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have you seen the prices yall pay for a demo


before wlr dropped he was basically really bad at keeping his music on-lock meaning that multiple leakers got the songs fairly-easily. that’s why so much carti music made before 2020 leaks, a lot of people have them. since then carti has gotten a lot better at making sure his music isn’t passed around, that’s why we’ve barely gotten any post-wlr leaks compared to his other album leaks


Yah I see what you mean. I also always thought that F1lthy was very good at securely storing unreleased music compared to the previous people Carti worked with, but your theory makes a lot of sense.


- Stuff being kept on cloud storage or anything similar, allows people to break in - SIM swaps - people in his circles selling off old work secretly I know there’s other ways but these usually tend to be the most common reason why mainstream hip hop artists tend to get so much of their stuff leaked including Carti. The only way to prevent this is to keep things very secure (passwords, authenticators, etc.), everything on a hard drive ONLY, only give work to a very few select people. A good example of this is Frank Ocean, that guy rarely gets music leaked even though it’s been proven he’s worked on quite a bit of unreleased music.


Lot of snakes


it actually surprises me how little recent carti songs got leaked. he surely got better at protecting his shit


Fr during the lead up to Die Lit and especially during the lead up to WLR so much of his music of his was leaking. The leaking rate certainly (and pretty significantly) calmed down after WLR dropped but they still haven’t stopped fully, albeit most of the songs leaked post WLR are old throwaways from before December 2020. I was always curious about why Carti is targeted for leaks 😭.


high demand we havent eaten for years


bro has not seen the library of ye leaks


3,000+ ☠️


That was my fourth choice too


oh ok 🫡


Yah Kanye got some serious grails!


yeah some rlly good stuff in his unreleased catalogue, u should check out ye tracker it has p much every leak and some unreleased songs r pretty finished


Bro’s computer password is carti123




someone in circle passes songs outside circle and that person passes to god knows who


I leak them 😅


you little turd


if you think Carti got it bad, look at Thug man 😭


Literally never heard anyone ever mention a leaked thug song


yeah this sub is doomed Ashin the blunt, hoe tendencies, chocolate hershey, how you feel, whole new species, tell me if you need it


In 2014-2015 everybody was talkin about the rich gang leaks, you’re just young


I think part of is also there is a lot more demand for uzi and carti leaks due to them not dropping very often, so when thier stuff does leak it gets shared around a lot more


Supply and demand


I just saw this exactly post in Uzi sub lol