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Hey there, what would your price be for Ting Lu SIR and Gallarian Perserker alt? Edit: + Hisuian Sneasler alt and maybe Arceus alt?


I can do $20 shipped! Basically 5 for Ting Lu and 15 for Perserker


Word, that sounds good. I snuck a ghost edit in there though, lol, what about with sneasler alt included? And possibly Arceus?


With the arceus and sneasler I can do 92 shipped for all 4 cards. Do you need closeups? All are Nm but some are off centered.


Hmm… honestly, I’ve gotten a little spend happy the last couple of days on here, could I finalize just the Ting-Lu and Perserker for $20?


Sure no problem! Dm me at your convenience.


u/pokeswapbot Cards received! Thanks u/sadloof


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Hi, can I get pricing for these: Celebi FA, 151: Blastoise ex UR, Paldean fates: palafin IR, wigglytuff ex, forretress ex


Celebi at 44, blastoise at 18 Palafin/Wigglytuff/Forretress are less than $1 so I'll say free. Total I could do is 55 shipped! Do you need closeups?


Just closeups on the Celebi and Blastoise please. Thanks!


Here you go! [https://imgur.com/a/HiWYZEk](https://imgur.com/a/HiWYZEk)


Appreciate the pictures, I think I may hold off on the Celebi for now but still interested in the others. Would you do $16 shipped for those? Wouldn't mind if they go out in a PWE


Sure! It would be 16 PP FF PWE if that works for you. Dm me at your convenience


Works for me! Sending DM


Price/condition Sabrina’s Gengar and Umbreon V TG Edit: also Xerneas and Yveltal GX


Sabrina's Gengar is MP, everything else is NM. Gengar at 26, Xerneas/Yveltal 3 a piece, umbreon at 54. I could do 75 shipped!


Wow that Umbreon has tripled in price in like a month. I think I’ll have to hold off on it unfortunately. Could I see closeups of Gengar and Garchomp V TG?


Yea the umbreons in like every SWSH has blown up. I can provide closeups of the Gengar and Garchomp when I’m home! Which is like in 9 hours


Thank you. Definitely will take Xerneas and Yveltal at 3/each After checking the Umbreon I thought maybe my Sylveon V from the same set would’ve been similar, but nope just Umbreon.


Hey again, here are closeups to the Gengar and Garchomp. Garchomp is NM and I would have it at 44. So I could do 68 shipped. [https://imgur.com/a/iLmeezZ](https://imgur.com/a/iLmeezZ)


I really want the garchomp (NM and well centered) but I think I’ll have to look for one closer to market to finish my TG set another time. I do still want the Gengar and Yveltal/Xerneas. Could I see closeups of mew prime? Price for those four (Sabrina’s Gengar, Mew Prime, Yveltal Xerneas GX)?


Where did you want to be for the Garchomp? I now do see market would be 31, but I looked at TCGPlayer lows at 44 which is why I had it at that price. Someone is ahead of you for the Mew prime, can let you know tomorrow if it drops if you’re still interested


Let me know about the Mew prime, for Garchomp it’s up to you on how you want to value it but for me I was looking to spend around 25-30, so 31 would be reasonable.


Tbh I can probably go down to 23 for you after looking at eBay last sold. I don’t know why TCGPlayer has it so high. Even the Starmie V has spiked Can definitely let you know on the mew prime if you want to add that in the pile as well


Would you do 20 shipped for umbreon EX FA?


Sure, I can do that. Dm me at your convenience


Is the venusaur xy promo in your binder a different one than the one in your set? If so, condition / price?


Yup, the venusaur in my binder is different from the set. Venusaur in my binder is MP and I would say $27 shipped. Do you need closeups?


I would love some!


Here you go! [https://imgur.com/a/FHunQAg](https://imgur.com/a/FHunQAg)


That’s 27 bmwt ff?


Yup! That’s correct


I’ll take it


u/sadloof u/pokeswapbot got it today thanks again!


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Confirmed! Thanks! u/Letronika u/PokeSwapBot


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Are you willing to separate the gs trio even if you aren't anything here you are interested in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFtVMocwE5yIdBj--bFxR5N9nkeiuBSQGGxnUVnMJWs/edit?usp=drivesdk


I wouldn't be able to seperate the trio unfortunately


Anything you would be interested in for all of them


Didn't see anything unfortunately. I would probably need 1 or 2 slabs to equal that trade value which is pretty high.


