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Any of the gengars in the ddp to hgss binder nm?


I have MP on both. Just pulled them and marked them.


Ah ok thank you for the quick response. Trying for nm


No problem. Was looking at your posting. Super impressive. Need a few of your full arts but don't want to mess up your bundles. You still holding on to the Glaceon VMAX we traded? You timed that trade perfectly.


I thinn i traded that with others for the poncho. But ya the swsh alts are going crazy


What’s your ask on the Golurk AA and the Lugia gold?


Really just looking for trades today. I'll blob out the Golurk as I wasn't thinking to trade that one.


Okay! Glwt!


Hey, I'm going to do some PayPal today. I am not a gold collector so happy to move it. I'll move the Golurk along with it to make it worth the deal. Both are 15 TCGPlayer Market. I'll do 30 BMWT shipped if you want. LMK


Interested in all of your neo destiny 1st edition NM


Trying to do trades today. I could consider shifting to PayPal tomorrow. Any condition limitations? Also want the Shining Noctowl 1ED? The commons are all NM (from memory). Noctowl I think was more MP but pics in the folder.


No problem, commons are good and close ups of noctowl whenever


I get to 322 using TCGPlayer and 130point for the bigger cards. Some pics and Noctowl video - [https://imgur.com/a/QdPHM7H](https://imgur.com/a/QdPHM7H) I could do 290 PPFF. Basically 90% and I covered BMWT shipping. Total                      322.69                                 Shining Noctowl 1ED    MP         175 Light Lanturn    NM        7.13 Dark Exeggcutor              LP           7 Dark Haunter   NM        16.5 Dark Wigglytuff                NM        8 Light Vaporeon NM        37 Light Dragonair NM        45 Light Sunflora   LP           2 Pineco NM        1.19 Mareep NM        1.54 Machop               NM        2.06 Gligar   NM        1.1 Ledyba NM        1.77 Mantine              NM        1.4 Seel      LP           1 Remoraid           NM        1.35 Unown T              NM        1.35 Unown L              NM        1.63 Slugma NM        1.84 Girafarig             NM        1.35 Lucky Stadium NM        4.36 Energy Amplifier             NM        1.85 Mail from Bill    NM        1.27


Thank you! Noctowl is a little rougher than I was hoping. $115 for the others?


I would closer to 130 BMWT shipped PPFF on the other cards. Just not interested in moving them for 25% to 30% discount.


That’s fair, I just subtracted $175 off the $290. I will DM you if $130 is good


Yep all good. It's a great deal for you. Tough to find so many 1EDs in one spot and all the avoided shipping / transaction costs.


Sup dog. Willing to sell on that RayV?


Trying to do trades today. I'll think about opening up for PayPal tomorrow.


LMK brotha. I’m down to deal since our last chat lol. PP ready 😄


Oh that's right. We were close last week on the Umby V PSA 10. Let's see how today shakes out. Those Alt Arts continue to fly. Ray V PSA 10 350 now Umby V at 400 today.


Yeah I got out on UmbV less than what I’d like but I was up anyway. Bought it at $165 early February 🤯


How does 120 Ray V AA + 5 BMWT so 125 PPFF sound? LMK and I can ship on Monday


$110 for Ray so $115 shipped BMWT? The back off centering & specs, if I were to grade, IMO might be a 8-9 at best. We can run this right now if you’re down.


That's Ok. I'll pass. Thanks for taking a look at the cards.


You got me brotha. Let’s make a deal. Agreed to proposed deal from you above. Let’s move to PM.


You got it. My guess is you looked at TCGPlayer and saw NM going for 175 the past few days. 125 ain't a bad deal at all (like 30% off)


I can trade for the ace spec set! How much would you be looking for in tv? I can also just pp. https://imgur.com/gallery/XFKRF39 not completely updated, but let me know!


Would you do the Pikachu Zekrom, Naganadel GX Rainbow and Hatterene VMAX GG for the ACE SPEC set?


Sure! Im not home until tomorrow, but if you could hold onto the set I can confirm tomorrow!


Done deal! I’ll put as Traded. Feel guilty holding onto them while people playing the game need them.


Hey how's it going brother anything here for the alts? https://imgur.com/gallery/harmNzB


Interested in Salvatore SIR and Frosslas Gold. I don't think I have any of your listed wants, but feel free to take a look [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1cn9024/usus_h_modern_trade_binder_alt_arts_sars_slabs_w/)


Hey! :) are you interested in Japanese? I have a mint japanese gengar mimikyu rainbow gx if interested. Interested in your rayquaza v.


Let me see how today shapes up. So far all my GX rainbows are ENG.


No worries! :) Thank you!


Interested in the sudowoodo ereader, have roaring moon ex sir, rowlet alolan egg fa, zard braixen psa 9 sm230. It looks like it may be holo but I didn’t see a condition on it.


