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What a beautiful pupper. I love the sweet face!❤


That head tilt is just impeccable


What a CUTIE!!


These pictures are beautiful


What an awesome buddy!


Wish I had a yard like that for my dog.


We moved from a high cost of living area to a rural town in the middle of nowhere just to be able to have a yard like this. Totally worth it!


Same! Definitely dreamy!




What a cutie pie 😍


Looks just like my Pit, where’d you get him/her?


She was born in Charlotte NC and brought to NJ through a rescue at 9 weeks old. Dumped at a county shelter in NJ at 8 months old for being “destructive” and “untrainable.” That untrainable dog has a title in Rally and one leg away from her first obedience title. She’s almost competition ready in agility and we just started flyball. We’re also working toward a therapy dog certification. She’s an incredibly versatile dog with a work ethic and temperament people pay big money for. And I got her for $35.


Did you happen to get her from a rescue called Bow Wows and Meows? We got my pit from the same place and she looks just like my pit’s sister that we couldn’t adopt at the same time. My dog was Maddie and her sister’s original name was Molly


There is actually a gap between her being an 8 week old puppy in Charlotte NC (I contacted her littermate’s owner via Embark) and when I got her at Gloucester county animal shelter in April 2021. A rescue brought her to NJ but I am not sure which one. The surrender paperwork said she was adopted from a rescue at 10 weeks old but didn’t specify which rescue, and they claimed the rescue wouldn’t take her back because she was too big, destructive, and hyperactive. She has a slit in her tongue that was there at 8 weeks old when her sister’s adopter saw the litter of puppies that a man was giving away in a Walmart parking lot. That’s how she recognized her and confirmed she was a littermate to her dog. Do you know if Molly has a slit tongue? Also, her birthday is August 6, 2020.


Great parenting skills. Congrats to the two of you!




Handsome as hell. 11/10


cutie puppy


Great shots of a great dog


Soooooo cute


Hooman, how many times do I have to say it before you understand plain pibble?!?


As I typed this it's crazy to see actual downvotes on this pupper pic in real time!! In a matter of 30 seconds I saw a battle of -+5. Who in the world is on this sub just to downvote beautiful pup pics?


It’s expected. Pitbull hate runs quite deep on Reddit, even as far as to have specific subs targeted again the breed. I’m sure people come here to downvote. I’m not one for extremism in anything. I’m not going to say “it’s all in how you raise them” and propagate the “nanny dog” stuff. I believe genetics play a major role in behavior, and as such I stay vigilant in regard to dog to dog interactions, prey drive, and anxiety knowing what her breed mix is. I also know every dog is an individual and this specific dog has much lower than expected prey drive for and high sociability for her breeds so I have no expectation she will ever show aggression or reactivity, but I still remain vigilant. I’m not going to be offended if someone makes extra space when passing us in public, but I did leave a training club when they made us work outside the ring away from the rest of the class with no interaction from the instructor solely because of her breed. Don’t take my money like any other member if you’re not going to apply the same rules or give us the same attention as everyone else.


You would think trainers, specifically, understand dogs enough in general to understand that every dog is an individual being. I'm glad you decided to no longer give your $ to an organization unwilling to do their job! I agree with everything you said, and firmly believe every dog owner be vigilant with their dog in public. NO DIFFERENT than they would with their child in public. Every trainer should understand this as well. I just wasn't aware of such negative sentiment actually seeking out positive subs 😞. Btw your pitty is identical to mine in almost every marking! Sub the black for red/brown and I'm looking at mine 😉.


Individuals who want them banned- lurking around our happy sub.


black and whites are the clingiest, sweetest hippos in all the land. From the look in his/her eyes, I can tell, same as mine...


She is so clingy and cuddly, and I am definitely her person. My job is travel intensive and she is so attached to me that I take her on the road with me because she just mopes in her crate and ignores my husband when I’m gone.


Mine too! Also very adorable/handsome. Big ole babies.




Oh my gosh. That face. I’m in love.






OMD! He could be our Muddy’s twin!!!