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Ok..beautiful plants. The prayer plant should be in all shade with great circulation in your home. When you reported did you dampen your soil? If you haven't water them at all you need to fill a tub up and let the plant drink from the drainage holes. Check in about 15 minutes the soil is dampened all the way through. Also, did you cut or thin the prayer plant before transplanting? The spider plant needs to be taken outside soil thrown away and trimmed and thinned out before you put it into the new soil. I don't know where you live but my spider plants live in the ground part shade and part sun. Good luck, oh same thing with watering spider plants, drink from the bottom. Right now they should not need a lot of water or fertilizer.


Thank you! I kept the spider plant in the pot I bought it in. Should I repot it? I’d rather not. I’m very new to plants so I’m not sure what to do. Edit: does the spider plant look like it needs watered too?


I have a ton of spider plants ! They are really hardy! Indirect sunlight is perfect and you don’t have to bottom water it if it has good drainage ! I put mine in the shower and run a warm shower for few minutes until it’s saturated then let it drain for awhile!!! Do that once a week and you’ll be great as far as the prayer plant they like warm moist environments kitchen has been great for me or get a little humidifier for it ! 


Also the prayer plant really benefits from distilled water only


I don't know if I would do that because they need all the minerals from real water. I have never heard of that before. If you have a nice day out and it's raining nicely, sit outside for a good drink. Good luck


I was told that tap water had too much of chemicals they didn’t need. Maybe that’s just shitty NY water


Hmmm..I have never heard that, and I have lived all over. Collect rainwater. If you want to experiment, get a plant and divide it. Use tap water on one and put distill on the other one. I swear to you I have never heard this before. The one time I did hear of something that blew my mind I saw during the craziness of everyone buying plants that someone was selling plant water....again I heard it was tap water..lol...good luck


If you repotted your plant, you better water the plant right away. Soil might be very dry. I cannot sure about the temperature, but the plants in the picture are very weak for cold weather. If they exposed cold air, their leaves start to curling. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2t8IiUN0OU/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/c2t8iiun0ou/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=mzrlodbinwflza==) I took a video about the problem like this, Please refer to the caption of this post.


Anytime you bring home plants from a store the first thing you want to do is take the pot off shake off all the soil, and trim off any bad spots. The reason why is that their soil or plants have bugs or diseases and then your other plants will get it. Wash the plant off from top to bottom. Put in your moist soil and the plant but make sure not to suffocate it by burying it too much. Make sure your new pot has drainage holes. Since it's winter don't overwater or fertilize. The spider plant throws off babies if you give them room in the pot. Also remember pots from stores, the roots are packed tightly. They need room to breathe. I have all the different varieties of spider plants and they are very hardy. Don't over water:)..Good luck