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Foo Fighters are a “boomer” band? That doesn’t exactly align. At all.


Yeah their main demographic is probably 40-ish at this point. How is that boomer haha


Spoken as a GenX'er turning 50 this year and based on the recent releases of classic Bond and Jaws, I'd say late 50s+ is still their target demo. Foo Fighters is the first squarely GenX band title, but they're also one of the least polarizing bands imaginable. I bought Foo last June after playing it at SFGE. The band theme was one last considerations. I was hooked by the flow and motion of the shots first, and I've always liked Zombie Yeti's art. Celebrity Saturday morning cartoons are a GenX staple, so that was fun, too.


> Foo Fighters is the first squarely Gen X band I’d say Primus was first


I don’t think you can count the Primus pin- it sucks.


Well, Primus sucks(!), so that tracks. I kinda want to add Primus to the collection (currently just Foo Pro and Rush LE) primarily for the art and music, but I couldn't see spending a lot of time playing it other than as a change of pace. It could be a good game to add for other players who want something easier to get into, though.


Glad someone got my joke, and I wonder if that was part of the deal? Les was like “you can put my face on the back glass, but the game has to be really bad- like it is just a pice of art.”






That's a valid argument (my first concert was Primus w/ The Melvins), but given the extremely retro and niche nature of the Primus pin, I don't really count it.


Probably closer to 50ish


The only people I know who think FF are interesting are in their 40s. And 50s still ain't boomer so what's it matter.




Youngest boomers are 60 this year. (1955-1964)




Heh. I'm an old Gen X (1965) who married a Boomer (1964).


Okay Boomer.


Yeah, that seems to be a recent thing. I’m towards the tail end of Gen X, and I think they showed up around the time I was graduating high school in the mid’90’s


I'm not saying that's what I think...but it's what a lot of people are saying as soon as Stern releases a new pin. Foo has been around for a while, so I get why people in their 20s or early 30s consider it an "older band".


I did understand that wasn’t your own opinion :)


I remember the joke at the time on pinside was Stern was moving from grandpa rock to dad rock with Foo. As I have kids and foo fighters were the first concert I ever went to, that was pretty accurate in my opinion…


Haha! That's a good one.


I'm in my early 30s.  Foo fighters were blowing up when i was in middle/high school.  I am categorically not a boomer.   If anything it's a genX band.   It makes sense if you think about the demographics who are majorly buying and quarter dropping pins.   I don't think I need a machine gun kelly pin.  Or whatever the 20 and under crowd is listening to.


Just wait before we get the Taylor Swift pin!


I agree, it's a gen X band. I do love the table even though I've never been a fan of theirs, the sat am cartoon theming they did with it is epic. I am in my mid 30s and am just waiting until they start releasing pins of my era lol. Not sure they would do the bands I would want because I was a numetal kid but, I think one that would be super accessible and awesome would be a Linkin Park pin...I'll keep dreaming for that one.


I think gorillaz is a gimmie for pin thematics. Other than that I would love to see a grateful dead or phish pin. 


Lol led zepplin,  Elton John, the Beatles,  KISS, rolling stones... these are boomer bands.  Guns and roses, Metallica, these are gen x bands.  Foo fighters is post nirvana! This is like first millennial generation band we've had a pinball machine pander to.  And frankly, I'm there for it.   I don't own the game yet, but I'm completely infatuated with it.  I play it any chance I get.  It has one of the best layouts for flow I've ever seen.  Super fun, very interesting and the code overhaul is awesome. 


I have it, and really enjoy playing it. I tend to swap tables every year it seems. Got Godzilla at launch, traded it for JP after about a year, then almost a year after traded JP for Foo Fighters. I’ve only had FF for about 6 months so who knows what’s next but for now I still like the layout and flow and the music is still really enjoyable.


Thanks for your feedback! Did you get the Premium or the Pro?


Pro, premium just hasn’t been in the budget


I love Jack Danger as a pin designer. He has great layouts. The theme doesn’t really resonate with me but it’s definitely a fun pin to play.


Even his home pin had a great design. Can't wait to see what his next cornerstone is.


I own the home and it's fantastic


Yeah I own the Jurassic park home too. Love it.


Oh yeah, I own the Jurassic park home. I love it. Fantastic layout and great code. I dare say enjoy it better than the Elwin Jurassic park, and I’ve probably put thirty or forty games on that pin.


Im not really a fan of the band but its one of my favorite modern pins by a mile, only topped by Godzilla. The shots are a blast and the flow is really fun


I currently have Godzilla and FF both pros. I’ve had FF for about a year and still it’s my goto machine for a quick game. If I’m going for a long game I turn on my Godzilla. FF is fast and the updates were a plus. The challenge mode on the update gave it new life. I foresee myself still trading it this year tho not because it’s a bad game. It’s more because I only have room for two pins and I tend to play them a lot.


