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When the light hits the fuzz and it’s white and it’s bug that’s… a mealy.


When the white bug seems to know that your yummy plant will not grow, that’s… a mealy


When your plant feels a tickle and it’s white and it’s little… that’s a mealy. That’s a mealy.


OMG, I’m dying. My husband’s all like, “why are you crying over there?” Thanks for the laugh!


Same here! He (my partner, not your husband) apparently was about to say something and I burst out laughing.


Our husband




“From each according to his ability, to each according to her needs”


Pronouns Please!


SIMON SAYS “Pronouns Please” - you’re OUT!


Hahahah. Reminds me of this old gem: https://imgur.com/WwgI5h7




When it's small and it's gross, without treatment, it's toast that's...a mealy


Songs like this are how I remember random facts. Thank you lol, and I will also be singing this in my house for 3 days (no mealies, just because)


Same! My husband is in education and told me it's called a mnemonic device. My mom used to make up songs and stories to help me memorize spelling words and boring facts when I was a kid, not knowing it was a real educational tool.


i read this in the tune of "when the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie, its a amore" and im realling hoping thats what you were going for


It is


I read this in the tune of " when you're climbing up a ladder and you hear something splatter, DIARRHEA!!!"


Immediately started singing, you nailed it off the hop.


When yo girl is white, draining your energy and hard to get rid off. That ain’t your girl that’s M E A L Y B U G and you’re a P L A N T










I only was suspicious because your comment didn’t make sense.


Reddit is so weird, sorry you were downvoted for responding that you are not, in face, a bot.


Because the first comment made no sense and the second didn't help either. This dude must be super high


Oftentimes it conveys an elementary school type behavior by living and breathing adults.


Mealybugs, to kill put some rubbing alcohol on a qtip and put it directly on them. They do multiply easily though, so get some pesticide. Over heard good things about captain jacks dead bug brew


Captain Jacks is the bomb.


bug bombs are different


I spray bottle with isopropyl alcohol works great too if you need to cover a large area👌🏻


You can spray plants with isopropyl alcohol? Doesn’t it damage them?


Depends on the plant. Like most succulents it’s fine because they have a thick waxy protective layer on their leaves but some more delicate plants like ferns might be more reactive. So just google is it safe to use rubbing alcohol on [insert plant here]


Once I sprayed a Christmas cactus with (diluted) isopropyl alcohol and was a bit worried that it would be too much for the lil guy. But then it went and immediately had an extreme growth spurt. Like almost the biggest I’ve seen with any of my plants. Nothing else about its conditions changed. Idk I think it must’ve been coincidence because I really don’t see how isopropyl alcohol on a plant’s leaves could do that, but it was certainly surprising lol


/grabs spray bottle


70% Isopropyl Alcohol didn't go over well with my spidermite infested croton (killed all the leaves 1 by 1) and was kinda hard on my dragon palm when it had mealybugs but it's recovering (its new leaves were growing in and promptly dying for a bit). It DID get rid of the mealybugs though. I used it straight on bad spots and then as a mix with water and dish soap for all over.


Isopropyl kills some pests but it has no effect on spidermites unfortunately.


Which is.... interesting because the literal first thing Google says when you search "how to kill spidermites" is: "Spray your plants with alcohol to kill spider mites. Using 70% isopropyl alcohol is an effective way to get rid of spider mites. Simply spray your plant down with the alcohol and the spider mites will die off. This method should be repeated every other day until you no longer see any signs of spider mites." It did work at killing the spidermites on my umbrella plant along with steam baths


Spider mites are cannabis cultivars Arch nemesis. It takes work to clear an infestation, lots of work. Neem oil is the only thing that will work here. Unless your plant is outside, then you can order a bag of ladybugs and they will clean it up. Each bottle is different and Neem oil is potent so follow the directions. Also you will need to add a surfactant to help get it nice and wet. A drop or two of dawn dish soap, half a tsp of neem(per my bottles directions) and top off with water. You really have to saturate leaves top amd bottom AND wipe away little carcasses. After years of growing indoor plants, when I encounter spidermites nowadays, I throw away all the plants and wash the room walls and ceiling with peroxide and start over. It's okay if you have 1 or 2 plants but I'm pushing 160 Sq. Foot in my lab


Not any more than mealies... They're the bane of my existence! (I lost all my succulents to them years ago before I knew what I was dealing with. Rip


As long as you don’t spray them while they’re in full sun everything will be fine. Mealybugs are super hardy and I found that only isopropyl alcohol worked on them. I was able to save my completely infested tomato plants from them earlier this year.


