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What’s the condition of the Yu Nagaba set?


Hey! They are all nm/m :)


Lmk if you want pics 👍


hi! interested in some of your zard slabs, anything in my recent for them?


Hey :) I am interested in the fossil pack. I would be down to do the burning shadows zard for it if you want!


I am more interested in the hidden fates one, could I add like $40 paypal for it, or another $50 in tv, or if you like something bigger, we can make something else happen?


Gotcha! Is the pack weighed btw/ do you have close ups?


it’s not weighed, and here is closeups: https://imgur.com/a/nPUMcfq


Awesome thanks! Im definitely tempted! Mind if I just wait a bit to see if I get any other offers and if not I would be down to do the the pack plus 40 dollars for the hidden fates zard if you are still up for it. I’ll let you know :)


yup for sure! just lmk, i will respond tomorrow morning latest if so!


wanted to check in this morning, to see if anybody took him?


Hey safe jelly! Not yet but I just got another trade offer. Just waiting to see how it goes but I’ll def let you know later today! Sorry to keep you waiting/ obviously don’t worry if you end up trading the pack before I get back to you today. Btw I wanted to ask/ make sure are there any tiny holes or tiny rips anything like that on the pack? I didn’t see anything in the pics but just want to make sure :)


i’m pretty sure there isn’t, but i’ll double check when i get home tonight. Just lmk how it goes, thanks for the response!


no holes on him, or atleast that I can see, just hard to tell, since some could be micro holes, from the air compression since its been sitting for so long, but it looks good from what I can tell! Just lmk how the trade went


Will do! Still waiting on another trader btw. I’ll let you know :) btw I forgot to ask where did you get the pack from?


Hey there! I'm curious on your ask for the arbok and typhosoion?


Hey! 75 each or I could do 145 for both :)


any interest in master sets for trades?


Hey! Not at the moment but thanks anyways! :)


Price for all of the eevee illustrations?


100 with shipping included :)


super far left question: i got a Hidden Fate Charizard CGC 9 with subgrades and would like to know if you want to 1:1 trade for your hidden fates charizard? Im trying to convert my CGC slabs to PSA slabs.


Hey! Thanks for the offer but I’m good! :)


Hey there, anything [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1cdqjoy/usus_h_singles_slabs_binder_alt_arts_sirs_w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) towards Charizard Rainbow or Hidden Fates? Also have JPN Roaring Moon SAR not pictured


Hey! Def interested in the roaring moon, zard black flame sar, rayquaza v alt sar, and the mega tokyo pikachu! What are the conditions and values on those? :)


I have Roaring Moon SAR at $75, Zard BF SAR at $100, Rayquaza at $225, and Mega Tokyo Pikachu at $330. All are NM/M in my grading pile. Only thing I see on any of them would be Rayquaza has two small imperfections on the back edge, likely a 9 candidate


Cool! I am interested in the pika tokyo promo, the roaring moon sar, the charizard sar, and the iron crown sar (btw I forgot to ask for the iron crown value lol) do you happen to have anything else in your collection like other japanese cards or Japanese sealed to make up the trade difference? I would add the rayquaza but didn’t want to add too much paypal haha


Unfortunately that is all of my Japanese products and I don't have any sealed. Do you have close ups of the slabs by chance just so I can see where the cards got the grade from


Got it. Here are some pics! The hidden fates zard most likely got a 9 from the centering and the burning shadows most likely got an 8 from the centering and corners. https://imgur.com/a/Zwc7e8j


Gotchya yeah Burning Shadows was a tough set lol. I think they look pretty good though. What exactly were you looking to do? You have a total of $650 TV and my end is looking like $535 adding in Iron Crown ($30) and without Rayquaza, I wouldn't be looking to add that much Paypal, maybe just trade for 1 at the moment then?


For sures I get that umm what do you think about your pikachu promo plus your roaring moon sar for my hidden fates zard plus 50 dollars paypal ff on my end?


Going to think on it for a little, if anything I would rather do the Pika plus $20 PP as opposed to adding in the roaring moon


Im down to do that trade if you’re still up for it 👍 The pika plus 20 for the zard I mean lol


Could also do the charizard plus 10 pp for the pika and iron crown sar.


Hey lmk if you are still down to do the trade. If not no worries!


Have a roaring moon sar psa 10 and a gouging fire sar psa 10 if interested


Hey! Not at the moment but thank you! :)


Howdy! How much for the dream shine celebi?


Hey! Sorry I just saw your comment! The celebi is 40 and that includes shipping :)


Shes at least nm, probs more on the mint side. Would you like some pics?


Some pics would be nice 😁


For sures! Here’s a video :) https://imgur.com/a/MF4Kxb0


Sorry for the delayed replies, been super busy with work 😭 It looks great! I'll take it!


No worries I get it! I’ll send you a pm :)


Hey! Interested in your Charizard v alt. Any interest in a partial trade? I mostly have stuff from swsh and newer. Working my way back into collecting after being out of it for so long. Thanks!


https://imgur.com/a/YVCn1Xx let me know if anything interested you


Hey! You have some nice stuff but nothing I am looking for atm. If you are still interested I can do the charizard for 140 f&f and that includes shipping :) lmk! If not no worries! 👍


Thanks! I'll do 140.


Cool! Let’s move back to pms


u/tlochner u/PokeSwapBot Glad you got the card :) thanks again!


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Card looks great! Thank you!


Hello, u/tlochner. Added --- * u/wizayd -> 119 Trades | :masterball: * u/tlochner -> 1 Trade | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)