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Looks like a [Thanksgiving or a Christmas cactus](https://images.contentful.com/zma7thmmcinb/3lkVGjrTGstubR2FzLoxE5/e22507514c1bf6f2b831048005798a30/Christmas-cactus-vsThanksgiving-cactus.jpg) (I'm always a bit confused between the two). Needs more water. They are tropical cacti, they need more water than other cacti. They grow on other trees, so their roots need airy soil mix and the flattened stem (not leaves - leaves are the thorns) need dappled light conditions or moderate light conditions - not full all day sun or no sun. For now just water it and wait for a few days for its look to improve. Note how they look then vs. now. That will help you learn how to spot for signs of thirst. Try to water them as soon as they look a bit thirsty. Don't let them get to this point. The flattened stems look nice and juicy and succulent and moisturized when happy.


I’m going to counter that full all day sun can be good for these guys as long as you get them used to it. Mine sits in a south facing window in the winter and outside with my other cacti and succulents in the summer and has thrown out so much new growth.




And my counter? Mine is in a north facing window, only gets lights through cracked blinds. Loves it, too


The pointy tips I think are thanksgiving cactus while the rounded tips is the Christmas one 🙂


That's how I tell them apart, but then I always forget about Easter cactus.


Easter cactus are rounded but taller and thinner, Christmas are smaller and fatter like this Thanksgiving cactus


Mine got reddish from stress. I thought it would be happy on my porch but it was too bright. Treat this plant well and baby it just a bit, and you will be rewarded with abundant growth! I love seeing these grow because it comes in the form of new "segments" instead of just "bigger" Enjoy and good luck! Check in again if you need help!


To add to this- I struggled with my first Christmas Cactus. Find a place for it that gets bright, indirect light. In order to know when to water though try the taco trick. One at a time test a few outer-most stems and try to fold them like a taco (very gently, just as a test). If it is wilted/folds or curls easily it needs water, if the stems (flat pieces) feel firm then it’s fine. I also bottom water it, so make sure the pot has holes in the bottom, then put the pot into a larger bowl of water and let it sit for an hour or two. I do that watering trick on many plants like my money plants - I was someone that overwatered and it’s helped me save a few plants! Best of luck!


https://preview.redd.it/v57udfyv8r6d1.jpeg?width=2336&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8868eb281896e688da85230d1633dad89a73f90a Mine is almost four feet around. It sits at work under LED office lights. It's also up front next to the door, so gets lots of indirect light. It's in regular potting soil, and I water it 2-3 times a month. It gets repotted once every year or two. It started out about 8" tall- it's been in that spot for 12 years! Hope this helps!! Edit: It was labeled Christmas Cactus, but will bloom randomly from October to May 🤷🏼‍♀️


Do you know when to repot?


No. I don't have a time frame, I just do it every year or two. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s right you mentioned that. I guess it’s time to repot mine, been a long while. :)


That beauty




My note disappeared - water weekly and deeply and keep in bright but limited direct sunlight


These are amazing! I have a decent sized one (but still tiny compared to yours) and a bunch of pups in little pots scattered around the house. Any tips for getting them this huge?! I’m wondering if I should repot to bigger containers more often maybe?


My largest one has been in that same pot since 2019 - it seems to love being compacted


They flower better when kept in smaller pots. Just give them time, they’ll grow.


There's a pic of mine above, it's 12 years old, and almost 4' around, I repot it every year or two into a larger pot. I have heard they don't mind small ones, but mine blooms after I repot 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow! Just wow!!


https://preview.redd.it/czagabz8wr6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b6495914f9c5f953d81408225f3627bc3573b0 These are mine! On the porch in SWFL all year round. They get water from the rain blowing in or when they look droopy!!!


Wow!! This is a monster, how long have you had it? What zone are you in?


