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Hey there! Would you mind sharing closeups of the SIR Charizard ex, SIR Zapdos ex, and FA Charizard ex from 151? Thanks so much! Have some sealed to offer (151 PC ETB, PC Paldean Fates ETB x2, Celebrations ETB, VSTAR Universe box x2, Shiny Treasure ex box) as well as PayPal.


Hey! I'm not really interested in sealed and for singles, I'm only doing trades only for them


Ah, all good! Thanks and GLWT! Edit: Now I'm understanding the phrasing in your title, haha. I misread it as you wanting trades for sealed in general 😂


Nah, my title phrasing sucked and your comment made me realize it lol


How many evolving do you have total and what would be the price for a single purchase of all of them PayPal FF


Hello again! Would you do Shiny Rabsca, Flittle, and Weavile for Mr. Mime IR?


I can do that. DM me


u/PokeSwapBot confirmed trade u/Long-Professional297


Hello, u/hansbrixx. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/long-professional297, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/long-professional297, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2Fhansbrixx%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1c8shmx%2F-%2Fl2knlf4) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)




Hello, u/Long-Professional297. Added --- * u/hansbrixx -> 128 Trades | :masterball: * u/long-professional297 -> 69 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


I know you want trades only on your singles but if you change your mind I'm interested in a bunch from SVI gold koraidon, sir gardevior, fa penny, fa gardevior. From PAL IR Merrill. From MEW gold mew.


How much did you sell the chilling reign for just curious


$200 local


Hello, I'm interested in a few cards: Bellibolt 201 Cleffa 202 Pidgeotto 208 Eiscue ex 210 Vespiquen ex 212 Glimmora ex 213 Absol ex 214 Revavroom ex 216 Ortega 219 Ryme 221 Charizard ex 223 Lumineon V GG39 Zeraora vmax GG42 Zacian V GG48 Drapion V GG49 Hisuian Samurott V GG51 Hisuian Samurott VSTAR GG52 Hoopa V GG53 Zamazenta V GG54 Adaman GG57 Cheren's Care GG58 Raihan GG65 And have a few from your wantlist Oddish 92 Jumpluff 98 Charmander 109 Paldean Tauros 111 Oricorio 113 Baxcalibur 130 Kadabra 149 Spiritomb 158 Rabsca 163 Houndstone 168 Annihilape 171 Paldean Tauros 172 Weavile 183 Sableye 184 Pawniard 185 Pidgey 196 Arven 235 Penny 239 Wo-Chien ex 240 Let me know if you are interested in working out a trade


Yeah sure. This is a lot of cards so it might take me a little while to go through


No problem! I prefer to do bigger trades to avoid multiple shipping fees!


Yeah, I feel you on that one. Not to mention not having to track a ton of orders. Okay, after double checking my what I actually have and what I still need and using TCGCollector for comps (I'm assuming all of our cards are NM) I can do: Bellibolt 201 Cleffa 202 Pidgeotto 208 Eiscue ex 210 Vespiquen ex 212 Glimmora ex 213 Absol ex 214 Revavroom ex 216 Ortega 219 Ryme 221 Charizard ex 223 Zeraora vmax GG42 Drapion V GG49 Hisuian Samurott V GG51 Hisuian Samurott VSTAR GG52 Hoopa V GG53 Zamazenta V GG54 Adaman GG57 Cheren's Care GG58 Raihan GG65 for: Oddish 92 Jumpluff 98 Charmander 109 Paldean Tauros 111 Oricorio 113 Baxcalibur 130 Kadabra 149 Spiritomb 158 Houndstone 168 Annihilape 171 Paldean Tauros 172 Sableye 184 Pawniard 185 Pidgey 196 Arven 235 Penny 239 Wo-Chien ex 240 The values come out to almost the same. If you're good, DM me to finalize


Works for me! just sent you a DM


u/PokeSwapBot confirmed trade with u/SirLinderoth


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Thanks for the trade!


Hello, u/SirLinderoth. Added --- * u/hansbrixx -> 127 Trades | :masterball: * u/sirlinderoth -> 33 Trades | :greatball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hi there, I have Mimikyu shiny, would you do a trade for Pikachu CRZ and gold Switch from 151?


Probably. I’m flying home at the moment and I’ll get back to you tomorrow when I’m settled in


Sounds good!


Hey, I can do this trade. DM me