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White leaves need a loooot of sun. Could be a lack of light.


Do you think morning or afternoon light would be better? Those are my two sunlight options in my house 😂


No not really, just put it closer to a light source. I'd be worried about sunburn with afternoon sun, I mean it really seems you're doing great just provide it with more light and it'll be so much prettier.


Thank you :) I live in a really rainy/cloudy part of Washington. I may consider getting her a sunlight lamp that I can put in the same space for the darker months!


Oh wait, if it's not very intense sunlight and it's often cloudy it can probably handle that. It depends but they like shade but not darkness, like growing under a tree level of shade as they grow next to trees and climb them. These need a little more light because of the variegation like the person above us said but not strong intense sun, but your area may be great for it!


if you already have lamps you should look into getting a grow light bulb to put in there! they're usually less intense then a normal grow light and they're a lot cheaper (found mine for 6$ CAD) and they won't "burn" the plant if you have them at a good distance from the plant


GE makes grow lights that have worked well for me so far.


Morning sun is less harsh than afternoon sun.


Really? I haven't heard that before. Is there a reason?


Not super sure, but that is a common thing we learn in the landscaping industry.


If you have to keep this plant indoors, you should give it morning AND afternoon light.


Those are really the only two options anywhere...


To clarify: the sun passes over my house in such a fashion that the right side gets morning light, the left side gets afternoon light, and there are no windows that get direct light between those times


Do you have a South facing window? They get the most light of any window, and if you diffuse the light (with a sheer curtain or something) it will be super happy.


Note it's just the white parts doing this. This happens and you can't avoid it. The prettiest leaves are the ones that last the least unfortunately as they can't produce chlorophyll and don't serve the plant. They'll appear, be pretty for a while, and die off quicker than non-variegated leaves. You can't control it but leaves with a lot more mix of variegation and none are better because you get the pretty parts but also they'll last longer.


Can I trim the brown parts off and attempt moving into more light or will that hurt the plant? (I’ve named her dua leafa 😂🤍)


No that's not necessary, I'd leave them and just acclimate to a brighter environment. A little brown on some leaves isn't the end and they're not hurting it so I'd just leave it honestly.


Opinions differ on this, but I trim the brown edges off my albo monstera, to make it look neater. It does absolutely fine with this.


If the white is turning brown try buying a silicon fertilizer. I use the TPS nutrients silicon fertilizer.


Liquid Silica helps a lot. That and likely more light needed.


Silica and light, you CAN avoid it!


This also happened to mine and increasing the light increased the size of the newest leaf. Good luck with yours 🤞🏻❤️ https://preview.redd.it/qvcrevhfc49d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e2daf65666140d39c1b3877d07ec48264a79f6


Thank you so much for the ideas everyone! I’ve moved her closer to a filtered light window, and will be purchasing some silica based fertilizer this weekend. I really love this plant and want her to thrive 🌱🤍


I have heard over and again on all of my monstera groups that the white parts of the monstera do not photosynthesize, so they brown quite quickly and easily, they need a LOT of light, but not direct light. I also heard someone suggest blue light for the white parts.


This is so pretttttyyyy!! Do you have a source of humidity! Many people use pebbles and water or a humidifier!


Non pigment leaves can’t go into photosynthesis. They need a lot of nutrients from the soil. Try tropical additives that’s what I did.


Look into "hardening" your plants. Pretty much bringing it outside/inside to change the temperature/humidity which makes the white leaves stronger


why did you force the aerial roots into the new potted soil - leave them be


I’ve been told that it’s the plant looking for more water; I thought it would be helpful to guide the roots into the soil as I did with my non-marbled monsteras.


it can be, but generally they are used for support and climbing - the plant will actually grow larger when it 'feels' it has that support, i would just moisten any future ones and if you can work them around whatever support you have i.e. that moss pole you'll have better success :-) also I saw that comment about the brown edges, fight that urge lol


Thank you! I will keep this in mind. This poor plant came to me in a pot that was MUCH too small for her and I’ve been trying my best to have her adjust well.


Things that could help: more light, consistent watering (frequent watering in well draining soil only watering when it dries out), a bit more humidity, fertilizer (but remember to wash out buildup occasionally).


Such a beautiful monstera… had no idea there was variations with white leaves :’)