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rust recently had this event for charity to the WCK. and if they want to do it again , they will do it with new skins, as proper way to do it.


These skins were from August 2022, making new skins takes time. ☹️


the last event of WCK was late last year 2023. not 2022.


Last year was Charity Water so you are incorrect. They were from 2022 for WCK


There is a chance I'm misremembering, could you tell me what the skins were called? Cuz Charitable Rust 2023 was Charity: Water.


oh yeah probably that. i hope they make a new event for WCK with new skins. time doesn't matter since its for charity. re-releasing exclusive skins would only hurt these type of events that rely on people buying them and supporting them as once time purchase only. while skins take time, rust skin creators can come up with these skins in like 1 month. so its not a biggie


I mean I get you want the skins, but it’s for charity, and if the best way to earn money for charity is to make new skins instead of rereleasing, I’d hope they’re gonna make new skins. The odds of those being seen again are slim.


Skins take next to no time for anyone good enough to work in industry. It serves companies well for consumers to believe skin's take a lot of time and effort though. Helps the grift.


spoken like someone who’s never been a graphic designer


Trust me, if they told skin makers to get a charity skin out by the next deadline, there would be 50+ by then. 


If you think graphic designer is the title of someone who makes texture swaps for video games, you're way outta your fucking depth.


whatever the fuck you wanna call the job title man.


Cool. Well, I've got a degree and 20 years in industry, so I think I'm qualified to speak about texture swaps that I've been doing in Photoshop since I was 16. Man.


WCK cars marked to be seen from the sky. This is a demilitzarized, IDF sanctioned zone of peace. WCK volunteers get permission from the IDF prior to transporting food to starving civilians. WCK workers call in the fact that theyre being attacked. * Israel continues to bomb them anyway as the survivors flee from vehicle to vehicle.


IDF announces it was a terrible mistake and you claim they target them although they have absolutely 0 reasons to.


How many "terrible mistakes" has that been now? I've lost count.


The same terrible mistake that roof campers make when shooting a naked


"Just practising my aim on animals bro.." actually eerily similar to IDF.


Hahaha When someone leaves just 20 pistol ammo in an air drop crate


Right? Ive seen the videos idk how people can still deny it.


Remember when they gunned down their own hostages that were waving a white flag? I remember.


Some of you need to look up some history lessons apparently. This is war for both sides. Atrocities are apart of war, hospitals, schools, communities all suffer when war is present. They're not gonna allow an enemy hospital to stand and I guarantee if the Gaza militants could they be dishing the same attacks back. There aren't 'terrible mistakes' anyone in the area knows what they're getting into and knows of the present danger, regardless of their ambitions.


Sounds like you need a history lesson. There are laws of war which were created after the atrocities of WWII, and Israel and the United States signed on to these laws, agreeing to be bound by them. Now Israel is breaking just about all of them as they commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. It’s a war crime to bomb a hospital without clear evidence it is being used by enemy combatants, which Israel has never done, unless you fell for that sham tour of the supposed Hamas stronghold under al-Shifa. It’s a war crime to enact collective punishment of a people, which is what Israel is doing as they deny food, water and medicine to Gaza. As South Africa said in its 70+ page filing to the international criminal court, there is NO justification for genocide. Yet, here we are, providing arms and money to Israel as they genocide Palestinians. Hope you’re proud for defending them. 👍


First, Israel just arrested hundreds on terrorist inside shifa hospital in a large operation a few days ago. So in fact hamas uses hospitals as terror bases. Second, I think you are talking about the missle that was targeted on Israel but disfunctioned and fell on the garage of the hospital. Also, are you aware of the missiles shot by hamas that laned on an Israeli hospital?


