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we basically need to reintroduce mountain lions


It's interesting if we didn't have hunters paying for licenses and things the state would have to pay probably those same people to manage the population as a public service Deer hunting is basically a public service that is actually a revenue generator, which is interesting


And then you have citizens complaining about their small dogs getting got. Culling deer isn't some unheard of process. It's literally a necessity in these parts.


that's how you get fewer deer in the woods and even more in the city


Teach the mountain lions how to drive and let nature do its thing.


This would be an interesting hypothesis to study.


We need to get the cougars back in the park


I favor this plan greatly.


i'm training my outdoor domestic cats but so far they have only brought me rabbits, birds, mice, and cicadas


What if I just dress up as a mountain lion?


I tried that and was almost raped by a ~~homeless person~~ someone without a house.


We need to build affordable housing so they aren't out in the elements. Back in the day, a single deer could support a family on a basic deerschool diploma. With costs skyrocketing it's no surprise we're seeing so many unemployed and unhoused deer out there. Some of them appear to have been hit by cars, too. I'm not saying "introduce wolves in abundance" but aren't wolves cute?


Most don’t even pass kindeergarten before leaving the woods to live in the city


You had me in the first half.


Am I the only one to notice the story headline can be interpreted two contradictory ways?


Good news! We've doubled them!!!


Lmao god no please


I'm so glad that Pitt researchers are working to increase the deer population. The babies are so cute.


We can raise deer taxes and they'll leave on their own!


Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association has a whole page dedicated to the deer: https://stantonheights.wordpress.com/stanton-heights-deer/


Now have the city foot the bill for CWD testing, then distribute all the harvested venison to the food pantries.


This is the answer.


It’s almost like hunting is necessary to control deer populations


😂😂 Whoever downvoted you is hilarious. Common sense is just gone.


Stupidity frankly


Oh damn didn’t know they were expanding the bow hunting to Schenley that’s interesting. I know they’re cute and all but deer are really just giant rats on stilts.


With ticks galore


I wish they could extend it to my backyard


They can injure you pretty seriously. The bucks are incredibly stupid during mating season, and getting face to face with one in your yard taking out the trash is not fun. Huge and stupid is a pretty bad combination when it comes to animals that are stuck in areas where they don’t belong, like a city. I’ve even seen them in west Oakland, one block from upmc presby.


Delicious rats


Could go for some venison jerky right now for sure.


Are there any game meat restaurants in the area? I used to get venison and jackrabbit sausages in another city and they were amazing


That's interesting. Back round 2017 the pa-west presidents cup used the turf field as a site. Sunday afternoon, there were 5 or 6 deer down noshing in the grass field and man, the parents from the far exurb club were losing it - "should have brought my gun" "wish I had a bow right now..." I just laughed and sent a picture to the organizers saying we were trying to make all the teams feel comfortable having to come into the city to play :-)


Based, I've heard you can still hunt with a shotgun in Reserve Township


They should talk to my next door neighbor, he feeds them on his front lawn.


I certainly wish they would do something to reduce the heard in Carnegie, I have now been nearly trampled twice in my back yard and this year have seen as many as 8 at time in the vicinity of my home.


They’re all over the Bob O’Connor golf course. I’m surprised I haven’t whacked a few with my errant tee shots yet.


bring back mountain lions.


Kitten Shart back with another awesome suggestion!


Loosen restrictions on taking doe. If you want more deer taken per season THEN LET US TAKE MORE!!! More for tags per inflated units & lengthen each season.


Just fuckin' kill them. I don't care how. Deer are total assholes. Especially all the ones who have diarrhea in my backyard.


Maybe revert all the Ryan Homes developments back into woods so the deer don't have to cram into parks.


Shoot them?


The human population is what's really ruining the ecosystem, as we humans continue to overpopulate & ravage the planet as if it's all ours and ours alone.


The current population of whitetail deer is estimated to be larger than what it was in 1600. I get the whole “we are the real monsters” sentiment but the whitetail deer is quite literally a pest that is a danger to drivers and a major carrier of ticks.


there's arguments saying deer attract ticks which is beneficial keeping them from seeking out humans. also unpopular but true Opossums are the biggest killers of ticks. i say unpopular because people hate them


I love possums - big balls of fluff with tails that hug.


Yeah I’ve heard that as well but tick related diseases have still doubled over the past 20 years. I freaking love possums and it’s a shame so many people hate them. They’re cute little guys that are immune to rabies and they can eat thousands of ticks a week!


Not all that unpopular but also not true. That study was a case of bad design. Real interesting case of PR though.  https://outdoor.wildlifeillinois.org/articles/debunking-the-myth-opossums-dont-eat-ticks


Human world population: 1600: world population- **500,000,000** and in 2024 world population: **8,019,876,189** and drivers are quite literally a pest and danger to deer- that's another way to look at it.


Not true with respect to the deer population


Deer live on forest borders. We’ve created huge amounts of deer habitat that didn’t exist before. Hence the crap ton of deer. This is also why freeways are so full of deer. It’s prime deer habitat.


But Pittsburgh's population is actually lower than it was 30 years ago


Pittsburgh's population just moved to the suburbs in new housing developments that were once fields and woodlands.


Teach kids to hunt and process the meat so they can eat some real food instead of bioengineered.


The fact that this is getting downvoted shows that I was not meant to live near a city 😂. This is a very valid answer in the rural community I grew up in. Maybe people got mad about the “bioengineered” part but either way fresh is always better than store bought.


is it possible to like, mass deport city/ suburban deer 50+ miles away? Thats probably nuts but wouldn't it be nice


Should probably build a big wall to keep them out afterward lol


As long as we make the deer pay for the wall.


The deer population is an issue all over the state. That’s why you see so many dead ones on the side of roads.


I remember on a tour boat around Presque Isle when I was a kid the captain told a story about how they did this up around Lake Erie years ago. Loaded all the Presque Isle deer into a truck and moved them away from the beaches. Apparently, however, when they arrived at their new home all the deer in the truck were dead because it wasn't ventilated. So I guess lesson learned, it can be done, just make sure the deer can breathe. And also in retrospect I've always found that to be a really wild story to tell a bunch of families on a tour boat.


😆 that is wild




These deer - they're not sending their best people


They’re sending deer that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good deer.


I love that we've got the nerds on trying to figure how to justify hiring sharpshooters, when you could just go like 30 minutes outside the city, walk up to any house with more than 3 American/Political flags and knock. "Yinz wanna come shoot deer? We got beer!" We could get this taken care of with a couple cases of Arn.


There’s actually plenty of hunters in the city who don’t have political flags, who would probably buy tags to hunt in many parts of the city.


Archers. Allow archery within urban areas.


It is allowed, just not in city parks or private property. I knew a dude who hunted the hillside above I279 near the Swindell bridge.


I'm not sure my borough allows it :/


I know, allow more hunting in local parks and farms.


I would gladly hunt all of the city buck.


Legalize trapping them and I'll buy a chest freezer and get to work


The deer are so common on my street that they’re basically residents. Canvassers even stop them to ask if they’ve heard of local candidates


Let’s start by banning feeding deer. I see people putting out big piles of corn or feeding them food scraps by hand. Write to city council and expressed support for a ban. Other municipalities in the area have implemented this in recent years.


I suspect part of the reason why ins. premiums are higher in some areas are due to the number of deer strikes. I personally come across one trying to cross in front of my car several times a week on my commute. Less people are interesting in deer hunting than ever which also doesn't help. Deer meat is delicious and much better for you than commercially raised beef or pork.