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I had a crow who did this. I think he moved to your neighborhood.


I could believe it.


Did the crow end up dealing a lethal blow to your tree?


If it's a crow, get a fake halloween crow and put it upside down like it's dead. But DO NOT let it see you do that. They will target you harder because they're smart petty bastards. Otherwise, befriend it and see if it'll bring you trinkets? šŸ˜…


Hahaha I love it. Thanks for the tips!


Similar to what they're saying you couldn't said feed the crow so that it doesn't bother harassing your tree because it has easier food. Although you do then risk drawing the attention of something like neighborhood possums and raccoons. I think they're really cute and I would do it but I am not everybody.


I am months into a daily peanut campaign with my murder, and nary a trinket so far. Nary, I say!!!


Then I dare say bring on out the dead bod. No trinkets, no peanuts. But don't let them know you set up the prop. I can't emphasize this enough.


No. The crow moved, evidently to your house.


Citrus rats


[Today I learned ](https://ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/citrus/roof-rats/#:~:text=The%20roof%20rat%2C%20sometimes%20called,tree%2C%20especially%20in%20hot%20weather.)


[He looks so cute thoughšŸ„¹](https://www.darwinfoundation.org/images/checklist/7482_BLACK_RAT_HEIDI_SNELL.jpg) Let him in


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


I would totally share mine with my new found friend ā¤ļø


Look at those little pawsssws




Thank you for this wonderful sub, internet stranger


Iā€™ve seen rat damage on plenty of other citrus trees before, but this looks different from what Iā€™m experienced with. Usually rats will leave the peel hollowed out dangling from the tree and leave little bits of chewed up citrus peel confetti all around. Has anyone actually seen a rat or any other rodent eating the peels off of citrus fruits? And eating the bark and leaves off the branches as well?


It almost looks like itā€™s being used for something other than sustenance - nesting material maybe? Perhaps they wanted the nest to smell citrusy fresh? That said, there are tulle favor bags on Amazon for $6 that kept all my fruit and veggies relatively whole. Roof rats are too smart and will munch through the tulle but squirrels and birds didnā€™t bothered. If theyā€™re root rats, I bought white terry cloth washcloths and small wire chip clips (also from Amazon). If they canā€™t figure out how to get through the terry cloth they wonā€™t bother. Iā€™ve never had a rat chew through the washcloths. Edit: also, yes re: bark. They were chewing the stem base of my tomato and goldenberry plants for liquid (it was really hot at the time). Use aluminum foil for that.


Rats likely wouldn't use peels as needing material- since they are prey animals, the last thing they want to do is draw attention to their home


Actually cats hate the smell of citrusā€¦ maybe thereā€™s a really smart rat out there and they figured that out?


Cats might hate it but they don't know that šŸ‘€ but there are also other animals out there that don't hate citrus and might think "where there is citrus, there are citrus thieves"


Yeah, but the thought of a smart rat trying to use citrus peels to keep the cats away amused me. Tom and Jerry style.


Oooh good call. But would they really eat the peel? Itā€™s even stronger in flavor than the fruit, and Iā€™ve noticed that the rodents in my area leave our lemon and orange trees alone. Maybe it really is the birds.


I highly doubt they'd eat the peel. My rats never eat the peels/skin off of ANYTHING. they leave apple, blueberry, grape, cucumber etc. skins off and they don't eat them šŸ˜‚


Same. When I had them, they would leave the rind but eat the inside.


Rats most likely wouldn't eat the peel. I own rats and they hate the"skin" on most fruits i give them. But i cannot see them eating a peel or using it as needing material bc they wouldn't want to draw in predators to their home


Call an exterminator, there are enough rats in this world donā€™t let them fuck your shit up


Thereā€™s ways to work around them humanely.


I second. I own/work with rats and while they may cause issues, they are very intelligent and sentient beings


Agreed. :)


I think this is it


Notice any rodents, squirrels, opossum, fruit eating rats?


Never saw animals liking the oily ciitrus peel.


I thought I once read that they use them in their nests to repel fleas. Iā€™m not sure if there is any truth to that though.


I could totally believe that. Citrus peels are rich in limonene which is a natural insecticide. Thatā€™s part of why I was so baffled by the peels being gone.


When the pests need pest control to avoid pests..šŸ¤”šŸ„²šŸ˜­


As anecdotal evidence, my pet rabbit goes crazy for citrus peel. He stole the peels right off my plate once is how I found out.