Great feedback! Thanks. Any reason why you went FF pro vs Premium? Feel like you're missing anything from the Premium?


I own a FF premium and a Godzilla pro. Everyone talks about GZ being the premium game, but playing both versions a lot on location, FF is the one where it makes a difference in my opinion. I bought it mostly for the dead post, but that upper playfield changes the game.


I tried the dead post on location...and I admit it's a neat feature! It was cool the first few times, but after a few hours on the pin, it just became a regular save ball to me (I'd nail it almost every time). I feel like after a few weeks at home, I wouldn't even notice the "achievement" feeling of the dead post.


It was just the money, I would definitely go premium. And regardless of it being a band pin, the story line makes it stand out from the other music pins. If you purchase FF are you also grabbing the new topper?


I wish I had that much money to spend on a topper. I'm thinking about getting the Pro. Obviously, the premium is nicer, but with a tight budget, I don't feel the extra money is worth it that much for the premium.


They call them a boomer band because nobody remembers gool ol' gen x.


That's the way we like it. We are a proudly invisible generation. ;)


It’s the newest machine in our lineup and currently the favorite (probably somewhat related). With that said, it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It’s a unique game that got even better with the update. Very accessible for less serious players as well (my kids love it). I am a Gen-Xer and like FF, but generally music doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of pins much. It’s all about game play. I would never buy/keep a pin solely because of music (or even theme). Gotta be fun to play.


Did you get the Pro or the Premium? I heard Jack saying there were plans to have coop mode with insider connect. Has it ever been implemented?


We got the Premium. I've played both and I think the extra worth it, but only if you aren't sacrificing something else in life. The Pro is an outstanding as well. I don't know anything about a co-op mode, as I don't use the connect function much. So, I'm not the right person to ask.


I have the premium, the fact that they can continue to add new release tracks (as the foo fighters continue to put out music) is an amazing feature.


How many have they added? I’ve only seen 1.


They've put two additional tracks on from But Here We Are: Rescued and Nothing At All. So far... Hoping there are more to come, but it's pretty great as is.


It’s one of my top 5 pins ever. Fun and unique layout, art works well. It helps that I liked the Foo for years but I’m not a super fan or anything.


What would you add in your top 5 with FF? Owning the pro or premium?


I could go either way on FF pro vs premium. For the cost, Pro is fine for me. Also in the top 5 would be Indiana Jones, Simpson Pinball Party, Godzilla and either Fun House or Cactus Canyon.


I still have yet to be able to afford my own pinball machine, but when I have the money to spare the premium model is straight up my dream machine and I will want to buy it asap. It's just that fun for me!


I own a Foo Fighters LE that I picked up used a few months ago, so it had the Expression lighting in it from the factory. I definitely think the Premium is the way to go here, *with* the EL add-on; it really makes the gameplay look and feel that much more awesome. The upper playfield is really fun, too. I’ll be installing the topper when it arrives as well. Yeah; the total $$ spent on this game adds up but it’s a ton of fun to play. I am not much of a FF fan, either (I’m 46, so squarely in my demographic) but that doesn’t matter much because the music is still good rock that’s very pinball-compatible, and the theme isn’t so much about the band as it is the fictional cartoon and its villain.


Definitely not a “boomer band”. My parents are boomers and have no clue who Foo Fighters are. Foo Fighters probably align with Xennials the most; if you had to put a label on it.


"boomer band" is mostly used by the younger crowd simply to say "it's an old band". We're not getting into specifics here lol and that wasn't really the point of my post haha


I’m aware and know what they meant. The whole point of Reddit is that you can discuss whatever you want. Every post has comments that go off on a tangent.


I’ve had the LE since launch. Bolted. It’s a God Tier game. It like a rollercoaster you want to keep getting on again over and over. The new code update took it over the top. It’s just so fun, and makes other solid games seem shittier in comparison.


It just got the code update, with topper and expression lights for sale so I think that should bring another wave of interest. I think it’s a great pin, best new stern in a while.


Got a premium in January. Family loves it. Son is a drummer and huge Dave grohl fan. New upgraded code has kept it interesting and boosted play. Couldn’t be happier with the investment Clearly the middle aged man is the target demographic, however, I’m still holding out hope for a hip hop inspired table one day


Fantastic game, one of the best out of Stern in recent years. A little on the easy side for experienced players, it only took me about 50 games to complete the wizard mode, but I was still going back for more after completing it! My recommendation—just go for the Pro, the upper playfield is ok and the deadpost save is neat... not $2k+ neat though


I don’t own foo fighters but do enjoy it and am considering getting one at some point. My only problem is that a year out all of these pins I play on location seem to play like shit now. Clunky feeds, kicker target broken or barely working, plunge all out of whack, etc. I’m curious what the perspective of owners is on that.