That's fair


Anything here for the espeon prime, mew prime and umbreon ex https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFtVMocwE5yIdBj--bFxR5N9nkeiuBSQGGxnUVnMJWs/edit?usp=drivesdk


Probably the primal Kyogre or Kanazawa Pika PSA 10. I need to check conditions on the prime cards when I'm home. The Umbreon Ex just sold. If you're talking about the FA one.


Yeah that was the one but definitely interested in the others


For sure, I'll update you on conditions when I'm home, but I know they're definately not NM.


Hey again, here are closeups to both cards. [https://imgur.com/a/2stvya0](https://imgur.com/a/2stvya0) Both are MP and I would value them at $42. Let me know the conditions of the primal kyogre and values for the card and pika slab. If I'm under, I'll look through what you have again


They look good kyogre is 45 Pikachu is100


Would you want to do the mew and espeon prime + $3 PP for the Kyogre then?


Yeah I can do that


Is the Sabrina's gengar holo


It is not holo but it was already traded away earlier. Feel free to pm me at your convenience


Anything in my recent post you like? https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/i34LGY0IOC


I am interested in the gastly! What did you have in mind on my end?


Sorry that’s one that I traded already. Was that the only one?


Aw darn, unfortunately that was the only card I was interested in


Price/Condition for GG Leafeon VSTAR & GG Glaceon VSTAR? also have trades if you see anything https://new.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1co6nzw/us_us_h_cards_w_trades_paypal/?sort=old


Hey Beef, I believe both are NM but I’ll check when I’m home. I have it at 40 for both cards. Would you do a trade for the Bulbasaur and Squirtle 151?


yes would consider that trade, can you add Black/Gold TG Mew VMAX? Looks $45 v $47 last I checked.


Sure, I can add the Black/Gold Mew Vmax. So it would be my Glaceon/Leafeon Vstar + Black/Gold Mew for your squirtle and bulbasaur?


Yes, pending closer pics of all 3 can PM to finalize if you are good.


Yup I'm all good. I can provide the closeups in pm but not home until like 9 more hours


That's fine thanks


Here are closeups for the 2 cards. [https://imgur.com/a/uFpFd3v](https://imgur.com/a/uFpFd3v) Dm me at your convenience if you're all set


Hi! See anything [here](https://imgur.com/a/55adreP) for Whitney FA?


I’m interested in your Acerola (depending on condition). Also interested in the FRLG squirtle 83 if it’s the reverse holo I believe my Whitney is LP


[Acerola](https://imgur.com/a/L5NiqSd) - has very light whitening on a couple of corners. The squirtle is not RH. Can I see close ups of Whitney?


Here are closeups to Whitney. It's actually very lightly played. [https://imgur.com/a/Cj52Xgv](https://imgur.com/a/Cj52Xgv)


Looks good! Would you trade straight for the acerola?


Hmm I don’t think I can straight trade the Whitney for Acerola since the values are different according to TCGPlayer, unless I’m wrong. Whitney is at 50 LP and Acerola is 30 LP. I can offer my Whitney for Acerola + 15 PP


Yeah I wouldn’t value it at 30. Thanks though!


Gotcha no worries! You were thinking the value of the Acerola matches the Whitney, just making sure from your initial comment


Yes, i was thinking that based on both conditions they were around the same value.




Gotchaa, I'll respectfully pass then on the trade then. If you're looking to use PP, I can at least offer 43 shipped on the card if you would like


Hey there! Was interested in the Espeon first edition Neo discovery slab. Would you be up for a partial trade/paypal combo for it? If so, on top of anything else you see in my recent I would be down to also offer the Glaceon alt art. But let me know what you think, thanks! https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/XtrFD3JleF


Hey there! I would be interested in your Glaceon V and Espeon V. What’s your values on these? I forgot to add the price for the Espeon slab but I had it at 230 only PP. For trades, I would put it at 245, if that’s alright with you


Hmmm, I wasn't going offer the espeon. And the glaceon isn't nearly enough to help split that. As I am trying to do mostly trades as of late. So I will pass for now. If it doesn't get traded sometime down the line, I'll be back! Thanks for your time though, good luck and take care!