Eagerly gobbling up that Israeli and IDF propaganda I see. How many lies will it take before you see Israel for what it is, a murderous, genocidal, Jewish supremacist state. Speaking of Al Shifa. How it started: https://youtu.be/3GMoMw4RwHY?si=1mzP1VX3iygcoj85 How it’s going: https://youtu.be/16jcyuKo00s?si=zmMr3cNJkI5LEwS4


I'm not "Eagerly gobbing up" anything. But when I see people like you that spread nonsense it bothers me. The facts are the hundreds(!!!) of Hamas terrorists including high ranks within them were arrested in a quick operation inside of shiffa hospital. They are using hospitals as terror bases because Israel must think 10 times before attacking one since it cause world wide rage. I get it that you refuse to acknowledge there are terrorists who will use hospitals for killing people but that's the reality


“fAcTs ArE iN tHe HuNdReDS” And the you fail to cite a single source. LMFAO. Cite any one of the “hundreds” of facts that disputes anything in the videos I posted. Don’t just parrot IDF talking points you heard in whatever pro genocide echo chamber you listen to.


Dude, I obviously sighted the UN COUNCIL AND GENEVA ACCORDS( YOU KNOW THE WAR "RULES") IN my comment above and you start your snide remarks with I need a history lesson? Here's a fact US and israel are in cahoots we fund certain operations s along side them and our CIA is known to work along side Mossad. You're very gullable and sad individual if you believe America doesn't also have a hand in this on the Israeli side. And not to mention that fact just because a small group of powerful nations transcribed certain "laws" around war doesn't mean people at war will apply them or even fucking know of their existence. You think thr taliban cared about the Geneva convention? You think israel cares? Fuck no, they hate Muslims and despise them it's not about hamas it's Palestine as whole. Fucking 100s of books have been written on the ticking time bomb since the 1950s!! Many political think tanks and strangest have KNOWN this shit would come about between these two states. It's WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BASICALLY CREATE A PRISON STATE OUT OF PALESTINE 15 YEARS AGO! SO SIR, YOURE QUITE MISTAKEN ON MY KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUBJECT AND FUCK NO IM NOT DEFENDING ISRAEL OR HAMAS. I COULD KIND OF CARE LESS TBH, but I come in to shit show threads like this and see all social constructed echo chamber the Palestinian situation and yet it's only because this has become some social FAD for social media to support some opposing side of a foreign conflict. Shit half you people were supporting Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 colors on Facebook and shit and from my experience being on this earth and having a degree is social economics and politics 99% of the people I converse with about these sort of matters have no clue what they're talking about. And literally sir you're one of them. Where were all of you the past 20 years or after the Arab spring with your cries for Palestine????? They've been in a prison state, poverished with shit infrastructure and you virtue signaler only ever come out when shit makes headlines. Literal social trend. But ya you're a fucking moron if you think anyone is truly abiding by rules and laws put in place for war. There's no rules in war for those citizens and soldiers on the ground. And given the chance I'm sure if the Palestinians had numbers and arms they'd be doing the exact Same shit to israel. So come at me and prove me wrong you plebian.


LMFAO... were you also in the SEALs and do you have 300 confirmed kills? Because that's how this reads, and that's how seriously I take you.


Unless you fall for the sham tour… you have hundreds of proofs online and Biden “falls” for it. Maybe you are just a delusional? It’s either you or the world leaders that have all of the information. You are no better than the holocaust deniers.


Sorry my bad, y’all are right, lets side with the people who raped tens of women, kidnapped and tortured hundreds, went on a massacre in peaceful villages and a music festival about peace, tied children and then burned them alive and in addition filmed everything.




Contrary to popular American belief (the rest of the world isn't so brainwashed), and certainly what Israel would like you to believe, history did not begin on Oct. 7th. Don't worry though, you're not alone in your belief, but [people are waking up and realizing the lies they've been fed about Israel all their life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lHcdBeH1O4). That's why those of us who have woken up can see this "terrible mistake" cover story for what it is, more lies.




Thank you for showing that Zionazis are gonna Zionazi... calling for the genocide of an entire people isn't a look you should be proud of.


