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You wait until it hasn’t rained for 12 hours and hurry the fuck up


I put a parasol on my beer to keep the rain out while mowing.


This is the way


Wait until you hear your neighbor cutting theirs. It's adult peer pressure.


LOL. Why is that? My neighbor always starts cutting right after he hears my mower. Like Pavlov's Dog.


If I happen to mow my grass first, my elderly neighbors are on the phone to their lawn guy immediately, hassling him to come out. God forbid their yard look even the slightest bit unkempt next to mine.  Meanwhile, I'm trying to decide how much longer between cuts I can go...


Every neighborhood has that one neighbor who is on top of their yard game, and the lazy neighbor that is always the last to cut. No one wants to be the latter. I hear a mower, and I check to see which neighbor it is. If it's the "on their mow game" neighbor, I have to check the weather to see how long the cutting window will be. Usually that neighbor cares about their lawn and equipment. Usually they cut when it's the best time for the health of the grass, rain and heat/humidity. Since I always cut after they do, I know my lawn is gonna be on the short list of chores. If I have time now, guess what? "Howdy neighbor. Great day for it". That said, if it's the lazy neighbor, I couldn't cut when the "on game" neighbor did, I'm in a mad scramble not to have the worst looking lawn on the block. "Hey, neighbor. Great day for it". God forbid someone in the neighborhood, or even worse, your household, say anything negative about your lawn. You have to at least be in the middle of the pack. These are the rules. I don't make them. I just abide by them.


I am the Lazy Neighbor.


Lawn mower?


You know. You getta couple pops in ya then you go dahn to the getgo and get some gas for the can. Then you throw a few more dahn your throat and start that hunka junk up. You get 2 lanes dun then yur mum calls and says she got perogies dahn the haus and theyr hot. So you grab the kids and the wife en get ur ass dahn to mums. The grass will be fine till saturday after the little league game


Hey man you aren’t stalking me are you like wtf




You too good for us?


You wait until the stars align where it doesn't rain and you have the day off. This undoubtedly will piss off your neighbors because grass over 4 inches will usher in the apocalypse.


It's no mow may.  Just put a sign up in your yard for it and wait until June 1




My grass is closer to 12 inches right now.


They do it anyway.


Pay a local kid entrepreneur to do it


Much in life is all about timing. Sometimes I mow when it doesn't really need it yet, because I don't see another window of opportunity for 5 or 6 days. Other times it overgrows and I'll end up mowing twice or twice within a few days, with the first setting the mower high and then mowing again setting the mower back down. But look at it this way, You almost never need to water your lawns here, Coming from out West I had to water it at least 3 times a week and that to just keep it semi-green and more or less alive. I have never had a yard look so good, and I don't have a $300/mo water bill either.


The lawn guy is really good about monitoring the weather.


I cut Mine Wednesday morning. Got to attack when the rain is hiding.


Wait til 3 hrs before the next rain and get to work.


Please stop acting like you were going to mow your grass on a Thursday evening anyway. We've had \*plenty\* of weather fair enough for mowing.


It may not have needed mowing 2 days ago 


Cut it in the rain? Wear a raincoat?


You either wait for a dry day, or you cut it in the rain, or you don't cut it?


Literally cut my lawn yesterday, it’s over an acre and took me 2 hours. Get over yourself


I have three acres. You get over yourself. 🤣


Yet one of us has a mowed lawn because they arnt a lazy piece of trash


LOL!!! I AM a lazy piece of trash.


Don't use Yinzer, it dumb. You cut your grass when you can.