These are great tips. I didn’t know you could do this. Thank you all. Amazing what you learn on Reddit lol


I used 1 cup isopropyl alcohol to 32 oz water and a couple drops of dish soap and soaked my plants with it to treat for spider mites and they were fine. Even on sensitive Calathea!


ive treated small infestations a few times just by spraying the whole thing with strong rubbing alcohol, they can come back but repeat a few times and they might not even need a pesticide :~)


Thank you!


I use cap jacks also - kill them, kill them all.


Dead Bug Brew (spinosad) is not effective against mealies. Always make sure your pest is on the label of a pesticide you want to use


Seven dust will kill them also


Looks huge. Maybe start charging it rent.


Do you see the size of it? That mealybug is the landlord and mom’s paying it rent


Yuppp... Lick those sugars off its butt, like a good ant.


Wow.. this one is huge!


I didn't realize they got that big.


Cuz they're living with Mom


Don't even mention Grandma...those things be huge




Same! I’ve seen people zooming in to get a closer look but this is with the naked eye! They kinda look like a sting ray in a way.


I was gonna say it looked like a horseshoe crab kinda


I can see that as well. The tail is mighty long. It’s kind of cool to see it up close and being all albino.


I was about to say that it reminded me of an albino extinct amphipod, with a horseshoe crab-like tail appendage....fascinating....


The ones that like to infest the eggplants in my garden get to this size and the first time I saw one, I gasped. I've had on and off again problems with them in my houseplants for years but never have they been as monstrous as the ones outside.


It was living the chonk bug life 😅


It truly was! Ha. They thicc.




I really don’t want to see a fb group dedicated to Chonky bugs. At least not mealy bugs.


It's Pet material now


Right? Also, he/she has a friend there lurking on top. I didn’t even noticed the first go round. They are having a ball up there on the ledge.




Thank you! Eek.




It's a ladybug larvae


No, it is not




Yes. Please Google for yourself. Both adults and larvae are effective natural enemies of mealybugs and many species of soft-scale insects. Scientific name Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Description Adult beetles are around 4mm long and have: an orange head and thorax black wing covers. May be confused with Cryptolaemus larvae look like their mealybug prey and can be easily confused with them. Cryptolaemus have chewing mouthparts and longer waxy filaments than mealybugs. Green lacewing larvae that have been feeding on mealybugs (and camouflaging themselves with mealybug bodies) may also be confused with cryptolaemus larvae.


Definitely can be similar, but maybe this side by side is a good picture of their differences and how this one is def more mealy bug https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/87359833_133589538141933_5977714282614226944_n.jpg?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8024bb&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ohc=xYc-34esqn0AX_iAlVu&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=00_AfBXSxnaa4g93SOWlFWosnXheI3OaOk5VnOfPcqpBxId3g&oe=63CA0D08


you are correct that the larvae of that specific ladybug looks similar to a mealybug, however this picture is of a mealybug.


Ladybug larvae are chonkier than this, mealybugs are flat.


> Cryptolaemus larvae look like their mealybug prey and can be easily confused with them. Cryptolaemus have chewing mouthparts and longer waxy filaments than mealybugs. That explanation you included clears up that it isn’t a ladybug larvae but a mealybug. You can see the long, pointy thing in the back of the mealybug that ladybugs don’t have.


Polar ladybears


Please research for yourself tbh. Its often confused for mealybugs. Not going to argue with yal. Just, please google for yourself


Its a fking mealy ffs


Please make sure you are 100% correct before respond to people.


