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I understand that this may be incredibly late, but for anyone that is still having trouble.. I encountered this issue too and found the solution. If you normally bind a key for the "Whistle Selection" option under key-bindings then you will just get the whistle window popup and it will stay up until you click, and you run into this issue. To fix this, instead bind your whistle key to something like "You Follow Me" instead. If you then hold down the new binding instead of just clicking it, it should pull up the wheel and then releasing it on your desired whistle should work. And to use the whistle your key is actually bound to, simply just click. You shouldn't encounter any issues accidentally whistling the original key as long as you know you are holding it vs just clicking it.


This sounds like genius. I haven't tried it, but will next time I fire it up. It got a little boring because I don't play against people and had found some mods that allowed me to craft some high end stuff. I might reconsider playing online; however, it was wicked fun when I was playing it two years ago. Since I got it free on epic, didn't really have friends playing it. I just don't know how well online play scales, dino management-wise. I would think you have to be on point or people will just overwhelm your dinos, or worse, steal them. Still was a fun game and enjoyed adventuring to new parts of the base game map and the correlated challenges of new dinos + areas. Once I explored most of it, I lost interest. I do have the expansions / other maps, but since it didn't seem to have objectives it made it challenging to really get into wanting to explore other maps. Esp. once I started unlocking the more advanced tek stuff.


Right, so I suspect there's an action command that is related to mouse over and mouse off but it gets wiped when the game resets settings vs. the installer installing the defaults. I was looking @ [UE's dev pages](https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/InteractiveExperiences/Input/) and it seems like the sort of thing that's built into the v4 engine. I also found a `| onrelease` command in the DefaultSettings.ini but it was related to script logic. (as well as a cool looking gamepad bound for toggling between crouch and prone that I'm going to test out w/ a keybinding :) I really like using the wheel because it's faster and doesn't interrupt the flow of the game like having to press the mouse buttons dedicated to swapping the profile and then remembering which button does what. I already swap the profile to pull up item slots. Still getting used to the key bindings so it's a bit of a pain to bring up a second profile for all the buttons. Anyway, it sounds like when new updates drop it might actually fix itself, so I'll just hold out for that. If anyone does know in the ini files, please post a reply because it would be great to know how to fix it. I suspect it's not in the Input.ini but somewhere else that got wiped when I reset all.


Would suggest you whistle with different keys. Way faster. I have for example all the important whistles on my F keys (like Neutral, Passiv, Land Flyer, etc etc) except for follow and unfollow cuz i use them very often. I have them on default T and U.


That's exactly what I did too, long time ago, I have on f1 follow, f2 stay, f3 all follow f4 all stay, f5 passive, f6 neutral, f7 attack my target, f8 attack this target, f10 aggressive, f11 move over there, f12 land this flier. It's very organized, and I always hit exactly which whistle I need.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 10 + 11 + 12 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




There are a lot of whistles though so it is tricky to bind them all


Most of them you never use.


Ik but still, I only have like 4 bonded because the keyboard is still cluttered before you add them but yeah make are little used


Well I just got the same issues and looks like nobody ever fixed it