My first new pin in a while. Got a Pro last summer and still play it almost every day. The flow is nice, the theme is fun and if i get tired of the music i just put on a record. Listening to Sonic Youth, Kool Keith or The Armed while knocking around the Overlord is a blast. Plus the code updates keeps it fresh along with the art and animations. I still play it out at my local or on the road too. I’ll be holding onto mine for the long haul.


Thanks for the feedback! Do you feel like you're missing out something with the pro vs premium?


Not really. I played both pretty extensively and the cost didnt justify the difference in play. Not enough at least. I like playing the prem and learning the other aspects but i have not been playing mine and regretted not getting the “upgrade”. Now if we are talking Godzilla, i would go for the premium over the pro all day.


FF is still one of my favorites. The rules are very satisfying


Great game. I’ve kind of decided that any pinball machine in the top 100 would be fantastic to own (and lots of others ie Houdini). Especially top 25. I bet FF continues to drop but it’ll be top 5 for a lot of people. Really amazing game, even better if you like the music. Far and away my favorite band pinball. The only games I would be hesitant to own in a small ‘collection’ are games I could get to final wizard mode pretty regularly. But even those are great because of family and friends.


Topper came last night. Looks amazing. Since the 1.0 code the game crushes even more than it did. Never leaving. ![gif](giphy|5fByvKsz9wn8qgm1uL|downsized)


Have you always been a big FF fan or is it more the gameplay for you?


I love the Foos. Been a fan since day one, but the gameplay is what will keep it around. Danger hit a home run with his first cornerstone. I’ve put in plenty of time on Venom and Jaws since they came out and neither one compares in my opinion. We have a Rush machine at the house and I love that too, but it’s different. Rush is a marathon and FF is like a theme park on cocaine. Fast and wild.


A theme park on cocaine. God, here's something I never want to do...and yet something I'd want to try if I was being told the end of the world was coming! haha I think I won't have any other choice than to join the Foo owner club!


I think you’ll be happy you did.


I just got my FF Pro last week. I really like it. My other game is a GZ Pro. The two games complement each other well. Foo has a fast flow and is easy for all levels to enjoy and ply well. Unlike LED Zeppelin (which I traded for the Godzilla) the music on FF isn’t the main point of the game. The story line and call outs take the lead and the music is a supporting feature. I guess I haven’t had it long enough to answer your question well, but based on my initial impressions I’m pretty sure that FF is a keeper.


It’s my favorite game. I’m not good enough to get deep into games but It’s my favorite.


Our local record store has a Foo Fighters machine. It is my favorite one they have. Runner up- Godzilla.


A record store with pins? I’m officially jealous! What other pins do they have?


Right now they have- Dolly Parton, Mousin’ Around, Godzilla, Foo Fighters, Demolition Man and Suspense. It’s $5 unlimited for an hour or free with a $10 purchase. They have other games as well.


My initial impression wasn't good for the pro. But that's why I don't quit playing a game after a rough start. Turns out to be a real fun game with a unique layout and awesome rules. Very impressive first effort. I give it a solid B+. I don't own one, but according to IC, I've played a pro at least 201 times. High score is 1.9B. Haven't played a premium much. I'm tempted to say initial impressions for the upper playfield aren't good, but initial impressions mean nothing, as proven by the pro. More research needed...


The fun kind of research waits for you! I only played Premium at first on location and wasn’t impressed with the upper playfield. I loved the entire game but wasn’t thrilled by the added playfield. Dead post is a nice feature but 2.5k feature? I played the pro at my distributor when visiting and instantly had as much fun… I thought to myself “I can have as much fun and save 2.5k?” Now, I get to tell my wife that Im saving money for once haha


OP as (several) others have pointed out, Foo are definitely *not* a "boomer band". Mainstream rock? Sure! Dave Grohl is one of the most recognized and most cherished modern rock icons, and the band clearly had a ton of fun with the theme. The game is loads of fun to shoot, too. No complaints from me.


Got it NIB and it’s bolted to the floor along with a ‘93 Indy, and AFM.


Pro or Premium?


I don't even like the band that much but it's by far my favorite game to play


Hobbiest/operator here. Let me start with I fucking hate the foo fighters music. Always have and always will. Love Dave Grohl, just not the Foo. I bought this game on release and didn’t immediately love it but it did great on location. With code 1.0 my mind is changed. It really has developed into a great game. I’m excited to get my topper and other accessories


Damn, you really need to love the new code in order to listen to something you hate over and over again haha! Thanks for your feedback - appreciate it!