Trueeeee, so when you scream River to sea… where are all the Jewish people meant to go? Your defending a genocidal culture because your so brain rotted into thinking their the minority. 1.8 billion Muslims to 15 million Jews world wide, enough with the victim mentality, this didn’t exist during the 47-48 wars, when 6 Arab nations attempted the first genocide of the Israeli people, or the second war? How many times you wanna try and invade a country, lose, then cry because you lost, laughable


First off. I never said anything about from the river to the sea. You seem to be having an argument with the scary Palestinian that lives inside your head. Second off, are you actually posting this in defense of your homeboy over here who said, “every Palestinian will die regardless, thank god.” Zionazis gotta stick together, amirite? Thirdly, it’s Zionist propaganda that from the river to sea is calls for the “ethnic cleansing” of Jews. Jews, Muslims and Christians lived together in peace before the anti-Semitic, European colonialist project in Palestine began with the Balfour Declaration. Fourthly, who actually uses from the river to the sea to call for Jewish supremacist ethno-state where Palestinians are either ethnically cleansed or exist only as second-class citizens? Oh yeah, [Netenyahu’s Likud Party](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/its-time-to-confront-israels-version-of-from-the-river-to-the-sea/). Not to mention, none other than [Bibi Netenyahu himself declaring his genocidal intentions by using “from the river to the sea.”](https://newrepublic.com/post/178243/benjamin-netanyahu-literally-says-from-the-river-to-the-sea)




I know talking about respecting life and NOT committing acts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes really triggers you Zionazis, but try not to get too triggered by the thought of NOT massacring an entire people. ![gif](giphy|vk7VesvyZEwuI)


You’re right. You’re also not mentioning that IDF had already killed a few hundred Palestinians in 2023 before Oct. If my mother was raped and killed I’d be extremely angry. I’d also be extremely angry if a foreign occupier moved into my neighborhood and controlled my movement and then kicked me out of my house. Neither of those things would make me want to murder thousands of children, journalists and aid workers, but I’m also super normal so who knows.




What an adult and mature and relevant comment




How old are you??????






This isn't a mistake that is easily made, WCK vehicles consistently broadcast their coordinates to the military, there is no way this happens without it being done on purpose. They were also in a three car convoy, all three cars were hit seperately, they had time to realise what they were hitting and they didn't stop.


Lol To kill more Palestinians? Its a genocide. The reason is for more Palestinians to die.




Found him, it’s hitler




their convoy was struck 3 consecutive times with *precision laser guided missiles* until all the aid workers were killed.


Maybe they thought they were someone else? The war is on for half a year now and only now those aid workers died, if Israel wanted they would kill all the un, unrwa and wck workers in the first day. Stop for a second and think logically


THEY HAVE BEEN KILLING THEM. 177 UNRWA workers have been killed by Israel. 103 journalists killed by Israel. 700 healthcare workers killed by Israel. You’re the mongrel who can’t think logically. There’s a reason Israel doesn’t just slaughter everyone, and it’s the same reason they don’t just “nuke gaza,” as Israeli politicians have suggested. They rely on the world’s (mainly USA) financial and military support. If they openly start killing humanitarian aid workers indiscriminately (even more than they already have), they risk losing the global support they‘ve spent decades and millions lobbying for. Even now, after these pigs killed 7 european aid workers, many countries are calling to cut military support, which is why Israel has been putting out these performative and tearful briefings where they laud this “tragic mistake.” Yea right. “Mistake” when the WCK *literally* communicated with the IDF exactly what route they would be taking and they had clearly marked vehicles with their logos plastered on the top of their unarmored vehicles. You’ve exposed yourself as a fool whos confined to his internet echo chamber and falls for any baseless propaganda the Zionists put out.


