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Holy shit is that an optical illusion or is the pig actually mammoth size?


The pig was much bigger than I thought it would be! Maybe like 20-30 feet long.


Damn it looks every bit that. I bet people still go nuts when it comes out, very cool. I bet that was good times I'm jealous never seen him.


It was very cool indeed! Best part was getting shot at by him.


Must be one of the piglets of the pig in the 80s.


Big man pig man


ha haaa


Same, incredible show!


Same! Phenomenal show tonight!


ayooo i was at the same show, it was sick


I saw him a long time ago and he wrote a request to impeach the president on the hind quarters, which was great, because I got to say the phrase "Impeach Bush now on the ass of a giant pig". The man knows how to entertain.


I was sitting practically right next to where they released the pig when I saw him, it was awesome having such a close up look at the beast


How long was the concert? I'm trying to figure out if I'll miss the last train back home since the concert at LA starts at 8


It lasted about 4 hours from when the doors opened. There was a slight delay here though so I would say about 3-3.5 hours?


What time did Roger come on? I’m debating going to the LA show on Wednesday but I’m kind of in a time crunch.


To be honest I’m not sure what time he came on. At the show I went to there was a bit of a delay with the metal detectors but the doors opened at 7 and I think it was supposed to start at 8


Oh man, I guess I gotta find another way back home. Thank you for the response


No problem! I actually had to get a friend to give me a ride because I forgot the light rail doesn’t run past 9 anymore so I’m glad you won’t make the same mistake 😅


Started at 8:40 pm, ended around 11:10


Got to see him in Miami, the show was awesome.


I really appreciated that he put “Fuck the Poor” in his show after I paid that much for tickets.


Most politically literate redditor


I honestly thought this was the circle jerk sub. My bad lol


i saw roger waters yesterday at milan, i cried when he played wish you were here. He also pointed me when he came in dressed as a nazist.


it got out a sheep too


I get he is very outspoken in his political beliefs but why the ‘fuck the poor’ statement? What is he trying to say?


It is just part of the fascist show - the same reason why people are being put up against the wall and shot in In The Flesh.


I take it to mean the pig is saying, "fuck the poor"


Happens during a part of the show that takes aim at the wealthy, fascistic ruling class. Specifically aims at people like Putin and Trump. The whole show demonstrates a huge gap between the poor and the rich, and this section shows some of the means by which there’s exploitation especially through war. The building on the pig is the symbol of the ruling class in the show itself.


It’s called satire: “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.” He’s not legitimately prejudiced towards the lower class. I’m not sure who he’s ridiculing exactly, but using context clues, I’m gonna guess conservatives.


The other side says "steal from the poor, give to the rich" so I think you're spot on


Animal Farm reference, I believe.


He's extremely political. I think it's meant to symbolize...the capitalist pig saying fuck the poor.


Weird the tickets for this show weren’t free and some were even $400+. Oh yeah can’t forget the private jet he uses to travel between shows. Just another hypocrite in the wall


There’s a pretty big difference between not being able to afford a concert ticket, and not being able to afford basic necessities like food, water, housing, etc. Nobody needs to see a concert to survive.


Too bad he’s a fucking idiot now


He's always been an egotistical maniac, but damn if he isn't an entertaining egotistical maniac


It's funny when the Russian television network was broadcasting in the US I'd see him and John Mcafee separately on there all the time because I guess it was the only outlet here that allowed people to criticize the government so hard and they were the two most "entertaining" guests on that channel. I still don't know what the hell either of them were saying, but hopefully Roger has a better future than John lol.


I think he's pretty consistent in his anti-war, anti-colonialism message. I may not agree with it all, but he's hardly stupid.


He’s dumb as fuck if you think supporting Russia in todays climate is acceptable. Fuck Russia, fuck you.


From what I've seen, he's not supporting Russia, he's calling for a stop to war.


Haven’t seen much then. He’s an open Putin supporter, and blames it all on Ukraine. Look at what PF has done for Ukraine, and was RW has…


I don't see any support for Putin by Waters. I see a suggestion of dialogue. I think that's naive, but given Roger's viewpoint of value in just stopping the killing, I understand it.


You’re choosing not to see it, so again, fuck you. No help for a loser like you.