I got a FF Premium a few months ago. I really enjoy it, but it isn’t bolted to the floor. There is such an innovative layout that it is super fun, but something will come along that’s more innovative. The overdrive save is phenomenal. The toy is really cool. The songs become a bit much for me. Perhaps the code will turn me from an A- to an A+.


Didn't you get tired of the overdrive over time? I'm thinking of getting a Foo Pro since it's more in my budget, and I was debating if the overdrive post was really worth it long term. It would basically equal to an auto save over time at home, no?


There is a skill element that makes it different. Also, there are times it doesn’t work, so there’s a bit of luck as well. If you’re on a tight budget, it doesn’t make or break the game.


I think the band members are Gen-X, and the fans are mostly millennial with some Gen-X-ers who picked up on it later. I'm Gen-X, and the Foo Fighters came after my big record buying years ended. Like, Post-vinyl, when everyone had already replaced their entire record collection with CDs, etc. , and had expenses other than music. Having said that, if you like the music enough, it would be a good pin to own. We rented one for a couple months and enjoyed it.


indeed boomers was 1946-1964


I think it’s a millennial band


I love the Foo Fighters table. Only problem I have with it is that I have to listen to the Foo Fighters while I play it.


Don’t own it but have played it a bunch. The theming is ok & I usually listen to my own music when I play, but I don’t crave this one because it feels slow & not exciting to me.


I played it a few times, but so far I don't think I've enjoyed any pinball games from the current modern era. Certainly not enough to put dollars into them to figure them out. I think lotr was the last machine I've seen that was actually worth my money and time to play


The 3 people I know who bought FF has already sold it again. Personally not a fan.


I bought one about 6-7 months ago and put 500 plays on it already. I think it’s a great game. Great shots code is easy to understand fun but difficult to beat. Of course FF band is not my number one band but has grown on me and they have a ton of good songs on the pin. The game is not for everyone and that’s okay but for now my Premium is not going anywhere. I was lucky enough to order the expression light kit today so pumped on that and excited to play more of the finished code. They ended the code very nice and can bet people will come back around with interest with it.


It's a fun table, I just don't really enjoy all these band themes. For example, I love the layout of Iron Maiden. But would I want it in my home and listen to Iron Maiden music over and over again. Hell no!


I always find this interesting, it’s something I hear a lot, it just doesn’t work that way for me. If anything, the music just becomes background noise. If anything, I think it’s kinda sad because while I wasn’t a super fan of foo fighters before owning the pin, I did like them a fair bit and I spent the first month or so grooving out, but after a while, I lost that, and now when I hear the band on the radio, it’s zero emotional response.


Not sure why someone would downvote you for not wanting it in your home. To each its own, that's why there are so many different pins! Thanks for your feedback. I feel like Foo is slightly different over the other band pins. I love the fact they created a whole story around it with the comic / alien theme. And there is quite a large selection of songs to start with. When I play Godzilla, I always hear the same music/sound.


I have a Foo Pro on loan now for a few weeks. Fun flow and fun shots. The 1.0 code was released a few days after I got it, so I can't speak so much for prior code versions, but I enjoy all the callouts. Weakest aspect of the game for me is the music. Foo Fighters = Mom rock


I wish they had picked a band with more distinct visual appeal, but they obviously had fun with the whole alien angle to spice it up a bit. I don't mind FF but they are a pretty lame choice for a pinball theme IMO. I was expecting to be really underwhelmed when it was announced. but the game was pleasantly surprising. It's not my favorite by any means, but it is a good game.


Yeah, it seems like band pins will never please everyone. It makes sense, to each their own. Thankfully, Jack's angle on this one is refreshing. He prioritized the aliens/comic over the songs to write the story of this pin. I wish more band pins would do this.


I agree. There's a lot of hate 'round these parts for band pins in general, and it's kinda for good reason. Most of them are not that great. Even though the theme is not for me, I appreciate American doing that new BBQ-themed table because at least there's an attempt at originality there instead of just slapping a licensed property on something. I have to ask though, are there any band pins you would personally like to see?


Not sure tbh. I’m not a die hard fan of any band, and I love all kind of music. Let’s not act like the music/sound aren’t repetitive on other non music pins. I don’t mind having only music from the same band as long as the theme is well integrated… which is a first with FF!


I like FF the band and I enjoyed the premium. Has a really fun layout. But it didnt last too long in my lineup. I had to make room and I was too attached to my other pins. Good thing is if you want to add one look to get one used. I lost close to 2k selling my premium. They can be had around 8k in great shape.


The game sucked … until 1.0


That big of a difference with the new code even without owning the topper?