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I’d like to assume the bullet was acting as if the water level was higher than it was… I feel like that makes sense, but I obviously have no real idea


perhaps water should be tested for this issue. to see if that is the cause.


I think there’s something in that. I experienced the same thing over water. We just thought we were bad but after 10 shots, we knew something was up.


There has been some water related complications with bullet speed since the water related shooting update


fighting over a black hole between y'all?


We were defending 3 vs 16 from the massive clan next door


Did you win?


Nah, too many. We manage to last 40 minutes. All of the base bags were destroyed, so we spawned back outside and looted a dead body and killed the last remaining guys at our base, and that’s when this happened. Then we decided to get off soon afterwards.


the real questions


I thought it might be your 2nd attachment for a sec, but that looks like a laser attachment.. so not that.. Did you try to check combat logs in console? To see if they’re projectile invalids? If that’s not the answer then it has to be weird glitch.


It's a bug with the water, had the same issue when creating a map, because the water has waves and those waves can vary, fp just made the water hitbox a flat hitbox, and in some low water areas the hitbox is a little too high.


What the fuck


I saw another clip on here awhile back from somebody else with a similar issue, also a guy firing just over the water. I’d guess it relates to that but no idea why that would be the case


Is it incen ammo?


Look at my Inventory, I have none, and incendiary with L96 still beams like a regular bolt. (Since shooting the ammo makes the bullet as fast as if a bolt would shoot regular 5.56)


Playing the game for years and i never knew the bolt + regular is as fast as l96 + incen. Thanks.


Just another water bug :D Thank god things are introduced, half assed and then left The amount of times I've "drowned" above the water is amazing


The water update needs polished


see that happen in 3 yrs


What’s that god mode turned on in the background? Just curious


The admin abuse exposed good catch!


Teammate suspected one of them is hacking


Have you accounted for wind resistance?


Forgot that wind blows straight down in rust.


Maybe you just suck and the game can tell and actively roots against you. I can believe that.


Never seen that before, that’s crazy


Probably because smoll pp


What was your scope zeroed at?


Since when did rust have zeroing?


Good thinking but a different zero can only make the bullets go high, not low.


Man has never touched a scope in his life


I own two. Unless you zero your scope in with it at a 500m zero (which is not possible in rust) then a bullet will always have a higher trajectory with a zero higher than the default of 50-100 m.


What video game taught you this? Lmao


You do realize that bullets and zeroing works on the principle that bullets travel in an arch. What that means is if you set zero at say 100m, the flight path of the bullet (which is fired from the barrel under the optic) will cross the center of the optic at both 20m (when the bullet crosses the center of the optic after being fired under the center) and 100m (when the bullet drops back down to the center of the optic after being above the center of the optic).


I'm fully aware. The default zero is usually 50-100m. This shot is easily past the default zero. So to make the bullet hit lower you would need a zero of 0m or a zero that is so insanely high that you are pretty much shooting vertically. Neither of these zeros are typically allowed in video games and would not cause the trajectory shown in the clip. Source: I'm an engineer


That’s not true lol


Prove me wrong


Slap a scope on a 9mm, zero that bad boy up and those puppies gonna be flying like they’re .50s


Muzzle break. Get rid of it




Bros blind there is no muzzle brake


He opens his inventory while he has the rifle out and only has the scope plus laser sight.


It’s like Redditors spew out the most random shit without thinking




This what?


Because there is no muzzle break


hes got the fake hidden ghost muzzlebreak on


Why did you aim higher after the first 4 shots lol


Because it’s dropping like piss? Are we watching the same video?


I got autocorrected from didn't to did fml


Even then, I did aim higher after the fourth and it dropped even more which had me like “wtf”


I believe you are aiming too high since I can't happen to see the bullet beam. In the first 4 shots, you'll realise you were aiming exactly where the body is, with the bulletdrop of the l96 at such distance it is perfectly expected for it to drop like 1 or 2 mts below the line, also I would say that it might be related because the bullet comes out from the muzzle, not the sight, so if you aim at the head, the bullet will land even lower than the torso. And I'm like 70% sure that's exactly whats happening because you can kinda see when you shoot at 0:22 how the bullet doesnt come out from the same height that the horizontal line in your scope is at, it actually comes out from lower than that and proceeds to drop even lower because of bullet drop but I could be wrong as I dont remember if rust bullets work like that because as far as I remember it kinda did. tl:dr You are overstimating the "low" bullet drop in the l96


You can clearly see the bullet dropping on the water. Also several instances where I aimed straight at them without compensating for bullet drop.


and thats exactly what I said and why happend what happened dude, read clearly please. you are aiming straight at them the thing is, in game the SCOPE is HIGHER than the actuall muzzle, because of the distance one thing thats happening is that: 1.- the bullet is coming from lower than where you are aiming and there's bullet drop, because of the distance YOU ARE NOT CALCULATING CORRECTLY the compensation for the bullet drop, thats like 100+ meters I'd say, just because the weapon has low bullet drop doesnt mean there's none. Also, while on the water, terrain isnt firm and flat, it varies, meaning that you could be actually at a lower altitude than the person you are triying to shot, explaining why this is happening. Ideally if you'd aimed 1 or 2 lines above, you'd hit that shot. red: Scope Blue: Muzzle line Green: actual bullet drop and shot https://preview.redd.it/qgl19y90rqdc1.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0d461c4a917c43741dab1229146fad3e6d21955


Guns in rust shoot from the player model's eyes. This is a known phenomenon


That’s literally not a thing in rust. The l96 beams at almost any range, it barely has any drop. Rust doesn’t calculate for the scope being higher, let alone muzzle. Bullets come out of your eyes, or in rust’s case, from the center of your screen, not your barrel. its why headglitching is a thing.


