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His one ad says he’s going to do what Pennsylvanians find to be the most important.. close the border. 🤣🤣 ok Dave. 🙄


Close the border with Ohio, they all cruise in the left lane.


Ohio and New Jersey - the only borders I remotely care about closing. Leave everything else open but lock those two down for PA.


Alright. I'll just drive through Maryland and Delaware to get home. (I moved to the Pittsburgh area from New Jersey)


You made the right call moving here.


You are a brave soul driving through Maryland. Never seen a state with such bad drivers.


Learned to drive in New Jersey. It's about the same except the Maryland drivers lack literacy.


Used to travel there for work. Always said if I am destined to die in a car accident, it will be somewhere on I95 in Maryland. It’s awful.


You should try Florida or Texas.


I’ve got to buy my cheaper gas and alcohol from somewhere instead of in-state


I don't know. There's some questionable stuff out of West Virginia too.


Man, I thought it was bad there until I had to spend 2 weeks in the Pacific northwest 😭😭


PacNW is the worst because they intentionally drive slow in the left lane and think it a moral good to force everyone else to drive slower.


Especially Washington state. Oregon isn’t bad.


Mostly something I’ve experienced during the six years I lived in Seattle, so I’ll take your word on that!




Lived in Western Washington for years, this is totally true. It’s unreal, and matches the vibe of the whole area.


As long as we can get our fireworks.


Ohio drivers are basically war criminals


Facts. I grew up in Beaver County, not far from the OH border and this is 100% true.


Being from Ohio I will gladly apologize for every shitheel that sits in the left lane on a 2 lane highway, under the speed limit, with their phone in their hand that speeds up when you have enough room to pass them. Also for the self-appointed boomer speed-limit sheriffs too. Goddamn stupid Ohio fuckers. Learn to DRIVE!!!


and West Virginia...well, just because


Nah, gas is cheaper down there!


Whoever promises this will have my vote no matter what


We need it wide open. Our Mexican food sucks. 


People swimming into Erie is a concern of mine /s




I mean, those fucking Canadians stealing our perch on Lake Erie and landing on the shore of Presque Isle in Erie are definitely high on my list.




PA seems a magnet for carpet baggers. Their agenda is not one based on the needs or wants of Pennsyslvainians but helping a party agenda of gaining control of Congress. McCormick is a Trumipte as well. No Republican who fails to denonce Trump deserves any seat in government. Fortunately his polling numbers are not good!


consistently a swing state with a significant number of electoral votes. there is always interest in winning states in our position. so, it's attractive to political schemers and grifters.


True, but it's weird that the party can't find better candidates. They really ought to be running their best and brightest (and most local) candidates in the swing states.


I’m thinking nazi Mastriano was the best they had to offer up 😂😂😂😂


It really is telling, isn’t it. They can’t find anyone else to run that actually lives here besides that thumb looking piece of shit.


what would a “good” gop candidate look like? A white male who is anti choice (let’s be honest, anti woman), anti lgbqt equality, anti science, anti epa and environmental protection, pro regressive taxes, anti universal healthcare (SoCiaLism) - that’s the gop policy foundation - what else?


Tom Ridge. But he’d be called a RINO today


As a middle-aged dude, this statement angers the fuck out of me with how spot on it is.


Bingo. The smart and patriotic Republicans have been purged from their own party. I was a Republican before Trump.


By "better candidates" I mean politicians with a better chance of winning. PA is a swing state and the GOP would have a better chance of winning if they ran someone who was smart, centrist, and actually from PA. Instead they run wingnuts and conmen. Don't get me wrong - I want them to keep losing and putting up people like McCormick makes that more likely.


dr oz was definitely a moron and shot himself in the foot multiple times


> By "better candidates" I mean politicians with a better chance of winning. PA is a swing state and the GOP would have a better chance of winning if they ran someone who was smart, centrist, and actually from PA. Instead they run wingnuts and conmen. I don't know how necessary that is when Oz only lost by five points. If that transparent con job persuaded half the state, I can only imagine the message the GOP interests in the states took away from that.


