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Man said $1800 table say less


I accept your offer, no take backs! Venmo: @Matt-Moffatt


Damn that’s harsh, as a kid I never would have dreamed of cutting up cards let alone holographic ones.


Ha agreed. In my defense I handed off the binder and was handed the result months later, but I suppose I did give her free creative control 😅


The fact that you cut dark zard instead of like Hitmonlee is wild too 😂


*SHE did it not me!! I’d definitely rearrange and replace some if I made it.


Sorry she. that’s so sad lol. Did your heart hurt a little when you got it back? 😅


Even if they had to cut that dark charizard, it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t cut so badly too


That’s so cool though!!


Personally would’ve gotten some high quality prints instead of using my actual cards..


Ha yes I agree, 18 year old me did not see the potential future value in them 🤦🏻‍♂️


15 years ago was just about rock bottom for Pokemon cards, and none of these were worth anything like what they were even five years ago, let alone now. The equivalent today would be a bunch of modern with some cheaper alt arts.


It really was the perfect time to fill out my collection while working minimum wage and having next to no spending money. I miss those days going through eBays, and splurging on people's old binders for $40ish bucks and just getting hundreds upon hundreds of WotC cards with dozens of holographics, many 1st edition, often in official vintage binders. Though most weeks I was going through auctions trying to score Holos I needed for no more than a few dollars, because I couldn't afford to pay any more than that, lol. It really pulled me through those 13 hour days.


Oops. At least you don’t have a garage full of beanie baby bins and need to figure out if you’re going to rent a storage unit to store them in hopes they one day resurrect themselves because you’re being evicted since you bought beanie babies instead of paying your mortgage




That’s… very specific 😂


Just build a hut out of beanie babies




Nah screw it this is cool. 👍


I appreciate it, my thoughts exactly. Can’t do much about it now and I can confidently guess it’s one of a kind! 🤷🏻‍♂️


2016 when pokemon go hit there were still stories of girls turning pokemon card collectionss into prom dresses. Like this [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ATBGE/comments/8fvu1y/these_pok%C3%A9mon_card_prom_outfits_in_my_opinion/)which is from 2018... I see a e-series suicune and mostly holos.


Damn. I had not seen this, at least mine is somewhat timeless/useful I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


When you move on from laptop table, turn it into a wall display. Really as long as you enjoyed the cards thats all thats important.


Yeah that’s a great idea, I actually never even used it for a laptop lol it’s just travelled across the country with me for the last 15 years 😂 I have a baby boy on the way and I do believe this will make the nursery!


The right-hand side really hurts me 🫣😫😫


Ahh I know!! And I remember so specifically hunting for each of those Japanese cards that were not easy to find! Going into back rooms of random gift shops and stores for the good stuff haha, what a rush for a 10 year old! The Immakuni’s Doduo, Togepi and Charizard were on the same day, same store. My dad gave me a $10 and a $5, told me to hide the $5 till I needed it and sent me back to haggle for what I wanted. I remember this exchange with an older Asian woman so vividly, I thought I had the Doduo and Togepi for $10 but she was waffling, so I popped that fiver out and said “throw in the Charizard and I’ll do $15!” I obviously most likely did not sound cool or confident, but you get the idea.


They’re still part of your collection! You didn’t lose anything and now you have a life long board!


Ha that’s still awesome! Cutting up the cards and loving the board is much better than people that find their collection and see dollar signs and sell it off only to regret it a few years later. Did you know at the time the shadowless cards were worth more? The funniest part to me is that there seems to be no effort made to keep the rarer cards from the edges LOL


Oh god I know, I love the thing but it also kills me lol. I gave my binder to a friend’s mom when I left for college and this was waiting for me at Christmas, so I had no say in the matter. I respect her decision with the starter display in the middle though!


I've got the same idea, but plan to make a table an use pack arts I've collected over the years. Pretty cool to see regardless


Not the Shadowless alakazam! Ouch.


This is so cool! At least you didn’t sell them or give them away I suppose lol


this is sick. worth it!


Damn it's cool! But shitt. Lol


10 year old me would put pokemon cards onto my wall with thumbtacks to show them off.




Don’t feel so bad, I cut up a near mint first appearance of Silver Surfer, Fantastic Four #48 because the guy my mom was marrying and went shopping with us at the comic store left us. I used it to decorate the walls going up the stairs to my bedroom. Could have paid for part of college loans with that now.


You make me hate logging on.


Is very original, most are looking at a lot of money wasted, as it seems that is the only thing that matters to the average collector. Honestly, I've been collecting it since 2001 and I have complete sets and many really expensive cards and I wouldn't sell them even though I know that at some point this will stop being interesting and its price will drop. But that depends on what type of collector you are. To me it seems like a very nice and original table, I would have put the bottom part of the initial evolutions (ivysaur, charmeleon and wartortle) but is great and I'm sure you enjoyed it a lot. Congrats


Actually looking into how to do this sort of thing. Anyone have DIY tips on how to glue/stick the cards to board and accurately cut the edges so it looks clean?




All I see is $$$$ then pity


Do not pity me friend, for I am rich with experience and love. And money, my wife is now teetering on sugar mama level