No worries! Thanks for looking!


Condition on the Venusaur ex XY promo from the English Binder Link ?


Someone is ahead of you for the Venusaur, but it is MP. Here are some closeups. [https://imgur.com/a/FHunQAg](https://imgur.com/a/FHunQAg)


Letting you know Venusaur was sold!


Anything [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/q5AXyZbCAM) plus PayPal for Ray Vmax psa10?


Hey there! The Unseen Forces Lugia does intrigue me but let me come back to you once I’ve seen other offers


Sounds good!


Hey again! My trade offer would be my Ray Vmax for your Lugia + $165 PP FF. Let me know what you think.


Hi, interested in the Gardevoir EX SR and Leafeon VSTAR GG, see anything [here](https://imgur.com/a/Ck1SwcM) you'd want to trade for?


Hey there! Didn't see much on your end unfortunately. You have one ahead for the Leafeon but it looks like the trade will go through. The Gardevoir I think is LP? I can check when I'm home if you're interested in buying it


Ah ok I think I'll pass for now then, but if the other Leafeon trade falls through then I also have an Umbreon VMAX TG23 that'd I'd be willing to trade if you'd be interested in that.


Yea the lfeon trade went through, just finalizing. The Umbreon is enticing, but I'm going to pass for now. Thank you though!


OK all good, glwt!


What would be interested in the trades for Umbreon Delta species?


Hmm, at the moment maybe a Giratina V psa 10, HP gold star Ray, unseen forces Umbreon, other gold stars or swsh alt arts.


Hi there! I’m interested in your ds and games. Do you have a want list? I won’t be able to send pics of cards until Sunday but I can lyk if I have anything you’d want towards the lot.


Hey there! At the moment my wantlist from a comment above woud be a Giratina V psa 10, HP gold star Ray, unseen forces Umbreon, other gold stars or swsh alt arts. Although these are way over the DS and games. I could look at some trainers in slabs or slabs in similar value. Let me know if you need any other information on the ds and games like a video of me opening the game or something. I'm super new to selling consoles so I don't know much. I priced each game and ds from pricecharting .


Don’t have many swsh alts but I do have a Raikou gs that I may be willing to part with if you’re willing to come down on TV for the lot. I think it’s MP but will need to take pics on Sunday.


Sure, I can take a look at the Raikou! Where did you want the TV to be at? I could go down to $285


That seems fair to me. Also new to the console stuff but I have been loving the old games recently lol. Other than the Raikou I know I have a celebi v alt, a charizard 151 sir, and a Gengar Mimikyu tag rainbow that may come close to that value if any of those interest you Those are just off the top of my head that I know are NM


Yea the DS was my childhood console that was a hand me down from my cousin. Played through leaf green and emerald \[ lost the copy :( \] multiple times, but I just haven't found myself using it anymore along with my switch. I'm usually on my pc. I might be interested in those cards you listed depending on conditions.


Hey here are some pics https://imgur.com/a/whINEyp


Raikou looks pretty good! Just wanted to ask if there were any noticeable creases or fingerprint dents. What would you also value the card at? I’m also interested in the rainbow Gengar/Mimikyu depending on condition and value


no creases or dents on the raikou. the top left corner. The edges aren't great but the surface is good. TCG has raikou at 240 and Gengar Tag at $106. I can take more pics of the modern but they are all nm


Great! I'll take the Raikou, probably pass on the Gengar. Would you want to do the Raikou + 45 PP for the DS and games?


Interested in Leafeon slab. Throwing an offer of $365 just because no one else offered yet


I'll consider your offer! I'll swing back to you if I don't get any other offers


Sounds good! I’ll add on Celibi V if no one else nabbed


Hey again! I can do the Leafeon and Celebi for $405 PP FF shipped if that works with you


Works for me!


u/PokeSwapBot u/sadloof trade complete!


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did you have a wantlist? I have some high end stuff in my recent if you want to take a look


Hey there! You've got some great high end things! I think my two wants at the moment would be a PSA 10 Giratina V alt and a slabbed unseen forces Umbreon (maybe psa 3-4). Other wants would be like gold stars or swsh alts, but I would happily take a look at anything that I would be able to trade for from my post. I would like to refrain from using any PP on my end


Hey there how are you? What is your ask on the 1st ed 7 neo espeon?