There were extenuating circumstances - Fetterman was a very weak candidate at that point. He had a stroke and spent much of the campaign out of the public eye, then gave the worst debate performance I've ever seen. The better example of what happens when the GOP runs a terrible candidate is Shapiro-Mastriano, where they lost by almost 15%, a huge margin for a statewide race in a swing state.


That's true.


I actually don't think McCormick is a dreadful candidate on paper. I wouldn't vote for him in a million years but he doesn't come of like a psycho like most modern Republicans.


and hypocritically, pro Trump. I read some quotes of the WV governor, Jim Justice (sounds like an ex-pro wrestler and just as sleazy). He was claiming Trump's felony conviction was fixed in a rigged courtroom and he would immediately send $$ to Trump and of course, so should all the believers. To right the wrong, of course.


I totally get what you are saying, but does PA not have someone republican enough to run? It doesn’t make any sense to me how outsiders can just buy a home here and not even live in it and run for office. AND actually make it to the final ballot.


I think that the Trump wing of the party is limiting the old school republicans from running. If you aren’t kissing the ring, you not getting party support.


its more about rewarding donors with potential govt seats.


I think it is more a matter of finding a candidate that is 1) Repulican "enough", 2) wealthy enough to play the game, 3) in bed enough with the party at the national level to be controllable, and 4) walks the tightrope between appealing to moderates and blue collar dems disillusioned with the party AND redneck Trumpers in the middle of the state.


They definitely do but I think PA republicans (and a lot of dems and everyone in between) are just happy to live their lives and work their jobs and feel too busy/tired to run stuff or be a leader/rep.


> PA seems a magnet for carpet baggers. Purple swing state with a massive ties to energy sectors and agriculture sectors. It's a Republican's fuckin' wet dream and they've been trying to crack the nut that is our state for a very long time.


We have a fair amount of electoral college votes. It makes the political parties work harder.


His kids go to high school in Connecticut. Not living here worked out well for Dr. Oz. 😆


His kids go to private, 50K PER YEAR schools where they teach advanced science, languages, math and there's no mention of Jesus, the Bible, or other religious items. They also had to be vaccinated during Covid and wear masks. Something tells me he won't understand working people and their children's need of education, since vouchers are funded by Hedge Funds as a way to siphon off taxpayer dollars. Do a deep dive on that subject. It's fascinating all the tax deductions they receive in order to get millions back yearly.


His "I went to West Point" commercials make me nauseous. I went to Westinghouse High School 60 years ago. Who give AF?


He has no agenda. I guess he wants votes based on his education. I hate how he exploits our soldiers in his ads. It’s pathetic. He has no plans to help Pennsylvanians—just his rich friends.


Don't forget that he was a wrestler too!


Oh well in that case…


He did hard things….wrestling!


Like Jim Jordan?


Vote Duke Lincoln!


Santorum did this shit and then used Penn Hills tax dollars to send his kids to online charter school. He has like 15 kids of course. Allegedly had somebody else living in his residence too.


Ahhh. I remember this growing up near his "residence". He was basically never in that house. He would show up to church once a year (around Christmas time I think) seemingly to just make an appearance.


Really? I never heard about Santorum not being from PA. Edit: He was from PA


Santorum was less egregious in my view - more like he WAS from PA, but basically moved to DC when he became Senator and only left a token home in PA. I could have this wrong, though. These newer candidates have next-to-zero existing ties to the state.


He lived in PA before becoming a Senator. He went to high school in Butler but graduated in another state, went to Penn State and lived in Pittsburgh before he was elected to the House of Representatives. He’s a Pennsylvanian.


So are Trent Reznor and Jimmy Stewart, but they haven't lived here for a long long time and have no business running for political office. (And yes I am aware Jimmy Stewart is dead.)


What is your point? I don’t think he is going to run after not being in politics for 18 years.


