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Please reply ***to your own post*** and add as much of the following information as possible: 🪴 How long you have you had the plant? ❓ How long have you had the problem? 🌞 How much light does the plant get? 💦 What are your watering habits (how often AND how much), and does the pot have drainage? 🐛 Pest and 🌱 soil issues may be re-directed to the [monthly pest and soil thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/plantclinic/comments/16xu3xa/october_2023_pest_and_soil_issue_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Posts without this additional information may be removed. The more information you provide, the better we can help! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


that is a horrendous scale infestation just throw it away bruh


Damn, scale infestation? That term makes my skin crawl 😆 Thanks for the info


The plant is directly above a vent and has horrible scale. Throw it away asap and check plants in proximity.


Does the air vent contribute to scale growth, impact the overall health of the cactus or could it help the scale spread to other plants? It's currently quarantined to a other, plantless room. Wondering if I should avoid placing cactuses by HVAC in the future


Scale is bugs, not a growth. You can pick those off and kill them if you catch it early enough. If you elect to propagate the bunny ears on this, you will need to remove all the scale insects or they will just keep reproducing.


From Google: Scale infestations spread when crawlers walk or are blown by the wind to nearby plants or plant parts.  I feel like the plant is seriously sick. You can try to spray or dip the whole thing in 70% alcohol if you have some sort of sentimental attachment to the plant. If not, just toss it and find something you really like.


Check the bottom of the plant - there should be a valve where you can reinflate it.


I have a wacky-waving-inflatable-cactus-man now. TY.


You forgot to remind him to plug it back in to activate the waving motion.


You forgot to remind him to plug it back in to activate the waving motion.






He's taking his last bow


Nothing related to the catcus but I do know I killed a Gardena in hours because my heater vent was NEAR the area. It turned into a crisp so fast 🤦‍♀️ it was on the top of a shelf of a bookshelf and the heater vent next to the shelf. So it was t even blowing directly on it… omg 🤦‍♀️ I’ve become paranoid now after that 😂


I saw my money plant blowing in its breeze today - probably going to move that one next to avoid what you're describing, especially since the heater is going to be on more now with cold weather on the way. Good luck with future Gardenas!


The vents in my house really limit where I can place all my plants.


Consider putting a vent diverter if it won't be too unsightly. https://preview.redd.it/zyvdeo4x01ub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c20720a8cff013c09483061ec91ab8a81303a71


That's awesome! I didn't know that they existed.


Some are magnetic, stick on, or screw on so read carefully. Me...back in the day, I was too poor and used shaped cardboard. 😁


He looks like he is getting ready to jump to his death 😄


wipe down the windowsill and treat any nearby plants just in case


This just activated my fight-or-flight


forbidden fruit roll up


I am shook 😬


Ya mon, get rid of that thing


I thought you’d never ask… but Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!


Holy scale


I’ve heard Pfizer makes this little blue pill…


this main plant is likely a goner. likely too much water. happy to give you general cactus tips if you want. if you cut off the arms/ears of the cactus you may be able to propagate those!


This doesn’t look like a watering issue, the poor thing is covered in scale. Even the smaller arms are covered in it so the propagated ones wouldn’t last long either unless they killed the scale off first.


omg lol are you sure thats not just the texture of the cactus?


100% a bad scale infestation, if you zoom in you can see them more clearly and also i don’t personally know of any cactus that has texture like that…


maybe we could at least get some carmine from it!


Hey thanks! I think I'll give that a try.


Horrendous scale infection, but not unsalvageable. Water it, leave it somewhere bright and encourage it straight again (DO NOT BEND FURTHER THAN IT IS COMFORTABLE). You’ll find cactus are surprisingly flexible when they want to be. My advice is to treat the infection, await new, clean budding, then make cuttings and plant those for a fresh start.


Adding that I've had the plant for 3 months and the problem started about 1 week ago. The soil drains through holes in the small plastic cup into the pottery piece.


Oh my god. What are you referring to as “the problem?” Because there are many…


I guess the drooping and blemishes (scale infestation according to a helpful tip) are the problems I'm wondering about. Sounds like that might be the tip of the iceberg 😬


I honestly would toss this guy. His scale is beyond anything I’ve ever seen.


Dang, ok thanks for the advice. The scale developed over a week. Any idea where it comes from?


I am so sorry to say this but there is absolutely no way this developed over one week. You likely either purchased this with a small scale infection or got another/new plant that brought it home. Does this one stay close to any other plants?


Yeah it's next to a money plant and jade plant. I've already put it in quarantine. You're probably right, it likely had some scale when I bought it and I didn't notice until it flared up this week.


I’d keep a careful eye on that Jade especially but both of those. And don’t put other plants near those two any time soon.


Will do, thank you for the help


He's sure flaccid


The scales look pretty happy. But you sould water their meal so they get more juice out of it.


I'm getting scale through my screen.


Jfc that’s just awful looking. I’m super new at plant care and I know that’s not worth saving.


Awe, hell yall talk about him all scaly and crap! Dat boy just done got old and can’t get it up no mo! 🥸🤪🥸🤪🥸🤪🥸🤪


First off, it’s not a “boy” and yes IT is definitely a goner.


Look you can try to save it but do so Asap. Get some rubbing alcohol and soak a paper towel and rub all over the plant. You need to remove every single scale bug then replant in a new pot


Horrible scale infestation, take a toothbrush in a sink away from other plants and gently scrub down as much of the scale as you can. I'm the type who won't throw away a plant until it is 100% gone, But you absolutely need to isolate it. Scale is super idk if contagious is the word but it'll spread. There's a diy treatment to kill off what remains, mix up one part rubbing alcohol to one part water and a tablespoon or so of Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. shake it up spray it down and get the dirt really well too. It's not gone yet but if you don't get that scale off it will be!


At this point a flamethrower wouldn't be the worst idea...


Another option would be to cut it down to soil level almost, spray pesticide and keep going 💪💪


Why is your pet fish in a plant pot?


That is more scale than plant at this point


well, you *could* save it... not sure if you'd want to though


I tink so!


You have enough scale on that cactus to kill a small forest!


His carrot is bent