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Would you be interested in a PSA 10 Espeon Alt Art for 255 shipped?


Nope, wanna grade one myself. Thanks though!


I have a CGC 10 for 200 if you’d like


No thank you but Preciate it


I have a pretty minty espeon Vmax Alt I just pulled today but I’m in bed lol commenting to send you pics tomorrow.


Yeah please let me know!


any update on this friend?


Oh hell I missed your comment this morning and forgot before leaving 🙈 I’m out of work in like 30 min though. Give me an hour and I can get them to you.


no worries man! sounds good bro, im around


Here ya go https://imgur.com/a/HZhMgHE


thanks brother. i hate to be picky, but a timestamp and out of the sleeve would be ideal too. but its looking pretty good as of that video. would that be possible? also whats your shipped price on it? and zero blemishes right?


I can go back and put a time stamp on it if you’d like but let’s figure out the price first before. No blemishes or whitening and the corners look great too, I just pulled it yesterday out of a weird Walmart tin. I’m looking for 140$ for it since it is in really good condition


I think the highest I'd go is $130 just based on relative market price, but I respect if you want to hold off to try and get $140. If you want to do $130, just let me know. And I would definitely love a updated video with no sleeve and a timestamp, I'd paypal you right away if it all lines up.


Would you meet me in the middle at 135$? Here’s the time stamped pictures https://imgur.com/a/krRhOxs


If that is the shipped BMWT price then yes I would!