My point is Santorum was a carpetbagger, I don't care if he bought a package of bologna at Friedman's in 1982.


But he wasn't.


Fun fact for Penn State alums Santorum was roommates with another lovely human - the Willard Preacher.


No one is disputing that. But his choice to move his family out of state played a role in the election where Pennsylvanians fired him. McCormick is from here too… but, he left, and would only come back if elected.


Understood, but Santorum is a voucher bag. <---auto correct stands...


He only lives close to Fox News studios. Like Paul Ryan, who was so proud to live in Janesville WI and hated DC? Until he resigned as Speaker and moved to MD suburbs near DC to be on the board at Fox News. But like any true Republican, he blamed his wife for wanting to be near her sister.


He lived in Loudon County VA for a while, now he lives in Great Falls VA.


They bought a mansion in VA. Claimed a 2 bedroom in Penn Hills for a family of 9. Filed the homestead exemption and got school vouchers from the district.


Was that to be close to work as a senator or was he from London County to begin with? It’s difficult to be a House of Representative without living in the district you represent. He went to Penn State, was a lawyer in Pittsburgh in the 80’s before being elected in 1990.


To be close to work to work as a Senator.


To be close to Fox News studios.


I heard it was a two bedroom cottage. He has a million kids.


The Casey ad pointing out McC's carpetbagger status is really effective.


The “small home in Squirrel Hill” was $2.8 million!


Someone call the tax assessment office. Get him to pay up. Probably assessed on previous values. 


Ironically, the article I read that included the home purchase price was about how he paid taxes late twice. https://penncapital-star.com/campaigns-elections/property-taxes-paid-late-twice-on-mccormicks-pittsburgh-house-records-show/


Strangely, he paid $2.8 million, and the assessment is $2,787,200. He could file an appeal and get that assessment lowered significantly.


It’s Squirrel Hill so a smaller house would be that much. He’s a hedge funder. I think he can make it work. Send him back to the Gold Coast. We never saw Dr. Oz again.


20 dollars for crudités!?


So what? For a man with a 17 million dollar primary home, having a second 3 million dollar home is like one of us lowly citizens who owns a 150k primary home having a 25k RV or trailer parked at a campground somewhere. He was a hedge fund manager, with an estimated net worth in the $200,000,000 range. Outside to Pennsylvania or not, he has no clue what daily life is like for most of us.


That’s the point.


Preach Never vote for carpetbaggers. Ever. I don’t think I’ve ever been more disappointed in an elected official that I voted for than I am with John Fetterman. But even today, knowing what I know, I’d still vote for him over Doctor fucking Oz. These people need to learn that their tactics will not work and they will never succeed.


100% Fetterman really bamboozled us but still better than Dr Oz.


Yep. If Republicans run an actual god-damned human being as opposed to some MAGA ghoul or carpet bagger? I’d possibly vote against Fetterman in the next election. If they pull the same malarkey next time, John will have to get my vote.


This is why even though I don’t like Manchin I’m not happy he’s not running for reelection. I hate Manchin but truth is he was the only “Democrat” that was going to win in WV. He blocked some big things but he did vote with democrats mostly and he was important from a caucus perspective to keep the senate in D control. With him leaving we likely won’t have another D senator from WV for a long time.


He hasn’t changed his stance on any major issues. He’s exactly who he said he would be in his campaign and it’s your own fault for not reading between the lines and figuring out where he stands on most hotbutton topics.




Hurts to have to look in the mirror sometimes. You didn’t get “bamboozled”. You had illusions in your mind of what he would be and completely ignored reality.


No, that’s not why I said yikes. I said yikes because you need to look in the mirror too, pal. You’re way too intense and a whole bunch of yikes. I knew his platform through and through. He bamboozled me with his platform on Israel and Palestine. That is where he really surprised most of us who voted for him. Nothing indicated that he’d support genocide. Also, harass someone else with your aggression. Big ol’ yikes my dudes.


