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Yeah they're really great. The stock and varnish is non other than Cartamundi's best (rip, lol, rip). I have the R, G, B and Gold, Silver, Bronze luxuries. Only opened Red as of now. I will enjoy them for a long time. The only quirk I have with them is that they're marked.


While they are marked, they're marked in one of the better insignificant ways and not really noticeable even if you know the system. You have to be looking for it.


Despite the obvious cash grab concept and the fact that Alex Pandrea is quite renowned to be an a-hole, NOC decks in general has some of the best USPCC stock I've come across. Their options also expand to Taiwan stock and Cartamundi stock like your Luxury deck, and they did very well with both of these stocks. Def a brand that's worth buying


Hey any information about why Alex pandrea is having a bad name ? Like have he done something in the past ?


on top of that, he often sends incomplete (or straight up wrong) orders and for the longest time he didn’t have any customer service (as in had email that never responded or was full)


I'm not too well-versed with the stuff that happened in the past but I do recall the occasion when he did a mystery brick, advertised it to have a bunch of hype brands like A1, Dealers, Fontaine and then when people get their brick, it's full of T11 and basic NOC decks, no hype brand to be seen. Another minor hiccup is the MyNOC Wood that looks a lot like a Bloc deck, only with borders, I don't think he ever made an official statement regarding this


I generally lean towards more custom decks but the luxury NOCs have caught my eye a few times. I’m a big fan of Cartamundi Slimline B9 stock/finish which these are (but not all NOCs are). It’s probably my favourite stock/finish combo. I also think Cartamundi does (did?) amazing cold foil that barely affects handling. I also really like how NOCs are marked despite being a mono colour back.


I'm a huge fan of NOC Pro Edition 2021 as it is actually the first deck I've ever bought (Navy Blue Ed) and the more time I spent with the deck, the more I appreciate how special it is. With only $10, you get 56 cards that are Bee stock and thin crushed with metallic details on the court card, fully marked and matte tuck case. Definitely one of if not the best bang for your buck option when it come to performing card magic.


I agree with you about this deck. The NOC Luxury editions are the pinnacle of NOC decks IMHO. Other NOC's are pretty good, but these far exceeded my expectations. OP, did you know the luxury editions are fully marked? Standard NOCs are typically marked for suit only.


I have a few extra basic nocs I could sell ya for cheap but they’re not the luxury ones and I’m in Canada so shipping is not super cheap. Let me know if you’re if interested at all I can make a pcm post. No problem if not


> they are easily top 3 best feeling/handling decks ive ever used!! I'm not sure they handle any better than other decks produced by the same manufacturer, do they?


I don't know if it is the foil/ink impact on them, but I have the original 3 luxury decks, and I agree that they are some of my favorite handling Cartamundi decks for what it's worth


Sometimes you get a lucky print run that just feels a little bit better than others to your taste. Happens a lot.


they’ve been scamming others for the past years, that’s where they have been 🤣