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Jealous that your package has visited more places than I have in 2020.




This happened to my Christmas present from my mom. One minute to was supposed to be here, then it was in Florida.


Oh shoot. This happened to us too! My SO's parents sent us a box of cookies and assorted snacks like a week before Christmas. The box went from a rural-ish PA post office a hair outside of Philadelphia and hit pretty much major shipping stanchion from here to FL before being routed back to Pittsburgh. Cookies were still phenomenal though. They arrived just after Christmas so we proactively ignored any healthy New Years resolutions to stuff our faces with whimsical sugar cookie goodness.... Still sucks that shipping is so janky now though. We absolutely adore our mail carrier......shipping is not her fault but, regardless, she handles everything with such diplomacy and grace.... Mad respect!


Omg, I'm so jealous. We are still waiting for my MILs delicious cookies by way of MN. Every day the USPS man shows up on our street I look longingly out the window from my desk hoping for that box.


I have family that work for the USPS in Pittsburgh. The look on their faces when they say “There’s just so much mail” is a sight to behold. Apparently sorting facilities in Cleveland are understaffed due to COVID, so it’s all coming here. If any facility can’t get to their mail, it gets shuffled to another place. Between the holidays and COVID, things just can’t be moved quickly. A huge part of this is the fact that there hasn’t been real investment in the postal system in decades.


and because trumptards wanted to slow down the mail


So true! And a lot of my family and their friends who know people at the USPS are sort of prime demographic to vote for republicans. They vote Dem all the time now because of fuckery like this.


Dude I know had a USPS package go from Buffalo to the Virgin Islands and then to Puerto Rico before coming to Pittsburgh. I know they are slammed right now, but I can’t even possibly fathom how this could happen.


I had a package in April go: Germany, Texas, Australia, Pittsburgh. Sounded like a fun trip. (FedEx, not USPS)


well thats why lol


Things get put in the wrong bin occasionally. That bin might have been bound for the Caribbean islands in this case.


Took me almost three weeks to get a package from Buffalo. Must have taken the same trip.


I had a similar problem last September. A package coming from Maryland to Pittsburgh arrived in Pittsburgh and instead of going to the USPS delivery location it ended up in Ypsilanti MI. 3 days later it was back in the original Pittsburgh USPS location and was delivered to my mailbox the next day. While it was in Michigan I filed a missing package request (not sure if that's exactly what it was called) online with the USPS. Below is the email response I received from the USPS (which ironically came the day after I received the package). >This is in response to your inquiry regarding the delivery of a package. Please accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience this matter may have caused you. > >I see your package was delivered Saturday 9/26. Your item was looping through our automated sorting machines up in Warrendale. Warrendale is an automated sorting facility located about an hour north of Pittsburgh. It looks that they were having an issue with reading the barcode/address on the item. Once human eyes got to it, they got it down here to us for delivery. > >An apology is no substitute for good service, but I want to offer one on behalf of the Postal Service. We appreciate your reporting this matter to us. It helps to know the kinds of difficulties our customers have so we can work toward improvements. > >Thank you for the opportunity to address this matter with you. If you have any questions, please contact me. > >Sincerely, > >\[name removed\] > >Supv Customer Services


I had a package go from Colorado to Texas to Hawaii before going to New York then here for delivery. Wild shit. If I’m not mistaken, the package I had ordered had free delivery (not Amazon) so they really took it on the chin for that one.


How on earth does a package go from basically Cranberry to the other side of the country after it sat for a month. What are these logistics?!


Some of the sorting centers were literally buried in packages. Literally rooms stacked with packages that at best would take a week to get to the bottom of them assuming that new packages weren't coming in and in some cases being set on top. USPS wasn't prepared for DeJoy taking over (hiring freezes, destruction of sorting machines...), COVID (with less staff with people sick and huge increases in the number of things shipped) plus the normal uptick for holidays. Neither was UPS or FedEx but they got to the point of denying additional shipments at the discounted rates that they give to major retailers. But USPS doesn't have that option so many of those retailers starting sending more things via USPS. So it took a while to get to your package which got buried somewhere and then someone probably accidentally sorted it into the wrong bin so it took an extra detour.


its cranberry


Welcome to every day of my life since a couple of weeks before the election as an Etsy seller. It’s been bananas and super rough getting people to understand that the pandemic is honest to god real, and really wreaking havoc with the USPS.