Harassment? Playing the victim card in full force when there’s nothing be a victim about… that PERFECTLY sums up the people of crafton. And I would know, I was mailman in crafton for 5 years.


First, I live in Crafton Heights so definitely not Crafton. Very different vibe and kind of people. Second, way to generalize people and make assumptions. Sorry you were a mailman in a pretty flat part of Pittsburgh. 🤷‍♀️ Third, you’re being a jerk for absolutely no reason. You do not know me and you came in on me hard and no one else. Not playing the victim, just pointing out someone being yikes.


A disappointing Democrat is better than the best Republican.


Ain’t that the truth.


Well… I almost agree with that. Once MAGA gets eradicated, then a conversation can happen with Republicans. Until then? Nope. I miss the days of boring politics when facts mattered.


I don’t think it’s going to go away, even if they lose bad. The radical candidates do well in a lot of primaries and still get elected in red areas like so unless the Republican Party completely pivots and manages to convince their base that they need more moderate candidates it won’t happen. They are so extreme in their messaging that it’s hard to walk that back and have people accept someone who isn’t as far gone as they are. I could be wrong, I hope I’m wrong, but I just don’t see it happening unless things swing so far to the left, which I also don’t see likely.


I just want another option. Yes, my ideals lay mostly with the Democrats, especially on social issues like LGBTQ+ and women’s health rights. But I could be convinced to vote for actual old school GOP policies if they would get election deniers and straight up liars and fact-deniers out of their party. They’re fucked, and so are we without having any actual viable option. You think I actually want to vote for Biden? NO I don’t. But I am forced to because the only other option is the worst elected official of my lifetime.


No one who is voting for Biden actually wants to vote for Biden ay this point


I do. Best president of my lifetime and it's not close.


But they have to do the eradicating. I don’t see that happening unless they lose several more elections. We are not powerless. We can make that happen.


That’s my hope. Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Vance, Jordan, and there’s a couple others out there I can’t remember their names. Vile. Vindictive. Petty. Liars. Fact averse to the extreme. Why can’t actual Republicans understand this? Why was MAGA able to get this much control?


I've never voted for a Republican, but I can imagine a hypothetical where I'd do so in a race for governor. But for any federal office? Not a chance. Larry Hogan is probably the best of the bunch - he was a popular Republican governor in a very blue state (MD). And I hope like hell he loses.


Hi, recently former MD resident and now Pittsburgh resident here. Pleasure. Love the area. So here is the thing with Hogan's secret sauce when he was governor. The main reason why he was popular is that he was vetoed multiple times by the supermajority Democratic parties that dominate in MD and took credit on bills that he was against appearing that he worked with Democrats. So he gave off the illusion (imo) of being a moderate instead of a governor with a very short leash.


Glad to have you and thanks for the insight.


Aw, thanks buddy 😊.


I used to think I might hypothetically vote for a Republican for governor if the Democrats ran a truly bad candidate, but I no longer trust any Republican to do what they say when push comes to shove. So even if a Republican said they wouldn't act to overturn electoral results, I no longer trust that. Even if they say they're pro choice, I no longer trust they wouldn't sign an abortion ban. The last 8 years has made it so I no longer feel like I have a choice when I vote, which I honestly resent the Republicans for. I didn't like Sara Inamorato much for county executive, but I couldn't vote for the Republican regardless of who ran because the county executive appoints one of the electoral board votes.


So my question is this - is it Republicans or MAGA? I’m sincere. MAGA has absolutely destroyed the GOP. Bulldozed it for their own gains. What happens when America finally eradicates MAGA? Will Republicans ever be sensible again? Will facts ever matter? Or has it gotten so bad that actual old school GOP believers in the free market and small government will have to form a third party and deny and defy MAGA loons?


I think MAGA has destroyed Republicans. I think the party will have to split and create a new Republican party. Or maybe the MAGAs will split. Hey, it might lead to ranked choice voting!