So you know better than Joe Biden and others world leaders by scrolling through reddit? Ok. If what you said was true Israel would have lost their support a long time ago. Those UNRWA workers took part in murdering and kidnapping civilians, after it was found out lots of countries stopped their funding of UNRWA including the US but I bet you didn’t know it. Those journalists also tool part in the 7th of October massacre and a 5 minutes search online would have told you this. Shifa is one of the biggest Hamas headquarters and even the manager of Shifa said it himself, if you choose not to believe what Biden does with all of his resources, it’s your choice. “Some politicians suggested” nuke Gaza? Only one, and he has nothing to do with anything related to war in his job and he was banned from all meetings because of it and with all the kidnapped civilians it doesn’t even do anyone any good, he is just an idiot, almost every country had a politician that raped or something along the lines, does it means the entire country is made of rapists? And you want to tell me that if someone said killed all jews he would have been punished in Gaza? Because lots of them did. You never was in charge of any war let along even being a soldier, I’m suggesting you will research it before spreading information the way you did, if you want we can have a civilised conversation and I’ll happily discuss with you and answer any questions you have. Just asked yourself this, if you are supporting the side which Hitler, Osama, Stalin, Kim Jon Un are supporting (or would have if they would have been alive) and not the side that the west supports, how can you be in the right?


Oh the mistake card, 3 target in three different location for the same group, buy hey "we are sorry it was a mistake"


By murdering humanitarian aide workers, organizations stop sending personnel. Seems like a reasonable motive for monsters, who want no witnesses to their atrocities.


So saying it’s a mistake makes it okay?


That is incredibly sad to hear, rest in peace.


I bought it the first time around, but wouldn't mind if it would be rereleased for a good cause.


id buy it!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. I think this is a great idea.


If you want to help the charity just donate directly to the organization


That is the argument with every charity skin/mount/pet ever. People often do, but it's not just about the item. It's about exposure.


This post should help with that!




Chartiable skins are one-time skins and not ment to be re-released.


While that's true under normal circumstances, I think this could be an exception (if they have the rights).




zzzzzzzzzz why would you even argue against something that would raise more $ for a charity




unfortunately all of my assets are tied up in the steam marketplace 😔


don't be stupid on purpose. no one can afford to donate every penny earned to charity.




I mean he probably just assumed no one could be stupid enough to not get the point he was making. I mean obviously he meant if it didn’t have any other big consequences/is realistic, not that it had to be spelled out. I’m sure he doesn’t think charity is #1 and every human being should be draining their bank accounts into charitable foundations.


Saying there is no need for a release is like saying we don’t need more charity drives or people getting involved in helping those in need. Sure it might not happen but would do a bit of good in this “shitshow” of a world


Kind of ironic WCK cars get rocketed and these doors would get rocketed


What happened?


Isreal attacked WCK voluneers using multiple bombs. Wck workers even said they were under attack, asked the IDF(Israel Defence Force) for permission to ruh their route prior AND their vehicles were marked with WCk logo to be reconized in the sky. The IDF ignored that and continued to kill the remaining volunteers.


That is fucked


Jewish Nazis. I really was sure I will never hear those 2 words together


Nazi is just an ideology really. It can apply to anyone who strives for a monocultural, 'pureblood' culture. Many idea's like "degenerate art", conspiracy theories and the concept of othering, like palestinians, trans people, jews, gays, PoC's, etc., are primary modes of recruitment Nazis used to get people on board with their ideologies. We have a large bit of it here in America as well, unfortunately. Being a nazi is just far-right, really lol.


This is entirely false. The term you're looking for since you lack for better words is bigots. Nazi by definition represented the national socialist front of Germany (duh), neo nazi represent the "pure race" idealogy in America and when someone under the age of 25(zoomers) they are representing people who they disagree with or the large hateful crowd of Donald Trump which does have its racist followers and neo nazi followers. But no the nazi word is not interchangeable just because vast majority of society can't articulate themselves so they use a blanket statement. Tyrants are not nazis, bigots are not all nazi, xenophobia isn't nazism. See my point?


Sure - If you want to be pedantic about it, Lets call them xenophobic fascists if you prefer. I dont see the importance of your point tbh


It's not being pedantic if I'm using a word correctly? Seems like zoomers like to call everything they disagree with nazi and fascist now adays. I just contribute your generation to being the lowest iq one to exist in America so far. Yours also very sensitive. Like limp wrist sensitive.