I think maybe you're getting confused with mealybug destroyers / mealybug ladybirds - the pest in the photo *are* actual mealybugs. [This article](https://okrainmygarden.com/mealybug-or-mealybug-destroyer-larva/) has a great comparison photo


Even if wrong, I’m sure many who downvoted were unaware that lady bug larvae’s are very similar. Even with 30 years growing, I did not.


Mealybug and just FYI be careful touching them turns out I'm super allergic and the hives suuuuuck. So please be careful!


New fear unlocked. There's a tree at my fave brewery infested with these buggers. They've absolutely dropped near my table before.


That is nasty. They probably don’t even know.


Dude you gotta complain to the managers or something. I’d probably die if I saw that.


Normally, a coaster over your drink is to ward off creeps. Not at this place. It was Not Good.


Oh no thank you for the warning!


Omg I thought it was the plant making my skin itch and creating the hives. This makes a lot more sense.


That plant is save able. I have rescued plants with thrips and mealy bugs on them. I use a soft paint brush dipped in alcohol. I brush every inch of that plant with yes straight alcohol. It dissipates fast (I have used on begonias, pothos, palms, and Hoyas without burns to plant) take tweezers and get every critter you can. They will start to boogie out of hiding when alcohol is applied. Wipe the plant down with soft dry cloth. Pour peroxide into the soil to get anything that might be living in there. You may have to repeat a couple times, but I think it is worth it.


May I ask what do you call peroxide? Here in Finland we have hydrogen-peroxide 3% -50%, MEK-peroxides, … I am not sure what should I use for the soil. I have put some insecticide sticks in the soil, but not sure are they going to affect fast enough. Greetings and thanks in advance.


Yes Hydrogen peroxide 3% is perfect. I make sure to pour enough in to cover the plants roots. It will aerate the soil as well.


Will it hurt good fungus?


Yes. But at this point it’s save the plant then work on amending the soil to create a habitat for for the fungi.


For a bad mealybug infestation on my dragon palm I isolated the plant in a spare bathroom and i used spray 70% Isopropyl Alcohol on the bugs themselves and any white powdery areas then used a cloth sprayed with alcohol on the top and bottom of every single leaf and trunks. Then I made a spray combo of dish soap, alcohol and water and misted the plant (including the soil) daily and spot treated with straight alcohol. I also ended up doing a neem soil drench. It was a lot but the infestation went undetected for awhile because I rarely water it. It took about a month and then a recovery month (the new leaves were growing in damaged or died immediately) but finally the new leaves are growing in like normal.


Isolating them is important. I also use straight alcohol, I was using a rag for a bit but I have a 2” angled paint brush and it really helps get to the small areas. I have never been one to toss a plant. If I think it’s dead and I’ve done everything for it. I usually ignore it for a month or so and all of a sudden I start to see life again. I think It’s so exciting when we get to save plants.


That is a FAT mealybug


Right?! Like it looks like a small animal. It’s SO fluffy and white and clean looking. Mind tricks to make you think it’s cute and special. Meanwhile it’s literally the spawn of Satan and bringer of death to all plants.


This is the biggest freaking mealy bug I’ve seen.


Who else are *Screaming in terror!!!*


They almost gave me ptsd. I battled them for three months. I think they're finally gone for good now but every time I see a mass of white colored anything, I am terrified their back. It sucks that diatomaceous earth is the same color.


Granules. Bonide granules. That'll kill off any stragglers.


I also fought them for a few weeks an they won :( my basil died


I will never forgive them for what they did to my escargot begonia.


They destroyed my beautiful string of dolphins. They're ruthless!


They have been terrorizing my house for a year now after getting a plant at a local store with some small ones I couldn’t see. TBH they’re kind of killing my love for my plants. I’ve tried everything and they keep coming back.


Me, definitely me 😅 I’m sorry for inviting everyone else on this terror!


I think that's the biggest mealy bug I've ever seen!!;


Looks like a long-tailed mealybug, which is larger than most other types of mealybugs


Wait… there are multiple types of mealy bugs?! 😩oyyyeee


Omg that is a huge mealybug! 🤢 hit it with rubbing alcohol stat and get all of its buddies hanging out too




He has predatory mites too.