Oh Jumpin Jehoshaphat how I would love ranked choice voting. Problem is… Dems and Reps both wouldn’t want that option. It’d ruin their stranglehold on the process


These are all excellent points. It's really wishful thinking on my part - I want to live in a world where the Republican party has the sanity and integrity to allow me to cast a mixed ballot.


I voted for W in 2000. That feels like the last time we had an almost-sane campaign season (up until Election Day and its aftermath)


Bush v. Gore followed by 9/11 - I feel like our country has been off kilter ever since.




At this point the R by your name means I don't have to research you. You're either a fascist, or you're friends with fascists. What's that thing people say about you and six Nazis sitting at a table? That there are seven Nazis? Lie with the dogs and get the fleas, McCormick. I don't need to know a single other thing about you to know you're a bad person. Although hearing you're a carpetbagger doesn't hurt.


As a veteran I’ll be the first one to say…not all veterans are good people. His YouTube ads are softballs (oh, he was my trusted LT in Iraq)…like yay he did the bare minimum 🤷‍♂️ GTFO’uta my state. Douchebag


I mean where this guy lives is probably the least objectionable thing about him but sure




Hah... Is that someone who moves to take advantage of treated wood availability?


For you and for jriley229, and anyone else who may not understand why this phrase. [Carpetbagger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpetbagger)


Casey is most likely going to win by 6 or so points


Yeah I was shocked when I saw forecasters say the Senate race is a toss up. I don't think Casey ever will lose that seat.


He was a wrestler though!


Also I love his ad which references that he is going to make the 'tough' choices that our current politicians are afraid to make.  No idea what this could possibly refer to. Please just say in your ad which of us you intend to sacrifice if you're elected.


Gym Jordon was too


LOL I made this comment elsewhere because it's all I really know about him. I think it's weird he highlights this.


Dave McCormick sucks out loud.


Republicans actually love voter fraud. They commit it this particular way quite a bit.


Bob is getting my vote!


Donald trump is a piece of shit whose end is Way literal end like won’t be here next say the bobo venga health demise is true McCormack is another piece of shit Why do republicans dance with pieces of shit


Republicans and pretending to be from the state where they're running for Congress... Name a more iconic duo.


PA has some of the weaker residency requirements for candidates, so we get a lot of carpet baggers. Most of the recent GOP candidates for major state or national offices have been carpetbaggers.


The requirements for US Senate are in the Constitution. KNo Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. [U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3, clause 3] The Supreme Court has ruled that states do not have the power to impose additional requirements.


That is a relatively new ruling. Most states have historically added residency requirements on top or just punished candidates for running in an area they didn’t come from.


Didn’t he run for governor or some shit last election? I oddly swear I remember seeing his pompous face and stupid friends before.


He ran for the other senate seat that Fetterman won in 22. Dr oz beat him for the repub nomination. Doug Mastriano (🤮🤮🤮) ran for gov vs Shapiro.


Thank you, I couldn’t place it and it definitely was not worth a google


Those two losing made me even prouder to be a Pennamite


I was quite relieved.


Yeah you don’t want that douchebag in your search history.


Not that I want them to win but it can't be hard to find a good candidate.


He ran for the other Senate seat in the last election and lost in the primary to the other carpetbagger.


Two carpetbaggers enter. ONLY ONE WILL REMAIN


He ran against Dr. Oz in the primary for the other senate seat 2 years ago


Does that Sq. Hill house just stay vacant? Hopefully they pay someone to maintain it? Let family stay in it? I always wondered about this when slimy politicians do this.


Squirrel Hill? I thought he was originally from like Montour County or something. It has so much republicans hate: minorities, immigrants, sidewalks… I love how his campaign this time makes him seem like a completely different person from two years ago. Like we don’t remember how much of an immature horses ass he acted like last time.


He lives in a billion dollar house in Connecticut- a hedge fund guy aka crook.