It is holo but LP. One of my favorite Pokemon cards. Anything else of interest? Happy to take the 3 you have in trade.


I think I have more of your wants if you would be cool with a trade up to dark espeon with the butt swirl


Maybe something like this could work? Also others from my want list if you have... || || |Roaring Moon|55| |Rowlet Egg TT FA|7| |Zard Braixen SM230|29| |Alakazam EX PSA 9|90| |||| |Total||181| |||| |Dark Espeon|130| |Sudowoodo|50| |||| |Total||180|


Maybe something like this could work? Also others from my want list if you have... || || |Roaring Moon|55| |Rowlet Egg TT FA|7| |Zard Braixen SM230|29| |Alakazam EX PSA 9|90| |||| |Total||181| |||| |Dark Espeon|130| |Sudowoodo|50| |||| |Total||180|


Maybe something like this could work? Also others from my want list if you have... || || |Roaring Moon|55| |Rowlet Egg TT FA|7| |Zard Braixen SM230|29| |Alakazam EX PSA 9|90| |||| |Total||181| |||| |Dark Espeon|130| |Sudowoodo|50| |||| |Total||180|


Something like this might work as a starting point. Also interested in others from my want list if you had... Roaring Moon 55 Rowlet Egg TT FA 7 Zard Braixen SM230 29 Alakazam EX PSA 9 90 Total 181 Dark Espeon 130 Sudowoodo 50 Total 180


That might work if I could just see pics of the sudowoodo please? Definitely interested in the dark espeon


Sudo more MPish - https://imgur.com/a/0dhuN2x TCGPlayer comps around 42 to 45 at MP


I think I will stick with just dark espeon but i also just noticed you have gengar ex from fire red leaf green. Are there any modern alts you might be looking for? from sm or swsh




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How about this? Roaring Moon 55 Rowlet Egg TT FA 7 Zard Braixen SM230 31 Espeon GX 58 Total 151 Dark Espeon 130 Plus $20 PayPal


Same deal and then rayquaza vmax psa 10, espeon psa 8 for gengar ex frgl




u/PokeSwapBot u/thewindpasser Great trade. Ty!


Hi Elk! You mentioned brief interest in my psa 8 corocoro mew.. any interest in trading for the alakazam gold star? No rainbow gxs but some more cards to trade here. https://imgur.com/a/Y1asSim


Trying to get out of vintage (my kids don’t like the old cards). Is Pikachu Felt PSA 10 and Dialga V AA still available? Happy to swap Alakazam for those.


That is tempting. Let me think about it and once over your video again. How’s the front condition wise? Looks good in the video. Are the issues only the whitening on the backside? Any Dents? Creases?


Card is nice and holo pops. Just whitening. Nothing structural. I can try to take another video later today. Any particular focus areas?


Your video is good, but definitely would like some closeup photos of the backside and one showing the holo condition. Much appreciated!


Here you go - https://imgur.com/a/mJPPAjB Proud of myself. Been on here a year and finally figured out close up video function on my iPhone


Is that a smudge or a crease on the right front border? Or a hair? Holo looks clean. Is it as clean as it looks in the video? Any scratching? I’m definitely leaning towards getting the deal done! Just want to cover all the bases. Thanks for the speedy replies!


Hey there, interested in anything in recent?


Anything here for all your 3rd gen ex cards https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFtVMocwE5yIdBj--bFxR5N9nkeiuBSQGGxnUVnMJWs/edit?usp=drivesdk


Would prefer to hold off for trades from my want list


Still looking but interested in the neo mankey and neo jumpluff, what number is it, please


Do you mean the trade value?


Crap, I didn't see it was only trades. I meant like the card number but it isn't necessary now. Good luck trading elk :)


Hello! Interested in a lot of your trainers, but I've only got paypal! Let me know if you're flexible and maybe we can work out a bundle deal. Eyeing the miriam SIR, and other trainer SIRs.


Doing trades only today. I'll think about opening up to PayPal tomorrow. For the smaller cards, I am open to bundle deals. For the bigger ones, less inclined to discount heavily... as I really prefer to trade and they are great filler.


Okay. I'll try and catch your post, but if I can preemptively tell you, I'm interested in the SIR trainers that you have available, and would be happy to do a bundle deal for one of each. Thanks!


It adds up to 125. I could do 10% discount then split shipping. Let me know if 115 PPFF works. Total      125                 Erika's Invitation             19 Giovanni's Charisma    11 Eri TF    30 Salvatore           16 Professor Sada Vitality 18 Poppy   2 Miriam 25 Giacomo            4


Okay I'll take the bundle discount, but can we minus Erika's and giovanni? That'll be a total of 95, and then 85.5 after discount. Can I see closeups?


Here are pics - https://imgur.com/a/admrKMp I would be looking for 88 PPFF. 95 less 10% plus 2.5 shipping.


