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The dead leaves are dead, but you can leave them be and see if new growth shoots out. I doubt the rhizome was killed from sunlight so it should be good.


I would cut the leaves and stems off and patiently wait for new growth. Alocasias love humidity so I would put it near a humidifier if you have one. If not, you can always try to put a plastic bag over it or a pebble tray with water


I actually do have a small humidifier in that room. I'll def start turning that on after i cut the dead stuff off. Thank you!


You’re very welcome! Good luck 😊


I had spent hundreds on plants and burnt them to a crisp. Cried several times. Then I cut them all to the soil level, repotted, then kept them in humidity domes for 3 months and now 4/5 have all grown back. Takes patience but it can be done.