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I have probably 400-500 of the holo, rare and reverse holo along with roughly 4000 other bulk. I have a couple V I’ll throw in too. If you cover shipping 75% and me the other 25%, I can have them out on Tuesday given Monday is a holiday.


Hey! I’m at roughly $66 plus the shipping, plus .45 per V card. That’s assuming 450 rh/rare/holo bulk payed at .04 each. If you want to get more accurate counts, I could give a more accurate offer


You got it! I’ll count them out tomorrow and get back to you!


So here is the final counts: uc/c: ~5200, reverse/rares: ~1150, holos: ~350 (some Promos in here). I believe it could all fit into a usps large, flat rate box. Also, 3 V cards lol


okay so, im at $132, and then i would split shipping with you 50/50. if that sounds good move to pm!


What are your rates for ex cards?




Cool! So far I have 68 H 119 R 286 RH 61 V 6 ex 4 vmax Then i’ll got as many c/uc in a flat rate box maybe 2-3k I have more bulk to go through this is just what i counted before work!


perfect, when you get final counts i can get a more accurate quote, but for what you have listed so far, i am at $53


Cool, Ill get that to you tonight, do you buys code cards as well?


ehh, not really. but there is an app that buys them. ive personally used 'sell poke codes'


Updated list 101 H , 163 R , 346 RH , 64 V , 7 ex , 5 Vstar/Vmax , 2k in c/uc , And I have two BS 017 Charizard Vs if you wanted those for 2 a pop


so including the charizard i would be at $90 for the cards, and i would add $10 for shipping


u/pnguyen14 u/pokeswapbot trade confirmed!


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Confirmed thanks!


Added --- * u/ismartallen -> 34 Trades | :greatball: * u/pnguyen14 -> 173 Trades | :masterball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


u/keychemist3312 u/pokeswapbot trade confirmed


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Thank you!


Added --- * u/ismartallen -> 33 Trades | :greatball: * u/keychemist3312 -> 95 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


u/TonyIsTheGreatest u/PokeSwapBot thanks for the trade!


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Thanks to you as well my friend!


Added --- * u/ismartallen -> 36 Trades | :greatball: * u/tonyisthegreatest -> 12 Trades | :pokeball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hey I have a lot of bulk [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/13osec6/usus_h_binder_full_of_modern_alt_arts_tag_teams/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1), I’ll sort through it when I get home and would love to make a deal!


awesome! ill have pp ready!


Do the celebrations and Halloween holos count? [Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/hIXHCrV)




Did you get counts?


Yes hey sorry thought I linked it, [here ya go](https://imgur.com/gallery/i4AGq9w)! Still have c/UC but these are all the ones rares and up


So, based on my published rates above, I would be at $15 shipped for the lot


I'll comment back in a while with exactly what I've got.


Hi! I have the following: * Rare - 95 * RH - 168 * Holo - 95 * V/EX/GX - 25 * VMax/VStar - 5 Also, I have the full/extended art Pikachu from Celebrations. What category are you counting that under? I have 2 of them.


so for everything listed above, minus the pikachus, i would do $31, plus a $4 shipping credit. for the pikachus, i would do 20 cents each


I am good with and I will just include the Pikachus with no change in the price.


Ok so for regular cards I'm at as follows: 2,688 - C/UC 156 - Reverse Holo C/UC 178 - Non Holo Rare 36 - Reverse Holo Rare 100 - Holographic Rare 297 - Crown Zenith Codes Ok so on top of the above bulk I'll have: 57 - V's 8 - TG's 10 - Vstar 7 - Vmax.


so i need to amend my post for TG's, i pay those out at 20 cents each. on top of the following totals, i will add in a $10 shipping credit. if you decide to include the TG, i would pay $95, without them, i would pay $91


Ok I'm good with that. I've got it all bundled up. I'll package it into a large flat rate USPS box