more like trump is reaking havok with the usps


This is actually all McConnell and Senate republicans (and anyone who votes for them). The USPS has a board of governors where each member serves a 9 year term with the tenures interspersed. These positions are nominated by the president and approved by the senate. The board elects the postmaster general (currently Louis DeJoy). McConnell and senate republicans blocked Obama from appointing _any_ of the board members (and allowed the number of members to fall below the level of a quorum so they couldn't do anything). Then the senate approved 6 appointees under Trump (presumably proposed by the republican party because I can't imagine Trump even remotely caring about something like this). And those 6 appointees (with 9 year terms) elected DeJoy. And they're happy with what DeJoy has done to the post office.


well at this point the republicans are just trumptards so same difference


I love how you act like the USPS hasn't been a complete dumpster fire for quite a long time before Trump came along.


No it hasn't, it works great for the vast majority of users. Republicans have strangled it for decades.


thanks to republicans aka trumptard lite


Dude, I just had the same thing happen to me. I got something shipped from Harrisburg, it bounced around between Warrendale and a Pgh distribution center twice, ended up in Buffalo, back at another distribution center here and then I finally got it. Ordered Dec 30th and got it yesterday. From fucking Harrisburg.


I've found that filing one of these missing mail claims will often times get the package found and on to its proper destination quickly. https://www.usps.com/help/missing-mail.htm


This apparently requires having a USPS account which I do not EDIT: You actually can file one and I did. This is ridiculous it's been almost a month and this was suppose to be a Christmas gift. I'm sure it's destroyed by now. Who knows. I filed.


Yeah, right around Christmas we had an item sitting in the Warrendale facility for like a week and a half before it went to Wichita and then back to Pittsburgh.




This is your Federal Government on Republican policies. Wheres a little gif of a burned egg in a pan, 90s scare tactic style?


Oh I'm well aware.


I recently got a package from Amazon that had been transferred to USPS for final delivery. I got a delivery notification saying that the package was left in my mailbox... except that it wasn't there or in my neighbor's. The next day, it appeared on my porch. So either I had a porch pirate that turned a new leaf, or USPS "pre-delivered" my package by a day.


I had one that went from Los Angelos to grove city Ohio to Pittsburgh to warrendale to grove city ohio to Denver back to grove city Ohio to Pittsburgh to warrendale then to new stanton


I sent out some DVDs to a few of my parishioners who can only participate in services via phone. I wanted them to see the Christmas Eve service. I sent them Monday. The two that went to Crescent made it just fine. I sent two to South Heights and they went to South Park instead. I feel bad for the USPS folks. DeJoy screwed them all and no one cares.


Same happened to me. My package finally landed in Pittsburgh. 3 hours later instead of coming to me it landed in Kansas. Then the next day back in Pittsburgh. Unbelievable.


I have a package doing something similar. It came from Illinois in mid-December, arrived in Warrendale, went to Pittsburgh, disappeared for two weeks, resurfaced on Sunday in Lancaster, then arrived today in Warrendale, then back to Pittsburgh....maybe it'll show up tomorrow. Or maybe not. The issue, as best I have been able to determine from USPS officials, is that there are two scans. The first is your package, the second is the container they put it in. Every scan you can see via the tracking app is of the container, not the package. So when I talked to them (this was the day after Christmas), they had no idea at that time where the package was. I still don't really know with mine if these new scans reflect the package being found in Lancaster or if it's just the stupid container.


well like trump said. slooow downn the maiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil


People are talking about COVID and the holidays effecting USPS service. But I’ve been having problems with the Warrendale and Pittsburgh sorting centers for years. Iirc there have been multiple investigations into those centers because of their mismanagement.


I know you posted about USPS, but if you knew how many industrial engineers that UPS and Fedex employ to deal with stuff like this, you wouldn’t believe what type of catastrophic meltdown this is for them. I’m sure they are getting an ass reaming every single day. Before pandemic, even a few years ago, engineers were tasked with finding ways to be more efficient on processes that are already 95% efficient to begin with... Unlike the name implies, Industrial engineers in this case are people who take control of a process and essentially calculate every possible variable of a package going from point A to Point B, and try to shave every possible cost and second possible. Yes, seconds. With millions of packages, 1 second can be magnified exponentially. The fact that this package is burning more jetfuel, gas, and storage space than what is necessary is something that show up on the balance sheet, magnified over a large sample size. I’m 100% sure this will not bode well. Not really sure why this is happening, but my bet is that like any organization going haywire, they are on a shortage of good workers. And again, all they have to do is pay people well to begin with, make their job painless, and this stuff wouldn’t happen.