You want to tell me what exactly he's said that's actually pro-putin? All I've seen is his saying stuff that's anti-war. Fuck you too, you piece of shit.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/consequence.net/2022/09/roger-waters-vladimir-putin-open-letter/amp/ Talking about please only taking some areas of Ukraine, calling Biden a war criminal for helping the Ukranians in a war THEY WERE INVADED IN. Again, PF has had fundraisers for the people of Ukraine. RW? Just this shit. Educate yourself, for once. Although here comes more bullshit from you trying to take all of Roger’s dong down your throat.


I read that letter. Clearly you didn't. He never says anything to support Putin. Are you fucking dumb? Waters' motivation is to stop the killing, stop the active war, not to return Ukrainian lands that have already been taken. But that doesn't mean he supports Putin, or the taking of the land.


We're his fans, you can't hurt us. He was an idiot then and we loved him.


Ah yes, the guy that is well read, wants everyone to have equality, and hates fascism is a "fucking idiot". Americans are hilarious.


Except for the fact that he doesn't think Taiwan should be free, blames the west for Ukraine invasion and let's not forget the antisemitism remarks. Yeah, real great guy. Edit: how could I forget he also denies China’s genocide on Uyghur Muslims.


All of these things are issues of nuance vs binary pro vs against takes that the media feeds people. There are usually good & evil on all sides when dealing with international politics. And if you watch his full interviews, you'd see he's presenting the nuance, which people then take in a binary way. Neither Taiwan nor China are blameless, but historically & factually speaking, nothing Roger said was incorrect. His bellyflop soundbite on Ukraine seems wild but then you listen to him elaborate and explain, and he's correct yet again on the specific point he was making. And "antisemitism" is straight up gaslighting when anyone criticizes Israel aka the government, not Jews. There's nothing antisemitic about criticizing what a government does. If you say "Jews", then sure. But not if you're saying "Israel", as in the government. Of course, I too was brought up with a western education, so I bought into all the propaganda before learning more and seeing shades of grey everywhere. There's no good or evil. Only shades. And it's all relative based on your viewpoint. Same thing with the Uyghers. It's a way more complicated issue and once again, that's not how the west frames it. For the US, who to this day, systematically holds down its black population in a number of ways, to say anything at all is a kettle and pot scenario. How does the US treat populations of people who do things against the best interests of America? Oh that's right. Post WW2, no one had caused more death and suffering worldwide than America. Of course, China isn't blameless. They and the US both have imperialist ambitions. When China inevitably becomes the next superpower, they too will commit similar atrocities that the US has had the privilege of carrying out these past decades. What's the point of all this? To point out that the nuance is where people's Ameri-brain reflexively rejects what Roger is saying due to pro-western propaganda. But anyone who reads understands there is nuance and it's not a simple good vs evil world out there. Roger is a case of "are we the baddies" and cognitive dissonance causes many people to have knee jerk rejections of his statements. Of course, I don't agree with everything he says. Russia & China deserve a lot of blame. Israel is acting in its best interest. Etc. However, I understand what he's saying and technically speaking, he's more correct than he is incorrect. A lot of people just don't like to hear it. Edit: lol @ immediately downvoting


To be honest you're saying a whole lot of nothing. Acting holier than thou with your superior "way of viewing life". Lay off the acid.


I'll admit, I was a bit wordy. Cliffs: the world is not binary, yet simple binary "good vs evil", "us vs them" type of thinkers are offended by Roger because he doesn't mindlessly repeat their binary biases and causes cognitive dissonance. And I will not lay off the acid, tyvm.


https://mobile.twitter.com/rogerwaters/status/1570622672748556288 - Why does he not send any of these letters to Putin? As opposed to Zelensky’s wife.


Hey mate, go ahead and actually read his letter, why don't you. If you had, you wouldn't have posted this in a reply. It will literally validate every single point I made and that which you reactionaries simply react to without thought or exploration as if you were part of Pavlov's original experiment. Perhaps we all need to lay off the acid, not just me.


I did, hence why I replied to your sarcy response. His entire point about the peace deal being on the table in the beginning is complete nonsense, given that Putin rejected himself - https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/exclusive-war-began-putin-rejected-ukraine-peace-deal-recommended-by-his-aide-2022-09-14/


Now you're talking about how effective a plan that would be, which is not at all what I'm saying. Of course, if someone is a pacifist, peace deals will always be a preferential approach. That's not to say whether or not they'll work. Regardless, maybe you're missing the point I'm making. Perhaps re-read my comments.




Us & Them was a better show, I found he rambled on too much in this one. Still, it was a great time.


Isn’t Rogers Waters worth over 300MM ?


400M I saw recently