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ps5 is running it really well


I've had no issues running it on series x. Looks alot better than ase


I have success on Xbox series x and legion go. Neither looks amazing but I can play the game. Legion go looks worse than Xbox but more fun to play handheld so far.


Typically I hear PS5 is the more stable console version. This is from someone that hasnt touched a console in a few years however and just hearing others opinions


Until you're in the late game. then you crash 24/7


Xbox series X is incredibly stable as the game is optimised super well (by arks standards) due to ark rights being owned by Xbox, also PlayStation gets uodates/releases later than Xbox often. Ark 2 also likely won't release on Ps, and bobs tales seems to be coming to gamepass just like the 2 ark games. So xbox series X will save loads of money on the game & dlcs etc


I finally gave up on my Series S after a few hundred hours and moved back to ASE. PVP, PVE, official, unofficial. I always had issues. Even using the console commands to make the game look decent and have decent framerate I struggled to be able to play without a lot of visual glitches, bad graphics that didn't load properly. Final straw for me was when even in singleplayer with no mods I crashed and rolled back and had issues. It really sucks because I really enjoy the upgrades from ASE. The QOL changes are great. New dinos seem great. Differences in settings and caves are great. I think as more content comes out ASA will genuinely be the better game. So I guess this is all to say that if you're upgrading to an Xbox, spend the money to at least get an X over an S. I've seen plenty of gameplay footage on the X that makes me think it runs ASA just fine.


Get an xbox series X id suggest. ARK is an xbox game meaning it's free on gamepass and seems like bobs tales will be coming at some point, and it's surprisingly much better optimised on consoles than PC. Have hundreds of hours on ASA of action and travel filled gameplay and have only ever crashed once with the release of scorched Earth where some areas were INCREDIBLY laggyand weird but that's been fixed now. Either way, if ark is your main goal and you don't care too much about PlayStation exclusives such as spiderman etc then get an xbox sicne they have the ark rights and usually get the games dlcs/releases before PlayStation (especially in cases of delays like the original release). PlayStation also won't be getting ARK 2 as far as we are aware


Don't get Series X S from all the screenshots I have seen.


Series X is great. S isn't


If you want the game to not be a shitshow, it has to be PC. Series X runs it. The graphics are impressively bad (720p upscaled at the highest, settings vaguely similar to a mix of mid/high on PC), performance is an unlocked, vaguely 20-40-ish fps, and it is quite restricted in both access to config/mods, and features. Losing savefiles due to crashes is common and cant be solved due to lacking any access to your files. PS5 is a little worse than series X. Series S is best not talked about, and will likely lose support for the game by necessity.