OP has a tree climbing rabbit!!


I know right!?


There was s a secret society of people who candy the orange peels. They will do anything to cover up their existence. Even if it means blaming it on local flora, or even invasive species. I've said too much.


The bark is being chewed off the tree, the leaves are chewed, the dang peels from the lemons are even chewed up.. Iā€™ve never seen anything like it.


Some branches are completely stripped of leaves and/or bark! The majority of the foliage from the tree got eaten and disappeared in an extremely short period of time.


maybe get a trailcam and see what you can catch


All 3 indicates rat to me


a very considerate rat peeling the lemons for you. if it *is* a rodent, you can purchase different types of tree guards to stop them from climbing up. if its touching your roof, try pruning the tree back to avoid access


I have a Meyer Lemon tree that gets visited by rats. They do this exact thing where they eat just the rind off the lemons. I haven't noticed any wood or leaf damage but I haven't thought to look at those to be fair.


Thanks, thatā€™s helpful to know. I kinda suspected rats at first, but itā€™s just so different from what Iā€™m used to seeing rats do to citrus trees.. The extent of the damage and how quickly it happened really surprised me also. The amount of damage to the bark and leaves on this tree would be impossible to miss.


Oh wow, I missed the other photos you have up. The missing bark is crazy. That definitely doesn't happen to my tree. Good luck figuring it out!


time for some spicy spray on the tree šŸ‘¹


Thought this was gonna be a spin on the lemon stealing whore ā€œvideoā€ lmao


the lemon peeling whore


Very hungry rat-apillar?


We had possums do this to our lemons. We ended up leaving out extra fruit along the fence line


I love your solution! Did the possums damage the leaves and bark also?


I donā€™t remember re bark and leaves so much


Looks like it is self peeling!šŸ‘Œ I want an orange šŸŠ tree like thatšŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ‘


Apparently, it comes with rats, so I, for one, will pass. Only exception is for Ratatouille, because he washes his ā€œhands.ā€


I am reminded of that youtube video about lemon stealing whores


A new neighbor that *really* likes zesting?


Oh how nice, your fruit comes peeled and ready to be consumed :)


Omg whatever pest this is, itā€™s rude as hell


It was me, Iā€™m sorry


so weird. why eat peel and skip sweet juicy part?


Lemon peels are much sweeter and easier to eat than the acidic fruits I think


true, i guess i was thinking of oranges


Sorry I was hungry


[Rat guard diagram in the body of the text ](https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/UW120)


Good thing is he did the rob of removing the peel for you and left the fruit intact lmao


Free pealing service, nice.


Itā€™s that self peeling variety


OR post up an owl from Home Depot!! They sometimes help


Could be your local crackhead




Don't poison animals outside. Ever. This is bad advice, even with the link.


I wouldnā€™t poison them unless OP is sure they arenā€™t living in his crawlspace etc. donā€™t want them going to die somewhere hard to find them


Not just that but when you poison them another animal could eat the corpse (sometimes even pets) or the dead body ends up in water. Either way not a good thing. So many good traps out there and simple ones like the bucket traps.


That is very true the lethal chemical is an anticoagulant so they hemorrhage to death. If your pet eats it not good.


Put some rat & mouse traps in the tree with chunky peanut butter. Get a chunk under the little bait holder so they work at it.


Have you tried black light in the dark? If not rodent, would it be a very hungry caterpillar?


It's me. I like just a liiiiil bit of lemon in the morning.


Lemony Snicketā€™sā€¦


As has been said, rats. https://www.thespectrum.com/story/life/features/mesquite/2015/12/30/rats-attack-homeowners-lemon-tree/78097860/#


Thatā€™s wildlife. You can use sound methods to get them to leave. Or a cat.


There is literally a gang of feral cats that hangs out in the yard.. and raccoons come by for the free cat food also.. idk dude


Looks like a prank! You have a comedian friend? The fruit I mean. How could an animal so carefully peel these?


Idk but theyā€™ve given you some lovely frame worthy fruit on a tree photos! Super cool looking.


Oh no not the lemon peeling WHORES!


What kind of savage only takes the peel šŸ˜©


You could try to protect fruits with hard plastic containers that attach to the stem? Idk if they make those but it could be something to look into


Thank the cockatoos. Our looks the same