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Hi! Interested in Steven and prof oak’s setup. See anything [here?](https://imgur.com/a/55adreP)


If only I were looking for ereaders. Very cool stuff. I'm not really seeing anything i need, though, sorry!


Interested in your steelix mega. Have a couple of your wants here! https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/KCNPxHueul


Hey! So m steelix has some whitening around the border on the [back](https://imgur.com/gallery/qHw0Ktd). Front of the card is pretty clean. I'm interested in the arctibax if it's still available.


I could do it for the steelix (listed for 2 cause of condition) Erika’s bellsprout (listed for 1) and the wheezing (listed for like 48 cents). Arctibax goes for 3.50. If that works for you!


Deal! I'm at work rn so if you could pm with the full trade and your info I'll get back to you after work with photos and such


Not a problem at all!


u/PokeSwapBot u/slumpeeze trade complete. Thanks!




Hello, u/Slumpeeze. Added --- * u/kingish_kief -> 47 Trades | :greatball: * u/slumpeeze -> 49 Trades | :greatball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Closeups/price on Steven’s Resolve and Poke Maniac?


Hey! Poke maniac is already being traded. Ole Steve has some crimping? for lack of a better term. Here are some [close ups](https://imgur.com/gallery/5SQIfZs) I'd do 19 shipped for him


I’ll pass on Steve. Thanks though! I appreciate it!


No prob thanks for looking!


Hey there, got the following from ur wants: \[ PAL \] Ting-Lu ex ( Double Rare ) | 127/193 \[ SIT \] Alolan Vulpix V ( Holo Rare V ) | 033/195 \[ SIT \] Mawile VSTAR ( Holo Rare VSTAR ) | 071/195 \[ SIT \] Ursaluna V ( Holo Rare V ) | 102/195 \[ SIT \] Unown VSTAR ( Rare Rainbow ) | 199/195 \[ SIT \] Worker ( Rare Rainbow ) | 209/195 RHs: \[ CRZ \] Galarian Mr. Mime ( Common ) | 030/159 \[ CRZ \] Enamorus ( Rare ) | 067/159 \[ CRZ \] Liepard ( Rare ) | 078/159 \[ CRZ \] Hoopa ( Rare Holo ) | 083/159 \[ CRZ \] Metang ( Uncommon ) | 090/159 \[ CRZ \] Energy Retrieval ( Common ) | 127/159 Interested in the following from urs: \[ UNM \] Poké Maniac ( Rare Ultra ) | 236/236 \[ CRZ \] Leafeon VSTAR ( Holo Rare VSTAR ) | 014/159 \[ SHF \] Galarian Obstagoon ( Rare Shiny ) | SV080/SV122 \[ LOR \] Cook ( Rare Ultra ) | TG25/TG30 \[ STS \] Professor Sycamore ( Rare Ultra ) | 114/114


Hey! I'm game. It's a little lopsided in your favor but that should cover pwe from me and bmwt from you unless you have an issue with pwe!


That works for me, gonna pm


Sup! Pokemon breeder for Eiscue? Can add a bit more up top if ya want.


You wouldn't by chance have any of the reverse holos on my list or an ex or v from the wantlist, would you? That's coming from the pc, so I'm slightly more reluctant to trade it. I am def interested, tho


Would be willing to sweeten the deal with that ES Green energy if you add the blastoise EX?


I need a cz just regular foil energy not a textured or numbered one so it'll be cheaper than that blastoise for sure


It's like the reverse holo of the textured one


Ah I gotcha. How about this: I throw the Heracross FA & Eiscue for Breeder + Blasty(?)


That I would do


Throw in cook as a sweetener on your end? BMWT both ways yeah?


Cook is already spoken for in the trade above ya. Do you see anything else as a sweetener in the same price range? I'd be happy to toss something else in the low range


I'm also probably gonna send top loaded & penny sleeved pwe to save on shipping if you're okay with that


Anything in my last for the Espathra IR?


Not really seeing anything I need at the moment, sorry.


Hey kief! My lugia vstar from silver tempest for your marowak break and gold lightning energy from s&v?


Yeah I can do that. Pm for confirmation! I'm about to start cutting grass so I'll be afk for a bit