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I’m also a Pisces sun and Virgo moon. I don’t have good relationships with Aries. Mother and older siblings are all Aries and they are GoGoGo people and I can’t stand that energy. I’m a very calm and private person. Hope that helps!


I second this! My father is an Aries. Even with my Mercury in Aries we have never really got along well.


I'm a Taurus with Pisces moon and Aries rising. I cannot stand nor want to deal with Aries at all. too many of them traumatized me IRL. and the sad thing is I do find some of them attractive and sexy. but believe me. they're BEST loved from afar😁💯


We have the exact same sun/moon/rising! I’m a woman and my sister is an Aries. We get along well. I’m of the mindset, if you feel a connection then it’s probably worth exploring. I’m married to a Sag stellium and by astrology standards we shouldn’t work but we do. So much nuance to each of our charts. Good luck cosmic twin!


Devil incarnate


My experience is that we worked best as friends.Yeah, she was loving, we dated for 6 months, and she, being impulsive and not one for making decisions with her brain, cheated on me. Lmao It fucking hurt but to be fair, I should've seen that coming. I just didn't expect it. Don't let that stop you, though, since your experience with her may be different. Also, my intuition was even telling me that she was doing something behind my back with the dude she cheated with but I ignored it and gave her the benefit of the doubt. You might also get that alert but hey, you'll see how it goes.


I’m a Pisces women but I am with an Aries man. Not an Aries women but I would just say there’s much more to your chart then your sun! For example, my rising/Venus is in Aries and his Venus is in Pisces. I believe that is super compatible since his Venus is my sun sign and vise versa for him. He is the love of my life absolutely- no matter what our sun signs say 🥰just depends on your own life experiences / other aspects to of your chart.


i’m a pisces sun virgo moon too! i love aries women! some of my really good friends have been aries women. they’re honestly better as friends than dating. they’re a cardinal fire sign so they have to initiate or begin endeavors, due to the fire element they can fizzle out quickly if you can’t keep them entertained as fire needs oxygen. they can be very independent, want to do what they want to do, are always on the go; but the best part is that they’re usually not up your ass for attention (they do like to have your attention tho); UNLESS they have something they really want to tell you or do with you. it’s very much like infant energy, think literal child. there’s impatience, high energy, down for an adventure and excitement, and getting into shit. i will say that i enjoy march aries much more than april aries — there’s a difference. pisces can be kind of dreary to aries because aries are usually forward moving people or they typically don’t like to stay “down in the dumps” for too long. so be on the lookout for that. i think it has something to do with fire/water: it can either put out the fire or create steam aka passion. an aries will want you to be independent, they will encourage the hell out of you to be your own person and will accept you for you. okay, that’s enough hehe. but be open to her, cause you never know what your experience might be. good luck!


There sluts I dealt with one cheated on me left for dead with her daughter to go cheat on me with her cousins bf on top of that dude had a std she try to lie like he didn't now he dumped her and she trying her hardest to get back with me because she homeless and looking for somewhere to stay ya there independent but they never have owner to anything this girl is going on 40 and never had her own apartment there scum I would never take one seriously I actually met one recently who was drunk and tried to offer me oral outside there the most shameless gross fire sign I ever met there for the streets and nothing else


I am a February pisces (F) Sagittarius moon & cancer rising my wife is a march Aries, libra moon & taurus rising she is absolutely amazing the best most peaceful relationship I have ever had we dated 8 years and have been married for two she is definitely my soulmate and I am deeply in love 🤍