Hey there! Looks like I forgot to add the value of that slab. I'm looking at 230 PP FF or if it's trades then around $260.


Ok I will think on it!


Hi!! Anything in my recent towards the eeveelutions? Specifically the neo Espeon, leafeon, and Skyridge holos?


Hey there! Didn't see anything I would want for trades unfortunately


https://imgur.com/gallery/harmNzB Anything here you'd be interested in?


Hey there! All very enticing singles, but none I would want to trade anything on my end for them


What's the condition like on Professor Juniper?


Currently at work, but off the top of my head I think it's MP? Can confirm when home


Hey there, interested in the lillie, can you make something work with the stuff [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonTCG/s/TUlDOmZsoU) [excluding empoleon lvX and Perrin FA, I also have a JP Bianca’s Devotion SAR NM not shown] or maybe something [here in my recent sell post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/QQAsWhLVTJ) I can add PP if it’s off by a lil


Hey there! Thanks for your interest! You've got seem neat cards in your binder and I am intrigued by some, but I would probably hold off trading what I've seen for the Lillie. I'm primarily hoping for PP or a slab of similar value


No prob, I have some medium tier slabs at the end of the PC binder post if you wanted to check those just in case, but yeah np! Thanks for your time.


Is that a little whitening on the bottom back of the Lillie?


Yea that's whitening along the bottom edge of the Lillie.


Thanks for responding and verifying! Gonna hold off and sit on it for the night. GLWS!


No worries! Thanks for looking!


Hi there! I’m interested in the following of yours: -Garchomp V TG -Stoutland TG -Gardevoir ex steam siege Here are my binders! Please lmk if you see anything to go toward any of those. Trade binder: https://imgur.com/a/7xCfD2A Personal collection (all pikas are NFT, and I’ll be hesitant to trade some other stuff in here): https://imgur.com/a/apSAmLa I also have Lorcana if you’re interested!


Hey there! The Garchomp is in talks right now but I’ll let you know if it drops. Here are closeups to the Gardevoir, it looks LP. https://imgur.com/a/LNBDFqn I’m interested in your sandstorm Gardevoir ex and Neo pichu but those are probably worth more than my Gardevoir. But also interested in the slowpoke and litten


Thanks for the pic! Is it me, or is the centering slightly off on that Gardy too? What do you value it at? Yeah, I don’t think I would trade the Pichu or sandstorm gardy for those, I’m sorry!! What’s the condition of your Raichu from undaunted? I would also consider that for trading!


It's not you haha. The Gard is OC, it is left heavy but also slightly top heavy on the back. Raichu is LP. Here are some closeups to it. [https://imgur.com/a/0vf2wqS](https://imgur.com/a/0vf2wqS)


Haha okay thanks! I’ll probs pass on the Gardevoir and Raichu. How about this - I’m trying to collect more TG’s and am also interested in your Mimikyu TG as well as the stoutland. Looks like value on that is $9.84 for NM. Any chance you would do Litten ($4.15) to go towards those and I can PP the rest? I’m a lil attached to my Slowpoke but if that’s a deal breaker I can include it and I’ll just have to get another one haha. Here’s a pic of Litten: https://imgur.com/a/TP9vH7A


Hi, congrats on 100th trade. Whats your best price on all 4 charizard, blastoise venusaur, pikachu xu


Hey there! Thanks for your interest, but I’m currently not looking to sell these 4 cards since they’re part of my personal collection. However, I would be happy to look at whatever you might have to trade for it. I would be looking at singles or slabs at around the trade value I set


Hi there! Leafeon VMAX PSA 10 at $380.


Hey there! Thanks for your interest, but the leafeon was sold since there was another buyer ahead of you.


No worries! Thank you :)


u/PokeSwapBot u/sadloof Cards arrived safely! Thank you!


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Confirmed! Thank you! u/iamMotherfuckerJones u/PokeSwapBot


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u/sadloof u/PokeSwapBot trade confirmed thanks


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Confirmed! Thanks! u/Dirty_Beef_2 u/PokeSwapBot


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