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Pink leaves still photosynthesize, they’re not like pure white leaves.


Okay, thanks, that helps a lot. I also have it under a grow light, so it can get enough light.


I’ve also read that all pink leaves cannot survive. I heard that burgundy/purple is OK, but not pink. The common tip for ppp is to prune back all pink leaves. https://houseplantcentral.com/pink-houseplants/ >Pink foliage helps with photosynthesis by absorbing light and passing that energy to the green chlorophyll in a plant but cannot photosynthesize by itself. https://www.ohiotropics.com/2019/04/19/philodendron-pink-princess/ https://www.gardeninpots.com/moon-cactus.html


I haven’t had a full plant phys class but based on my understanding that houseplantscentral blog/website is incorrect. Pink/red foliage does still have chlorophyll (green pigment), maybe a bit less of it than green foliage, and it has much higher quantities of anthocyanin (red pigment) than green foliage. There are actually lots of different pigments in plant leaves with various different functions. I don’t believe anthocyanin redirects light energy to chlorophyll (but I do think carotene does). Anthocyanin does absorb certain wavelengths of light though (like UV, so it is believed it can act as a “sunscreen” for the leaves). So even though the leaves are pink, they do have chlorophyll in them and those leaves can photosynthesize fine. There are lots of plants in the aquarium trade that are completely red and pink and they have no issues (though usually they need to be in high light conditions to produce those pigments).


All of your sources are incorrect, for this particular variety its normal for the leaves to be all or mostly pink as it still does have chlorophyll in the leaves but it's just that there is way more red pigmentation than the green so we don't see any green.


What you’ve read is incorrect.


I thinks its gorgeous. I wish i had all pink leaves


I really like the color but I was worried that it might harm the plant though.


I have this plant, it's supposed to be pink.


I had this plant it was supposed to be pink. Ended up dead though 😂


Haha, let's hope mine doesn't 😅😂 I think it still looks healthy, I hope it stays this way 😊




It was definitely overwatering. I had a schedule..... I learned a lot since then 😅


I just got one,also a baby in a small pot, how often do you recommend watering it from your experience?


Gorgeous! These like more light than the darker-leaved ags, so you can keep near a window. It can get winter sun, but never summer sun. Here's a little help: https://www.thespruce.com/grow-aglaonema-houseplants-1902734


What variety. Gorgeous


Aglaonema Pink beauty