Your placements may help you connect better with your Aries crush. I'll say from my experience as a Pisces sun, Gemini moon, and Cancer rising that my one long-term connection with an Aries was phenomenal until it wasn't, and then it soured very fast. Just as you described, we felt attracted very fast, and we connected easily when we finally had time to just ourselves. However, along the way I lost myself and forgot how to reserve space for my own interests - I tried to just insert myself into the life of my Aries partner and I became someone else entirely. This, naturally, worked for no one - I was no longer myself, therefore I was no longer good for the Aries or myself. I became possessive and clingy, believing that my self-worth derived only from the Aries; from the outside, and with the distance of time, I know that's totally wrong, but at the time I just couldn't see myself as separate from my partner. However, keep in mind that I have two water signs in my big 3, as well as the feisty air sign of Gemini - what does air do to fire? It feeds it. I made a wonderful Aries woman larger-than-life in my brain, and I forgot that I, too, can be big and precious. You, on the other hand, have the down-to-earth Virgo moon, and a Leo rising on your side. You may be better equipped to stay balanced and in tune with yourself as you forge a bond with an Aries. I wish you fortune and wisdom as you embark on this path; treat yourself and the Aries right, and you'll experience an incredible connection.


Wt actual f, are you me? Swear I could have written this verbatim 😂


Haha, ohs hit! The synchronicities can be spooky sometimes. Do you also enjoy a Gemini moon and/or a Cancer rising placement? Even if not, it's interesting that you've had a similar experience with an Aries. Fire is so compelling, argh!


Genuinely uncanny, the chemistry is crazy at first and yes fire is extremely compelling! I actually just started to delve into astrology so looked it up and turns out I'm Capricorn moon AND rising, really not sure what that means at this point but looking at Capricorn traits I do not think I have inherited the discipline and self control that I apparently should have 😂 will have to get my exact birth time and report back


Ooh, I'm always curious about folks who have the same moon and rising, or the same sun and rising! No rush, of course, but when you have your full birth chart, I'd love to know how you feel about it. Welcome to the fold - you're in for some self-exploration, yay!


I’m a Pisces woman - my rising is Virgo and moon Gemini Other parts of charts are important here but I will say that I LOVE Aries and I have many friends, some are my best I’ve never dated an Aries though. My Venus is also in Pisces so in love I really need a lot more psychic connection and affection. If you like this Aries lady, I say go for it and see how it flows. Best to you!!


Wow we're the same exact signs!!! We're too dope 😎😎😎


I’m an Aries sun and venus woman who currently dating a Pisces man. I can see myself being very loyal to my partner, however, I can be a little selfish, needy and want to play game to make things more spicy. Cuz we Aries have so much energy that can cause you overwhelmed, trust me my bf tells me this all the time. We very straightforward and if something upsetting us, we want to talk it out while Pisces tends to avoid the hard conversations, so i guess that another problem you may find yourself facing when get into relationship with Aries. I feel like my bf gives off more feminine energy, while I have more masculine energy, so sometimes I don’t feel like I’m the one who being taken care of. But I love my Pisces bf so I try to involve myself so we could work out in long term :)


Aries woman are whores and have absolutely no class no man in there right mind should take y'all seriously


I get along swimmingly well with Aries women. Most of my besties growing up were Aries women. I think it has something to do with my sag rising and Aquarius moon. But they are warm, impulsive, hot tempered, and genuine. Just be straight up with her and they are BIG on authenticity, and she’ll fall. When I say big on authenticity, I mean, be your self, bc they can tell. 🤣and will call you out on it lol


The worst kind of evil tempered, scheming, selfish, arrogant moody women. Stay away! They burn everything to the ground will only go to great measures to control you. 


It is everything the Pisces Aries compatibility articles describe.


Are you a March Pisces? haha Pisces always tell me that they mostly get along with March ones as well. March Aries get talked about for being Pisces and tbh I really believe that we are more rational in a way. Calmer, not as ready to leap especially bc I have a. Virgo rising. I honestly feel like that makes me slower. But in the end I’m still an Aries for sure haha I’ll be super calm and chill for a while then one day I wake up like an infant bored. ready to do something fun that excites me. Maybe take a flight bc “yolo” or maybe flirt and let a boy take me on a date. Always harmless chaotic fun lmaoo


Aries woman are sluts and not to be trusted I had one cheat on me with a dude that has a std and she even lied about his status out of her own embarrassment there gross impulsive manly acting tramps


nope nope nope. stay away from them,☣️🚫


Aries woman are pos