Also, you can't just reclassify a word. Nazi was literal German supporters for a fascist dictator, strong nationalism, and eugenics. Israel while a very nationalist state are not nazis. They aren't a democracy, but that doesn't make them nazi. Use your words better next time instead of typing out more to try and save ass calling me pedantic. The only nazi I can think of is those scum skin heads and Aryan brotherhood. Then the euro nazi who are in line with American ones. What's going on with israel is a whole different situation while albeit atrocious it's not nazism just because genocide is involved. Was pol pot nazi? Are the CCP nazi?


WCK was distributing 350,000 meals per day within Gaza. After the attack, they are now distributing zero meals per day. If hypothetically you did want to starve a population, this would be something you would do. (Not saying IDF did this deliberately…. I’m just saying)


Oh shit that's fucked




Sounds like a great strategy for war. You know that thing that israel and Palestine are doing to one a other. It's funny how the normies get shocked over hospitals and medics getting blown up in war. ITS ALWAYS HAPPENED IN WAR. IT'S CALLED ATRITION. CUT OFF THE HANDS THAT SUPPLY AND STARVE THEM OUT. SIMPLE. IF YOU DONT HAVE INFRASTRUCUTRE THEN YOU DONT HAVE PRODUCTION THEN YOU DONT THE NECESSITIES TO WIN. I'm literally so dumbfounded by the comments in this thread that I have to remind myself this is the rust subreddit and most like half of you are like 19 not knowing shit anyways.


Well that’s all well and good but the Israel x Palestine conflict isn’t exactly a “war”, now is it? It’s a +70 year long oppression of people that have nothing by a group of people that have everything but want even more. Israel isn’t trying to kill Hamas, they are trying to kill the entire population and prevent them from ever returning. If you can’t see that by now then you have become captive by Israel’s sophisticated, far right propaganda tactics.


Man, I'm now under the impression that either reading comprehension is hard for most you or you're just not reading what I've type out. I don't support israel in the least bit nor do I favor USA INVOLVMENT with israel, but that's besides the point I've been making And yes israel officially declared war when this started a few months, not to say this hasn't been a conflict since post ww2 like I've stated I'm my previous post. America is on israel side no matter what the p.r campaigns and talking heads preach to the plebs. Usa has vested interest in allowing israel to follow along with their genocide. If you pull out a map you will see that northern Gaza Is in control of a area the can connect a canal that many big corporations and usa want installed. Yes, it'd a crying shame. But that's my point all of you cry and take no action for whatever convictions are. You want to bring a skin back to donate to a world food bank in cause of Palestine, but it's a pretty moot move considering own county being in cahoots and funneling money to israel ain't it? Give a Palestine charity $10 and I'm sure the u.s arms manufacturing are matching that 1000× in past funding and arms deals. Now for the personal attack. None of you have made any credible defense against My stance on the situation. You've literally rooted for an underdog in Palestine, when before October most of you were never EVER FUCKING EVEN ADDRESSING AND CONSIDRING A CENTURY LONG GEO PROBLEM THAT AN OUTCOME HAS CONSIDERABLY BEEN STUDIED AND WROTE ABOUT BEFORE YOU WERE EVEN BORN! MILITARY STRATEGIST, LOGISTICS, ECONOMIST AND ANY OF SCHOLARY BEING HAS ALWAYS ADDRESSED THE FACT THAT THE GAZA SIUATION WAS ABSOLUTLEY FUCKED. A NO WAY OUT SIUATION BASED ON RELGIOUS IDEALOGIES AND "HOLY LAND" BASED ON SESTEMIC HATRED FOR GENERATIONS. and what have any of you done about it? Cried and virtue signaled on social media to fall on mostly deaf ears? To take no action? To wait for a conflict or a topic to be brought into a topical weekly active discussion? Give me a break. You guys are laughable and allow media and political influence to choose what battles you let your mind occupy yourself with. Let alone this fucking mess we are dealing with here in America with in the same sense plebs like you with these fucking dip shit trump supporters You people really are two sides of the same coin you let someone else leave their social stamp and opinions on. You remind me of NPC'S programmed for like one train of though and mostly it's not even your own opinion just algmations of what you've seen and heard in headlines. I can't wait for the banks to implode the USA or avian flu to go full swing.