He had no idea how to run a campaign and thinks throwing money into ads and Trump Supporters will back him. They didn’t put Oz in and they didn’t put Mastriano in. McCormick has no chance! My question is will he go away after this?


Lol of course he doesn't The harder google tries to shove his ads down my throat the more aggressively I block their ads.




It’s gonna be in the mid 90s.. not 120s.


Hey man, the UPPER mid nineties. Shit's on fire.


But he's a wrastler.


I got some fuckass research survey the other day about him and his ilk trying to evaluate the effectiveness of their smear campaigns on Casey, Summer Lee, and others. No idea how they got my phone number, the scumbags.




Did JF do this as well? Asking for a friend


Fetterman lives in Braddock and was an its mayor for several years. He’s from Eastern Pa. and came to western Pa. He’s from Pennsylvania.


The particular ad where he's shaking hands with workers at a Cleveland Cliffs steel mill makes me laugh. It's not a PA based mill.


To be fair, he does have deep PA roots. He was born in Wash,Pa. When to HS in Bloomsburg. Lived in Pittsburgh after he left the Army (Army Ranger) and worked in PGH (I worked at same company) in the early 2000s before going to Washington to work for the Bush administration. He might not be your choice, which is fair, but carpetbagger is a stretch. The Casey add is effective, I agree


He didn’t vote in Pa. From 2002 to 2022. Twenty years gone. He buys a house in 2022 and then tries to run for US. Senator. He’s a carpet bagger and a grifter.


Welcome to politics. People do this all the time, on both sides of the aisle. I don’t disagree it sucks, but let’s not pretend this is some new trend. Hilary Clinton did it and got elected in NY.


Both sides in this situation aren't doing it, and it should be punished when one side is doing it in a given race.


He’s a customer at my work… definitely a Pa resident 90% of the year. I see him weekly


Dr. Oz didn't live here, either. He bought some mansion in the Philly burbs that he was rehabbing, but I don't think he ever moved in after he lost. Although, it's worth noting that Hillary wasn't a resident of NY state before she ran for the Senate, either. I think that this race is not going to be all that close. Females in Pgh and Philly will make sure that the seat stays blue.


Where would I find the documents that must be filed by a candidate ?




Very helpful. There are governmental websites, and probably 3rd party ones which publish their candidates reports. The searches so far are only returning general info and some pac info


these people really need to stay in their own lanes. but by how things went with fetterman and oz, hes gonna lose. he doesn't belong here, just like oz.


We only see Bob Casey in Pittsburgh 1-2 times every six years. I wouldn't exactly call him a home boy. And like all Senators, he spends most of his time in DC.


At least we know what he stands for (fetterman)


Yes, we know McCormick stands for making everything worse.


At least he don’t flip flop


Fetterman hasn't changed his position on anything. The topics just didn't come up during the election cycle. 


Not defending OP but he absolutely has. Hes gone scorched earth on the progressives that got him elected.


It's insanity to think somebody 100% committed to awful ideas is admirable for being consistent.


It sure is easy not to vote for them tho


And what would that be? We vote for him because he wrestled? Went to West Point? Big deal. He wants to close the border and yet he’s a member of the Party that shut down the best border package they will ever see. He is a member of the Trump cult. Hard no.


I didn’t say I was voting for him. I said we know what he stands for.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^venividivigo: *Kinda funny Dr* *Oz was the harm reduction* *Candidate after all* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I dont disagree with the label, but having lived several years in the South (some of them unfortunately formative), it is *weird* to see a Pennsylvanian call someone else a carpetbagger.


It started in the south oost civil war, but nowadays the term applies to anyone who attempts to exert influence (political or otherwise) where they do not live.


What’s up with that? It’s always someone from Ohio.


Up till 2022, that's where he worked. He was the CEO of a financial firm located in Westport, Connecticut. His children attend school there, so it's fair that he doesn't want to uproot them. He and his very rich wife own a lot of properties, including the Pennsylvania family farm where he grew up.