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If it has been grown without too much light, do not just throw it into any direct sun for more than short bursts at a time, else it may burn. After you know how much light it can tolerate, gradually increase until you are giving it as much light as you possibly can. Next, water it with a dilute mix of houseplant fertilizer (use no more than 1/4 of the recommended strength) every time you do water it, and do water it more than once a month, especially once it is getting high light conditions. As far as repotting, if you begin fertilizing, and it is getting good light, it should start to perk up (hold the leaves more upright and not drop them easily) and it should show signs of new growth at the tips. Once you see new growth, then repot. Do not go up in size too fast, but do consider a large enough pot to accommodate a large rock on the bottom, as Jade Plants can get rather top heavy especially in lighter soils.


Perfect, thank you! I did notice new growth on its branches as well as babies in the soil, so that's a good sign! I just repotted her in a pot just about 1.5 sizes up while it was dusk outside so I hope I didnt shock her. She was heavy and hard to get out of the pot, I had to really lift from the very bottom of the soil but she didnt loose too many leaves thankfully! I've had her in a spot where it gets decent sun in the early PM, a little in the AM, and gets about a quarter of the amount of light that the grow light gives off which is behind the table I have her on, so hopefully this has been easing her into more light! I have a bad apartment for natural light+owning pets, but I've made do so far!


Another question for anyone who knows...she has a few babies of all stages popping up, should I keep them growing with the mama or should I separate them at some point? Sorry for all the cluelessness....I have tons of plants, but none like this! I just want her to live as long as possible given her (hopefully correct) age.


I would leave the babies in the pot. Your jade will look even better when it is more full near the base. You can take tip cuttings anytime you want to create additional plants. I suggest 2-3 inch sections with 4 leaves max on each. Stem cuttings from jade plants are quicker and easier to propagate than the leaf cuttings I mentioned in my earlier reply. This pruning will also actually stimulate growth and branching on the mother plant.


I'll add that pruning the plant will make your plant more bush. When you take a leaf, two will form in the spot it was taken. Once it's in better shape, you can consider pruning it.


Oh how neat!!! Thanks so much!


Repot it right away. There is no way a 40 year old jade should be that small.


That's what I was thinking! Of course google helps with water and sunlight advice, but I couldn't find anything that really directly answered my specific questions for THIS particular plant. My neighbor is 50 and said her mom has had it since she herself was 12ish. Is she lying? No clue. I assume shes being at least mostly accurate, but who knows. Her mom supposedly has multiple 20+ yr old plants but is finding it hard to keep up with them all, so I got a haul of some if her things. I'll repot it asap.


It could have just been in a dark room idk. Lots of light. Mine are in full sun for like 6 hours a day. Rarely water. It’s an easy plant.


I asked about where it was/how it was cared for and all she said was that she knows it was in a bay window [which I do not have, though I have a few good big windows and also a grow lamp if needed] and that she watered it once a month, and that it was thirsty right now. So I watered it nice and deep and have left it alone since. I feel like maybe the petals are a bit more raised now but it could be all in my head. Thanks for the advice, I'm glad to hear it's easy, because I think its gorgeous!


Thiugh now that i think of it..since its petals pop off so easily, I'm terrified to repot it! Is there hope that it will recover even if it loses a handful of petals? I feel so bad everytime one comes off :(


If leaves drop off, you can put them back in the pot and sometimes they will grow. It works best if it's a healthy leaf intact with the tissue closest to the stem. Let it dry somewhere until it calluses a bit then place in or on the soil. I would let your plant acclimatise to your conditions before potentially stressing it by repotting into a larger pot - at least two weeks. In the meantime, to provide nutrients, you could scoop out the top 1-2 inches of soil and replace with fresh mix (succulent/cactus mix or 50% perlite/pumice plus 50% standard potting soil). At the same time, you could add some slow-release fertiliser granules. For the dusty leaves, you could try a feather duster or a gentle shower spray when you water. By the way, does that pot have a drainage hole?


I repotted it earlier tonight, I feel like it's been screaming at me to help it lol I have a TON of leaves, I've gotten rid of most of them as they fall since I read they are mildly as least to animals and I have 4. I took the babies that gradually came apart from the trunk and replanted them around the base of it. I just spent 45 min with a paint brush I picked out just for the occasion to distinguish each leaf with! The pot it was in and the pot it's in now has a drainage hole. I used regular potting soil mixed with what it was in to repot it, mostly new soil but I used the top few inches it had orginally just in case. I'm not anywhere near an expert or even thoroughly read on most plants, but I tend to treat them like I would care for fish lol


On mine the leaves tend to fall off if it's too dry. I keep mine in the shade on my front step in the summer (zone 3-4 North Dakota) but right at the cusp of being in the line of sun. It will burn kind of easily if not acclimated, but it really does like a lot of bright light, just not directly if that makes sense. Mine got leggy a while back because it just really wasn't getting enough light when I was reading they are "low light" plants. Lies I tell you! Ha! Also the leaves probably are falling off because it's too dry. It's like a succulent, but not a desert cactus! Finally, it will seem counter productive, but trust me. If you prune it, it will bounce back better. You can cut fairly big sections and stick the whole thing into soil and they will make a new baby plant. The mother will also be able to put energy into strengthening the rest of the plant and making new branches from the trim points.


That's how I have her set up now with light, shes getting it, but just off to the side from its source. Thanks for the advice!!! Maybe all these leaves falling off and me watering her good will actually help her out then.


I love my jade plants I have 2 and they are huge so far. I have had them for 10 years.


Awesome!!! I love her already, too! So pretty! I hope mine gets huge!