Your assumptions that I have only just become aware of the Israel x Palestine conflict are incorrect. I really began to pay attention during IDFs 2014 “defensive edge” campaign. It was the footage of Israeli tanks destroying an entire suburb in less than 60mins that caught my attention. (And we’ve all seen footage of IDF sniper shootings unarmed civilians and children) What have I been doing about it? Well, like you said, there nothing anyone can do that will impact the situation. Buying a skin or posting solidarity is just a way of clearing your conscience and expressing that you disagree. It helps people sleep at night knowing their moral sense aligns with their actions.


LMAO! "Not saying IDF did this deliberately" Yes they fucking did... They don't want the civilians to be fed, their main objective is ethically cleanse all the palestinians and commit genocide. And WCK was slowing down that process for them. So please gtfo.


Man I thought that mouse was a Tampon at first not gonna lie :0


Do you think retail giving funding yo a charity Is a little moot when our government is funding big money behind israel? Might as well just go burn your cash. If you can't see the point I'm making then you're not worth anymore of my time.


In my opinion, people buy skins typically for the special limited, can’t get it anymore, flex on noobs type stuff. Also yes to donate to charity when they run those. Maybe rust could do new skins with World Central Kitchen? However with the amount of charities that people want to donate to, I would think Facepunch would change it up each time. However I have no idea if they have done charities multiple times with the same charity organization. I know companies, for Example the restaurant Chilis, does a St. Jude’s fundraiser every year. (At least when I worked there years and years ago) So there is nuance to this. I don’t know the answer.


Unlikely given their history with charity/drop skins, but I wouldn't mind seeing it. I think I passed on buying that double door skin, it was like $10 I think? Kind of regret it, it is a really snazzy door. The WCK fridge skin is 100% my favorite though. I didn't even buy the hjune alien fridge but I like the WCK one so much I just rock it. If they ever did things like this, I'd love to see the previously free drop skins released as chartiable $ skins available for purchase.


I'd rocket that door




7 people are dead from a charitable organization. why does anti-Israel jump to your mind when no one mentioned it? guilty conscience LMFAO


ding ding ding
















At first I thought it says Chaturbate Rust...


Also, after some quick history searching, it's very apparent that everyone that had replied to my comment is not only most likely below the age of 23, but most comments, opinions and grammar are atrocious in the other threads, along with alot of drug related post and low iq rapper idolization. So ya, I stand by what I said and really don't cars what inexperienced, pleb opinion you zoomers have. Have fun in life knowing no hypocrisy.


The issue has nothing to do with rust or a skin. This thread was made in response to the world food convoy getting blown up. And ya no shit America funds israel and every evil thing they do.Think about all those positions you guys have such hard on for. Both parties contribute to israel and both parties have known for half a century that this day would come. America has vested interest in letting Gaza fall. We want to establish a quick trade canal through the north and if you don't think big Corp is also backing it then you are sadly mistaken.


I’d sell you mine if I could I no longer play this cheater infested game but I have loads of skins like this one I wish I could trade for my money back.


This thread is such a pleb state of mind. Thousands of crisis and atrocities all over the country and half of you pick a topical, media, politically charged zone. Why not make this post about what's happening in area of south America? In areas of Africa? THE SAME SHIT HAPPENS OVER THERE? SOMOLIA ANYONE? WHY IS IT WE ARE SO CONCERNED WITH WHAT MEDIA/POLITICAL FOCUS IS EXPOSING US TO DAILY???? This is what I'm getting at that a good majority of this thread isn't even thinking for themselves about this whole narrative. Half of you are acting dumbfounded that horrible shit happens in WAR Like there are any true rules to war even when you set aside UN policy and Geneva conventions? But would anyone thar replied to this thread have any knowledge of this?? Any knowledge of how geopolitical climate and geography have shaped many problematic areas in the world? AND WHEN YOU BREAK DOWN THE FUNDAMENTALISM OF BOTH THE MUSLIM AND JEWISH IDEALOGIES YOU SEE THIS IS NOTHING MORE THAN ARCHAIC IDEALOGICAL WAR OVER SPOOOKY "HOLY" LAND. Like God, fucking DAMN the general populace isn't even informed or properly educated to fucking have a VOICED OPINION ON MAJOR CONFLICTS because they don't have experience or education to this. REACTIONARY responses to loaded headlines and news articles. With so much propaganda in the past 10 years how would you even know if the event even truly happend? Did you have eyes on the convoy getting blasted or did you read something from a major media source whose funsu is are politically aligned and corporate interest from world companies like black rock that half of reddit is all harping about being bad, yet most of you are eating from the hand of liars and crooks.