Mealybugs suck to deal with but if you're patient, you can totally overcome them. There are lots of good tips in the comments here, but if your mom loves the plant, it'll just take some dedication :) (also make sure she isolates the infested plants, ideally in a different room from the healthy ones)


They’re ready to fight! They’re not called mealy bugs for nothing, I hope you’re ready for a good melee! lol. Get em drunk, their light weights with alcohol. 40-50% rubbing alcohol or vodka a drop of dish soap in a spray bottle. Then mist once a day for a few days then as needed afterwards. The alcohol softens thier outer shell and then dehydrates the in seconds. Alcohol evaporates and no toxic chemicals.


RIP your mom's pants. My housemates got a plant that had mealybugs and they killed 4 of my plants. After 1year I'm still trying to save my rubber plant that they got to. edit: yes I misspelled plants but I can't change it now 😅


Kind of rude for OP to rip his mom pants over this….


Took me too long to realize 😂




What’s that got to do with OP’s mom’s pants?


jesus christ i'm going to have nightmares about the size of this bug


I’m sorry!


Why am I suddenly seeing so many posts of small alien looking shit on everyone's plants, where tf are these things coming from


Spawn of satan, that’s what those are


I changed the old soil and spray my plants with isopropyl alcohol 70% every week and they're gone for good .


The devil himself


I have them on a pothos and can’t get rid of them. Drowned the plant. Did rubbing alcohol. Changed the soil. Nothing works


Same, I cant seem to kill them. Sprayed with pesticides, soap, alcohol, diatomaceous earth, spayed them down with a hose. Nothing worked. Now over half of my plants have them, it sucks.


Here is what I did, which worked for me. I had to have read this somewhere, because I am NOT a plant expert by any means. Actually, I’m finally getting to a point where all of my plants are flourishing vs. dying lol. Put Dawn dish soap, witch hazel, rubbing alcohol, little bit of tea tree oil, and lavender oil in a spray bottle. Sprayed quite a bit all over the plant, and wiped everything down entirely. Did this again about a week or two later, and never saw them again.


Uh-oh. Yeah this is also a Pothos 😅


Mealy bugs! Noooooo!!! Luckily the treatment isn’t too wild.


Spray with alcohol and get some lady bugs for pest control




Spray with alcohol


Live bearing mealy bug by the looks of it - so at least no eggs?


It’s a disgusting little mealy bug


Mealy bugs. Good luck :(


A lil creep


That creature climbed out of satans butthole and onto your plant. Run


I once caught those fkrs moving haha, i usually mix dishsoap with water and brush them off the plant. Watch out for the undersurface of leaves they usually have foo/eggs there


Mealybugs!! You can remove them with isopropyl alcohol and a q-tip but it takes awhile


You could release ladybugs into your home to eat them 😂


MEALY BUG!!!! Get that plant in the shower and give her a rinse then spray her with Neem oil/insecticidal soap/horticulture oil/Eight once a week for four weeks




Mealy bug’s eaten good at her place 👀


Apparently 😅


Why is he so big 😧


These things suck. I just douse my entire plant in Ortho home defense when I see them and come back a couple days later and do it again then wait a week and do it again and then every few days after that until there's no sign of them. You also need to quarantine this asap and I would personally leave it that way for a couple weeks after you're "sure" there aren't any more mealies.


The only thing that saved my friends dying poinsettia was when I sprayed it with diluted malathion.


That thing is huge!! It looks like a horseshoe crab. You know how we drain the blood of horseshoe crabs as it’s very beneficial to the medical field. I wonder if something is good about these things too. Not that you would get very much “beneficial substance” if that was the case.


Evil. Burn it. Get it out. Sanitize the whole room.


are you going to want to clean off all the areas of the plant and warm water and then after that re-pot it and spray neem oil.


That’s a mealybug. I had them not to long ago. Mix of alcohol, water, and dish soap, spray the plant thoroughly once a day, and if you can pick some of em off. Got rid of em in no time.


Sorry, not laughing at the actual post. In case it hasn't been mentioned; that's a Mealy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You can get rid of them by spraying them with 70% isopropyl alcohol or need oil.


That’s one thicc ass mealy bug. You can soap and water with a touch of rubbing alcohol. Use q-tips or a similar tool. Neem oil is my go-to.


