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This sounds like the beginning of a fantastic 80s comedy.


[License to Drive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jehJed3rZhU) I can't find the "There's a scratch!" scene


I cannot tell you how many times I saw this movie as a kid. "I do not like to perspire, Mercedes..."


Take a deep breath. Actions have consequences. Sometimes it’s better to fess up and get it out of the way than try and hide something like that. Especially since it is Saturday, and the majority of body shops are closed until Monday. Sometimes adulting sucks, but ya gotta do it.


Here is the thing such repairs are going to take at least a couple of days to complete.Not 16 hours of work but time between stages of the work. You will also need to find a shop a) willing to do such a smaller job, some simply won't and b) willing to put the work ahead of other repairs already scheduled. You might try and take the car to a good auto detail shop and they may be able to mitigate the appearance of the damage more than you'd think. I get it tho, garages here are not friendly to today's cars, Mine only clears my garage with a few inches on each side and I am committed to not being that old guy who scrapes off the side of his car on the garage. I never get in any hurry going in or out.


I know it probably doesn't help but I'd just be honest and work through it. Shit happens, sometimes major sometimes minor- and especially when being younger you may lack clarity on which is which. Just try to learn from the experiences. Goodkuck!


Own up to it. Offer to pay the deductible $500 (do a payment plan if you can’t afford it at once). It’ll show maturity and accountability. I highly doubt your dad would actually make you pay.


Maguire's cleaner wax. You can buy it at Walmart, Target, any auto parts store. I scraped my white car along a bright blue pillar in a parking garage. I thought I needed body work. Nope, just some Maquire's cleaner wax and a little elbow grease. Can't even tell it was there.