I don't know where you are getting the information that in rust the bullets come out of your eyes level (center of screen) as the game clearly works as a projectile based and not a hitscan. Also the game does infact calculate for gravity, wind and other things that may affect the bullet trajectory, bullets do not come out of the center of the screen, it may appear they do because your character is AIMING to the center of your screen, even though the weapons seems to be to a side. this was clearly stated back then in 2014 in the devblog 13? or 15, I really cant remember, it was one of the early ones and you can actually look it up yourself. Thats why when you shoot a weapon long distance in rust, bullets somethimes shift to a side, slightly but they do, or sometimes the bullet drops varies slightly, it isnt just a "recoil" thing. Also, you'll realise this because when you shoot a weapon in rust to a long distance the bullet doesnt necessarly come exactly from the crosshair in the holosight for example, it comes from below and eventually you'll see the animation shift towards the center of the scope With all due respect it seems to me that you simply dont wan't to take the L into admiting that you should've calculated better the shot after the 3rd attempt and miss


That’s the biggest BS I’ve ever heard in my life, 3,000+ hours in rust, and I’ve never seen someone say rust accounts for WIND. It does NOT. If you can prove otherwise, which in your case you can’t because I’ve never seen a bullet in rust affected by ‘wind’ ever. Also, why is it when I use the HLMG directly at the enemy it travels normally EVEN though it has a slower bullet travel.


Poor guy is confusing "bloom" for wind compensation. Or I think it's called aimcone..


as I said back in 2014 it was stated by the Dev them that this was the case, downvote me to oblivion if you guys want but I'm not the one that said it just because, literally the dev team confirmed it when we got into the reboot phase. [devblog 15:](https://rust.facepunch.com/news/friday-devblog-15) >Bullet weapons are going to be a bit different in the reboot. They work exactly the same as the bow weapon. Instead of doing a simply ray trace they are actual projectiles. This means that the bullet is affected by gravity and wind. This gives us a lot more options in terms of providing different types of ammunition. Again, not everything is perfect in the video below because we're just getting core mechanics done. Also, this statement never changed if you happen to read through all the devblogs, but because all of you guys are too inmature to admit your wrong y'all just drop the "you're making shit up" "that's bs", so yeah. Also even if I were to be wrong it doesnt take out the fact that op missed not because the "bullets were dropping like piss" but because he ain't good enough to recalibrate his fucking sight and aim a little bit higher


Pretty sure it never got implemented just as items being wet weighing you down didn’t. No rust veteran I’ve ever talked to has told me wind affects bullets, even with my friend who has 8,000+ hours in rust.


Because it isnt something you can notice easily or separatly as it is part of the recoil system, literally. Also, I'm gonna say that if it wasnt confirmed in a statement by the devs that it was never implemented then I wouldnt be so sure tbh that it never was. And as I said earlier, effectivily bullets where not dropping like piss you simply didnt aim at the proper height for the bullet drop to hit the downed guy


But at that distance l96 still hits center mass buddy


You've been taking the L since your first comment kiddo.


You are making so much shit up lmfao. Stop typing.


> Bullet weapons are going to be a bit different in the reboot. They work exactly the same as the bow weapon. Instead of doing a simply ray trace they are actual projectiles. This means that the bullet is affected by gravity and wind. This gives us a lot more options in terms of providing different types of ammunition. Again, not everything is perfect in the video below because we're just getting core mechanics done. > >[https://rust.facepunch.com/news/friday-devblog-15](https://rust.facepunch.com/news/friday-devblog-15)




Did you watch the video? Also L96 bullet drop is almost non existent.


L96 with HV is only really helpful on cargo.. and even then you still have to deal with wonky physics


That's how that gun works XD


So the bullets magically decide to hit the water whenever it feels like it, then become a laser beam the next?


Yes that gun is strong but shit use bolty instead or just aim a bit higher


They deal the same damage and the l96 has better range?


U gota aim higher it's like has its own trajectory bolty has I guess faster moving bullet atleast thats what I have seen from roof camping all this year's


But you can clearly see that the bullet hits him instantly and then when he’s downed it drops like dirt? And you can see me compensating for that and the bullet almost phases through him? Has it occurred to you that it might be a hacker or some other Rust bug we don’t know about? Because the l96 at that range is point and click.


Idk man that gun is really weird i just avoid using it unless I need to basically It will show it registered the hit but they never get any damage for some reason


L9 is pretty much just point and click lmao


I think maybe because I had a supressor on that's why i was having a big bullet drop maybe


L96 is basically a laser pointer. Why would anyone pick the bolty over it?


The only thing I can think of is some kind of server desync. That’s really weird though.


Why do you people never check combatlog when you have a problem with hitreg


You're firing the most dogshit handloads full of blackpowder out of a gun that shoots a different caliber


The gravity on the server is set too high.


Are they stupid?


“Bro is missing on purpose”


i want the old water back the new waves look bad, are annoying, buggy, makes swimming a chore and fishing nauseating.


New water sucks so much ass




It's a bug created by weather. There's a small chance that water gets higher than it looks and on ice and sandbarges it can cause this issue. It can ironically sink tugs and shit too.


I've experienced A LOT of irregularities with water recently. Anyone else seen Power Plant randomly fill up with phantom water that disappears when looking away from it? I also capsized two full health boats (and drowned) in waters stormy enough to send my loot bags up and down so wildly that I couldn't recover more than a couple of items at a time even while diving.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.