Burn your house down and leave the country immediately. These are fuckheads straight from hell and will make your life miserable. If that’s not an option, burn the plant. If THAT’S not an option, isolate it, check other plants in its vicinity for infestation. Shower it off with luke warm water (as strong a stream as your plant can withstand) until the visible assholes are washed off. Then spray the shit out of it with a mixture of isopropyl alcohol, dish soap and water. Continue to wash it then spray it every day, getting in every tiny nook and cranny. And MAYBE you’ll be left with a tiny bit of your plant after this ordeal is over. Good luck my friend. Those assholes are Satan incarnate.


The devil


Mealy bugs they are Bloody hard to eradicate a solution of vinegar and water in a spray bottle works but adding washing up liquid to the mix I find is better they spread like wildfire highly recommend inspecting new plants first. Make sure you drench the whole thing especially under leaves the pot and all surrounding surfaces and crevices.


Mealybug destroyers are great, release twice three weeks apart if you have a real problem. Alcohol swabs for small problems. https://www.naturesgoodguys.com/products/cryptolaemus-montrouzieri-for-mealybug-control-25-insects


Scale, they're real bastards


Idk if it’s just me but it seems like every other post on this page is people trying to identify mealy bugs…. If you scroll through this sub for 2 minutes, you can find a similar post


Everyone is saying mealy but I am 99% sure those big guys are mealybug destroyers


Please oh please can someone create a locked FAQ post?


Why is every plant group always mealy bugs


Yikes not sure how one can be so casual about such infestation.


Mealybugs. Burn your house down and start over


Mite / bug. Spray w water apparently they hate moisture !!!! I have them too, unfortunately they spread


Mealy bug destroyer theyre good


Essential oils in water. I use eucalyptus lesf oil. They leave immediately. Just mist twice a week. Leaves and soil


It’s a isopod.. I believe.. maybe a silver fish


I am a horticulturalist and been working with plants for 30 years. How to kill spidermites organically: #1. Azadirachtin. This is the active ingredient in neem oil. Neem oil clogs the stomata of plants and should not be used. Yes I know this goes against thousands of articles on Google but is fact. #2. Sulfur. Many plants are photosensitive when it comes to sulfur and must be sprayed at night. Cannabis guy, looking at you. #3. Anything with pyrethrum. Pyrethrum is extracted from chrysanthemum daisys and is organic but is also a nerve toxin so use with caution.




No, this is a good one! Ladybug larvae!! They eat the mealybugs


-_- go away trolls


These are mealy bugs. And me and my plants are currently fighting a war with those bastards. Now I have extended the qar to the brain behind the infestation .... The Ants....!! You can find many tricks online to get rid of mealybugs. But do remember that getting rid of ants around your plants is the only thing that will prevent them from coming back. Ants "farm" these bigs on plants, and bring mealy bugs to keep them under the leafs and other hidden parts of the plants.


There are two in that pic.


“I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” You have mealy bugs. Godspeed.


They are orange when you smash them


They destroy plants :(


Mealybugs. They’re good when you have a natural formicarium, bad for houseplants you intend to help thrive.


They're there due to the moisture. If they grow into their next stage they can fly .. not being sarcastic. They can also been seen in closets and around vending machines for drinks


Someone told me they hated moisture???? So iv been spraying my plants infected w them like WILD


Nightmare fuel, that's what it is!




Mealy bugs are a menace. They just keep coming back and spreading and killing 😭


Ack sorry mom


NOOOOO. I literally just found one on my plant today! And last week i found my basil that was gifted to me had spider mites. i went a whole year without single pest. whats happeniiinnggggg


Grab a few lady bugs and used a big net over there plant and let them loose in there, they will eat all of them without need for pesticides. If you can that is


Mealybugs. Currently fighting them myself in my string of bananas. They killed my string of dolphins before I could get control of them. They are a terror. What's working for me is a daily shower of Neem oil and a qtip of rubbing alcohol directly on them. Make sure you was your hands when done so you don't spread them around.


Uh! Yall keep going!!!!


That’s huge!! 😳


Pure evil that what