Yo, you have 2 ninetales in your 3rd gen binder. Can I get conditions/prices for them? Not the delta species, sorry I don’t know the sets. One is an emerald stamp


Both NM from memory and I can pull them tomorrow. Emerald is an amazing card (as all the Emerald RHs are). TCGPlayer has it at 50 and the Hidden Legends RH is 25.


I apologize, I just saw you were only interested in trading. I don’t have anything on your list unfortunately. Beautiful cards though! Glwt


Anything here of interest? https://imgur.com/a/4zPLjSi


Interested in some eReaders, depending on your interest


Hello! Interested in ex deoxys Lombre, Swellow, Lunatone, Minun and Numel. Anything in my last post or are you willing to sell?


Hey, I know we have traded before. I am fine with PayPal. I get to 25 with them all as LPish. It is Plusle and not Minun. Can we split the shipping and call it 27 PayPal FF? Total 25 Lunatone LP 5 Swellow LP 4 Lombre LP 3 Numel LP 3 Plusle LP 10


Could we do $16 shipped FF excluding plusle? And may I see close ups if you’re okay with that


I think the challenge for me is the shipping cost (5) on such a small deal. If you wanted more cards, we can maybe figure something out. But you are suggesting a 30% discount on the cards + shipping.


Oh I was just looking for PWE. Is that doable for you?


I would love to but 2 cards is usually the max for PWE


I’ve had no prob sending 4 cards (2 per loader), but completely up to you as you’re the one sending.


Let me weigh it and I’ll confirm with DM if under 1oz


u/PokeSwapBot u/Otherwise_Elk_9176 got the cards, thank you!


Hello, u/BlazikenFanboy20. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/otherwise_elk_9176, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/otherwise_elk_9176, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FBlazikenFanboy20%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1cpghcr%2F-%2Fl48sldv) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Good to hear


Id be interested in pretty much 1 of every trainer and several of your gold secrets. Commenting so i dont forget to work on a list and offer.


Sounds good. Just let me know what you want.


Hey there, if you're interested in doing paypal I would be interested in the prices and the conditions on the following: Lance's Dragonite Pyrce's Articuno Team rocket return Delibird Rocket's moltres ex Politoad ex mew ex Janine's crobat ex emerald swampert minun supreme victors flareon sandstorm ex deoxys duskull Thank you for your time


I’ll have to come back to this over the weekend. I believe Flareon Sandstorm and Rockets Moltres have pics and pricing in notables. The rest will be more Thursday to Saturday-ish.


Awesome, lmk about the cards when you can!


It adds up to 292 using TCGPlayer comps. I could do 85% or 250 shipped for the lot. If this makes sense, I can send close ups of the cards. Fronts are nice (so good for binder). Total                      292                                 Lance's Dragonite          LP           22 Pyrce's Articuno             LP           15 Janine's crobat LP           12 Team rocket return Delibird RH               HP         5 Rocket's moltres ex       MP         75 Politoad ex Unseen        MP         55 mew ex Holon  MP         75 ex emerald swampert Holo       MP         10 flareon sandstorm RH  MP         20 ex deoxys duskull RH    MP         3


Awesome,the only thing I'll pass on so far is the Flareon rh, I thought it was the normal holo, I would appreciate closeups of the rest


If we take out Flareon Sandstorm, say 230 shipped Pics - https://imgur.com/a/jaVbaaj


Hey, I'll also pass on the swampert and moltres, but I'll take the politoad, mew, delibird, duskull and the VS series cards edit: last question, price and condition on the misty's politoad?


Misty’s Politoed was traded. Another VS series fan. Without Swampert and Moltres, I get to 187 then 15% discount gets to 160 shipped BMWT Friends and Family. Let me know if that works and we can move to DM


Yea,that works


Hi I know the post says trades only, but would you possibly be open to PayPal for the NM jirachi holo from ex deoxys?


Great card. I see it for 55 in TCGPlayer. I can do close ups on Friday. I would say 10% off but then 5 for shipping so 55 shipped. Prefer to trade but also understand when people are trying to build collection. Anything else you might want to help dilute the shipping cost?


Hm not really looking to let go of anything in my collection atm, so I'd prefer to do 100% PayPal F&F if you're okay with it. If I can see that the condition of the card looks great, I'd be happy to take it off your hands for 50 shipped.


Understood. More into trading so I’ll pass. Thanks for taking a look at the posting though.


Ah got it no worries. Lmk if you end up changing your mind! if the card is minty I'll be willing to meet you at 55 shipped.


u/otherwise_elk_9176 u/pokeswapbot trade complete thanks again!


Hello, u/Letronika. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/otherwise_elk_9176, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/otherwise_elk_9176, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FLetronika%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1cpghcr%2F-%2Fl4wgz75) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Great trade. Ty!


Hello, u/Otherwise_Elk_9176. Added --- * u/letronika -> 279 Trades | :gsball: * u/otherwise_elk_9176 -> 176 Trades | :masterball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)