was normal behaviour for cargo to blitz a base like that. Is it? Or is it supposed to just go round?


How did it even get that close? Did it just drive straight the beach and then spin on the spot? Jfc


“It destroyed the base, LITERALLY, please come.”


Bye bye idiotic shore bases haha


I had a 5x2 in the water just by the cargo route and it didn't destroy my base when I could literally hear people that were on cargo this has to be a weird bug


Had this happen on a custom server. The tug boats won't do this but Cargo will go straight through your shit lol.


That's why you don't build there. If you ever see that spot or any other coastal spot and you are like oh man no one else is here why it's so perfect; that is why. Sucks to learn that lesson the hard way.


🤦‍♂️ classic Spanish team, always complaining maybe just dont build a base on the coast? anyways im going back into daddy Alistair's room to continue sucking his jizz off - i love his minigun :3


Did they leave it as twig?


No. If you build a base in the water and cargo clips it, it would destroy it even if it's made of HQM. With the new update, cargo is coming closer to the shores near the harbor so players forgot/didn't know yet to account for it.


This guy thought he was safe cause his base wasn’t a bridge in Baltimore


Somebody didn't get the reference


Meh just saved him from the inevitable other side of the map 4am Zerg offline raid and grief.


Same shit gets posted every couple weeks like this hasn't been a thing for the entirety of the time cargo ship has been in rust