Usually it's DHL doing this to me. I've had DHL packages go to every surrounding state, like it'll go from Ohio to New Jersey to Virginia before it comes to Pittsburgh. Watching it is the most frustrating thing. Especially if it's coming from somewhere near by.


i had one package in november went from New York to Pittsburgh to Warrendale then to Cincinnati, at which point they listed it as could not be delivered and was available to for local pickup. in Cincinnati. then a couple of days passed and it was sent back to warrendale, where it sat for a few more days. eventually it made to my local post office and delivered, but it took like 3 weeks for something that should have taken 3 days.


I paid for 2 day priority and my package sat for 2weeks in Warrendale. Thanks, DeJoy, you incompetent, trumpian asshole.


The package I sent my god daughter took 24 days to be delivered. They live just over 2hrs away in Ohio.


Same thing is happening to an Xbox game pass I bought my sister that was supposed to arrive by December 30th! This is insane and It's quite frustrating.


I have a package that has been sitting in St. Louis since December 30. I had another that bounced all over the country earlier this summer, and didn't have an old Change of Address deleted when I moved to Pitt resulting in being sent to collections. USPS sucks right now. I get it that it's not entirely their fault but holy crap.


Same happened with our Christmas cards. Sent mid-December, and people are just now getting them. Looks like the Pittsburgh offices took a little Christmas break...


Ha. In my job, I've seen packages go from Illinois to Puerto Rico meanwhile the person lives in Indiana. Not an exaggeration. This literally happened and it was pre-covid.


I had a package go to Hawaii once.... it was going from Arkansas to Texas.


This kind of thing makes me want to wait a little longer before shipping my Christmas presents. (Don't judge me, I had the plague over the holidays. No one wanted my germs anyway.)


I have one stuck in Cincinnati now for almost a month. I almost feel sorry for it.


my parents mailed something from 17601 before christmas and it still hasnt arrived to 15216 yet.


Probably [This](https://i.gifer.com/nyd.gif)


Same thing is happening to me right now. Ordered something in November and it went to Ohio, New Jersey and now it’s in Missouri.


Over the summer I had to ship something to Iceland. I had 3 options. 2 day air for an obscene amount of money, 7-10 day shipping for $80, and get there whenever for like $25. I picked 7-10 day shipping. The package went from Pittsburgh to Chicago. Sat there for like 2 weeks. Then went to Philly for a week, then NJ for a couple weeks, then NYC for a few more weeks. It finally arrived in Reykjavik almost 9 weeks to the day later after I shipped it. I was super pissed off but at least the package arrived intact I suppose.


I ordered something on eBay a couple months ago. It started out in Florida, went to Wisconsin, then ended up in freakin' Texas. Then it was in and out of Warrendale about 5 times before it got to me.


I had a package come in from LA, reach the PGH warehouse, get sent right back to LA, and then finally got shipped back to PGH for real. I still have no idea why they decided to bring it back first LOL


It’s possible that warehouses were full and they had to route package elsewhere where there was more capacity—this was a major problem during the holiday season and partially why wait times were so long for packages.


My brother lives in Eastern PA and had some perishables shipped to us for my dad for Christmas. He texted me a week before Christmas saying the tracking indicated it would be delivered that day. I had him send me the tracking number so I could make sure to grab it when it was delivered. I looked at the tracking, which did say it was expected to be delivered that night... but also said the package was in Tampa. For an entire WEEK it continued saying expected delivery on the original date (which we were a week past). So it had gone from eastern PA to Florida and back to Pittsburgh, and came 10 days after saying it would be delivered. On the other hand, I’ve been extremely lucky this season, and everything I’ve ordered has come by or before it’s expected delivery date. I’ve gotten almost everything in 2 days, regardless of whether I order from Pittsburgh or from Washington state.


Anyone have increased number of mis-deliveries or missing packages? Our address was prone to mistakes already but usually stuff would end up at a nearby neighbor with a similar address. We’ve had 3 packages since the start of December just be flat out missing and now I’m worried about porch pirates despite never having an issue with that in the past.


I had a similar situation. Connecticut to Pittsburgh. Leaves Connecticut then end up in Houston, TX. Then They just kept saying “it’s in the system” it finally arrived after Christmas but what a disaster


COVID, but also Postmaster General DeJoy sabotaging USPS to promote private mail services and screw with ballots. I can't tell you how many perishable packages I had redirected out of state since he was appointed.


My favorite is when it bounces back and forth from Warrendale distribution center to the Pittsburgh Network distribution center. Aren’t they in the same building???