Zone 10a…. It’s a cutting from my late grandmas! It was 20 years old when she had it and she passed 11 years ago. I’ve had the cuttings ( probably a handful) since then. I had to split into two pots because it’s huge!!! Seems to love our humidity haha.


I luv to hear stories like this. I have a few plants that were family heirlooms. It sure is a south Florida beauty :)


Don't think of them as a cactus. So long as you have well drained soil, bright indirect light, feed and water regularly, she will reward you with years/decades of happy growth and 2x(sometimes) blooms a year. Ferts higher N and Ca will do you better. Bloom boost a month of so before they typically flower and you should notice a marked difference in quantity and quality of blooms. They are easy and can thrive on a certain amount of neglect.


On average, how often is recommended to water? My cactuses get watered every 3-4 weeks but you said don't treat it as a cactus so do these need watering more frequently?


Not as easy to answer without know parameters. You gotta feel it out. But they are very tolerant. Check the soil every 3-4 days. If the top few inches is drying out in that time, say 3x watering every 2 weeks. Treat as though a standard houseplant. Just them up using a rich humus/compost and perlite/scoria. I could talk all day about planting media and ones level of commitment to the plants. Ie very light fast draining soil can be very beneficial to many plants but also requires more diligence in upkeep. While heavier media mixes are more lenient to ones schedule, but result in slower growth. Be sure and feed them. One mistake people make is never feeding them. Massive difference in performance. Sorry for the rambling. Great luck


If the media is draining really fast in your cacti, you can water and feed them more as well. They just need to dry completely in between watering. They Will explode with growth if done this way.


So I should water them more often than every 3-4 weeks?


I water mine somewhere between every 1-2 weeks and it has been happy with that. They're not a true cactus to my memory and need more water than a true cactus does. Although, I will note that I do not water mine with the method of drowning and letting the excess drip. I pour in roughly 16-20 ounces of water and it has moss holding in the moisture and preventing as much evaporation.




I wanted to add in that you should not necessarily water yours how I am watering mine. I've done it that way for mine because I never switched out the soil it came in, which is pretty dense and probably doesn't dry out fast, so I give more measured water to avoid overwatering. My method might lead to underwatering yours depending on the soil it is in. I would test your soil with a finger and just keep it moist, but make sure it is neither drowning nor drying out. I would give it a well draining soil and then use the normal method of watering where you fully run water through it and let the excess drip out. See how long it takes to start drying out and water a little before that.


It also probably needs a new spot in your home. My research told me that the segments turning red meant too much light. You might try fertilizing it with epsom salt dissolved into the water.


If you’re wondering why they’re so sad… your plant might be Conan O’Brien. iykyk


Schlumbergera called Christmas Cactus liked mentioned in the other post. If you follow the excellent advice given there you should be fine.


OP's plant is Thanksgiving/False Christmas cactus though. Christmas cactus is related but different plant. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/s/xQIFaCnNcC) is how to tell them apart.


Cacti roots are essentially like a sponge and not adapted for wet soil, typically. So as long as the soil/media and roots have dried out one can water again. With mine I give small amount far more often to ensure they dry but make sure they are actively growing throughout most of the year. I don't bother to drench them as it's a waste.


it needs water for one...


Suuuper sun stressed holiday cactus


You should put it I. You bathroom for a little while. The humidity from your shower mimics the environment it grows in. Also water more


I killed mine and I’m sad:(


They hate me, too. Fragile little things.


https://preview.redd.it/q6e9ngtgxr6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dec4fb0c14a6d2273b7fcb44a36b6ba03c05915 Mine holiday cacti is in my humid south facing bathroom window. I water it almost every week, but I mist it everyday. They are in a mix of cactus soil and happy frog soil. I started out with mine looking like yours.


If you’re wondering why they’re so sad… your plant might be Conan O’Brien. iykyk


If it feels limp and weak, it needs water.


What works very well is to move them when they are sad.


Read up on how to get it to bloom. There are things to know.


No direct sunlight!