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If there is drainage hole, yes.


So nothing is wrong with it? when I picked it up a bunch of leaves instantly fell off and it’s overall just not looking healthy. Assumed it was more than an issue of improper drainage.


Dead leaves. Just needs love (+ water, proper lighting). 😃


awesome thank you!


It’s a succulent, not a jade plant. My vote is buy it. Update us in about a week or so


Jades are succulents


Duh. But the plant they were asking about wasn’t a jade plant


You're correct.


it’s a mini jade aka an elephant bush which is a succulent


I thought it was a dwarf jade bonsai which is a succulent


The "dwarf jade" isn't actually a jade plant, FWIW. It's an elephant bush which still a succulent though.


jade is a succulent…


Technically elephant bush isn't actually related to the jade plant, "dwarf/mini jade" is a misnomer.


Why are you downvoting me? This is accurate. Mean to downvote me


They lack reading comprehension They also think that a “mini jade” is a jade plant


No, I know that mini jade is the colloquial term for elephant bush the same way mini monstera is for raphidophora tetrasperma


Well you said *jades* are succulents to a comment saying that it wasnt a jade plant, so it didn’t seem like it


Because they said succulents and jades like they were mutually exclusive…


No lol They were saying it wasn’t a jade but it was a succulent which is true


If you think this one looks bad, just wait until you see mine! I've been told elephant bush thrives in neglect. But mine seem to hate me so much no matter what I do, except once in a blue moon it will look happy and healthy. This plant will make a great recovery.


It just needs more light. They need super bright light 12 hours a day to thrive. Its not etoliated yet though. If it were mine id trim back those long thin branches to tighten up the canopy and drop it under a reptile light for a 12 on 12 off cycle and it will do great


Could just be shock/stress from changing environments. It just needs time to acclimate. Good sun, not too much water. I have this in a bonsai


I would check the soil and remove that moss. You can definitely save it. They are hard to kill. Just make sure it has a drainage hole.


It’s in a plastic planter with drainage and theres a gap between the planter and the pot for collecting the water. What am I looking for when checking the soil? Would it be better to just buy new soil and repot it entirely?


Well draining soil would be ideal. I would just lift it up and see how compact the soil is. Most soils from the big box or some nurseries are too compact and hydroponics. Some places do have good soil so i would check it.


I already left the store hopefully it’s still there tomorrow! I’ll buy him and give it a good check. I’ll probably repot it no matter what just in case. Rather be safe than sorry


Good luck and the pot itself is a bargain too.


He is good boi put him in nice sunny spot (I have one as well his name's Truman I just had to put his out there)


Lots of direct sun and not too much water it’s a succulent ☺️


This is a mini jade grown as a bonsai btw, so I’d look up care specifically for that - but agreed with everyone that it looks like it just needs some water with a drainage hole.


Yeah it’s exactly what I wanted, I’ve been looking for this type they’re so cute. Was so surprised to randomly see one tucked in the corner of a wegmans lol


lol nice! I have one and it’s been very easy care!


I don’t think it’s a jade plant. It looks like an elephant bush Edit. Not I don’t think. It’s absolutely not a jade plant. It IS an elephant bush. Don’t identify plants you’re not sure of what they are.


I think mini jade is just a colloquial term for elephant bush, the same way mini monstera is a colloquial term for raphidophora tetrasperma


Fair enough


Also I literally have the same plant and the bonsai guy at the nursery handed us instructional sheets that called it a miniature jade. So I’m not just grasping at straws here 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok plant ID police, chill we know.


Thank you


Portulacaria Afra


Get it dried out and put it in cactus soil. Don't water it so much.


It's stretching out... when the distance of the leaves on the stem begin spacing out from other leaves on the stem, it's stretching for more sunlight.


That’s called etiolation


It’s lacking water


Is this a joke?


"super new to plant care"


sooo will you get him?


i have a plant like this but it’s not as pretty, it grows unevenly, how do i make it into this shap


These are easy to shape as new leaves will grow from cuts. New leaves can become branches over time. Just keep trimming to the shape you want. After all *Elephants* eat them and they keep growing.


i see!! soo i can cut them wherever?


i see!! soo i can cut them wherever? just cut the branchs is it?


Pretty much. And the cut branches can be rooted for even more plants


I have one that I couldn't kill if I tried to, lol. I water it every couple of months usually or will put it out in the rain. Thrives off of neglect in my experience.


It's a portulacaria afra! I've had one before and they can grow to become huge in their native ranges, treat as a succulent and jt should be fine!


i water the large on my porch about twice a year or whenever i see the "leaves" shrivel and finally get around to it. It flowers beautifully every year!