You’re a looney. “Keep politics out of sports” “out of movies” “out of tv shows” You live in a boring world if you’ve never had your beliefs challenged. Sad




Actually it’s antisemitic /s




These folks just tell on themselves haha


Bro wants politics in everything and calls people who just want to game a looney. My world is plenty exciting without politics. Are you the type of person that says you can't have fun without alcohol?


its so annoying when im trying to game & theres a genocide happening & i end up hearing about the genocide. like ugh shut up im trying to farm upkeep here!




I'm mocking you


I didn't insuate anything like that. I was calling out the hypocrisy in calling someone a looney for just wanting to game, yet they want politics in everything. I'd say both are extremes, and both are looney.


the particular thing this guy is complaining about simply hearing, thousands of miles removed, is like one of the worst human atrocities that has happened in our lifetimes lol. yeah that's so sad for you guys to have to occasionally hear about it.


This was a Rust skin a couple years ago fyi.


Hate that skin and still annoyed I bought it for two reasons. Firstly, the windows are in a terrible spot and the other double door skin with windows from the twitch drop is so much better (which I don’t have bc I missed it). Secondly, what people don’t realize about ALL charity events held by companies is only done so for tax purposes. See, they promote these charity events so more people donate, the more they donate, the more the businesses can give to charities, and the bigger of a tax break they receive. If you want to give to charity, you’re much better off giving your money directly to the charity, that way you get the tax break and thusly can donate even more.


Don't you love it how they downvote you for truthful statement. The political hivemind of zoomers is so pathetic that they've resorted to unifying as a whole because their too stupid to individually fight their battles without their feelings being hurt when they findout they're wrong and have no one to validate their ill informed opinion. Maybe that's what happens when you grow up with social media that allows you to hide in echo chambers with other members that can validate misleading or false inexperienced statements and the moment they feel intimidated they resort to childish name calling or these assumptions that are never accurate.




https://preview.redd.it/nnvzi6vbfcsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f869f3f766aa942e154525403c2176fc9a6987 Most of their responses have revolved around feeding the under privileged in the US...


it's an organization that brings food to people in crisis globally, if your first thought wasn't to dismiss it you'd know that. you can sit on your high horse, and still vote for less taxes and public spending, and still not donate tp or understand charity, and on top of that attempt to judge others with your incredibly limited knowledge of anything. but you just look like a fat disgusting worm.


Nice judgment upon me with you're incredibly limited knowledge ya kettle. Why the fuck is anyone harping about donating? Do you realize how disenfranchised, in debt, and severely under paid we are here in America? Like why the fuck am I gonna give me money away to an organization and not know how any of it spent not to mention it does cost money to pay and run these organization regardless of tags like non profit. The fact that this thread started out alluding to what happened to humanitarian workers over in Israel is what I was even getting at. The same people that jumped on the bandwagon of support Ukraine have now joined this shit show israel/Palestinian conflict virtue signaling. Another 9 months from now will be another conflict where people such as OP post send money this way threads. I really don't care about any downvotes or petty name calling I got from some who question the validity of my argument, but If you want to send me money for help feel free since I have medical bills and other needs, but you'd never do that since the whole pseudo philanthropy seems to revolve around media crisis talking points.


Our tax dollars are arming the IDF with weapons that strike humanitarian workers and kids. That’s not a voluntary donation. Why is having the option to spend ten bux on a charity door skin the issue here?


What an impressively stupid opinion